2019-10-22 - Murder of the Bands: The Body

A body is discovered in one of the rooms of the Sea View Suites, and the police and a private detective are on the case!

IC Date: 2019-10-22

OOC Date: 2019-07-20

Location: Bay/Sea View Suites

Related Scenes:   2019-11-07 - Murder of the Bands: The Brother

Plot: None

Scene Number: 2279


The Sea View Suites is not what anyone would call glamorous. Not very rock and roll, by any means. But then, the band Gryndhaus can't exactly AFFORD rock and roll. They can afford grunge. And Sea View is definitely grunge. Magnolia arrives to meet with the band, hoping to gather information for her client. And the band assembles - with one exception. The lead singer, "Ravage" (or, Morris Ott on his license) is nowhere to be found. The bassist, Jenny, has the second key to his room, so she decides to go see what's holding him up.

She has a really impressive scream. When Magnolia and the rest of the band race into the room, they can see that what's holding up Morris is a terrible case of the deads. He's sprawled out on the bed, with the remains of a guitar embedded in his face. Squish. Before finishing off in his face, it looks like it was used to beat the hell out of him. The rest of the room is trashed, but in the immediate moment, it's hard to tell if that's 'this place was tossed' trashed or 'a musician is staying here' trashed. The bed is probably a total write off, to say nothing of the guitar. Jenny continues to scream. Calls to the cops are placed (and those calls are broadcast on the dispatch channel for NOSY REPORTERS) to pick up on. A detective and uniform are dispatched to the scene!

Magnolia Jones scores herself a client in the Rock and Roll business, she sees this as an opportunity to get out some of her dad's best t-shirts. So, when she shows up at the Sea View, she's sporting a NIRVANA t-shirt with her more professional blazer and jeans. She came this way to do her interviews with the band, and she's just waiting around for the lead singer when that scream explodes out from Morris's room. She knows that scream; she is pretty sure what she's going to walk into.

"Well." Magnolia steps forward, arms spreading out to stop the rest of the band from coming into the room. "Everyone out. Don't touch anything. Someone call the cops, and get Jenny a drink."

The band are herded, although like any sort of civilian looky loos, they crowd in at first. The manager, Cora, draws the shaking Jenny from the room and gives her a hug, talking gently to her while trying to calm her down. The other two band members, both in their early twenties, both male, gape at the site. "Shit. Is he dead?" one, the keyboardist, says with something like awe in his voice.

"Yeah, he's dead," the other, the drummer, says, "he's really fucking dead!" His face is ashen beneath his dark skin. "Fuck! We're definitely not gonna be able to play tomorrow."

Still, other than that, they prove rather docile, waiting for the cops to arrive in shock.

That detective, the one that seems to be catching all the cases for the motel this week, is one Charlie Morgan. Lucky her!

It's probably untrue that she's catching all the cases for the motel, but it might just feel like it at this point. When she pulls up, eventually, and parks the unmarked car she gets out, pulling her phone out to check it, and also to turn the ringer onto vibrate before tucking it into her back pocket. The golden shield is tucked onto her belt, shifted forward so that it's not covered up by the members only jacket that she grabs from inside the car, pulling it on against the chill in the air. There is a quick sweep of the outside, a sigh, then she begins to trudge forward to go towards where the band is hopefully all corralled in together.

Minus the dead man.

Officer Carter Reid is the uniformed patrolman sent to keep an eye on things, keep people out of the room, and generally make sure that Charlie and forensics can do their jobs. He gives a nod to Charlie when he catches up with her, making his way toward the motel. "Morgan," he greets her with a friendly enough nod, though his usual pleasant smile is absent, a little more serious given the circumstances. The first thing he does is set about making sure that the perimeter is cordoned off and that looky-loos keep back and away.

Jessica is not nosy, she is professional. And since the Sea View is known for its (alleged) murderous history, the reporter is quickly on her way to inform the masses. Her VW Beetle, one of the original ones, pulls up outside the Hotel of the Dead (unofficial name for the Sea View but Jessica will make it stick). The reporter also doing a quick sweep of the outside though her interest is more in finding the body to try and get some pics before anyone tries to stop her. Carter will no doubt attempt to stop the freedom of the press.

