2019-11-05 - Masquerade: Platinum Grounds

Sometime during the Masquerade Ball at the Platinum Cabaret, several guests disappear for a while. No one else seems to notice anything amiss. Goblins at the Masquerade!

IC Date: 2019-11-05

OOC Date: 2019-07-29

Location: Gray Harbor/Platinum Cabaret

Related Scenes:   2019-11-05 - Platinum Cabaret : Goblin Danse

Plot: None

Scene Number: 2500


Inside, the Platinum Cabaret is decked out in misty wonder, with enough clear spray glitter and twigs and silvery flowers and draping pearls to make any 1980s production house proud. It's festooned in glittering finery to help add to the illusion of a Goblin Danse, all dark and glittery and full of smoke. Even the Halloween drinks have been reprised, The purple Witch's Heart a favorite, along with a new drink; Peach Bellinis have been added to the menu, handmade with local organic peach puree.

A heavy fog has rolled in tonight, just as the sun drops low in the sky. Whether coming outside for a smoke break, a quick breather from the music and heat, or just arriving, those in the back lot will find that the edge of the forest backing up to the Lonely Highway seems closer, taller, darker for being partially obscured by that misty ground fog. The only lights are the parking lamps in the lot of the club, the club lights themselves, and the moon high up in the sky, which is full and shining down silvery glow. Was it full earlier?

It's bright, though visibility is limited. The air is crisp and cool without yet breaking through into cold territory, so it's tolerable, even in costumes, at least for a short time. It seems the night may start a bit slow, though surely more will venture past Dead Man's Curve to make their way to the Platinum Cabaret on a night like tonight, then all the ghouls & goblins are out.

Dylan makes his apperance already in costume, the man having dressed ahead of time in preparation to be here to help with a few last minute costuming things for others. This leaves him in a three quartesr, phantom of the opera style white mask that has a rather monsterous - goblin, perhaps - cast to it's subtle details. A black shirt serves as the base, followed by a red brocade vest and black slacks, but it's the long, flowing cloak that truly makes the piece.

It truthfully doesn't take much to get the man out. It's a combination of a need to feel the cool air, a break from the sheer amount of people, coupled with that fog that has created a touch of inspiration for the artist, even if his sketch pencils and paper aren't yet pulled out.

Madison is late, because she never seems to be on time for anything, ever. Her costume might have something to do with it, and if you ask her, Sexy Leatherface is the perfect Halloween and she wouldn't have changed a thing, even after a friend of hers in the police force stopped her, and confiscated her very real chainsaw, while leaving her to run around in her bloody costume and horrific human mask.

The costumary apron of the slasher legend is short, as is her frilly dark skirt behind it. Madison's legs are exposed until heavy, impractical boots give her a few inches of height. There is (hopefully) fake blood everywhere, and her mask is just like Leatherface's, but it has lipstick on it.

She stomps said heavy boots right besides, Dylan, whom she doesn't know, and readily puts her hands upon her knees, breathing heavily and panting, showing a disgraceful physical shape. She raises her hand in a hello, even if her leatherbound face is lowered as she regains some of her stamina.

"H-Hello... oh gods... Jesus too... I need to hit a gym... C-Cameron didn't tell me the... the strip club was so far away!" She did, but Madison is reality-impaired. Standing up, the horrific genderbent Leatherface offers her hand to be shaken.

"Sup, I'm Madison. You work here, or visiting your boo?"

Blake wears a silvery crown and who knows where he got it or if it is real. He wears a featureless mask, white, and opposite of that, on the back of his head, a twin mask, only black. A two-faced king or prince. Aside from the headgear, about /no/ effort what so ever has been placed in his costume. In fact, he's simply wearing what he always wears, a black leather jacket over a zipup hoodie. Charcoal jeans, some understated kicks, and a band tshirt top it off. He also seems called to the night air from the back of the club. Perhaps. He follows after Dylan, drink in hand and keeping a close eye on the other man. All that can be seen are his hypnotic blue eyes behind the mask. He just happens to be holding a very fruity drink.

