2019-12-29 - Text Resolutions

Bennie and Easton discuss important resolutions.

IC Date: 2019-12-29

OOC Date: 2019-09-04

Location: Cellular Network

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3430


(TXT to Easton) Bennie : Summary of day: I made snow angels. And met a Yule Cat. And hung out with Justin. And didn't get injured!

(TXT to Easton) Bennie : Also made up with Ruiz. And have added Ruiz+Itzhak to my girlie spank bank. Is that a thing? Bean bank. Flicking the...nope, can't even text that.

(TXT to Bennie) Easton : No idea what a Yule cat is.

(TXT to Bennie) Easton : I heard there was talk of my rock hard abs? And I'm not commenting on your mental fantasy Rolodex

(TXT to Easton) Bennie : You sort of just did.

(TXT to Easton) Bennie : And that's okay, I'm still not sure what a Yule Cat is, besides a big pretty Lynx that doesn't eat you if you have received the gift of clothing? All sort of vague, but I got to play with her babies!

(TXT to Bennie) Easton : Hurray for giant cats that don't eat you! And okay fine, I'm well aware of and approve your m4m shipping.

(TXT to Easton) Bennie : I meant by commenting on your abs. That's like. Half my rolodex. Do people even have rolodexes rolodexi anymore? see, autocorrect doesn't even have a spelling for it

(TXT to Bennie) Easton : My autocorrect really wants to capitalize Rolodex. But my autocorrect also thinks I'm typing ducking bell a lot.

(TXT to Easton) Bennie : It's like it doesn't even know you.

(TXT to Bennie) Easton : Or it's just a ditch

(TXT to Easton) Bennie : I see what you did there.

(TXT to Bennie) Easton : Do you do New Years resolutions?

(TXT to Easton) Bennie : I do anti-resolutions. Like. I vow to eat an entire cheesecake in one sitting. Or, I vow to spend an entire day with my feet up doing nothing. Apparently I vow.

(TXT to Easton) Bennie : You?

(TXT to Bennie) Easton : I like to drunkenly make grand schemes that I have no way of accomplishing. Invading Canada. Eating an entire Cheesecake Factory menu in one sitting

(TXT to Bennie) Easton : And can I get I on that cheesecake and lazy day action?

(TXT to Easton) Bennie : As long as we invade Canada afterwards to burn off the calories.

(TXT to Bennie) Easton : We will need at least ... 3 more people

(TXT to Bennie) Easton : For the cheesecake, we can handle Canada between the two of us

(TXT to Easton) Bennie : No one said it has to be a successful invasion.

(TXT to Bennie) Easton : If we can't take Canada how are we going to conquer Denmark?!?

(TXT to Easton) Bennie : This requires more cheesecake than I thought.

(TXT to Bennie) Easton : Ugh, now I need cheesecake. And you.

(TXT to Easton) Bennie : Not too long now!


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