2019-11-02 - Terrible

After Julia departed the diner suddenly the other night, Rhys texts to check on why. (It was admitting to karaoke, right?)

IC Date: 2019-11-02

OOC Date: 2019-07-28

Location: Text

Related Scenes:   2019-10-22 - One Up Comics Halloween   2019-10-29 - Coffee & Creepy Pronouncements

Plot: None

Scene Number: 2450


(TXT to Julia) Rhys: It was the karaoke, right?

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: I feel like I should try claiming it isn't really that terrible but y'know, that kinda lie always catches up with you.

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: And it's not like you'd never find out. This is a small town with only a couple bars and a man can only be so strong in the face of some beers and the intro to Don't Stop Believin'.

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: are you confessing something about karaoke or inviting me to karaoke or???

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: You fled the Grizzly right after I answered the question about Other Things I Do For Fun, it was the only possible explanation!

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: I had to eat your waffle for you. It was terrible.

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: I suffered.

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: aww man, I'm sorry. Got a call about my mom.

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: (FTR yeah waffle with bacon crumbled on and maple syrup works.)

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: Aw, man. is she okay?

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: she is, yeah, but she scared my sister. siblings always ruin fun

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: That's true. Why did we even get them? clearly can't trust kid-us with these choices. We should've gotten dogs instead.

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: well, mine were there before me

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: fashionably late, huh?

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: and where did you fall in the birth order?

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: Probably over my feet. and also: first. Praciting for internet message boards from birth.

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: lucky ducky. my sister and my brother have a different dad, mine is back in SF.

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: Yeah, we've got different dads too.

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: ...in my family. Not US we. I mean, technically I don't know that for sure, but I'd bet a lot on those odds.

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: you are way too white for us to be related

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: To be fair I'm almost too white to safely look away from in a snowstorm.

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: though partly because I'm probably going to throw a snowball at you.

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: lol with you I don't know if that's actual snow or a drug

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: Madam! Are you insinuating I might partake of intoxicants of an illegal nature? (why is there no emoji for pressing your hand against your chest and looking shocked? 😮 )

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: oh no I'm outright saying it. I'm only coy when I flirt which might explain why I am apparently terrible at it

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: Are you? I might need to see a demonstration sometime. I can stand behind a tree with a clipboard and take notes, and give you some tips after

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: which you probably shouldn't take because I am also kind of terrible at it most days.

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: dude it's the only explanation

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: This sounds like a story. 🤔

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: Entirely unrelatedly

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: Do you WANT to go to karaoke sometime?

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: Actually I guess we're still talking about things I'm terrible at.

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: of course ps do you want to borrow my halloween platforms because I saw you eyeing them

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: Hey, they were practically at eye level!

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: ps also I don't think they'd fit, but next time I cosplay Zatanna or need to break an ankle fast I might take you up on that

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: they're the wrong color for zatanna tho nerd

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: Paint is cheap! Also very halloween.

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: admittedly I have never actually tried to paint a shoe.

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: you are NOT painting my awesome beautiful platforms!

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: fiiiiiiiiiine.

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: They probably look better on you anyway.

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: true true

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: Plus that ankles thing. How do you not have to accessorize those with crutches?

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: practice!

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: okay see that implies that when you started you DID sprain things. And I feel like I'd see a lot more women on crutches around then.

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: There must be some dark secret.

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: no you're inferring it - all girs need to practice. I used to play walk in abuelita's heels when i was like, 6

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: so what you're saying is I should be looking for /six year olds/ on crutches.

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: ...

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: nah I'm pretty sure that'd look wrong

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: we practice in our secret woman caves

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: Well now I'm intrigued.

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: of course you are. who wouldn't be?

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: What's in these secret woman caves? Man caves just get wood paneling and leather and the biggest television we can possibly fit on a wall. Sometimes a pool table. If we're fancy.

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: that's a secret!

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: What if I cross my heart and swear not to tell?

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: no, I can lose my membership card that way

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: hmm

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: I could put the Squirrel Girl costume back on, that's practically honorary, right?

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: noooooooope

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: so when are we going to karaoke?

(TXT to Julia) Rhys:

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: ...and next time I track one down, they don't just have a set night or two each week like any decent god-fearing tavern.

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: omg you know you look uncannily like a hobbit

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: are you magic

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: TiBS has a flyer up for a trivia night though--

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: yah a friend of mine runs it

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: y'know to be fair that's actually the nicest anyone's ever called me a hobbit. my feet aren't that furry, though.

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: If I were magic I'm pretty sure thta'd be a secret though

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: i mean you look uncannily like THAT hobbit, he's pretty cute tho. In a cheek pinchy kinda way

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: I mean if I went around just telling people I was magic they'd all want one!

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: a magic hobbit?

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: You're not going to start pinching my cheeks,are you?

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: 'cause I've still got a grandmother

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: only if its consensual!

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: ...suddenly debating whether I want my cheeks pinched is a new experience.

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: for clarification, face not butt

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: I am at least pleased you can easily tell the difference

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: it's important ok.

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: what if you thought I was some random butt pincher?

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: would that be me thinking you pinch random butts or that some random other butt pincher was the culprit in the moment?

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: yes

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: Well on the former my self-esteem and opinion of you are both high enough to assume it wouldn't be just random. More of a curated collection.

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: On the latter I would have to break out my fancy kung fu moves that I do not in any way have.

(TXT to Rhys) Julia: rather a curated selection!

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: See? that's entirely different. But(t) apparently I've got two bartenders who both think they have the same week off and from the way they're eyeing each other I'm gonna have to call Andre if I don't sort it out soon.

(TXT to Julia) Rhys: bets on if they'll go for the king solomon solution? Anyway, I'll look for when one of the bars get around to doing another or we could just go to Pourhouse, have a couple drinks, and start singing. later!


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