A small wobble of his body comes as Dylan turns once he hears those boots stomping right up next to him, and for a long moment? He just stares at Madison. And then towards Blake, and that look speaks volumes, even if most of his face is hidden. 'Oh God Can Someone Talk?' "Seeing dancer." Well, duh, who doesn't at a stripclub, right? His own hand lifts to take that offered one from Madison, as he explains. "Dylan. Rink." A beat of a pause is between each of those, making it clear he will answer to either, rather than it being his full name.

"Cameron?" Up his brows arch with interest, that name recognized as his head bobs up and down, and this time when he speaks? His focus takes in both of the others present. "Nice costumes." complete with a big, lopsided, beaming smile.

There's the sound of light skittering in the mist, the scrabble-scrape of what sound suspiciously like claws on the old blacktop. Is there a monster raccoon on the loose out here? It sounds like a fat one.

There's a clanggg! when something moderately sized scrambles past and plonks into a trashcan. The fog hides everything almost to the knees, and makes everything else a little bit dreamy. An old metal trashcan used for transporting recyclables to a huge bin teeters, its metal lid clattering loudly to the ground just beside the back entrance to the club.

<FS3> Dylan rolls Alertness (5 5 3 1 1) vs Creeper Creepering (a NPC)'s 2 (8 5 3 3)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Creeper Creepering. (Rolled by: Dylan)

<FS3> Madison rolls Alertness (8 8 7 7 5 4 2) vs Creeper Creepering (a NPC)'s 2 (8 8 3 2)
<FS3> Victory for Madison. (Rolled by: Madison)

<FS3> Madison rolls Melee (7 3) vs Creeper Creepering (a NPC)'s 2 (8 7 3 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Creeper Creepering. (Rolled by: Madison)

Madison shakes Dylan's hand with a wide, pearly smile behind the horrendous mask, her bright eyes focused on him as she nods vehemently. "Hey! You know Cam? Awesome! I've been meaning to know her coworkers in foreeeever but she is like 'No! You will scare them!' and I'm like 'No way, I have a -great- personality!'" A pause. "But seriously, if you could tell her I was great and normal, I would really appreciate it. I'll pay you!"

She eyes Blake, then, and keeps smiling, "Hey! Is this for me?" She reaches for the drink and stops midway, "KIIIIDING! Hi! Wow, your eyes are very pretty!"

Madison would keep talking, but that little bit of awkwardness is interrupted by what seems to be something she wants no part of. The Sexy Leatherface scoots behind Dylan and Blake, trying to hide nervousness with a teasing "This town, huh?"


The woman crouches, picks a beer can, and she hurls the thing into the mist, without much hesitation. It is only when a meaty thump is heard that Madison covers her mouth, whispering, "OHMIFUCKINGGODS. I hit it. Oh no! OH NO! OH please, please don't let it be an animal. Pleasepleaseplease. Oh fuck. I hit it. I am so sorry. I am so sorry!"

She looks like she might faint, and is warring with herself whether she should go there and check or not. She can't deal with Me, Myself and Irene cow situations! "D-Dylan, you guys should go check! We might have hit that one pretty bad!"


Blake doesn't answer to Madison. He half steps backwards when she reaches toward him. Then he nods in acknowledgement of her compliment. Before he can react anymore, Madison assaults something in the mist with improvisation. The two-faced prince squints in the direction of the pegged thing, but he doesn't look like he's budging. Nope. Dylan can get this one right? He just looks up to the other much taller man. Not a word.

A high-pitched little laugh sounds from the club door and the unmistakable sound of a deadbolt being thrown indicates at the back entrance to the Platinum Cabaret is now locked. And it's not going to open without intervention of some kind.

Madison's throw hits something, regardless of her intention. That's some next level luck right there! There's that thud when her projectile connects, then an immediately squeak of startlement/pain, and then, from three directions:

By the back door, in the fog: a sibilant hiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssss.
From the roof above: a surly growl, not unlike that of an angered opossum.
From the lot behind the group: the sound of a very small knife clearing a very small sheath and a cackle very near to the ground.