And then off to where everyone is gathering. "Jessica Flores, Gray Harbor Gazette" is announced at anyone official who looks at her, along with waving of her press pass. Jessica knows Magnolia, offering her a polite smile of greeting before looking Morgan over - she is obviously in charge. Phone in her hand to record the conversation though she keeps it unobtrusive - no shoving in people's faces just yet.

The 'looky loos' outside of the band are minimal - the Sea View has experienced murder recently, and the remaining residents are, at least the ones right here, trying to pretend they don't see ANYTHING. So cordoning off things is accomplished relatively easily, and the rest of the band has been herded into the room of Lee and Tom, the other male band members, where they're standing around, looking shocked.

Jenny is sitting on one of the beds, crying. Cora is patting her back and providing tissues.

Magnolia is leaning against the doorjam into the bedroom, and she's got her arms crossed in a demeanor that suggests she's playing guard dog -- small, fierce, adorably blond guard dog. When the cops make their arrival, she pushes off the frame with a sauntering step forward. Oh hey, and there's the press. She spots Charlie and flashes the fellow blonde the horns, but not while anyone is watching. She does have some professionalism. Some.

"Reid. Try and keep assholes out of my face....my lunch got interrupted." Charlie actually says that with a pleasant tone, which might lead one to think she's joking.

She is. And she's got zero professionalism sometimes, not when it comes to blonde PIs that just happen to be lingering in her scene. "Maggie-Moo....You shoot someone?" She wonders, reaching into the pocket of her jacket to start pulling a pair of latex gloves out to start tugging them onto her hands. People who don't do this often struggle, but repeated practice lends some small amount of ability to do it without breaking a million gloves in a night. There is a look beyond Maggie, towards the room, but she's not heading inside just yet. Clearly wanting to get the low-down on what the younger blonde happened to see. Or do.

Carter has no particular interest in stopping the freedom of the press, nor does he impede Jessica from photographing the area, but he does keep everyone back from interfering with or contaminating evidence, so her photos will need to be taken from a distance. He's polite about it, professional and with an apologetic smile, both understanding her profession and his own. "You'll need to stay back, ma'am," he says in that gentle, but firm tone. But outside of that, he doesn't interfere with her. And since there aren't many others around, he seems a little more at ease. There's a half-amused glance over in Charlie's direction and he says, "Yes ma'am." It's polite as pie.

Jessica has no problem with taking her photos from the door of the Murder Room. "Looks like someone really confused guitar with axe" is offered to Carter before she scrunches up her nose. "That was bad. Sorry." Magnolia is on a nickname basis with a Detective? This is good to know. She won't interrupt Charlie's work but there are band members to talk to. "Gryndhaus, right?" she smiles at the stricken band members and the un-stricken manager. "Love your work. 'Love You After Death'...one of your best. Sorry for your loss but I was wondering if I could ask you some questions?" A look Charlie's way to ensure she isn't stepping on toes. She will, of course, defer to the detective if need be.

"Oh. Man. Are we gonna be in the paper?" That's Lee, the drummer, when the reporter pops up.

"Noooo," Cora says, popping up immediately. She moves to block the door, and sticks her hand out. Her own eyes are reddened, but she's clearly too professional to cry. Her clothing is a cut above the rest - they're in t-shirts and jeans, she's in a smart blouse and slacks. "Cora Jones. Manager of Gryndhaus." Her voice is brisk. "I can answer any questions that the press has about this tragic incident." She's clearly already writing her official responses in her head.

Behind her, Lee mutters, "But I wanted to be in the paper."

"I mean, yes, but it was just that one time and dude was touching my Eggo." Magnolia's quip is easy, but then it falls away into seriousness. She straightens up from her lean fully, ands he glances toward Carter and then to Jessica. She steps back a bit. "I got everyone out when I saw the body. Jenny was in there, and I don't know what she touched, if anything." She recognizes Jessica and gives the woman a little casual salute with her two fingers at her brow, and then she glances back to the bandmates.

