2019-11-23 - 6829 Miles as the Crow Flies

Just some discussions via text

IC Date: 2019-11-23

OOC Date: 2019-08-10

Location: Between Gray Harbor and Tel Aviv

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 2908


(TXT to Minerva) Erin : Hi! I hope your travels so far have been safe. You made it okay?

(TXT to Erin) Minerva : Yeah, everything has been safe so far. Things are going alright back in Gray Harbor?

(TXT to Minerva) Erin : As well as can be expected. A group of us took a trip to Portland to see if all of the veil was affected everywhere by what happened with the Gohl situation. Are you able to get a handle on how it is there? Is it affected?

(TXT to Erin) Minerva : I was planning on checking things out while I was here, just haven't gotten to it between dealing with all of my cousins wedding stuff. It feels odd, but that might just be Tel Aviv for you.

(TXT to Minerva) Erin : Understandable. In Portland it was unaffected from what ever we snafu'd with the Gohl thing.

(TXT to Erin) Minerva : I wish I knew what we did wrong. It's a pain in the ass really.

(TXT to Minerva) Erin : Well, thanks to a little nudging from my cousin, I found out what I did wrong, in regards to my grandmother. I was disloyal to her so she disowned me. This will be my first holiday season on my own. I'm looking forward to decorating the house. I've also organized a feed the hungry event for Thanksgiving.

(TXT to Erin) Minerva : Margaret disowned you for being disloyal? You will be absolutely fine this holiday season. You have friends that will be there for you. And feeding the hungry is an awesome thing.

(TXT to Minerva) Erin : She disowned me, yes. Thank you, I appreciate that. I've been learning more about Jewish holidays and customs. It turns out I may be babysitting your niece now and again. She's so incredible. I love hanging around her. She's so bright."

(TXT to Erin) Minerva : Why the learning about Jewish customs? And Ashira is a great kid. With her dads divorce being finalized recently I'm hoping she'll have a bit of peace.

(TXT to Minerva) Erin : So I know better how to care for her when I babysit her. For example, I wasn't aware of the no pork and then other things. I don't want to put anyone in a quandary with the wrong thing. It sounds like her and her father both need a little peace. I'll enjoy babysitting her. She adores you.

(TXT to Erin) Minerva : That is a good point, most people who babysit probably wouldn't research. So that is really nice of you. I adore her as well, I'm just afraid that the Glimmer is strong in her...so if she does anything funny, just let me know. I'm not sure if Cip has caught her doing anything yet.

(TXT to Minerva) Erin : Oh I never even thought about that. About it being hereditary. Maybe that's why my parents left me with my grandmother. I always thought they just didn't want me. Maybe it was too strong in me and they didn't understand it because maybe they didn't have it. Thank you for that, it gives me a different perspective. I will definitely keep an eye on her with that. Detecting it in adults is easy, I've never even tried with children. I just never considered it.

(TXT to Erin) Minerva : I'm not 100 percent sure it's hereditary, I mean, if Ciprian has powers he's never told me and well...that would mean he's been keeping it from me. And my parents are aware of the things I can do, they just didn't understand when I was small, and after the eye incident they got professional help. I think the Dark Men know that Ashira has something going on, they try to use her in dreams against me all the time. 😕

(TXT to Minerva) Erin : Ciprian hasn't mentioned it to me, but there's no reason he would. We've talked a few times and it's mostly about Ashira and me babysitting her. He's a genuinely nice guy and he has volunteered to help serve the hungry at my event. I mean, I can see the glimmer in him, he's shiny but abilities? No idea. I know he's recently been divorced and I feel so bad for Ashira being in the middle of it. ..... The Dark Men are using her in her dreams against you? Oh no.. is there anything I can do? Anything at all. I wonder if it would help if I sat with her while she was sleeping and tried soothing her during her rest. I can't even imagine..

(TXT to Erin) Minerva : Her mom was pretty absent and she's been doing alright with the divorce, she just doesn't like to see her father in pain. Neither do I. He got full custody and the ex got to go back to whatever hole she crawled out of. So it was for the best. As for dreams, they like making me think she's in trouble and other things. So I'll react without thinking. I'm not sure if she's ever actually been in a dream, but we could watch out for it.

(TXT to Minerva) Erin : She seems to be adjusting and I understand both of your concerns with Ciprian. I certainly think he's adept at keeping keeps at least arms length apart from him. He does seem a little closed off, but I do understand why. At least it's not towards his daughter. They seem incredibly close. It's so fun to watch. She was convinced he was so boring and he was talking about taking depositions, so I gave her a small notebook and now she can ask him questions and write them down. She looks just like a mini-me with him. It's super cute. The dreams thing sounds dangerous. Not to her yet, but definitely to you. Would you like me to sit by you when you sleep and keep an eye on you?

(TXT to Erin) Minerva : She is very much like her father...and like me. She bugs my brother so much about wanting to visit. But she won't be so little soon and we're going to miss the days when she was this age, so we like to give in a lot. And a mini Ciprian sounds adorable. And I am fine dream wise. Nothing ever happens that I can't take care of. Has anything weird happened besides Portland?

(TXT to Minerva) Erin : They are so cute together too. Two peas in a pod. Your niece is amazing, your brother is nice, you're incredible sweet. You've got a wonderful family. Makes me wish for more from mine. I'm afraid we'll never have that kind of closeness. I can live vicariously through my friends, Nothing too terrible besides Portland. I dreamed I was in Harry Potter. Normally dreams are so terrible but this one was fun. I'd like to revisit it. I just don't know how to have the same one twice. It'd be kind of fun to explore the grounds or ride a broom to Hogsmeade. Or even the maze there. I'm afraid of the monsters that might be there but it would be interesting. Especially the group I went with. Your brother was even there, looking dashing of course. What about the wedding? Was it beautiful?

(TXT to Erin) Minerva : Someday you'll have a family of your own to share things with and having friends as family is also a good thing. And wait, we had a Harry Potter dream and I missed it. That sucks. 😆 And hmm, Cip didn't mention the dream. I will have to text him. I've got two weddings to attend and apparently my parents want me to meet some guy that is a family friend from another family we're close with. So going to see how long it takes for me to want to spoon my other eye out.

(TXT to Minerva) Erin : Some day I will and I look forward to it. Just living the single life for now. It leaves me extra time for hobbies. And babysitting! Yes we did and it was so much fun. He was in it, I'm surprised he didn't mention it to you. Two weddings? And meeting another man? I wonder if your family is hinting around. Do they do arranged marriages or anything there? And noooo you need that other eye to watch Ashira growing up. Don't want to miss out on that one. I'll have to grow the other eye back for you.

(TXT to Erin) Minerva : He doesn't tend to want to worry me with the Weird Stuff tm. Which just worries me more. Yeah, two of our cousins decided to get married back to back. So I said I'd come over with my parents and keep an eye on them. And yeah, some Jewish families do arranged marriages. It's not a bad thing, just some people might think it's a bit medieval. I won't do anything to my good eye and the doctors would definitely want to do experiments if I suddenly grew my missing eyeball back. Lol.

(TXT to Minerva) Erin : I can imagine it does, because now you have to wonder. I guess if he had any real problems he'd come to you. I hope. Hm. Arranged marriages don't sound too bad. I think it would be fun to get to know someone you were beholden to. Probably an archaic notion to some or even medieval.. but I rather like medieval things. I guess they would wonder, but hey, if you do get betrothed or something, I can help you out? I'll be there for you.


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