"Madison. Amulet," Two and two are put together, and that lopsided smile turns even more brilliant. When she mentions Cameron again? He has a response all at the ready, even if it is a bit well into left field. "Drew cover!" He offers up, as if this might trigger something for the leather faced beauty. He too is peering around into the fog, but he looks back towards the club, and then off another way, giving a small, 'Huh.'

It's probably a good thing that his mask hides most of his face, because he is downright horrified when the woman scoots back and chucks that beercan. "Uuuhmmmm..." It's a dire situation when the artist is left as the main source of warding off... whatever is out there. He reaches into his vest, pulling out his trusty 3H pencil and wielding it like the tiniest sword in the world.

<FS3> Blake rolls Composure-2: Success (7 5 3 3) (Rolled by: Blake)

Madison would be ALL over Dylan for the awesome cover, she really would, talking about the exposure he will get if he slaves away for her, and generally gushing over his work, and how Cameron won't shut up about Mr. Artist. He even knows her band name! She -is- famous after all!

However, now she is faced with some pretty dreadful scenario where she is pretty sure they are about to get The Mist'd. Madison stays behind Dylan, until the man pulls out a pencil.

"W-Wait! WHAT?! No, no. Dude! Stop being cute right now. You don't own a gun? Do you have money? Maybe they want money? I mean, I would want money. I'm so broke! Shit. Okay. Look, maybe we can talk! Yeah yeah! People just need a break! The Lion and the Mouse, remember?!"

The babbling goth eyes the ground around her for very light debris as she approaches the dazed hobo, "Mister, I am sorry I hurled beer at you! I thought you were some evil hobo!" She winces. "I mean, an up-to-no-goder! We all know how things go in this town, right? A girl can never be too cautious! So lets talk? My friend there is a big time artist! He will make a funny cartoon out of this!"

She will approach her hobo unless stopped, to (poorly) extend an olive branch at the man.

<FS3> Madison rolls Leadership (7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1) vs Dazed-Gobbo (a NPC)'s 3 (4 3 2 1 1)
<FS3> Victory for Madison. (Rolled by: Love)

Blake steps back toward the back door when Dylan steps forward, wielding his pencil. But it's too late. The locking sound clicks in his ear, reverberated lightly in the the cavern of masks. Then Madison seems to not be able to stop talking. The two-faced prince mutters low, "Jesus fucking Christ." He turns toward the door. "Hey, we don't want any trouble man," he offers to the figure he's sure is a douchebag. Blake's met plenty of them. "Can I go? I'm broke. I don't even pay my own rent." He lifts his drink to take a nice long sip at that.

<FS3> Blake rolls Leadership+2 (8 8 7 5 4 3 2) vs Scarred Gobbo (a NPC)'s 3 (8 5 5 3 2)
<FS3> Victory for Blake. (Rolled by: Love)

It seems that Madison's approach to concussing them with projectiles and then extending the olive branch has had some effect. When the mist clears a little, the figured in rags, perhaps three feet tall, is revealed to b non-human. It's roughly human shaped, but small, a mottled grey-green with yellow, catlike eyes, and fangs. It looks, for all intents and purposes, kind of like a Gremlin.

There's a hiss from the scarred one up on the rood when Blake speaks. The figure, a similar grey-green to the first, eyeballs him from above, looking not at his face, but at his crown. "Ssssssssss..." The creature's sibilant reply is cut off by the casual way in which Blake sips his peach bellini. Those yellow eyes drop to the glass, then finally find Blake's eyes through the mask. "King?" He seems... confused. And pretty annoyed about it.

The smirking little goblin out in the lot is in no way affected by any of this, and instead charges into battle like the shit he is. Dylan! Nooo!

Smirky-Gobbo attacks Dylan with Telekinesis. Stopped by ARMOR on Left Arm.

Blake passes.

Dazed-Gobbo passes.

Scarred-Gobbo passes.

Dylan must clearly be stuptified by what he sees, for he just stands there with his pencil out, making him look more likely to just start drawing their imminent death than actually defend himself with it. It's an ever so light plink that has him tuck down and look to his left arm, his features scrunching up to look at the smirky-goblin... and even through those eye holes of the mask, one can see the big, puppy dog eyes. "Why?" Even his lower lip pouts outwards with his sadness.

