2019-12-22 - Beneath the surface

On the second day of Snowpocalypse 2019, people get the bright idea to go ice skating on Gray Pond. Something makes them regret this decision.

Content Warning: NPCs (some of them kids) die

IC Date: 2019-12-22

OOC Date: 2019-08-29

Location: Gray Pond

Related Scenes:   2019-12-22 - Remember

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3347


The second day of Snowpocalypse sees much less accumulation of snow, which means people can kinda get out and about! The pond MIGHT have thick enough ice to support skating... or this might just be one more year where someone breaks through the ice and drowns. Also, people are sledding and stuff.

Cole hasn't been skating since he left Massachusetts for Washington, and so on this, the day in which we test the pond's structural integrity, he has arrived with a pair of skates and a desire to take a spin across the ice. He sits on a fallen log in his jeans and sweater with a warm jacket. A dark red scarf is wrapped around his neck as he laces up one skate, and then the other.

Graham knows better than this. You don't live in this city your whole life and think 'o i know, i will go ice skating' and not at least have a moment where you also have to think 'like all those other ppl who are dead now,' but Graham has impulse control issues, so here he is! His skates have a seldom-used look to them, as does all the winter gear he's piled on. Right now, he's on a log not far from where Cole is parked, shoving his feet into those skates and looking across the pond at a couple of high school kids that SAY they're sounding the ice, but really they're just out there, daring it to crack beneath them.

It hasn't. "Yet," mumbles Graham around a smirk, leaning back on his log a little when one of them heads straight out to the center of the pond. "Guarantee you, paramedics're getting called." He might be talking to Cole. Or to himself.

"I'm actually surprised that it's frozen enough this fast at all. Usually takes cold weather for a lot longer for things to freeze up," Cole says to Graham, since he is nearby and commenting on the paramedics. "But then, everything that happens around here is pretty off, so I'm not /that/ surprised." With his skates secured, he grins over at him and says, "May as well give it a shot." And with that, he begins the awkward walking-through-snow-on-skates hobble down to the edge of the ice.

It probably hasn't been cold for long enough to freeze real deep but that's not what is on Lyric's mind. It's almost Christmas! Time for skating and sledding and snow and ice! There was a pair of skates though, she had a used pair she'd gotten from a thrift store a few winters ago. Dressed in jeans with a pair of leggings underneath them, a sweater, yes one of those Christmas ones that had tiny jingle bells all over it and announced her presence before she even arrived. Step jingle, step jingle, step jingle. Her coat is a parka and she has on earmuffs and a scarf and moon boots because hey, thrift store! "Hi Cole! Hi Graham!" She has a seat on the same log as Cole and starts changing too. "Only if we fall down and get hurt or something, the ice'll hold." She hopes. She's optimistic at least.

Graham makes some air-quotes while he repeats the term, "Usually," with a snicker at Cole, easing into a nod when he gets to the bit about things being pretty off. "Only live once, right?" He takes longer than necessary to lace up those skates, especially since - once they're all set - he stops to fish out a cigarette. Okay, so he might be having some second thoughts about this ice situation and is willing to let someone else take the literal fall first. "Hey, kid," he adds Lyric-wards, chin-tossing while he cups a hand around the cigarette to get the thing lit.

So, this is snow. Well, it's more than she got back home, and so Juniper is out wrapped up in layers, with a cheap plastic sled under one arm. Might as well make the most of it! She takes a look around the park, eyeing the skaters enviously, then looking for a slope to use.

