2019-12-15 - Another Day At Expresso Yourself

Various people interact at the coffee shop. In some cases, perhaps decaf would be a good idea.

IC Date: 2019-12-15

OOC Date: 2019-08-25

Location: Espresso Yourself

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3249


Bundled up and with a boutique bag on one arm, Abitha finds her way into the familiar coffee shop. A far cry from the angry little mongrel of previous mornings, she looks a little more put together today, wearing her nice green wool poncho-style coat over leggings and boots. Gotta look nice to shop nice, her mom always said. Grumbling and agitated, she moves to the counter to order a latte, seeming too distracted to offer the baristas any flack.

Stefhan sits at one of the smaller tables and appears to be sipping on a cup of joe while he looks over at his computer. The man's gaze is focused and he grumbles something about investments and permits, neither one is likely familiar to anyone who might wander on by. He may appear a bit agitated himself but he does notice the young woman. A small smile is offered and he waves briefly, nothing obtrusive. "You look like you're having a bad day." he comments, "Pretty ladies should never frown." he states in a way to try to be polite, though others may not interpret it as such.

Abitha wheels on the man before her drink is handed over, probably thankfully. With her current level of anxiety, she might have lobbed it at him. "Oh my god, who says shit like that?!" The baristas behind the counter freezes. Even as small in stature as she was, Abitha seemed to have all the fury of a wolverine, her radical feminism tripped straigt to eleven. "Its fucking 2019! Get your ass-for-brains out of the 60's and go read a fucking book!" Her eyes flit down to his computer and its almost dangerous the look that crosses her face, like she was contemplating something. Her hand curls into talons, then balls into a fist. No, Mac, not that far. Her fiery gaze is turned on the one with her coffee, who offers it to her almost robotically, attempting not to also gain her wrath.

Holy shit. Does everyone who wanders into this place have an attitude? And if they do, what's even worse is that HE keeps coming back here. Maybe the coffee is that good? But the coffee isn't what is on his mind. In his mind he thinks the woman has gone from somewhat grumpy to psycho in less than three seconds. "Ok ok" he says, ready to bolt if she does actually make a move to slap the crap out of him. She did ball her hand into a fist after all. Seeing her fury bubble over he is now tempted to call her ugly, but nope, he's not THAT stupid. "Sorry." he says, "I am corrected and I meant no harm, trust me ok?" eyeing the fist he says, "Would you mind putting that down please?" Her hands could very well likely be lethal weapons at this point.

Oh right. Don't threaten people. Mac unwraps her fingers and instead holds her coffee in both as she tries to breath, calm down. Yes, she had bubbled over, and he had no way of knowing that. Some people were just weird. This was the mantra that goes on between lowered eyelids as she regathers herself. "I am having a stressful day... Week...." She manages tersely, diplomatic, the self-correction probably a little curious, "You did not deserve that." That's right, act classy. Practice for tonight. Her look is flat, frank, holding the frustration in. Great practice.

Stefhan settles back down into his seat and takes a deep breath. "It's ok, it's ok. I guess I'm a bit older well." he's flustering a little to find the right words even though yeah, he IS older but he's not 200 years old. He still watches her hands though and says politely, "Thank you, for, keeping this in perspective. I truly meant no harm and I thought such a comment might make you feel better. It was my fault, my error, I didn't know better, but I know now so, apology given." Again, continuing to try to be polite he says, "I am sorry to hear you are having a stressful time." He is tempted to recommend decaf because of that but nope, not a good idea, nope nope nope.

This at least acts as a distraction to Abitha, a variable to the equation that doesn't add up. "What? You're like in your 20's..." She ventures as she assesses his appearance a bit critically. She qas the first to admit she was not wholly great at it, but it was only so far outside the assumption he was at least Millenial. Otherwise, she does her best play-act of style and class... Since she has so little. "Regardless, apology accepted." Change subject before he says something to set you off again, Mac. "What are you frustrated with?" Wait, why did she ask that question, they both may wonder.

Stefhan quickly shakes his head at that and asserts, "No no no no no, 36." he says, "The 20s well, they were a few years ago, give or take. Not old but, how does the saying go, not a spring chicken either. Thank you though, on both cases." She did accept the apology and told him he was younger that he actually was. "Just, waiting for the permits to see about building my business here. It's going a bit, slower, than I would like and, some stocks are not performing to my liking. My mother wanted me to look into more of those options so, not the worst day, just wanting better."

The thought crosses her mind as he mentions his mother that he was some spoiled trust fund baby. Sheesh, another unlikable quality. "Hey, there's always that defunct casino." Abitha ventures a little wryly. She realizes she had not moved since the outburst, as another patron comes in for coffee, and she finally steps away from the counter. Leaning her hips against the back of a chair that was facing him, she sips her coffee before venturing, "What's your business?"

Stefhan looks back at the screen for a moment then gazes her way to continue the conversation. "Computer repair and networking essentially. I figured I would try to use all of that education from Seattle in some way. I also figured it would or could do the community well. I could be wrong so, I imagine we will see. I also figured a smaller town would do me some good. No huge mystery actually."

"Wait, what?" Her voice has gone flat and skeptical, her face an equal measure. Neither tells him she believes him. "You do computer repair?" If she could possibly get more rude, she snorts in derision taking another sip of her coffee. Seemingly on a roll, she taunts, "You can't just have mommy buy you a degree in that sort of thing." Great practice for tonight, Mac. Real classy.