Not that he plans to let the poor goblin off that easily to try again. "Friends?" He asks, even as he gathers his strength to... just stand there? Well, that's what it looks like, but out he reaches with his mind, seeking to take down the aggression and anger level of that smirky little bastard a notch or three if he can.

<FS3> Dylan rolls Leadership+2 (7 6 6 5 5 3 2) vs Smirky Gobbo (a NPC)'s 2 (4 3 1 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Dylan. (Rolled by: Love)

Blake looks in profile down toward the scarred one. Among these creatures, he is tall. Dylan's just some dumb hulking giant to them right? Good. Blake quiets, not immediately answering the annoyed damned thing. Then he tilts his head at the scarred one and begins to crow with laughter. "Of course. I am what you think I am. These are my revelers." His voice reaches new tonal ranges not expressed just moments ago. He straightens up, gesturing with his peach bellini to Madison and Dylan somewhere or other behind him. They're behind him right? That hardly matters.

Madison eyes the lil' fellow and she is absolutely stunned, her bright eyes wide in shock as she takes in the sight before her. Continuing her series of poor choices that somehow work, Madison then kneels, and behind her Leatherface mask, she whispers, "I am so unsure if I should fainting or hugging you."

The goth with a death wish lets a smile crack as searches her purse for something, "Well, it isn't midnight yet... so I suppose you should earn a treat, for not tricking me! And... I happen to have the best thing!"

Madison learned long ago that she should always have chocolate on her. For when she is feeling down and low on energy. And that is what she does, breaking a half-eaten Kit Kat bar, and trying to hand it over to the creature, her face all too close to it, her dazzling smile hidden behind the leathery lipstick snarl of her mask.

This will work out great, for sure. "You'll look so good on stage with me. You'll have your own miniguitar... it will be -great-! That bitch Jennifer and her Youtube money can suck it now!"

The smirking little goblin's face falls when his telekinetic attack results in naught but a minor pebble-strike. He seems confused, if that slightly-opened mouth is anything to go by (and if you ignore the rows of needle-sharp teeth). When Dylan says friend, he tips his head. His smirk fades somewhat, and he blinks, then trundles over to stand beside Dylan with a nod. "Snacksssss?" He peers waaaaaaaay way up at the artist, expectant.

The scarred one kicks a little clawed leg over the ledge of the building. He peers at Blake again, then skitters down a drain pipe to thump! down atop a trash can. "King." He says again, this time more sure. "Have sparklies, drink curses." He hisses this in a way that makes curses almost seem... positive. Curse-drinking for everybody!

The dazed goblin is delighted when, "Flesh of human flesh wearer offers me sssssnacksssss." Because he thinks her mask is human flesh and that is just aces. "Kit... Kats?" He mm-mms. "Oh yes crunchy Kats." Greedy little claws snatch the offered candy, and he jams it into his little snoot, slobbery-smacking his way through it. "Sshe who wearsssss flesh of human flesh & carries crunchy katssssss." There's a happy pause in which chocolate-infused drool rolls out of the corner of his mouth and he ssssreplies, "Bitch Jennifer!"

What could go wrong with these three having goblin minions?

<FS3> Blake rolls Alertness (7 7 4 3 2 2 1) vs Hulking Shadow (a NPC)'s 3 (5 5 5 2 1)
<FS3> Victory for Blake. (Rolled by: Blake)

<FS3> Dylan rolls Alertness (8 6 4 2 1) vs Hulking Shadow (a NPC)'s 3 (8 5 4 4 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Dylan. (Rolled by: Dylan)

<FS3> Madison rolls Alertness (8 6 5 5 4 4 3) vs Hulking Shadow (a NPC)'s 3 (8 7 3 3 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Madison)

<FS3> Madison rolls Alertness (8 7 6 4 4 3 3) vs Hulking Shadow (a NPC)'s 3 (6 5 1 1 1)
<FS3> Victory for Madison. (Rolled by: Madison)

Thankfully it is that time of year, and Madison? She isn't the only one with chocolate treats. Dylan pulls out a roll of rolo's that he got from gods only knows where, handing the package over. "See," He begins to explain, even as he subsequently pulls out a piece of paper, quickly drawing out a light weight sketch that speaks volumes.