<FS3> Cole rolls Alertness (4 4 4 4 2 1 1) vs No Big Deal, Don't Worry (a NPC)'s 2 (6 5 4 4)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for No Big Deal, Don't Worry. (Rolled by: Graham)

<FS3> Lyric rolls Alertness (7 6 5 5 4 2 2 1) vs No Big Deal, Don't Worry (a NPC)'s 2 (8 7 4 3)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Graham)

<FS3> Lyric rolls Alertness (8 6 6 4 4 2 1 1) vs No Big Deal, Don't Worry (a NPC)'s 2 (7 3 2 1)
<FS3> Victory for Lyric. (Rolled by: Graham)

<FS3> Juniper rolls Alertness (8 6 6 4 3 2) vs No Big Deal, Don't Worry (a NPC)'s 2 (6 2 2 1)
<FS3> Victory for Juniper. (Rolled by: Graham)

Cole grins as Lyric joins them and gets on her skates. He waits down by the edge of the ice for her and says, "Well, if we're going down -- we'll go down together, eh?" He holds out one hand to her to pull her out with him onto the ice, or to certain doom. Maybe both. But he notices nothing, nothing at all. Everything's totally fine.

Out on the ice... all is holding firm! The high school kids have decided it's safe, and are now working on setting up a hockey net and banging on the ice with hockey sticks. Cole may not be hearing it, Lyric and Juniper can hear the rhythmic thumping from UNDERNEATH THE ICE that answers those banging sticks - as if knock-knocking right back at them.

<FS3> Graham rolls Alertness (8 5 4 4 4 4 3 2) vs No Big Deal, Don't Worry (a NPC)'s 2 (6 6 2 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for No Big Deal, Don't Worry. (Rolled by: Graham)

Apparently, the boys just don't pay attention.

With her skates on, Lyric leaves her prized moonboots there at the log and teeters down with Cole, taking his hand when he offers it. "Oh good, how long can you tread water?" A giggle follows the question as they get down to the edge. For a moment, she just stands there, as if disbelieving what she is hearing. Then it registers what the sound is! "There's something under the ice and it's knocking. How?" Peering over at it, she looks at Cole, then back to Graham, the high school students and then to Juniper and back to Cole. She had been here enough to weird things she says, "There's something under there. Maybe the tadpole? The twin fishes? The musicians?" So many options, but she never thinks it's people!

About to head over to a slope she can try out, a small one anyway, Juniper pauses when she hears the thumping, and Lyric's comment. Pause. Glance over. Eyes Lyric, eyes Cole. Ponders a bit. "I.. have never heard any kind of fish knocking on ice," she offers thoughtfully. "But I figure if it was a person, we'd have seen them go under?"

"I promise if there's a door we need to float on, that I won't push you off into the water to drown," Cole promises Lyric with a grin. He pauses though, when she does, and turns around to look back behind him at the ice. "What's knocking?" He didn't hear it at first, so he has no idea what she's talking about. "I didn't hear anything." But then she starts listing off possibilities and he raises a brow, "Wait.. musicians under the water?" Because okay, tadpoles and twin fish aren't that far out of the question, though that'd have to be one /big/ tadpole to hear it knocking.

Graham happily blows out massive plumes of smoke that look even bigger 'cause it's cold, so he's just really proud of himself for a second at the volume he's outputting. He watches it blow away among the flurries of snowflakes, ignores the WASPy woman that cough-coughs pointedly at him, and starts hobbling toward the edge of the pond. "My money's on a shitton of corpses," he suggests to Lyric of whatever's under the ice. Of which he's now even warier, stopping at the edge of the pond to side-eye Juniper. "Could be the ice cracking?" He stomps quite hard on the edge of the ice at that point. It doesn't crack.

The ice doesn't crack at Graham's stomp, but it does give a knock back that's loud enough that even Graham and Cole can't miss it this time. The sound booms once, then knock-knock-knocks away, as if whatever is making that noise is scrabbling along the underside of the ice, heading out toward the middle of the pond. Everyone else - the WASPy mom, the kids trying to play hockey, the young couple at the opposite side of the pond with their toddler wobbling out onto the ice - is totally oblivious, just enjoying the cold, fresh air.

"Promise you'll never let go Cole." Lyric grins. She'd seen the movie! Though Graham and Juniper come over and she looks at both of them questioningly. "I would say should we follow the noise, but I have a feeling it's trying to lead us to a thin part. But what if it's a person?" She looks at Cole a little sheepishly. "I fell in the water once. There were musicians that pointed the way to Tree Octopi who helped me get out of the veil at the old sawmill. And that tadpole was huge! Man eating size."