Stefhan sighs a moment and looks like he's getting ready to make a rude remark. Yeah, that hurt, but he pauses as he tries to edit himself. "The relationship between my mother and I is between my mother and I." he says, "Yes, she likes to know what is going on in the stockmarket but degrees, like many things, are earned. Understanding computers, whether it be in college or outside, takes time and practice. Degrees, take time and practice." he looks away now and snorts, "Like other things."

"Oh? Other things?" Abitha begins, years of internet existence pulling out the passive aggressive part of his statement and bringing it to the foreground, "Like what? You got something to say?" If the baristas wanted to say stuff to James about him creeping out customers, Abitha might be the next target for her open hostility. She stands there, coffee in one hand, planting the other fist on a hip, the image of antagonism.

Stefhan completely turns away from the computer to look at the grump of a woman and says, "Yes, as a matter of fact I do. I was in the wrong when you first came in. I didn't think I was, but apparently I was. That has, been corrected. As far as your comment about my mother just simply buying a degree for me, that insults her. Therefore, that insults me. If a parent is going to simply buy a degree for a child, and that's it, there's clearly ethical issues that arise as of such, and trust me, my mother is a good woman. Whether she had 50 millions dollars or five cents, the money doesn't matter." He doesn't sound all too polite anymore as he says with firm authority, "My mother IS a good woman. If you think otherwise, well, there's no need to continue the conversation."

The careful way he seems to defend his mother without actually saying anything against Abitha is literally just too much for her. She snorts once, coughs, then her hand lifts up, placing a fist against her pursed lips. Nope, still not enough. She erupts into near-maniacal laughter, getting her eyes from near everyone at this point.

Stefhan simply doesn't know how to take that response. A lot of things go through his head like, drugs, or, not getting out enough, or, she's coughing, maybe the woman is sick? It's finally a bit too much for him though and he eventually just comments, "Interesting town." And yup, goes back to looking at the computer, that might be the safest thing for everyone involved.

Still cackling like a crazy woman for a long while, Abitha finally lifts a hand and swipes at a tear in the corner of her eye, little noises of trailed off amusement slipping from her as she makes her way out of the shop. Clearly, they had been done talking, and that was a hell of a way to end it. Mood brightened by laughter, she pushes out into the chilly air, angled on for home.

Stefhan is tempted to say things, he's tempted to say a LOT of things. But, for now, he's clearly not impressed by the woman. It was likely the mother comment. Maybe she didn't mean all that much harm or maybe she really is just having a bad time? He doesn't seem to wave good to her, assuming she is leaving, and he doesn't say anything. Though he is having quiet thoughts regarding drugs and how younger women should be careful using them. Boy, he doesn't verbalize that though. That's a rabbit hole he doesn't want to go down.

A coffee sounds like a good idea on a cold day as this. Which has Ryan finding himself stepping into the coffee place. Moving to order himself something to drink before he does look around some. Spotting Abitha, who will get a nod of his head along with a small salute and a smile. Not really knowing Stefhan, but if the man look his way he will nod to him as well. Turning back to get his order.

The nod was seen on Abitha's exit, and, still snickering like a loon, gives Ryan a brief wave before covering her mouth to keep the giggles in and heading down the street.

Stefhan nods a moment when Ryan comes in. He shakes his head, not quite knowing what to make of this woman. Though, he goes out on a limb and asks the man who just arrived, "Do you know anything about her?" She seems really strange to him, and that's putting it mildly.

Ryan blinks as Abitha runs off snickering. Turning to order and once he has will move towards a table. Hearing Stefhan's question. "Only a little. How so?" Moving towards the other's table. A sip taken from his coffee.

Stefhan makes sure that she's out of earshot, or at least what he perceives as being out of earshot. The new 'out of townie' isn't looking for trouble but he does say, "She is rather, abrupt I'm afraid. Quite abrupt. I don't find many things fun when it comes to insulting my mother."

Ryan raises a brow, "No clue about all that." Shrugging. "Though she hasn't been all too odd as far as I know. Though I suppose she fit into the world she lives in." Not really explaining much on that. "I'm Ryan." The irish accent does come through some. Any tech person might know some about Ryan, but a small town like this has been nice for keeping low profile.

Stefhan watches her leave and just shakes his head. Finally, he hears a nice and pleasant introduction and he smiles, "Stefhan." he greets, "It's nice to meet you." The Irish accent is a bit, unique. Somethings go through his mind as well, especially how quite a few Irish stay up to date with technology. "Your name might sound a bit familiar, I'm not sure. I'm still getting things setup here myself. Fancy a cup of coffee?" Yeah, he's American and yeah, he can speak wierd at times.

"Ryan Carrick." He adds with a nod, about seeming familiar. Leaving it at that. "I can join you." He says as he sits down, studying the other some. "Working on something." Crossing his legs.

Stefhan moves his laptop case to the side to make sure there is space. "Oh of course." he politely notes, "Some of the customers, coming in and out, I think they are of the unique sort. I am working on a few things. I hope to get the building setup for my business. It's a process but I assume this town can give good opportunities."