There is a glance towards Jessica when there is mention of interviews, and she lifts a brow upwards at her, but instead of kicking the reporter out she just points out mildly, "Don't print anything until you talk to me." Good relations with the press are important, right? Or Charlie is just seriously having an off day and just not caring or not going to pick a fight with a reporter instead of doing her job. There is a glance around until she can identify who Jenny is, then she glances at Jessica, pointing to Jenny, adding, "Not her."

Not yet, at least. But it looks like that manager has that covered, then she glances at Magnolia, "Make sure she doesn't run off." Jenny, that is. If Mags happens to run her mouth, who will rat on her? Not Charlie, because Charlie is heading into the room, calling out towards Reid, "Reid, go ahead and start taking statements for me."

Jenny makes an 'eep' sound when the detective points at her.

And so take statements Carter does, starting with Jenny, of the eeping. "Ma'am can you come with me?" He takes her aside, intending to get a statement from each person on their own, leaving another one of the uniformed officers who shows up on the scene to keep watch over the crime scene itself. He takes Jenny aside and asks, "So, you were the one who found the deceased?" He then proceeds to go through taking her statement, noting down everything she has to share about what went on, before moving on through each member of the band, methodically.

"Of course" Jessica nods to Charlie's condition; she'll want to talk to the detective too. And that was definitely not a request to approve anything Jessica may publish, just to talk to her first. She'll even agree to letting the detective talk to the star witness first. Besides, she has a well-dressed manager to speak with. It's not unusual for a contrast in wealth between band and management. Much of it could be down to image rather than ripping off her clients.

"Thank you, Miss Jones. Do you manage any other bands? Don't worry, I can look that up on web. Let's talk about tonight. The victim..." A little fishing for the confirmation of a name. "...had their own room? Everyone else shared? Except for you, of course." A smile over her shoulder towards Lee. "We're on the web too." But then back to the manager. "Have the band received any death threats? The victim personally? Any conflict in the band? You know how these creative types are."

"Chaz, you just made a hardcore rock chick eep. You're so cool." Then Magnolia is getting out her own gloves because she's always prepared like a freaking boy scout. She's tugging them on, glancing after Reid briefly while also kind of gravitating toward him because she's curious. But then Jessica is asking if she manages bands, and she blinks. "Oh. You mean her." Different Miss Jones. No relation.

The room that Jenny shares with Cora makes a good statement-taking space - it looks like Morris/Ravage is the only person who got his own room. Jenny doesn't resist being drawn over by Carter. Cora makes a noise, although she certainly can't PROTEST the cops taking people away to make statements, she sort of looks like she wants to go hover in that direction. But there's a reporter who might interview people without her presence. Augh! So frustrating! She stays with Jessica, flashing a professional smile.

Jenny sniffles her way to the room, and blurts out, immediately, "I didn't do it! I swear! He was like that when I found him!" Once Carter calms her down, she relays her statement - the last time she'd seen Morris was at dinner last night. He was upset because of an argument he'd had earlier in the day with another band at the festival, so he just grabbed some of the food from the big bag that Cora had purchased for the band (she names a local fast food place as the source) and went back to his room to work on songwriting. He often used anger or sad events to write, so they all just figured he was in the groove, until Magnolia arrived and he didn't show up for the meeting. "Then," she says, her eyes wide with the memory, "then I used my key to open the door, and there he was. All, all, SMASHED UP." And then she bursts in to tears again.

Cora, meanwhile, is confirming some of this with Jessica. "I manage a few. I can give you their names, but I'm pretty new to the business." She rattles off a couple of other small bands. "Gryndhaus was - is - was - my star, though. They were looking at a record deal. With a good showing at this festival, I thought they'd get an offer for sure." She glances at Magnolia. "I don't know what's going to happen now. And Morris," she takes a shuddering breath. "Who would have done such a thing? He was a sweetheart, really. I mean, the music is intense, but he was always so chill." A snort. "At least, whenever we weren't talking about Heartcore. He and Aorta had this whole 'epic rival' beef going on, and while it was good for publicity, I think they both got into it a bit too much, sometimes. As for conflict, no, not at all. Everyone gets along really well. We're focused on the music, not the drama." Professional smile! "And only the usual death threats." She looks to Charlie. "I can send you copies of the e-mails and letters, but nothing stood out. Fans are just intense."