"How would a person get down there?" is Juniper's ever-so reasonable question. "There are no holes in the ice, and we'd have seen someone go under, surely?" She's pretty confident nobody would go scuba diving in this itty bitty pond, but then again, this is Grey Harbor, and the folks are a bit odd.

Cole grins over at Lyric as she gets the reference, and then he steps out onto the ice, since it's easier to move on it than off of it in skates. He remains toward the edge though, listening to the sound of the tap tap tapping as whatever is under the ice seems to head toward the center. "I doubt it's a person. There isn't even a hole that anything could have fallen through that I can see." He nods at Juniper when she comes to the same conclusion. "Whatever it is, it's probably been under there and wants to get out which could be uh, a good or a bad thing depending on what exactly it is. The smart thing to do would be to probably get the hell out of here and watch from the safety of the bridge or something." And yet, that's not what he's doing at all. Instead, he's looking out over the surface of the pond toward the middle, to see if anything breaks through the ice.

"Unless someone went into the veil and came out there, it's possible." Lyric went into the veil here and came out somewhere else. Going with Cole, she looks down at the ice, then gets down to her knees and wipes frost away to try and look through. "Hello?" That's her attempt to make contact. She tries Morse code even, tapping it out on the ice. "Who are you?" she voices as she taps it out before looking back at Juniper. "I don't think it's a person really, but what do you think it is?" It's cold on her knees, but she doesn't get up quite yet.

There's a slight roll of one shoulder as Juniper is asked for her opinion on what it might be, hesitant to say even after Lyric has mentioned the veil. She gives the other woman a slightly bemused sidelong look, but doesn't move away from the pond just yet either. Her plastic sled is held in front of her, like a shield.

"I guess that's possible," Cole says when Lyric suggests that someone could have come out under the pond, and that's kind of an alarming thought. "It seems to be moving awfully fast and all around though." He really doesn't want to contemplate it possibly being a person stuck under there trying to get out. Even so, he skates around a little bit, to look and see if he can see anything beneath the ice, despite the fact that others not hearing it seems to indicate it's not something strictly normal.

"Hello?" Lyric asks that question, and a boom shivers across the surface of the pond, knocking from near the center until it reverberates outward, like a single thump striking the center and then rippling toward the edges. The normal people remain oblivious, but there's no way to deny the rumbling of the ice from below. The skittering, thumping, ice-spiking noise intensifies from beneath the skin over the pond, circling beneath where the hockey-kids are batting a puck back and forth between them.

While Cole is skating, he can't seen anything specific, but there's a shadowy shape flittering about in the middle of the pond right now, its size and shape indeterminate.

That boom is enough to get Graham to fall backward away from the edge of the pond, too unsteady on his skates to stay upright. He lands on his ass in a shallow drift of snow, scrabbling away from the edge of the iced-over water. "You guys're fucking nuts," he tells the shiny trio still pond-adjacent. Captain Courage, right here.

"Yikes!" Lyric hurriedly gets to her feet and glances around at the ice. "I really don't think we should be ice skating right now. What if whatever it is breaks through?" This time the question was to Cole since Juniper had said nothing. She notices no one else seems affected. "If we're the only ones that hear it, maybe if we're safe it won't bother the others?" Sort of heading back towards the edge, not wanting to get pulled under.

Startling backwards, Juniper holds up her plastic sled a little higher, eyeing the ice-covered water and the dark shape moving under the ice. "..I like that idea, maybe we move away and it'll stop?" she opines towards Lyric, beginning to back away slowly, though keeping an eye on the hockey-attempting kids too.