The artist shows smirky-goblin as a stand up comic holding a microphone, but is he smirky-goblin anymore? No, he's suave-sophisticated-sassy goblin, full of humor. A handful of other goblins are rolling around on the floor howling in laughter. "With Laughter,"

That's how Dylan explains in, two words at a time, beaming a brilliant, broad smile towards his new found friend. "Not pain." Out that rough sketch is handed to his buddy. Cue up the reading rainbow symbol. Is he paying attention to his surroundings? Not as quickly as the others, but his head suddenly jerks up, the hairs on the back of his neck standing. "Uuuhhhmmm..." He says, even as he starts to creep back towards the building.

There is so much going on. Madison isn't entirely sure this little creature isn't associating Kit Kats with actual cats, and that she is teaching it to hunt and kill felines for chocolate that will never come. She isn't even sure it wouldn't eat her if face if she wasn't looking so dope in her great costume!

But what she does know is that Cancatcher hates Jennifer, and you kow what? Fuck yeah. That makes him an A-Lister in Madison's book. Fuck. Her night was going down the drain when her chainsaw was confiscated but now? Now this is basically the best thing ever!

"Bitch Jennifer! Mah man, Cancatcher, you are a mean dude! I love it! Hit it!" She offers her closed fist for a fistbump, which might have to wait for another day, because there is something coming this way, and Madison has made enough friends for one day. Standing up slowly, she offers her hand to the lil guy, "Come on, time to go, C-Dog. My Dead Madison Sense is tingling!"

She urges the little creature to come, and even try to catch its hand, but in stupid high platform shoes and kind of scared, she might not be able to get to Cancatcher in time.

What she does, regarless, is run (more like short-step as fast as she can on those boots) and pass by Dylan while warning, "We should gooOoOoOo~!"

"Delicious curses. Don't mind if I do." Blake chugs the rest of his drink because he's surely lost his mothereffing mind. He's talking to...to...something that calls him King. This costume went too far. "What are we up to tonight my subject-" Those deep set eyes twitch toward the wood. "Inside. Now," he growls out to those present. Then he tacks on, as if this is proper motivation, "More sparkly curses there." Those are good right? Woo hoo! Curse-drinking tonight! He glances around the back for the garbage dump or anything that might serve as a hiding place, suddenly feeling like there's just not enough time to even /get/ inside. He hucks his glass with the dregs of his drink in the direction of the perceived threat and then dives into the dumpster. No sense in taking off the masks. They might protect him from all sorts of unsavory contents, like used condoms.

<FS3> Blake rolls Athletics+2 (7 7 7 6 2 1) vs Ew Gross Who Would Put That In A Dumpster (a NPC)'s 3 (7 5 4 4 3)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Blake. (Rolled by: Blake)

<FS3> Madison Panics In The Parking Lot (a NPC) rolls 2 (8 6 4 3) vs Nobody Can Hear You, Lady (a NPC)'s 2 (7 7 6 5)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Nobody Can Hear You, Lady. (Rolled by: Madison)

Dylan's goblin friend watches this with interest. "Thisss me?" He seems curious about the sketched image. "Thissss me." His onyx claws close on the paper, dotting little holes in the edges. "Wizard," he says, looking up at Dylan in awe. And then... and then he smiles. His lips pull up in a cheshire grin, displaying shiny rows of needle-sharp teeth, lightly glistening with saliva. His yellow eyes crinkle up with serpentine delight.

Cancatcher looks up from licking chocolate residue from his hands. "Sshe who wearsssss flesh of human flesh & carries crunchy katsss givesss me name?" He nods once, succinctly, pride (or gas or bloodlust) evident in his wet yellow eyes. "Yesssss. Jenniferrrr." Jennifer better lock her damn doors tonight is all we're saying here. (Not that that will save her.) He looks at Madison's fist, and starts to lean in, probably to bite it, when something else catches his attention. Instead, he flicks a slimy lick across her knuckles and turns to the forest. Distractedly, his claws wrap around Madison's finger.