Ryan nods slowly. "I will most likely set up some things as well. What business are you working on?" He asks. Another sip and curious about the guy. Still not even having gotten a name after all. Sipping on his coffee a few more times as he watches the set up.

Stefhan smiles a little more as he things about his new venture, "A business called The Hub." he says, "Computer repair, networking, internet service and whatever that potential clients would like. I'm still in the organization stage." as the chit chat continues he asks, "What, do you do?"

Ryan ahs and nods. "I'd come by if I need it." He says. "I also do tech stuff." Not really one to boast. "Currently looking to expand. A lot of hardware, software. AI stuff. So on." He kind of explains.

Stefhan inquires, "AI? That being artificial intelligence?" a casual question, "If so, then you must be into psychology on some levels."

Ryan nods, "Indeed. And some. I have mainly focused on how it should work." A shrug. Leaning back some on his seat. "So, what brought you to town?" Since it did sound like he wasn't a townie.

Stefhan briefly explains, "I figured the smaller town would be a good thing for me, for one. For another, I think it would be good to open a new business. I have the capital, just need to prove to myself I have the means. Should be a rather simple business venture really."

"Good luck to you." Ryan offers. Finishing his coffee. Moving to get another. Seems he changes it up to, as he has gotten tea and a cookie. Returning to sit again. "Apologies if I am taking up time. I will be out of here soon." He assures him.

Stefhan tells him, "Well, I thank you for that, I truly do. But, public place, I certainly don't own it, and I'm just here perusing somethings. Definitely no harm done."

Ryan nods, "Well, yes. But even in public there is personal space." He suggests and shrugs. Tasting the cooke before sipping the tea. Taking out his phone to check on something as well.

Stefhan replies, "True that." A response seeming to be sincere there. But, his own cup of coffee might have grown cold at this point. Either way, he takes a good sip from it, finishing the cup off before looking back to his laptop.

Ryan does study the laptop some though he does let Stefhan work for now. Finishing his tea and cookie. "If you need any help, feel free to ask." Rising to his feet, ready to head out perhaps.

Stefhan politely responds, "Thank you, I do appreciate your kind words. I might take you up on that as well. Be safe though." he chuckles a little as he remarks, "There are crazy women out there."

Ryan chuckles and nods. "True. Though I am sure it will be fine." Bowing and heading out.

Bean has just entered into the hanger with the coffee shop and she smiles a little to herself as she looks around her eyes move from one end of the roo, to the other, but she forgot to really move from the door. She would maybe get run into by a newly entering persons, or not if they were athletic enough to avoid her.

"I can't believe this," Liam is mutterly direcly at his phone as he pushes open the door of the coffee shop and walks in, "How the hell is he getting better numbers than-- " Not really paying attention where he's going, he promptly walks into Bean, blinking up and dropping a quick step back, "Oh shit I'm sorry!"

Pile up at the door way, Devlin, appearing to be caught off guard, by all rights should have run into Bean and Liam to compound the situation. Instead, he manages to make a smooth series of steps that take him around a circle that barely avoids the potential entanglement and spill about to happen. "Sorry.. excuse me.." His last step a step back to an open spot between two chairs and a table. One hand moving quickly to try to help someone if they are falling.

Stefhan has been sitting at a table by himself for quite some time. With a bit of a frown, he fixates on his computer screen looking here and there at various facts and figures and then he sits back with a frown. Apparently, someone is thinking too hard but something that doesn't involve much thought is coffee. Yup, an empty cup in front of him. That won't do." He stands up and goes to get another brew. In the process he sees Bean and waves toward her. That's likely one of the few familiar faces here, being a newbie sucks at times.

<FS3> Bean rolls Reflexes: Good Success (8 8 7 4 2) (Rolled by: Bean)

Bean needs to learn not to stand in the doorway! she is collided with and she stumbles back, her hand goes out to grab Devlins own and she pulls herself out from being trampled on, "oh oh I am sorry!" she says to the man that hit her, whilest in the same breath, she looks up and smiles to Devlin.. "well, hi there." she blushes shyly

"No, it's my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going," Liam admits wryly, shoving the phone into a pocket and stepping out of the way with an apologetic look back to Devlin as well, moving to skirt out of the way of the whole traffic accident in the middle of the doorway, "Sorry, everyone."

Those that recognize martial arts can see that Devlin, as his arm supports Bean from falling over, is now in a low back stance. His eyes are almost on line with Bean's eyes. "It's ok, these things happen." Rising only once Bean stands up, he adds, "We may want to clear the door way before the next customer comes in."

Stefhan mutters a bit as he sees the commotion, "I guess it's a good thing I was already seated." He then mutters something about women being off balance lately. Maybe, someone has been having one of those days? Hard to tell but he gets a cup of coffee and heads back to his laptop.

Bean laughs softly as she is caught and brought back to her feet, her eyes hold Devlins a moment, deep blue orbs kindly reflect back to him before she breaks the gaze and she looks back to the room at large ... "I.. have trouble moving through a threshold.. i just want to take it all in." she says quietly as she is moved and then she moves along side him as she looks around, spying Stefhan then she looks to Devlin, "Devlin this is Stefhan, vice versa" she makes an introduction at least.

Liam breathes out a chuckle. "I know that feeling," he admits, moving over to find a seat at the counter, head tilting back to consider the options on the menu now that he's not nearly causing an accident in the doorway.