Okay, that boom was a little more than Cole was expecting, and it actually makes him windmill a bit, his arms going out to try and keep his balance. "Yeah, I.. yeah," he agrees with Lyric on the whole -- let's not be out on the ice right now, thing. He quickly returns to where they first ventured onto the ice and climbs off of it again, onto more solid ground. "There's definitely something out there in the middle under the ice, but I don't know what it is, or even how big it is. There's just a shadow." He starts to head back up to the log to get out of his skates and back into his boots. "I'm not sure us being the only ones who know it's there means that it can't affect anything else.."

<FS3> Graham rolls Bullshit: Success (6 3 2 1 1) (Rolled by: Portal)

"Sure, sounds like a safe bet. Let's just stay off the ice and..." Graham lets the dot-dot-dot speak for itself. He does manage to sound like he agrees with Lyric, but he keeps eyes darting between the hockey kids and the couple with their toddler. All oblivious.

With everyone shiny leaving the ice, the thing does - in fact - seem to grow more subdued. The thumping stops, only a quieter skitter where it seems to skulk out from beneath the kids.

But a crack forms, jolting forward toward where the toddler-girl is bouncing around, her parents taking pictures of her playing on the ice, eating snow.

<FS3> Juniper rolls Alertness (7 6 6 4 3 1) vs Crack In The Ice (a NPC)'s 2 (7 6 2 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Juniper. (Rolled by: Graham)

<FS3> Cole rolls Alertness (8 8 5 5 5 5 1) vs Crack In The Ice (a NPC)'s 2 (6 5 5 3)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Cole. (Rolled by: Graham)

<FS3> Lyric rolls Alertness (8 8 7 6 6 6 3 2) vs Crack In The Ice (a NPC)'s 2 (7 4 3 2)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Lyric. (Rolled by: Graham)

<FS3> Graham rolls Alertness (8 8 7 6 5 4 4 1) vs Crack In The Ice (a NPC)'s 2 (4 3 3 3)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Graham. (Rolled by: Graham)

Lyric has almost backed completely off the ice in agreement with Cole and Juniper both, and when Graham pipes in, she looks back at him. The knocking fades so she gives her attention back to the pond in time to see the crack forming and the kid and, oh God she's going to sound crazy if no one else sees it. Like the dude in Jaws! But she calls anyway. "STRANGER DANGER!" Sue her, it's the first thing she thinks of. "GET YOUR KID!"

When the crack opens up out on the ice, Cole watches as it begins to move toward the kid playing on the surface of the ice. Lyric's shout toward the parents pre-empts his own reaction, and so he doesn't add to it. Instead, he quickly pulls off his skates and pulls his boots back on, lacing them up as he watches the parents and the kid, watching to see if more or larger cracks emerge.

Lyric's voice once more rings out across the pond, and is once more met by a RESPONSE from within. She screams out the warning, and the parents look up, blinking across the ice that's cracking beneath their kid right this moment. All three of the hockey-playing teenagers leap toward the edge of the pond as far as they can reach, but one of them slips at the edge of the unbroken shelf of ice, dropping into the frigid water. His buddies fail to reach back to try to help him - every man for himself - leaving him dangling on cracking ice.

The dark thing beneath the ice never fully manifests as something visible, but they can feel it, a thing of gleeful malice, eager to do harm. And harm it does, since the little girl in her cute pink parka disappears into the icy water with a small, startled cry. Unlike the boy's friends, her parents immediately leap toward her, their screams made of unintelligible sounds of panic. Mom and Dad both break through the ice, thrashing their way beneath the surface, disappearing into the dark blue depths.

<FS3> Graham rolls Athletics (7 7 7 6 4 4 4 1) vs Edge Ice (a NPC)'s 10 (8 8 7 6 6 5 4 3 2 2 1 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Edge Ice. (Rolled by: Graham)

<FS3> Cole rolls Athletics (8 7 7 6 5 3 3 2 1) vs Edge Ice (a NPC)'s 10 (8 8 8 7 6 4 4 3 3 2 2 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Edge Ice. (Rolled by: Portal)

The noise of breaking ice hits his ears, and Graham sits up in time to watch that little pink parka splash into the broken ice, disappearing under the surface. "Holy shit!" he pronounces profoundly, scrabbling up to his knees. The ice is too ruined for his skates now, so he's more chopping his way along the edge, trying to reach where the little girl - annnnnd now her mom and dad - just went under-water. Ice breaks while he runs, and he gets to the edge on their side... then the ice crunches beneath him, and he's in it up to his knees immediately, slipping into deeper water with every effort to pull himself back up onto the unbroken ice. "Fuck fuck fuck."