"The King! The King hasss sssspoken. Drank all the curssssess! To armsss, my brothersss." The scarred one, clearly the defacto leader of this ragtag bunch.

All three goblins turn toward the forest at the sounds they've clearly detected out there, even the concussed one. The goblin with Dylan's picture in his hand surreptitiously stuffs his face as full as he can with Rolos. But he's totally ready just the same. Burrrp!

Not so deep in the forest, there's the crashing of something through the underbrush, a heavy body coming this way fast, its perhaps thirty seconds from breaking the tree line, though the combination of fog and shadow as dusk transitions to night brings with it cooler temperatures and wispy clouds crossing in front of the moon, the full moon.

The large, pendulous moon.

Well, Dylan can't leave his new buddy behind. He just reaches out, trying to pluck up his budding comedian, and off they run towards the door, which seems to be the best option right? Wrong. Not when he can see Madison screaming against it and the thing not budging.

So what does the artist do? He makes like a mime. He plasters himself - and Smirky Smurf - up against the wall, and then he repeats his mantra. "I'm Mr. Cellophane, I'm Mr. Cellophane," Focusing on just blending into those surroundings. And if worse comes to worse? Well, he is fully prepared to scream and hope he can distract whatever the hell that thing is out there.

<FS3> Dylan rolls Mental+2 (6 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 1 1 1) vs Hulking-Shadow (a NPC)'s 3 (6 4 4 3 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Love)

<FS3> Dylan rolls Mental+2 (8 8 7 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2) vs Hulking-Shadow (a NPC)'s 3 (8 7 5 4 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Dylan. (Rolled by: Love)


Madison puts all her pathetic strenght into slamming her fist against the door, and then kicking it, "OW! MY FOOT! FUCK! IS CHIVALRY DEAD?!" And when she looks around to not find Dylan or Blake, the goth frowns. "Well, fuck me, I suppose. Don't worry, Cancatcher," and she screams, "I DON'T ABANDON MY FRIENDS! DYLAN!"

Good thing she can't see Dylan either, or she would totally snitch on him. As is, Madison tries to hurry Cancatcher out of sight, or find a place to hide. The issue with her is that someone cannot shut her fucking mouth, rendering hiding impossible, even if she does go for cover behind a car.

"Oh fuck, okay, Madison. You need to start to believe. Fuck. Okay, you can do this. Shit, shit, shit. Cancatcher, if I don't make it, you find Cameron, and tell her she can't find someone else. Ever. That is how love works among us, humans. She'll have crunchy Kats."

Blake hides deep in the dumpster as the minions start taking hits for people. He's unmoved by the screaming woman, simply staying quiet as he concentrates on his own energy, charging up in a way, letting it build and build, that feeling inside as he hears the incoming creature. He briefly laments on how he should have dragged one of those abominations of the mind up into this hell hole with him. Would have been a decent shield.

Dazed-Gobbo attacks Hulking-Shadow with Club but Hulking-Shadow EVADES EASILY!

Scarred-Gobbo attacks Hulking-Shadow with Knife and HITS! Impaired wound to Chest.

Hulking-Shadow attacks Dazed-Gobbo with Knife and HITS! Impaired wound to Right Arm.

Dylan distracts Hulking-Shadow successfully.

Smirky-Gobbo attacks Hulking-Shadow with Telekinesis and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.

Hulking-Shadow has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Scarred-Gobbo, Smirky-Gobbo)

A flight of angry pebbles scatter and fling themselves at the Hulking beast that breaks free of the trees. The tiny rocks embed into its flesh and it ROARS its rage, charging the most obvious targets: Madison, the Screamer, and Cancatcher. The little grey-green skinned goblin throws himself in front of Madison, screeching his sibilant battle cry! "FOR Sshe who wearsssss flesh of human flesh & carries crunchy katsss Hatesses Jenniferrr you will die!" His battle cry could use some work.