Before he greets the one he was introduced to, Devlin asks Liam, "You ok there?" As he asks he removes his hat folding it without bending the bill and slips it into a pocket. He turns his head enough to see Stefhan, "Hi, as the lady says, I'm Devlin." Then to know one particular he comments, "If they are putting in an obstacle course at the door, I am going to find some where else for coffee." his tone though joking

Stefhan nods politely in Devlin's direction, "Seems as if our crimson lady has taken a liking to you Mr. Devlin." his voice trying to be lighthearted about it. "But, nice to meet you. Also, this place seems to offer the best coffee in town. Though some of the people coming and going, they appear a bit interesting I'm afraid." Adding to Bean's situation he says, "No harm done, all seems well."

Bean pouts a little as Devlin says he will look for somewhere else and quietly blushes at Stefhans words. Sometimes its best just to be quiet, so she picks up a menu and pretends to look pointedly at it for a moment. Until Liam is spoken to and those kind eyes move his eay just to be sure he was indeed alright...

"Oh, I'm fine," Liam replies easily, waving off Devlin's concern, "Just walking into people like an idiot." A wry smile, "Although American Ninja Coffee could be pretty popular-- Liam, good to meet you."

Devlin shrugs as he moves to join the line to place an order. "Sadly I fear that would sell just due to the name.. not because of good flavor." He smirks a little towards Bean, "Lady Red.. huh? Sounds rather appropriate. I'm taking a break from studying.. well, never got started really after Drill."

Bean sticks her tongue out at Devlin then, "Bean." she says before she looks over to Liam "just got into town recently." she says quietly before she looks back to her menu - for real this time, and begins the process of deciding what she wants.

"Same," Liam admits easily, "Just a couple months now..." A glance back to the menu, lips pursing in a thoughtful line.

"We all start out as new comers to a place." Devlin chuckles, "Moved seven times before I graduated High School, life of the Army Brat." He then orders a black coffee with a bagel and cream cheese. "What brings you out to Gray Harbor?"

Blocking the view, a barrel-chested shadow passes on by outside, followed by a light line of white smoke from cherry-red embers dangling from a square jaw. Pausing at the hanger doors, the figure takes another puff before putting the cigarette down on the panelling of the door, balancing it while holding his breath, then turning his head to blow out. Even though he need not, Everett ducks under the doorway like a force of habit when stepping through and takes his large paws out of his biker's leather jacket's pockets while there's a cursory glance to the room. He reaches behind him with his right hand, after, and turns his gaze towards the menu, by the time he gets to the counter, having pulled his wallet on a chain from his back pocket.

Bean looks up as there wa something that cought her attention. She looks to the door and her eyes pass over Wvrett before she catches herself trembling slightly, her eyes move over Liam.. to hear his answer, as she orders a Chai tea with a gingerbread cookie

"Oh, moved here just after Halloween," Liam admits with an easy shrug of one shoulder, his head canting up to the waitstaff then as he's given a look-- flashing them a winning smile and suggesting, "Medium coffee, light sugar, light milk." His head swings back to regard Devlin and Bean, one hand coming up in a casual motion, "Just following some friends who moved up this way, is all, you know how it goes. Sometimes one place is as good as any other." The broad form of the biker's noted as he comes in, and he gives his chin an affable up-nod towards the man in acknowledgement.

Stefhan seems to have been fixated on whatever his laptop tells him. Click click and click some more it seems. Then, his table goes silent as he uses the touch screen. He's definitely been lost in his own technological world for a moment. Hopefully by now his coffee hasn't gotten cold but, if it has, he doesn't seem to mind. For now maybe what's gone on isn't much of his business? Likely he's a little too absorbed into the computer.

A nod from Devlin as he gets his coffee and bagel. He then moves over to one of the larger table to take a seat. "A lot nicer up here than LA. Nicer than FayetteNam." He takes a sip of his coffee, "Man.. they sure know where to get the good coffee beans and brew them right... heaven in a cup." He takes another sip

Bean nods her head to Devlin "pretty good Chai as well." she says as she sips upon it. She watches the larger biker for a moment before she turns her eyes lightly around the room. She looks over to Stefhan "what brought you here, dont think I got to ask you last time we chatted." she says in a soft kind tone.

The acknowledgement isn't returned. Everett's apathetic glare washing off the other man like he isn't even there. Pulling a ten from his wallet, he leaves it on the counter then pushes it forward towards the barista and when he speaks it's with a gravelly, deep voice, "Large coffee. JUST," he emphasises, giving the person a long piercing glare, "coffee. Nothin' fancy. To go."

Then he releases the cash and lets the people do their job, closing his wallet and returning it back to his back pocket. Looking around, Everett's brows frown when he can't find what he's looking for, so his search widens until he finds it on the tables: the buckets with stirrers and sweeteners. There are empty tables, of course there are, but when he sees Bean, Everett already knows to whose table he will get his supplies from.

"Quieter, at least," admits Liam as his hand drops back down to the counter-top, "Got that small town 'everyone knows each other' air too..." A chuckle, "Seems like everyone does know each other, too, more or less. After college, been kind of a weird feeling being the one stranger around most've the time..." Ignored by the larger man, he doesn't seem terribly put out by that - he just focuses on the man he's talking with.

