2019-10-15 - All Anger Stems From Lack Of Food

Sutton never turned up for Eggy bread.

Carver holds grudges.

But hey, at least she's got news to give people, now.

IC Date: 2019-10-15

OOC Date: 2019-07-16

Location: SMS

Related Scenes:   2019-10-08 - Security is Mostly a Superstition   2019-10-17 - Wrecking Ball Aisle 8   2019-10-24 - Alive is Good Enough   2019-10-25 - I Love It vs I Hate It

Plot: None

Scene Number: 2176


(TXT to Sutton) Carver : Who was at the funeral. Names if possible.

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : Oh and hope you didn't die of a hangover.

(TXT to Carver) Sutton : what? babe, no, i just fell asleep on the bathroom floor a while.

(TXT to Carver) Sutton : um... yeah hold on. i don't know all of them. alexander clayton, ruiz de la vega, erin addington, her bitchy fucking grandparents, some salt & pepper mountain man looking dude, a hot New Yorker plays a beautiful violin, a black-haired fancy pants with a prosthetic leg, bennie oakes, easton marshall, isabella... something, alexander's gf...

(TXT to Carver) Sutton : lily winslow, a super-goth goth girl, vyv from upstairs, byron's blonde, and ... uhhh a couple others i don't know.

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : Thanks, pet.

(TXT to Carver) Sutton : rough weekend, love. i missed eggy toast. feeling better today. lots of tea to recover yesterday, and i sent my FNG on an impossible mission. hilarious.

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : Mm. Good.

(TXT to Carver) Sutton : mind if i come over and make some today?

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : Of course not. You've a key for a reason.

(TXT to Carver) Sutton : are you ok?

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : Rough weekend, love.

(TXT to Carver) Sutton : i'm sorry to hear that. i'll pick up some bacon on my way over.

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : If I'm not in, leave it in the fridge for us? Freezer's full of the usual and there's some of the fanciest wine that comes in cardboard in the third cupboard. Help yourself to either/both.

(TXT to Carver) Sutton : you got it, love. might drink a glass or two on your deck & enjoy the ocean view

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : You're always welcome. What does Clayton look like?

(TXT to Carver) Sutton : late 30s/40ish, lean, dark hair, little mussed, half a step from a dude you'd sidle away from on the street if you had a lot of cash on you, but cute. little bit of a beard, maybe 5'10". always looks tired, usually a bit untidy.

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : That is wonderfully alert and descriptive. Thank you.

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : And yet still as useful as a chocolate teapot. I have terrible luck with hirelings.

(TXT to Carver) Sutton : i can do this all day. one of my few talents. plus i sat near him and talked right to his face for an hour or so at the bar after the funeral. he gives a good eulogy. oh have you hired him? i hear he gets the job done. he has a mind for facts. it's a little disturbing when it's leveled at you in casual conversation, frankly. i'm p sure he has my social security #. i don't even know my soc.

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : I haven't. No. I'm beginning to feel if I did it would be a conflict of interest.

(TXT to Carver) Sutton : is he investigating you?

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : Someone is. At least, asking after me.

(TXT to Carver) Sutton : you want me to call him in for tea? he's really a sweetheart. i think you two would get on.

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : Nah. I love waiting by my door so I can say I've been expecting them.

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : would you say he looks like a Fing?

(TXT to Carver) Sutton : that's p funny. do you have security cameras? i'd like a vid. ... the fuck is a fing?

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : Feared as much. Worth a shot!

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : I gotta go plate up some rocks. Thanks for the info, pet.

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : Oh. Just so you know. With the funeral thing? To answer your very first question, nobody was ever possessed.

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : Have fun with the implications of that little factoid.

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : Unsmoked bacon, please.

(TXT to Carver) Sutton : ... are you saying the sacrifices were entirely unnecessary?

(TXT to Carver) Sutton : is that box of wine full?

(TXT to Carver) Sutton : don't answer me about the sacrifices. i'm not ready to know that either way.

(TXT to Carver) Sutton : unsmoked it is.

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : Sacrifices?

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : Oh

(TXT to Carver) Sutton : mmm this is going to be a fun convo later.

(TXT to Carver) Sutton : gotta go, some dude OD'd in the parking lot by the hiking trails. off shift in a bit.

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : Gotta go, asking something that'll actually answer the important shit when I ask. You're all a goddamned nightmare.

(TXT to Carver) Sutton : (45 mins later) what the fuck. ask a complete and explicit goddamn question next time

(TXT to Sutton) Carver : [Message Failed To Send]


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