<FS3> Lyric rolls Athletics (8 8 7 7 2 1) vs Edge Ice (a NPC)'s 10 (8 8 8 7 6 5 3 3 3 3 2 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Edge Ice. (Rolled by: Lyric)

Cole takes off after Graham, headed for the little girl and her parents who have gone under, leaving the kid who is still clinging to the ice for the moment. He sloshes through the breaking ice and ends up slipping into the water as well, splashing around and not managing to get ahold of anyone, just barely stopping from sliding beneath the surface himself. A stream of cussing and teeth chattering is about all that comes out of him as he struggles to remain upright and find the people beneath the water.

Lyric removes her skates and just runs in her socks, hopefully getting traction better as she runs around the edge. There was too much broken and cracked ice and the little girl would surely die within moments only! "No no no!" On the other side, when she gets there, she reaches in to try and help but slips in too, at least to her waist through the edge ice, but she catches hold of someone and hangs on. Which is unfortunate, because the hand that took hers is trying to pull her in to save himself! Or herself? The mom or dad? After her yelling the last time, the reaction was bad, so she doesn't this time. But she tries and tries to climb out.

The water is far colder than it should be, and the ice through which they break is thicker and sharper than any one-day-old ice has a right to be. It cuts and pokes and jabs at them, leaving bruises and scrapes, tearing up their clothes. Shocking, bitterly cold water gets in against their skin, sucking against them, trying to pull them into the center and drag them down beneath the surface. The thing that Lyric grabbed tightens once, briefly, then releases and she has just enough time to see that it wasn't a hand she grabbed at all, but a shadow that leaves a scaldingly red blister on her hand where it touched, the flaring crimson of bitter cold.

And then the boy in the middle, the teenager that no one made an effort to grab, loses his grip and slides down under the surface, splashing loudly for a second - and then there are no more splashes. A bubble of air bloops up to the dark blue surface of the water, and then stillness. Icy water continues to lap at those that broke through the surface, but the gripping ANGER of it is spent, and they can pull themselves out at the edges easily enough from here.

On the edge of the pond, the boy's friends are sobbing and one of them has a phone to his ear already - calling his mom? The police? Who knows with kids these days.

Having successfully flailed his way back to the edge of the water... Graham almost immediately wades back in up to his knees, throwing the end of his scarf toward Lyric. "Grab!" is the simple direction; the implication is that he'll help drag her back onto the shore. Probably with Cole's help, since he's throwing his other hand toward Cole at the same time. A human-chain, yay! (He hasn't processed that four people just drowned, gotta live in the now.)

Human chain! This is something Juniper can help with, the would-be-sledder having been frozen with indecision. Then she's heading to the dry end of the line, to help Graham with pulling people, and forming an anchor for him in case he wades back out there.

In the deep chill of the water, Cole struggles to catch his breath, shuddering as he tries in vain to find something, someone to grab onto and comes up empty. When Graham has the presence of mind to try and get out, and for them all to get out, he reluctantly nods and, shivering, grabs on to the others. "Thanks," he says to Graham and to Juniper when she comes over to help get them all up and out of the water. Once on shore, he reaches for his phone to dial 911, hoping that someone else thought to do that while others were wading in, but.. just in case. Still with adrenaline coursing through him, he shivers with a mixture of that and the cold.

Lyric reaches for the scarf, for the moment she's hurting so much she's kinda numb except that right arm of hers! Her left reaches for the scarf and she wraps her hand then wrist and forearm until she can be dragged out. Shivering cold, well beyond cold, in the frostbite range and once on shore, she rolls in a ball. "It burns." She's going for stoic, but she's just not quite managing it. "Th..thank you." Comes out on what sounds like a sob.