Devlin looks towards Everett as he takes a sip of his coffee and gives the man a nod. He then replies to Bean, "It's pretty good.. their green tea is my preference." He then takes a bite of the bagel as his eyes take another look through the room.

Stefhan rubs the top of his nose as it to refocus for a bit. Then he just sits back, peering at his cold coffee cup and not really saying much. Out of curiousity he looks around to see if anyone else of note might have arrived. Briefly his eyes fall upon the large guy and he mutters, "Note to self, do not piss him off." Good note most likely but then he goes back to typing like a good computer nerd would.

Bean sips on her chai dipping her cookie into her cup almost careful as one might with surgery, steady with just a slight tremble of her fingers.. into the liquid, her head is bowed but she partakes in conversations as she can.

While his order is easier, Everett still has to wait. Someone ordered before him. His right hand flexes, curling into a sledgehammer and clenching hard enough for knuckles to turn white before a few of them surrender and pop. His eyes roll while he unclenched his fist and turns his gaze to his second nod of acknowledgement. Only to give a similarly dismissive non-reply. Rather, he looks back to Bean's table, then the staff, watching them do their work. Army green eyes narrowing, his open fingers dragging through his long, black hair to send a cascade of strands over his shoulders.

A mug of coffee - prepared as requested - is set down in front of Liam and he reaches out to draw it over, blowing steam from the lid briefly to try and tune it to a more comfortable temperature for the purposes of drinking. His other hand slides into a pocket of his sweatshirt, pulling his phone back out and sweeping a thumb over its surface to activate it. The code tapped in, he goes back to frowning at the screen in whatever thoughts were distracting him when he first entered the coffee shop.

Bean has not, will not let her attention linger in one place or another. She keeps it on all within the room each person gets a glance, occasionally before she absently reaches up and takes off her nametag... why? Maybe she felt the eyes of the large biker man looking at her table, and she just now thought to put it away.

Stefhan sighs a moment as yeah, his coffee has gotten cold. Well that might be something to fix. He leaves the laptop, hopefully not too far away, and goes to get another cup. Who else has come in? Kass but, he doesn't quite know her, in fact, most people who come and go aren't all that familiar. He does get his cup of joe though and saunters back to the computer. Maybe caffeine will help him focus or wire him up so much he can't think straight.

Devlin continues to sip his coffee, he pulls out his phone and taps at it for a moment before smiling. A tone is heard and he grins. The phone then is set back in his pocket. His head turns a bit as the door opens, his expression goes from hopeful to curiosity seeing Kass. For now, nothing for him to add as he continues to work on the bagel and sip coffee.

Watching the employee's hustle to get the orders out, which usually happens when he starts bothering the customers, the gorilla at the counter turns his head back when the other guy at the counter gets his. Everett's large cup isn't that far behind and just like, he telegraphed carries the to-go container over to Bean's table, passing by others to do so. Putting his coffee cup down, he pops open the lid and sets it down next to the cup and then reaches into the bucket, slowly, to not scare the woman at her table. First, he plucks a stir stick, and drops it in his open coffee, then extracting two yellow packets; the thug starts to shake them while turning his green eyes on Bean. And shake. And more shake.

Bean eyes turn from people watching to fixated on one solid point, her expression is not quite clear, frightened, intimidated, scared... and maybe fascinated. Her blue eyes brave looking up...up...up at the big brute as he shakes her table with his sugar adding, and then... she takes his cup. Wait... WHAT? yes... she took it off the table and brought it to her own lips to sip.. her hands lightly trembling as she dose so. "Thanks for the coffee." she says trying /trying/ to sound moxy

Kass doesn't just enter the shop. She does a little dance with the door first. Pulling it open, holding the door as she stares between the reflection in the window and the open view through the doorway. Once she's ascertained whatever she's looking for, she shifts quickly through the door and draws it closed behind her, pausing and holding perfectly still while retaining a deathgrip on the door handle as she glances all around, looking for something. When nothing happens, she finally releases the door with a breath and heads towards the counter, head down, shoulders up, moving along at a quick pace. She puts in a quick order, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot before paying the barista and hustling away fromt he counter as quickly as she can. Or aleast farther down by the machines so she can put her back to them. Her eyes dart from person to person, offering a flickered smile and small wave towards Everett before looking between the others.

Stefhan is just one of those people who remains quiet and sips at the coffee. Now and then he looks at various files and goes, "Damn reports" and that's probably the only thing he says. Now and then he glances up just to be curious, that's when he spots the interaction between Bean and Everette. "Interesting." He comments then goes back to his work.

Liam's head turns from the scrolling marquee of his phone's screen when the door doesn't just open in the casual manner that most people are accustomed to, a single brow lifting until the red-head finally comes inside. As she steps over to the counter, he brings his chin up in a friendly nod and offers, "Hey, Kass--" Then she's hustling away from the counter, and he brings one shoulder up in a shrug, "And-- bye?"

Ok, the interaction between Bean and Everett gets a bit of an eyebrow raise from Devlin. As nothing has happened yet, Devlin remains seated just calmly enjoying his coffee and bagel. For the time being.. that is. Then the activity that is Kass catches his curiosity even more as she does her door dance. One can imagine that may be his shoulders shrugged somewhere in that moment. good luck catching it. He then returns his attention to Bean, "How are your studies going?"