Heartcore? Aorta? Charlie just has this look on her face that screams 'I'm getting too old to understand this shit!'. The current musical climate of the victim and his type have clearly sailed right past her. "Please." She replies to Cora, pulling a business card out from her pocket to offer it towards her, waiting for the woman to take it before she splits the group further. Her primary goal at the moment is to get into the room with the victim, and since everyone else seems to have the people talking business handled for the moment, she heads towards where the dearly departed is with his axe.

Guitar. We mean guitar.

<FS3> Charlie rolls Alertness (8 7 7 6 4 3 2 2 1) vs Crime Scene (a NPC)'s 4 (8 8 8 6 4 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Alexander)

<FS3> Charlie rolls Alertness (8 7 7 6 5 5 4 1 1) vs Crime Scene (a NPC)'s 4 (8 6 3 3 1 1)
<FS3> Victory for Charlie. (Rolled by: Alexander)

Carter is quiet and soothing with Jenny, his goal to get her to share with him all the details that he can remember so that he can provide it to the detectives later. He takes down what he can as well about anything he notices in her demeanor, body language, anything that might seem to be missing or off. When she's given her statement, he thanks her and offers her a tissue before letting her go back to Cora and taking Lee aside to get his statement.

Charlie takes in the crime scene: it's a mess is the first impression. A fairly standard Sea View hotel room, with two small beds. One of which is occupied by Corpse of Ravage, and the other of which is stacked with all sorts of band kit. This might be why Morris gets his own room - it looks like this is also where the band stores the stuff they don't want to leave out in the van. There's another guitar, a bass, there, the keyboard, but not the drums. Costumes strewn over the top of the things - the top most spattered with some blood.

One of the things Charlie notices is that it's not quite as much blood at a distance as she would expect from a guy who was being beaten to death with a guitar. She might suspect blood spatter to be high and wide, and for him to have fought back. There are a couple of what might be defensive wounds on his forearms, but not many, and most of the blood is right there on the bed. The bedside lamp and cheap alarm clock have been swept off and are shattered on the floor. The little desk has a laptop, currently closed and password locked, as well as a bunch of notebooks with snippets of poetry or song lyrics in them, along with musical notations and a few scribbled notes on instruments and the like. Clearly brainstorming for new songs.

When Carter pulls Lee aside, the drummer actually looks enthusiastic. "Am I giving a statement to the police right now? That's so fucking cool!" A pause. "Wait, am I allowed to say fuck to a cop? Oh, shit, man, I'm sorry. Don't taze me bro! I don't mean nothing by it." He gives about the same statement as Jenny in substance, although with more interjections of 'bro' and 'have you ever shot anyone'. He adds towards the end, "Look, don't think I'm not upset about Morri. I am. He was a good dude! Can't imagine why anybody'd kill him. I just...I dunno what to do with this, bro. He was alive last night. Now he's not. What do I even do with that?"

Jessica would love to be in the room where the statements are being taken too. She'd also love to be in the murder room. Why is there only one of her! Probably for the best that there is.

"What were you doing before you decided to become a band manager?" she asks Cora, keeping everything pleasant and friendly. "A record deal? Nice. But no definite offers yet? Some AR people at the festival kind of thing? Bands usually get a boost after a death. Short-term at least. Who is Aorta? And are they staying at this hotel?"

"So Morris was the creative engine?" Jessica asks lightly. "He was happy with how things were going? You know how these things go. He starts thinking that he is the only worthwhile part of the band and wants to strike out on his own. Nothing like that?"

Magnolia is putting on gloves too? Staffing numbers must be down in the local PD.