Zen according to a career criminal: "Don't think about it till you gotta." Graham says this with a grim smile at Lyric to answer for the fact that it burns, heaving on the scarf and letting Juniper and Cole help haul the whole mess of him-and-Lyric to the shore. There, puffing and teeth chattering, he looks across the now surprisingly still pond; were it not for the wrecked sheets and spikes of ice, it'd almost be hard to tell anything even happened here. There's no bubble in the middle of it, no bloody mess, just cold stillness with a flurry of softly falling snow landing on the surface, which already starts to sheet over with a new skin of ice. "You calling the cops?" he guesses at Cole, already bracing his hand into the snow where he's sitting to push to his feet on that.

Helping with all the hauling, Juniper looks around as if expecting to see towels or warm blankets on hand, but.. no, this is a pond, not a swimming pool or lido. "We've got to get you guys warm," she voices quietly. "Anywhere around here gonna have clothes and blankets or a fire or something?" She still doesn't know the area too well, it seems.

Lyric sits up and tries to shed the jeans at least since she's wearing leggings. Her socks remain on, "I am going to go get my boots on they are dry at least." Like Graham, she gets to her feet but she sure is babying her right arm. "Are you okay?" Asked of the others. She doesn't look at the pond, she knows there are some beneath, those they had tried to save. "Thewlis is going to have another little kid in there." That Lyric will forever be taking flowers to.

"Yeah," Cole says through chattering teeth to Graham, "Gotta call 911." Which he does, and he's quiet for a moment or two explaining that four people went under the ice, that they'd tried to get to them but couldn't reach them, and that they'd been under for however long they'd been under for. He gives all the information that he can, despite being blue and shivering. He doesn't say how many of them there were going in after the kid or anything, and eventually he hangs up. Then he looks back toward Lyric and Juniper. "Nowhere in the immediate area. It's just the park. We can warm up the car though, and there's blankets in the back."

Slightly less Zen according to a career criminal: "Fuck that, I'm out." Graham teeth-chatters his way through this assertion on the heels of Cole's confirmation about the cops, waving away Juniper's idea of blankets. "I mean, you guys do you, but - " He gets his feet mostly under him, stumbling a couple times on his way over toward where he left his own (blissfully dry) sneakers.

The two kids whose friend just DIED RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM are sobbing on hysterically. Otherwise, as mentioned, there's nothing to suggest four people just disappeared under that water. Already, the white sheen of newly-knit ice coats the surface of the water, thickening visibly while they stand there. SO TEMPTING for more people to skate their way on out there.

The snow means the responders will be a few minutes later than usual getting here. Sirens don't even sound in the distance yet.

People are safe - well, apart from the dead ones obviously - and Juniper is rethinking the notion of going skating or sledding. No, she's feeling a sudden urge to get somewhere warm, maybe with a bevvie or two in hand. So, mind made up, she heads off out of the park area to do just that, figuring folk can take care of their own cold and wet selves.

Lyric just wants her feet warm. She's shivering with chattery teeth and she makes her way back around and has a seat on the log. Soaking wet socks are removed and just left there on the ground and she pulls on blisfully dry boots. Her jeans are soaked, but she has them with her. She watches the others, Graham and Cole as Juniper leaves. "Go ahead, we'll leave your name out of it," she reassures him. Except the words aren't so fluid, there's all that stuttering and stuff. "I will give a statement."

"Thanks, kid." And Graham really means that, his smile coming shakily and still with chattering teeth, but it's a smile nonetheless. "Here." He peels some mittens out of the pocket of his coat; they're new, knitted pink-and-purple stripes and very femme, but he rips the little plastic tabby thing off them and passes them off to Lyric. "Not my color anyway." Then, shoving his feet in his shoes, he bundles up his skates and, shoulders hunched, head down, trudges off across the snow toward his car.


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