About a minute after Kass' graceful, inspired dance with the door, it is just pushed open fully as Yule comes through, letting the thing close on it's own accord as he heads through and towards the counter. His brown eyes scan all along the way, catching sight of Devlin first, "Hey. Devlin. Good to see you again. Ride alongs going well?" And, of course, it is impossible not to see Everett, the large man just getting a sharp, crisp nod from the M.E. as he steps up to the counter. His order placed, to go, a few bills are put down. Liam, Bean and Stefhan are each studied for half a heartbeat, the new faces filed away before his focus finally falls upon Kass. "Hey. Friend of Sparrow's, yeah? Hope the section of the wall I gave you served you well."

And shake. And definitely more shakes than necessary to get the artificial, no carb, sweetener down to the bottom of the packets. Lower both hands and gaze, thick sausage fingers tear open the packets before he spills the white powder in his coffee. Empty, the packets are delivered to Bean, left on her side of the table, either the plate her gingerbread cookie arrived on, or nearby, when the scraps fluttered the short distance.

Those are hers now.
Without looking away, Everett takes the stir stick and gives his drink a stirring. Slow, exaggerated stirring. So slow, so exaggerated, that he's caught stunned when Bean grabs his large coffee from the table and claims it as hers. And the bruiser does what bruisers do.

"Uh!" The high-pitched squeal comes from his open mouth, the look of bewilderment still on it. This is not supposed to happen. He lifts his head, his gaze to look for someone to show him the script, and settles on Kass. "Did you see what she did?" he asks. The initial shock has worn off, and he chuckles softly, "That's not supposed to happen. Hey, babe."

Ok, some things just disrupt one's calm no matter how good your training and practice... Devlin just starts to chuckle after Everett states That's not supposed to happen. And to answer the question, all he can do is head bob even though the question was not directed at him. And that is followed by a golf clap for Bean.

Kass lifts her head and offers a brief smile towards Liam, "Oh! Hey. Sorry. I'm.. I don't like having my back exposed..." She shrugs lightly and flashes an apologetic smile before ducking her head once more and gripping the strap on her messenger bag more tightly. There might be a bit of a blush on her cheeks. The attention drawn by her doorway dance just has her lifting a hand to try and 'play it cool' with her hand sifting through her hair. Her fingers get caught in a tangle and she ends up hissing and tugging her hand free before glaring accusingly at the snarl in her hair. At which point she nearly jumps out of her skin when Yule greets her. Her feet may even leave the floor and a 'meep!' noise might, just might, squeak out. Her flush deepens and she nods to Yule, "Uh, yeah. Kinda. We've met a few times. Shared an.. experience. I really like her, she's a good sort. You, uh.. you live at the trailer park. I've seen you around. And your.. brother? cousin? He showed up at a bar the other night." She shrugs jerkily, rambling now that she's been caught off-guard. Everett draws her attention next, a bewildered look on her face, "buh?" Because she's super intelligent.

Liam breathes out a low chuckle, raising his coffee in a bit of a salute. "S'alright, I understand-- " Then she's being greeted and talked to by, it seems, everyone. As he mentioned earlier to Devlin, everyone seems to know everyone in this town! He doesn't further chatter to distract her since she seems fairly off-balance and anxious as it is, expression turning sympathetic as he takes a sip of the drink, nodding to himself. Cool enough to enjoy now.

Bean holds the cup as hostage, she smiles at the high pitched squeal, "oh my it sounds like a piggy at the market." she shakes a little but seems to relax now she has a little bit of a go ahead for her antics. She sips his sugary almost slurpee constancy of coffee before she offers it back up to him "please dont shake my table, it is not kind..." she says as she pushes the empty sugar packs to him "and take care of your own garbage, I am not your mother, and you......" a pause "are not a child." Oh oh the little Vet has a backbone it would seem! She draws a little breath to see.... if the brute will obey her requests before she adds "mm Please?"

Stefhan frowns a little as he stares more and more at the laptop. It might look almost a bit obsessive, and that a certain point he takes a final sip from his cup of coffee and begins to pack up the computer. "Alls well that ends well for now." he mutters and leaving a sizable tip on the table, he slowly begins to rise.

"You are going to have to be more specific then that," Yule offers to Kass at her words of his relative. "Two brothers. Three sisters. If it was a whirlwind of energy? Ellis. If he was carrying a bat? Winter." The man explains with a note of amusement, head dipping into a faint nod. "Didn't you end up winning... what was it. The band gig? Thought I saw your name, though maybe I'm not recalling correctly." It's a lounge against the counter as he settles into place to wait for his order, attention shifting to watch the antics between Bean and Everett with a clear note of amusement in his expression.

Yeah.. shit eating grin, One Each, is plastered on Devlin's face due to the sheer balsiness of that move on Bean's part. This is just great for him. He finally remembers Yule addressed him, "Hey there Doc. Doing ok so far, passing the exams. But now they want to do a psych eval on me.. yeah.. nothing wrong with a man that trains to jump out of perfectly good aircraft while in flight in the middle of the night with the expectation of combat shortly after landing. Plus add to it, a man that tends wounded while being shot at casually lifts his patient's M16 to return fire then go back to treating the wounds." The sarcasm coming off Devlin could be sliced with a butter knife and sold at the butcher shop. "Yeah.. no problem at all.." frustration tinging the last bit.