Magnolia follows Charlie into the room, this time with a bit more delicacy than she had when trying to keep the band from contaminating a crime scene. She lets Charlie unpack the scene while she's looking around, mindful of where her sneakered feet go. "You think de la Vega is going to get grumpy that I'm poking around here with you?" Her eyes flicker over toward Charlie once before she is stepping up closer toward her friend so she can look over the body. She glances over her shoulder as she hears bits and pieces of Carter getting the details from the band. "LocoPoco hired me to get the details on the band because they are thinking of signing Gryndhaus." Every time she says that word, she emphasizes the Germanic edge. Haus. "Apparently there was a falling out between big bro Morris here and little bro Victor who joined some other band." She's saying this all to Charlie quietly. "You might want to get someone to track down little brother, ASAP."

"Before I was a band manager, I tried a little singing myself," Cora confesses. "Turned out that I liked the backstage better than the front. You know how it goes. And no, no definite offers, yet." She heaves a sigh, before shaking her head. "No, that wasn't Morris. He put this band together - recruited everyone personally. He was really invested in the band's success. As a band. Here." She turns away for a moment to go over to her bag, and pull out a CD - the production values aren't high, and the cover is very typical for the genre. She hands it to Jessica. "Look. Note how the authorship of the songs is just 'Gryndhaus'? He said writing was a collaborative process, and that he couldn't ever do it without the rest of the band, so it wasn't fair for him to get sole credit. That's the kind of guy he was."

"As for Aorta - uh, that's Sam Ayers - he's the lead of Heartcore. He and Morris went to the same high school, and they've had this big rivalry going for years. It was good publicity, they'd throw shade over social media, all of that. It made it fun. But sometimes they both could get a bit too into it. They had an argument yesterday at the festival."

"Of course he'll get pissed. And what I'll tell him is that I did my best to keep you out after I noticed you were in here." Charlie is very careful of where she steps, and what she touches. The corpse is only looked at from a distance until the ME arrives to clear it for actual touching. Some rules she does follow. "I'll get your prints before you leave." She gestures airily towards Mags' shoes, indicating she doesn't just mean finger prints. "Just add it to the rest of the bands, and the managers." But really forensics will do that tedious task, not her.

What she does is pull out her phone to start taking pictures of things while she's thinking about it, not that forensics won't also do that, too. But this means she doesn't have to wait for them to get here, take the pictures, then send them to her. "Victor, huh? And evidently this Aorta thing...too? Or was that the band little bro joined?" She glances up, then around, frowning a bit, "I'm not a blood splatter expert." Like Dexter. "But I'm pretty sure this isn't right for blunt force trauma... Not to this level."

"Sorry the music career didn't work out for you" Jessica offers. "Heartcore is a band? I thought it was a musical genre." She is totally down with the kids. "Do you happen to know where Mister Aorta is staying?"

Jessica takes the CD with a smile of thanks, looking over the cover art - how many bare breasts on this one? She flips it over to see the credits, nodding to the protestations of Morris' saintliness. "Did you happen to see anyone around his room? Anyone looking furtive in general? Any sounds from his room? These walls aren't the most solid. No groupies? Oh...did you have keys to each other's rooms?"

<FS3> Jessica rolls Alertness (7 5 4 3 2 2 2) vs Bad Band Cover Picture (a NPC)'s 6 (6 6 5 5 5 3 2 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Bad Band Cover Picture. (Rolled by: Alexander)

"I don't manage Heartcore, so I can't speak to their brand management," Cora says, with a little sniff that suggests that if she DID, the band might well have a different name. "And I don't know where he's staying. But you could probably call his manager for that info." And she gives that info over without hesitation.

There's only two bare breasts! On a slender, black-haired woman who is swooning at the feet of what's probably a fictionalized representation of Ravage. He's in full costume, wielding his flaming axe (guitar) against a horde of zombies, backed up by blurry renditions of the rest of the band, all with magic instruments. It's very chaotic, and the low res picture makes it hard to make out details.

Carter is just as calm and professional with Lee as he was with Jenny as he asks some questions and takes down the man's statement. He notes what details that he can between the dudes and bros and dudebros and doesn't answer the question about whether he's shot anyone or not. Nor does he seem particularly offended by the swearing, a faint twitch to his lips at the apology as though trying not to smile. He assures Lee that it's alright, and then continues to note that his story is roughly the same as Jenny's. Once Lee has given his statement, he then motions for the last of the band members to come over to give his statement.

