2019-10-29 - Neighbors

Dante and Easton meet each other in the hallway of the apartment and trade spooky cliff notes.

IC Date: 2019-10-29

OOC Date: 2019-07-24

Location: Bayside Apartments

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 2376


Despite the fact that Dante has an office set up in his apartment, he often works in a coffee shop or anywhere else that will let him loiter. Despite of, or perhaps because of his strange experiences lately, he had a very productive day. He's searching for his keys, with a laptop bag slung over his shoulder. His suit is quite understated (for him). It's black, with a teal pocket square and a white button-up with black buttons. His shoes are the only flashy part. They're teal leather in a similar tone to his pocket square.

The door to Apartment 400 bursts open without warning and out barrels a short, hairy, underdressed man barreling into the hallway. He looks frantically down the hall in each direction, ignoring Dante on first glance and in fact seemingly annoyed that he's blocked his view of the hall. Easton is far less composed than Dante, dressed only in a pair of pajama pants (navy blue with yellow chicks on them) and a white tank top. Finally after not finding what he expected he looks at Dante and asks, "Did you see someone out here? Tall guy? Dressed in fatigues?" He realizes about halfway through the third rapid question that he's nearly yelling and sounding a little drunk (he is) so he consciously tries to lower his voice and then offer a pleasant friendly smile. It still comes off a little manic.

Dante just sort of freezes at this sudden appearance of an urban Wolverine. He pauses, keys in hand, unsure how to react to this sight. He moves closer to his door and prepares to open it, when he's addressed. "I er, well, I just stepped off the elevator a moment ago. So no, I didn't see anything. Are you all right?" He's Very English, in the stereotypical received pronunciation way.

Clearing his throat and straightening up to his full (though not very tall) height Easton starts to compose himself. His smile fades down to something approaching normal and he manages a regular sounding, "Oh. I must have just missed him. Damn." Though the acting isn't very good and it's clear that he's doing that for Dante's benefit. "Sorry. I'm Easton. I live .." He indicates with his head the open door, "I don't think we've met." Though he's pretty sure he's seen him around town or around the building at least.

"Dante," says the Englishman. He hesitates at the door, torn between curiosity, concern and minding his own damned business. After a moment, he adds, perhaps ill-advisedly, "...is this man you're looking for another neighbour?"

The odd thing is despite Easton's appearance if Dante peeks into the apartment he'll find a meticulously clean modern apartment. There are some things left around, but they are all suspiciously feminine in nature a giant handbag here, a neon bright raincoat there, the rest is all in perfect order. Easton nods and says, "Nice t'meet you sir." The question gets a brief twitch of his eyebrows as he considers how best to answer that. "No, an old friend. He left his ... cell.. phone." Again, he's not a great liar and his voice slides uncertainly over what item was left behind as if checking to make sure it's plausible and not a dumb thing to say.

Dante's eyebrows arch high. "I see." What he sees, in fact, is a lie. But again, he debates how much of that is his business. Then, "Perhaps you saw a ghost. I've heard that these buildings are haunted." He says that with a touch of levity, but not too much. Wouldn't want to seem dismissive.

"A ghost." Easton deadpans at Dante with an inscrutable tone. It's not offense or mockery nor is it relief that he understands. Instead he says, "Maybe. I've seen enough around town to stop laughing at ghost stories at least." He then looks at Dante with open appraisal before asking, "You new here? Or have you been read in on the spooky and freaky?" Easton is far too straight forward to beat around the bush or be subtle about putting out feelers.

"Ah, both," says Dante. There's tension in his face, in the polite smile. "Ghost stories are my stock and trade. But I've never seen them...come to life anywhere else." A very diplomatic way of beating around the bush. And then he says by way of clarification. "I'm a horror writer."

Nodding that at least he's not a fresh off the ... highway? new comer to town Easton offers a smile and says, "Good. It's a shock, but you stand out, so I'd hate for anyone to be caught unaware." He looks a little confused about what that 'stock and trade' might be then 'aahs' at the explanation. "Well, I literally can't think of a more inspiring place. But this is more non-fiction documentary style horrors I'm afraid. And to be frank, yea, I did think I saw a ghost. Just.. one that I thought was long gone." He realizes that sounds odd and stretches his lips into a half grimace, half smile. "That made no sense. It's .. welcome to Gray Harbor" He is about to explain but he literally just met this guy and he's already babbled enough at him.

"Well, as it happens, I also write non-fiction. And that is in fact what brought me here initially. But...to gather tall tales, not...to find proof of the supernatural." Dante's lips twitch. It's so strange to be talking casually about something that, a few days ago, he would never have believed. He looks down at his laptop bag. "Strangely enough, the traumatic, world-shaking things about this town have actually been inspiring. I suppose now, anything seems possible. For good or for ill." He tries to give Easton a reassuring smile. "We lack the vocabulary to talk about things like this, don't we?"

"Yea, turns out there's a whole shit ton of words to learn here. Dreams and Getting Lost. Glimmer and veil, shadows or dolorphages, it's .. a lot. But for better or worse, I'm learning to talk spooky. Because far too many people end up dead here to ignore this." He smirks and says, "I can only imagine what fodder this provides. And I mean that in a good way. I used to love a good horror flick. Or book." The or book is obviously tacked on there.

"I only...recently experienced my first true dose of the supernatural. I'm trying not to ask too many questions all at once. If I get too many answers, I might go mad before I can absorb it all." Dante laughs awkwardly. It's a fluttery, contained sort of sound. Ha ha ha I might go crazy if I knew the full truth. Isn't that hilarious? "I admit I generally love Halloween, but this has me considering locking the door that night and surrounding myself with every bit of protection I can think of."

"When I first came here I thought I was already loony. Turns out reality isn't quite a straight laced as I always thought." He smirks at the fact that at least someone else assumed they were going crazy or might go crazy. "Oh fuck Halloween." Easton sighs and says, "I mean who knows what's true or not but that seems like the type of thing that would send batshit crazy into overdrive, right?" And he really could use a break from batshit crazy.

"The supernatural is only fun when it's not real, I suppose?" Dante self-consciously glances down the hallway, as if he's concerned with being overheard. "I em, I promise to let you know if I see a man in fatigues roaming the halls?"

"Sounds good. And if you need a place with plenty of booze to hole up during All Hallow's Eve, you're welcome to hop down a few doors." Easton looks a little pained at the mention of Dante telling him if he sees such a man. There's obviously conflict and something else going on there. "But, uh, have a good night Dante. I'm going to get back to it." He nods at the Brit before heading back in to fix himself (another) drink.

Being the curious sort that he is, and being that digging into dark stories is basically what he does, it's hard for Dante not to probe. But his Englishness overrides his nosiness and politeness rules the day. "I appreciate the invitation. Have a good night as well." And just before he enters his apartment, he says, "Drink plenty of water."


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