Talk of the wall, the way Kass is acting. He may give the appearance of being a big, dumb animal, but in some situations, he can sometimes put them together. Especially when his hypothesis is confirmed seconds later.

Look at the balls on Brad. Everett lifts a brow at Bean, his momentary surprise passed; he points his stir stick at her. Says nothing, and drops the stir stick on her table for the chair across from Bean, Everett drags it across the floor on its two rear legs towards Kass, tinging other chairs (and tables) both occupied and not unapologetically, to bring Kass something to sit on. "Here," his deep voice softens, and takes up a standing position beside her.

Stefhan figures that work has been work and, now might actually be the time for leisure. Either that or too much coffee may simply be too much. Everything packed officially, he offers a brief 'bye bye' wave to Bean and tells Devlin on the way out, "Nice to meet you."

Bean sighs as the chair is being dragged away, and she looks to the trash, and the coffee slurpee shes been left with.. A sigh escapes her lips as she shakes her head, and she slowly looks back to Devlin shaking her head, and offering a wave to Stefhan

Devlin nods to Stefhan, "Take care. Good to meet you." He still has a bit of that annoyed frustration in his expression that he is reigning in as he shrugs to Bean looking at the trash. He takes several deep full breaths, "Life.. " Hard to tell if that is a curse, comment, or something else he uttered out loud.

LOoking around again, Kass ends up staring at the floor. Yule's question has her lifting her gaze briefly as she nods, "Uhm. Ellis. The maybe janitor, maybe pizza delivery guy. I don't think he's either, but he wanted to keep the woman guessing." She clears her throat, blinking and looking up when Everett appears with a chair. Glancing at it, she smiles faintly, "Thanks. Um. I was.. just.. gonna get it to go but.. I can stay. Thanks." She settles into the chair and pulls her messenger bag into her lap. GLancing sidelong towards Liam she offers, "Hey. You're, uh.. new. In town. Right? Just got here a bit ago? What sort of things are you into?" Because if she has be the uncomfortable center of attention, so to does he!

"Can't let it get to you, but you already know that," Comes Yule's initial response to Devlin as his drink is slid across and over to him, fingers wrapping about it to pull it closer to himself. "Sounds like you know how to handle pressure and deal with difficult situations, which is what they look for. It's less about being normal," As if anything around here is exactly normal, "and more about if you'll be able to do the job well, yeah?" One corner of his mouth tucks up into a small smile towards the EMT hopeful, before his eyes shift back over towards Kass as Everett takes up that position next to her. "And yeah. You remember right. My sister, Nat? Runs the trailer park. Sure you are familiar with her. And yeah... that's Ellis for you." A soft snort of amusement comes from him, his own cup grabbed and brought in close, clearly not planning to stay long. "And yeah. I'm at the trailer park as well. Lot 20, just so you know what windows to go peeking in to admire." A lift of his cup comes in an offering of salute towards her, before he starts to step back through the room and the general direction of the door.

The phone's finally slipped away into his jacket, and Liam looks back over to Kass-- a moment's uncertain hesitation there, one brow lifting a little upwards. "Yeah, we met awhile back at the dispensary, remember...?" Maybe she doesn't. It was a memorable meeting for him it seems, but that doesn't mean it was memorable for her. This town seems to have a lot of... memorable... moments in it, after all. The intimidating shadow of the biker standing next to her is noticed with a glance up, and then he flashes a wry smile back over to Kass, "Doesn't matter, I guess. Yeah, only been in town since a bit before turkey day."

One of his big paws slides to the back of the chair after Kass' settled into it, his other falling to his side. With a grave nod, the roughneck leans down ever so slightly, perhaps an inch of two, to murmur, "I was going to get mine to go too," then standing again, he casts an unamused glance Bean-ward, "but now it has some girl's cooties all over it."

When he turns his attention back down to Kass, the right corner of his mouth smiles ever so slightly. "We don't have to stay," he tells the red-head,"but I would like to talk with you. I think you know why." He notices, too, the center of attention, his smirk widening. "But it can wait until your highness has finished with addressing your court." Yule's given a head nod upwards, "No hoodie?"

Bean looks to Yule then she smiles before that smile moves back onto Devlin, she stands and streaches, looking over the garbage on her table. She wrinkles her nose... with a sigh and the small woman moves closer to Devlin a moment, sharing a whisper with him she turns... grabs up all the garbage, she looks to the large brute a moment ... then the garbage.... then the large person and she huffs a bit bringing all of the garbage over to his table and setting it upon the flat surface... "Clean...." she trembles now, because she is scared of him, "up....." she says in bits as she flushes red with anger. "your. OWN MESS!" demands the redhaired spitfire before she runs..... /runs/ to the door.

A nod from Devlin is the first response to Yule. He finishes off his coffee. "Yeah... just.." and he cuts himself off there realizing perhaps he just has to accept a certain lack of control in this situation. "Big pain in the ass, Doc." He look at Bean as she whispers with a slightly surprised look in his expression as she dashes off. He looks to the big man that Bean tells off about cleaning. "Spitfire.." He smiles a bit to himself. "I really should be going home soon.. I have a feeling I should meditate for at least an hour.. may be more." He slowly stands up and walks over to dispose of his trash.