Tom is more laconic than Lee, which may be a relief. He seems sort of shocked and in a daze about all of this, and his answers are all as short as they can be: Yes, Morris was at dinner. Yes, he grabbed some food and went back to his room. No, he didn't talk to him until the body was discovered. Jenny discovered it. No, he hadn't seen anyone go into his room. No, no unusual people around that he noticed. No, he didn't know of any enemies Morris might have had. Yes, he had an argument with Aorta. Although here, Lee adds, after a moment of thought, "I don't think it was serious, though. I think they were just showing off for the fans. Fans like a story, you know? Morris was a bit pissed, but not like, super angry or anything."

Meanwhile, Cora is thinking about the reporter's questions. "I didn't see anyone around his room. After dinner with the band, I went back to my and Jenny's room and worked on some paperwork. She came in about an hour later, and we didn't leave until the morning. So if there was anyone out there, I didn't see them. And, uh, we try not to listen in hotels. Some things cannot be unheard! Nothing stands out, though." A pause. "Jenny has a key to his room. She uses it to store her bass. They only give out two here. But the other band members mostly just ask the maids to let them in, and that's been working out. They're not exactly 'security conscious' here."

<FS3> Magnolia rolls Investigation (6 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 1) vs Dead Body (a NPC)'s 5 (8 7 5 5 4 3 2)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Magnolia)

<FS3> Magnolia rolls Investigation (5 5 5 5 4 2 2 1 1) vs Dead Body (a NPC)'s 5 (8 7 5 3 3 1 1)
<FS3> Victory for Dead Body. (Rolled by: Magnolia)

On first inspection, Magnolia can definitely see that the blood spatter seems concentrated on the area, just like Charlie said, but she doesn't see any immediate causes that might be beyond that. It's probably work for a coroner, since it's not obvious, if there's something hinky with the cause of death.

"No. Heartcore." This is said almost in time with Cora's words outside the room. She joins Charlie at the body's side, and she drops into a low squat beside Charlie as she checks out the oddness of the wounds. She rubs slightly at her jaw with her nitrite glove, and then she glances back up to her friend. She frowns at the body and its helpful guitar accessory, and she rubs slightly at her cheek. "I don't know, Chaz. Maybe there's a different murder weapon? Or maybe the guy was drugged up or something which made it easier to just cave his face in?" She has no ideas. Maybe she should have paid more attention in her cadaver labs.

So, she rocks back up to her feet, and glances out toward the other room. "I should go do that PI thing. Let me know if you need any help. I gotta at least go ask some questions, you know, instead of playing bloody mayhem with you." She gives her friends shoulder a shove with her own and then heads for the door.

Carter maintains the same demeanor with Tom as with Lee and Jenny, going over what he noticed, any conversations that were had, people around that they may have noticed, arguments that were had. He nods when Tom explains that he thought the fighting was mostly played up for the fans. "Did they do that often?" he asks, "Play things up for the sake of publicity and story?" He then asks if any of the other band members had any issues with any of the other bands, or knew of any other bands that might have had beef with them, outside of Aorta. Only when he is finished with Tom does he then go to take down Cora's statement.

"Yeah," Tom says, with a shrug. "Everybody does it. If you get your fans fired up about something, then they're invested. Get clicks. Views. Retweets. All that shit. I think Aorta and Ravage had a deal to play it up from the beginning." He shakes his head at the question about beef. "Nah." He hesitates a little about other band members, but then says, "Nah. I mean. Victor quit, and I think that pissed Morris off big time. But I dunno what that was about. Neither of them would talk about it."

"What, Heartcore?" Charlie is not keeping these names straight right now, and it shows as she gives Magnolia this desperate sort of look. Then she shakes her head, "I'll work it out." She lifts a hand up, rubbing at her forehead with the back of her wrist, "Blood is always going to act like blood. So drugged up or not the spray is going to be the same unless the drug caused blood to pool somewhere else before hitting him, or he was on something that caused quick clotting."

There is a nod for Magnolia, "Yeah, let me know if you can get me a flow chart on who the hell these bands are." Because she sure as shit can't figure out who is in what thing. Either way, she starts to look around the room again, making sure that she's got everything she can from this room, at this moment, before she heads out to do that police detecting thing. Very similar to that reporter and PI thing, really.

