2019-12-21 - The Knees of Bees

Bennie texts Alexander to thank him for her gift.

IC Date: 2019-12-21

OOC Date: 2019-08-29

Location: Cellular Network

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3350


(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : Love my gift. You are the knees of bees, friend.

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : I am very tiny and segmented? Thank you. I'm glad you like.

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : And attached to amazing, special creatures the world could not survive without!

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : I had no idea you were such a bee fan. ::bee:: ::hive:: ::bee::

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : I'm certainly your fan!

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : You'll make me blush! How are things? Not stuck anywhere with this snow?

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : Promise I'm staying warm. As you can imagine with this weather, the station's really busy. Plenty of overtime to be had. Racking out there, for the mo'

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : You're smarter than me. Isabella got invited to go skating, and I'm going along. ::skate:: :: Brrr.

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : Make sure you actually skate instead of frowning from afar. Chicks dig that.

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : Of course I will actually skate. Don't get to do it often, but it's fun.

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : For SCIENCE!

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : For SCIENCE! I will collect data on how many times we fall over.

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : So long as you don't break anything other than your pride.

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : Don't worry, I'm wrapped in so many layers I'm surprised my joints bend. What about you? Lots of people slipping and sliding out there, I imagine.

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : I'm amazingly dexterous when in fear of bruising my tailbone. So! I have a plan.

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : Or at least the start of one.

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : Does it involve a sled?

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : Rosebud. But actually step one is getting my mind right. Which includes getting clean. Will you help me after the holidays?

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : Of course. Whatever you need.

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : Then we're gonna shut those bastards down once and for all.

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : Yes. I'm glad that's your preferred solution.

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : I always wanted to be a vigilante.

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : I should have gotten you a cape!

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : I'll tie a blanket around my neck. Budget vigilante.

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : Warmest and coziest vigilante.

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : Very multifunctional.

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : Indeed. We'll have to be careful, though. We'll talk about a more in-depth plan later. I will bore you at length.

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : I look forward to it. Enjoy your walking on tiny blades! XOXO

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : Enjoy your saving lives and trying to stay warm!


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