"I'm wearing boxers someone gifted me," Comes Yule's response to Everett's question, for the well dressed man? Would surely rather be caught dead than in a hoodie, especially one that'd have been six inches too short for him. He's at the door, and with a tug he opens it up, all to let Bean run unobstructed right through it on her way out. "Yeah. I like going for runs as well." He offers up with a snort of amusement, watching her for a second before he moves to head out, calling out over his shoulder, "You'll get it, Devlin, long as you don't let them rattle you."

"Yeah, she's renting me my trailer.. nice lady, I like her." Kass offers to Yule with a brief brightening of her expression. Apparently its a good memory. Mention of Ellis has her shrugging and murmuring, "He's strange." Pot, meet kettle! Then she's looking up again, blinking at his offer. "Ummmmmmmm... I'm.. lot 43. Thought please don't peek in my windows. Knocking on the door is great. If you. I dunno. Want to talk art. Or weird things. I'm good with either subject. Or if you just want to get high and stare at the ceiling. Or stars. Those work too. Just don't mess with my radio." She pauses, then adds, "Please." And since Yule is on his way out, she refocuses on Liam and gives a nod, "I remember. We smoked a bowl, talked a bit. There was that weird guy on the corner. We all live in the trailer park." Its like she writes for Cliff's Notes or something! "Its, uh.. easy to remember things these days. So." Everett, oddly, doesn't seem to frighten her, despite his stature. She smiles at him, gives a nod, "Sure. We can talk. Here, outside, hwerever. I do owe you, after all." That makes her blinka nd look over to Yule, calling out, "I did win the gig! Jaime said he'd let me know next time they practice!" Because apparently those are people she knows, so they're okay. Then she's staring at Bean and blinking. And blinking again. "You're very rude."

"Yeah." Liam braces a hand on the counter as leverage as he pushes himself up to his feet, grabbing his cup of coffee as an after-thought as he moves to depart it. The biker gets a smirk and a single brow's lift as he looks up at the large man, noting simply, "I'm not part've anyone's court, buddy, but thanks for the consideration." Coffee brought up in casual salute, he heads for the door, "See you all around, maybe."

He doesn't chase.
He doesn't run.
What he will do, I'm sure to the enjoyment of the staff of the establishment and the other patrons, is stomp a large boot in the direction of Bean just as Everett barks. Not figuratively, roaring something at Bean to chase her out, but literally. "WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!", like she's being chased by a madman. And she very well may be. Especially because he's grinning broadly.

The large man nods once to Yule, a serious note, before he looks down at Kass, as though he just remembered he should ask her. "Good, don't want that to happen again. Also, I found out what arugula is." Devlin's not stopped, though Everett looks in that direction, definitely curious what she whispered. To Kass, Everett shrugs a shoulder, "Anywhere you're comfortable."

"Catch you later doc.. off to.. " Devlin pauses for a moment, "Find some calm.." He heads out the door.

"OH, um.. okay Liam. Have a good one?" she offers with a small smile towards Liam, lifting a hand. Her order up, Kass rises up to go get it, then turns back to Everett with a smile and a nod, "You can have some of my coffee if you want. But you have to share." Then she's lifting a wave towards Devlin as he heads out. Looking back to Everett, she murmurs, "Can you.. walk behind me? Like.. right behind? So nobody else does?" Because as she's already shown, leaving her back exposed leads to strange behaviors.

Considers Kass with amusement, "Am I good at sharing?" he asks her. "I suppose that depends on what you ordered." Her murmur draws the big guy to drop his smile if only for a moment as he nods his consent. "Actually," he says, dropping his volume down, "I was going to ask if that would help you at all." He steps around the chair, his gaze already down. You know. To make sure he doesn't step on her feet and absolutely nothing else. "How about hands on your shoulders so you know I'm there?" he asks, falling instep. He isn't unfamiliar with strange requests.

"Uhm.. black coffee? And.. a couple french toast donuts?" Kass looks at her cup and bag, then back to Everett with a small shrug. She shrugs lightly and offers a wry grin, "Told you I'm a weird one." SHe sips from the cup, then hands it up to him as she turns and puts her back to him. GLancing over her shoulder, she gives a small nod, "Sure. Just... don't let go until we're through the door. Doors are.. strange." Kass offers a small shrug and turns to face forward, moving carefully through the room and towards the door. Pausing only long enough to draw in a deep breath, she pushes the door open and waits until Everette is through before releasing her hold on it, just like when she entered. Then she's turning back to face him and offers, "Trade you a donut for some more coffee?"

"Donuts are yours," he says cordially. All the same, he offers his hands, "Would you like me to hold anything? I've been told I'm a good pack mule." Answering her wry grin with an assured one, Everett shakes his head softly, "No. I've known weirder. We all have our quirks," he says taking the cup from her and blowing through the lid before he takes a sip. But rather than the shoulder, with his free hand, he slips his hand through her hair and lightly grasps her neck, "That's me. So you know I'm right here. I haven't, but I should have mentioned, I really like your hair." With the back of his coffee cup holding hand, he holds the door just a little wider for his shoulders and ducking under it for a force of habit. Then he emits a soft curse. "Shit. Someone musta knocked it over." Leaning to the side his large boot steps and twists, putting out the cigarette on the ground. Passing forward the coffee over her shoulder, he shakes his head again, "Naw. Like I told you, we're all weird. I don't do carbs. Except on cheat day."


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