2019-10-09 - Still alive?

Is your heart beating? Ugh Flu

IC Date: 2019-10-09

OOC Date: 2019-07-11

Location: Text

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 2040


(TXT to Joey) Nicole : Hey. Still alive?

(TXT to Nicole) Joey : Sniffly. May be terminal.

(TXT to Nicole) Joey : How you holding up?

(TXT to Joey) Nicole : Just sniffly? I'm doing a lot better. Mostly just kinda tired and weak. Occasionally still coughing.... like when I think it's a good idea to run down to the beach. Need anything? I'm actually mobile. You are not allowed to be terminal yet. Still breathing? Heart still beating?

(TXT to Nicole) Joey : Shit girl it is now

(TXT to Joey) Nicole : Don't make me smile like that when no one is around to see how good I look when i do it. - Unless you are with a doctor, they just shouted CLEAR and gave you a shock with those thingies and that's why

(TXT to Nicole) Joey : Them defilterator things? Heh yeah. Might need em

(TXT to Joey) Nicole : Aww. And here I thought you meant hearing from me is what got it started again. 😛 Anyway, I just wanted to see how you were, and the gym., Might have been thinking about you a little.

(TXT to Nicole) Joey : You know I could talk about being sick and the shit coming up or worry about the important shit

(TXT to Nicole) Joey : What was you thinkin about?

(TXT to Joey) Nicole : Just.. missing your face. Nothing in particular.

(TXT to Nicole) Joey : You now if I came over that can be fixed. What're you up to this week What's your schedule like?

(TXT to Joey) Nicole : I can, and will, make time to see you, whether you come here, I go there, or elsewhere.

(TXT to Joey) Nicole : ---The next day---I liked your face last night. And the rest of you too. Was a pleasant surprise.


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