<FS3> Jessica rolls Alertness (7 7 6 4 4 3 1) vs Crime Scene (a NPC)'s 4 (8 5 4 3 1 1)
<FS3> Victory for Jessica. (Rolled by: Alexander)

Jessica notices the things that Charlie noticed in her once over of the room: the unusual lack of far blood spatter, the instruments, the notebooks and the computer on the table.

"If you knew the history of this place, you would know how lacking in security they truly are" Jessica sighs to Cora, taking note of the contact details of the other manager. "You know them well?" She considers for a moment. "They do have security cameras here. I guess I'll need to talk to management and the maids." Jessica is surprised to discover that this place has maids; perhaps they have other duties toward the guests of a more personal nature. "You've been very helpful. Sorry about what's happened. I'd like to talk to your band too but for now..." She is really itching to get to the crime scene. "If you'll excuse me."

Jessica makes her way to the Murder Room, meeting Magnolia on the way. "Maybe we can chat later?" No stopping to chat now though.

"Jessica Flores" she introduces herself to the departing detective; the room all to herself? Now it's her turn to check blood spatters and impact damage that seems to be post-mortem. It's a sad fact that Gray Harbor reporters see way too many murders. But she won't touch anything, and she'll even avoid stepping into the room if she can. Though there is a notebook that looks very enticing. And a laptop. She wonders if there is blood spatters beneath them. Any suggestion that they have been moved post death.

There doesn't seem to be any suggestion that the notebooks have been moved post death; the blood spatter didn't reach that far, but the stack seems fairly neat and non-disrupted.

Magnolia turns to look over her shoulder to Chaz, and she snap-winks a couple of finger-guns at the detective before she's back out in the main room -- only to almost run into Jessica. "Oh, yeah. For sure. Don't know if I'll have any interesting to share, but who knows." She flashes Jessica an easy smile and then she's out with the others. She heads for Cora, and hands her, her card. "I should get something put together for the recording studio, and I don't want to risk the rest of the band getting somewhere with their futures. Maybe we can talk a bit about what might have gone down here so I can let the studio know that you guys are good moving forward without Morris?" It's a gauging question, waiting to see how Cora reacts to it.

Cora is taken aside to give her statement to Carter; there's not much there that she hasn't spoken of before, although fatigue is clearly beginning to set in; she's soldiering on like a goddamned professional, though, answering each question briskly. When Magnolia approaches, the takes the card, but looks - uncertain. "I, well, I don't know if we are good moving forward without Morris," she admits, slowly. "That's something I'd have to discuss with the band, Ms. Jones. But I don't mind speaking to you. As long as it's okay with the police." She gives Carter a quick, curious look.

Only once Cora has given her statement, does Carter thank her and nods to Magnolia, letting Cora go to talk to the PI while he moves on to leave the area and head off to talk to the motel staff, to inquire about any cameras and obtaining the footage, and to take the statements of anyone who might have been on shift -- and get the names of any employees not currently present who were on shift so that they can be located for questioning as well.

No offense to Jessica, but while Charlie might play fast and loose with the rules for Magnolia, the reporter isn't getting left entirely alone in the room. Charlie sticks around after realizing that the woman is heading inside, just so that she can before she doesn't touch anything, "Detective Morgan, Ms. Flores. So what'd you get off that manager lady?"

"Detective Morgan? Are you working on the Kruger murders? I thought it was a Detective Wood...Holly Wood...but I hear your name attached these days. Maybe we could chat about that sometime?" Jessica quickly returns to the subject at hand. "The manager is being very correct and professional. Says no one else was around. Said she was working on paperwork before Jenny returned to their room...so no way to verify either of those alibis at the moment. The victim had a fight with the member of another band but that seems to have been for show more than anything else. They may have been about to hit the big time...as much as this kind of music can hit the big time. Possibly even getting a record contract." A pause. "Guess they were after the promotion since they'd make more selling their music directly." She nods towards the body. "You also thinking that the cause of death wasn't the guitar solo?"


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