As it sets its sights on Catcatcher, glowing red eyes, the other goblins spring into action. Dylan's friend flings round after round of tiny rocks, and though they're little more than the equivalent of rock salt in the wounds, it's distracting enough for the King-hailing goblin to launch himself off the dumpster, his tiny knives flashing. (When did he get multiple blades?) Like the most miniature of blenders, he shreds his way into the hide of that pony-sized beast, then all the goblins spring forth under the same battle cry:

"FOR THE KINGSssss!" Maddy's little friend's right arm is opened by a huge claw swipe, and his panted cry is a little breathless, but Cancatcher takes off to enact his vengeance, all three goblins chasing a yelping beast back into the shadows. They pass the dumpster, slide into a bank of heavier fog, and meaty, wet shredding sounds issue forth.

There's a crunch, a splat! a hack hack hack! A forlorn yowling bay, and then a wet ripping.... and silence.

One of the three goblins titters a laugh.

Another says, "Ssssnacks."

There's a smacking sound in the dark, like all three maybe just decided to have some raw werewolf for dinner.

Because, you know, that looked a lot like a bipedal wolfman thing. Used to be, anyway. Used. To. Be.

Dylan really had tried to encourage Madison to be quiet and blend in. But over all that screaming, she probably missed his ultra silent 'shhhh'. And then all hell breaks loose. Dylan barely has time to blink before the gobbos are all over it, and who knew that the meanest things lurking in the back lot tonight were the little guys, rather than the big bad wolf. "Well. Fuck."

Smirky? He gets a big old hug from Dylan before he takes off to go join with his friends in the all you can eat wolfman buffet, and out the artist calls, "Practice! Funny!" All to encourage him on. Some poor stripper is going to be the first one into work one day to find a stylish goblin practicing his stand up routine while hanging off the stripper pole, whoops. "Shoouuullld go," He says to the others, casting a glance towards Madison, and then Blake. He? He doesn't want to be out here. "Whata treat." He concludes, offering a beaming smile to both, waiting to see just how they plan to get back in.

<FS3> Blake rolls Lockpicking (8 8 7 5 5 4 4 1) vs Locked Door (a NPC)'s 1 (4 3 2)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Blake. (Rolled by: Blake)

Madison is more horrified when Cancatcher gets wounded than about some shadow werewolf monster who would probably feast in half a second. She shrieks, but seemingly, the goblin is all right enough to join his brothers in a ferocious battle against something that looks way larger than they.

When the silence ends, and the goblins laugh, Madison looks into the dark with all the pride of a soccer mom, to the point she eyebrow waggles at Dylan, and thumbpoints at the blackness. "My boy. Kind of a badass."

Cruch Crunch Canibalism noises

"... Yeah, we should go inside." Horrified, but not less proud, Madison shouts, "Don't forget me, Cancatcher!" She shouts her address for all to hear, so the goblin will visit her, and backs away towards the door with Dylan.

"Where were -you-?! I was all alone there! Like, you owe me art for that! You know that right? I was afraid and crying, helpless! Totally helpless!" The husslin' never ends.

Blake waits till he hears the smacking sounds. The sound of bones crunching, the sound of marrow slurping. Good time to get out right? He scrambles out of the dumpster and straightens his faces. His crown remains unknowingly off kilter. He heard the door lock earlier, so he reaches down to hike his jean leg up, revealing a wrap tied around his leg and tucked into his shoe. He takes it out, glances to the lock, and pulls out a tension bar and a rake like pick humming a Led Zeppelin riff softly as he works. One tumbler...two...Blake makes quick work of the rest. Click. Blake slowly opens the door. "Your duty will not go unrewarded." Blake will leave them a six pack or buy them each a cocktail to leave out as if leaving milk out for a cat. Then he disappears inside, holding the door open just enough for the next person to grab it as if opening the door more would somehow infect the safety within.

From outside the club, behind the dumpster, comes a satisfied burp, and then the titter of three goblins enjoying their life, their victory, their spoils!.

"... Hatesesss Jenniferrr." One last whisper until they're gone out into the night to do whatever it is that sated goblins do.


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