2019-10-09 - Wings and things

If an angel gets their wings when a bell rings, what sounds grant a fairy hers?

IC Date: 2019-10-09

OOC Date: 2019-07-11

Location: Text

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 2031


(TXT to Dylan) Nicole : Hey! Sorry it's been so long. Got sick and stuff. When you have a moment, drop me a text?

(TXT to Nicole) Dylan : Hey ya
Glad you are feeling better. What's up?

(TXT to Dylan) Nicole : Well... lots of things. how are you? We should schedule that posing thing... and um, if I decided to go as the Hair Fairy for Halloween... are you able to like, make the wings like you draw for me? And when is that thing you needed hair stuff for?

(TXT to Nicole) Dylan : Uhm. Hmm. Clothing isn't my thing. But it isn't really clothing. Just.... hmm. Wire and fine gossamer and.... yeah. That.. oh a bit of... hmm. Yeah! And tots on posing. Will visit you whenever. Hair was for the Cabaret crew... though I think Cameron is gunna visit you about seaweed in her hair too.

(TXT to Dylan) Nicole : Hey, sorry. I went to a thing last night and wasn't looking at my phone. There, actually, at the PlatCab. Right! Not clothes. Wings! Ash said between you and Jens it would be easy to make or something. I don't know Jens, but I know you. Hi you! I saw Cam at the thing. I suppose she was too busy to talk seaweed.

(TXT to Nicole) Dylan : I went to high school 3ith him but haven't seen him in ages. Your bff sparrow has though! Yes. Wings. I got this. No problem. When do you need them by? And Cam was probs working. I mean you probably could have paid for a lap dance to talk seaweed but that seems awkward.

(TXT to Nicole) Dylan : And you go to the platclub a lot. Didnt know you were so into girls! It's like an artform to itself just like you and hair.

(TXT to Nicole) Dylan : Like I could do a mask to if you wanted. I mean hair fairy doesn't wear one but not sure if you need it for a masquerade party or what. And could get a dash of glitter for your cheeks. Hmmm.

(TXT to Dylan) Nicole : Halloweenish? Halloween party but I am not sure when. I have only been there twice, actually. Amateur night, when I didn't know I was going, and last night for a party I heard about. I decided to celebrate being healthyish! I just sat at the bar and talked. There were a couple of wow dances. Put me to shame by far.

(TXT to Dylan) Nicole : I'm not, not into girls. Not gonna rule it out as a thing if I came across the right one someday but no, girls is not why I went. Lapdances for seaweed talk might have been weird a bit, yeah. LOL. I don't think it was a masquerade, but, if you are inspired to make one, I won't say no! Never know when you might need one.

(TXT to Dylan) Nicole : For, you know, parties, roleplaying, party store thieving... never know!

(TXT to Nicole) Dylan : ok! Got it. All over this. Will see what I come up with. And I can send you some of the Hair Fairies pictures too just so you have them! And not not. I mean, that makes sense! And the cabaret is cool. I get quite a bit of work there oddly enough.

(TXT to Nicole) Dylan : Masks for 'roleplaying', ooOoOooohhh.

(TXT to Dylan) Nicole : Oh, THAT got your attention? LOL

(TXT to Dylan) Nicole : not the thieving from party stores

(TXT to Dylan) Nicole : I met the owner, well, manager? Both? Dude who seems to run things last night. He said I should come by more often. A smart thing for a businessman to say I suppose. Surely did not mean for me to dance. I could not compare to those other girls.

(TXT to Nicole) Dylan : I mean I figured you wouldn't really go in to steal balloons and candles from a party store. Unless you mean like a sex party store. And I mean, I bet you would do pretty good up there dancing.

(TXT to Dylan) Nicole : I was thinking like, booze. sex party store... why don't we have one of those in this city?

(TXT to Dylan) Nicole : I dance alright enough, but damn. Those girls last night. I am meant for amateur nights, they are professional dancers.

(TXT to Dylan) Nicole : Oh hey! How much would you charge to draw up something for like, a flyer/advertisement thing?

(TXT to Dylan) Nicole : And yes, roleplaying. I don't mean LARPing though

(TXT to Nicole) Dylan : surely we do right? I mean, maybe everyone just buys sex toys it off the internet like I do. And. Uhm. It depends? Like, how complicated you want it, color or black and white, etc.

(TXT to Dylan) Nicole : Eh, black and white probably. I was thinking about placing a Help Wanted ad. (not going to take the bait on what toys you buy, no matter how curious)

(TXT to Nicole) Dylan : Bait not taken. So noted! And I mean, I can do that for you. No charge. Just like next haircut free?

(TXT to Dylan) Nicole : Deal. Next haircut free.

(TXT to Dylan) Nicole : ...

(TXT to Nicole) Dylan : ...?

(TXT to Dylan) Nicole : ...

(TXT to Dylan) Nicole : sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo - what kind of sex toys do you buy from the internet?

(TXT to Nicole) Dylan : uhm. The weird and artistic ones! Though some of the weirdest can as projects at art school. But man. Just google fantasy dildos!

(TXT to Dylan) Nicole : I'll take your word for it. 😃 - I'll see you soon for all the things. Thanks! You're the best.


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