2020-01-15 - No Escaping ATM

Beth brings Enzo gummies and he complains about his entire day which was pretty bad, okay?

IC Date: 2020-01-15

OOC Date: 2019-09-14

Location: Addington Memorial Hospital

Related Scenes:   2020-01-14 - Cartography Club   2020-01-16 - The Man Can't Keep Me Down

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3591


Enzo is definitely here, though it takes a little while to find him because the receptionist gets a bug up their ass about non-family for whatever reason. But eventually she'll relent. He's spending the night in one of the flusher hospital suites (because Addington) and looking dismally out the window from his bed. The nurses did shave his head, which is probably for the best because it looks a lot like multiple CHUNKS of it were physically ripped from his scalp. In general, he appears every bit like someone who was jumped and mugged by four grown men and not one child-sized doll + many smaller dolls.

Beth is somewhat known at the hospital because she does a lot of pick ups there, and so she is able to sweet-talk her way past the receptionist. When she gets into Enzo's room and sees him she lets out a little gasp and covers her mouth with her hand. When she's recovered she plasters a smile on her face and says, "Knock knock!" before she steps into the room. She comes to sit down in the chair next to his bed. "Wow. You weren't kidding."

"I have a terrible headache," Enzo complains. He has a terrible everything right around now. There's a wide array of fresh bruises on nearly every part of him. "Clayton is buying me a beer." That's all that he got out of the encounter before passing out among the many tiny kicks and punches of the murderous dolls. He looks at the smile suspiciously, "It's fine, I already looked in a mirror."

"He needs to buy you some Norco. Holy shit." Beth says a little more sincerely as she opens her purse up to take out a bag of gummi frogs to put down on his rolly table next to the bed. "Here. Don't let your nurse eat your candy or she's going to trip balls. And only eat maybe four at a time or you are going to get fucked up." She looks at him a moment longer before she asks, "Soooo ran into Alexander Clayton at Addington Park again?"

"Kind of," Enzo says, starting off the explanation. He reaches for the bag and takes out just one for now, popping it into his mouth and leaning back. "Anne Washburn and a couple of people wanted to chart the Veil or whatever exactly they were going to test out, I dunno, I was basically like a patsy. So I went with them. We rode a carousel and I almost flew off and died. Then Anne went inside the machine and fell through a trapdoor so like, we all dove after her. And Clayton was there, yeah."

Beth says, "Can you even chart that?" Beth wonders outloud, but leaves it at that. After all it's not like he's going to be able to tell her either way. "Where do the dolls come in? Before or after you flew off the carousel and had to jump in after Anne?""

"I dunno. I'm not sure we charted anything. If that's what they were there for." Enzo is such an incredibly reliable narrator! He touches his head and winces, pulling his hand away in annoyance for the lack of hair. "After. I landed in this man pile with Clayton and some guy named after a month. Then I was trying to open a door and this stupid fucking doll named Jill started talking to me. The door was locked and she started going after Alexander, squeezing his hand real tight. So the guy named after a month blasts the door open, then all the dolls wake the fuck up. And I figured, this Jill doll needs to get off of Clayton and so I charge her. But she absoutely floors me and like, she's only the size of a child!"

"Because you don't even know why you were there?" Beth asks, and she believes it. She hasn't been friends with Enzo for long, but she knows this is oh so Enzo. "Okay so man pile after Anne fell through the carousel, right? And Jill pushed you into the other dolls and you got..." She motions vaguely in his general direction. "That's fucked up, and it sounds like it's a bad idea to go with these people anywhere."

"I'm sure it was a very important reason," Enzo returns, blinking owlishly a few times while he tries to get his bearings again. "They were hideous, Jill was hideous and terrifying. Like a horror movie level terrifying. Like Chuckie but actually scary. Like all of that shit with Annabelle the doll, but real." He shudders, an actual real shiver at the memory. "They were pulling my hair and I have this memory of Clayton carrying me out and I could see her, she was-" he swallows, "Putting our hair on her head." He works at controlling his breathing. "I think Anne got fucked up. I don't know what happened to Isabella." At the thought that he shouldn't go somewhere with them again there's a soft psh. "Anne's my friend." Enzo's friend list is pretty small. It's probably under five people, with Beth being one of them. And maybe Alexander, if he was willing to get jumped by dolls for him.

<FS3> Beth rolls Mental (7 7 6 5 2 2 1) vs Enzo's Alertness (8 8 8 7 5 4 3)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Enzo. (Rolled by: Beth)

Beth's nose crinkles a little in disgust as he describes how Jill looked. "I like dolls a lot less right now." She murmurs to herself. When Enzo shivers she reaches over to put a steadying hand on his shoulder, careful of the bites all over him. Her cringe of disgust only increases when he says what Jill did with the hair. "It's okay Enzo..." She murmurs softly, and she tries to send him positive vibes. "You're really scared right now, and I can help with it, okay? Just listen to my voice and relax..." She then continues, "I know Anne. I can check on her if you're worried. I can ask around and see if Isabella is okay."

While Enzo doesn't exactly argue against Beth's attempts to soothe him, he does see fit to continue rambling on for another couple of minutes. Life is hard when you don't know when to shut up, especially for the poor people around you. "I really thought that I was going to die, you know, for a minute. I think the other room had chainsaw or something in it, I don't know, I didn't really see. I think I need to start going to the gym more or taking a martial arts class. Or maybe self-defense for dummies, ha-ha." Ha-ha has a little bit of a frantic note to it. "Will you? That'd be nice. I'd like to know if everyone is fine, Anne, Isabella, Clayton, that guy whose name is a month. July? No, that's stupid. June? No, that's a girl's name. September?" It's really not that that hard.

<FS3> Beth rolls Mental (7 6 6 5 4 3 3) vs Enzo's Alertness (8 7 5 3 3 2 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Beth. (Rolled by: Beth)

"Enzo it's okay. Just relax man." Beth continues holding her hand to his shoulder and sending those chill the fuck out vibes to him. She continues to concentrate on it while he rambles, responding so he doesn't think he's being ignored. "I understand. That's really scary and I'd feel the same. Have another gummy." She suggests before she says, "I'm getting my phone out now to text her, okay?" She takes her phone out of her pocket, and takes her hand off of his shoulder to text.

(TXT to Anne) Beth : Hey I am at the hospital with Enzo and he's really worried and thinks you got hurt. He also wants to know how Isabella is. Also someone whose name is a month who I think may be August Roen but aren't entirely sure? He is panicky and kind of rambling.

It's clear that Enzo is ready to continue his list of complaints about being ganged up on by a horde of Jills, but the touch of Beth's hand to his shoulder starts to finally soothe him. He picks up the bag and looks down into it, "I thought you were only supposed to take one at a time..." which doesn't stop him from taking a second one. But he's definitely going to be high as fuck in a couple of minutes, therefore also making him the worst conversationalist alive currently alive on the planet.

"You probably need two." Beth says matter-of-factly and she leans back a little in the hospital chair, lets out a little puff, and then reaches over to snag one of the gummies for herself. "What did they tell the hospital staff had happened to you when you came in?" She pops the gummy into her mouth and chews before she swallows. "Did they ask about..." She waves her hand vaguely over her own head to indicate his bites.

"Uh, I think I'm supposed to tell people I got mugged," Enzo says, but he doesn't sound certain. Is that the cover story? Or that just something is high and confused brain has made up on the fly? Hard to say, but it sounds plausible. "You know how people are though. They barely asked me what's going on, just treating the injuries and like... moving right along."

"They are probably used to seeing so much weird shit they don't even ask anymore." Beth says and does this chair recline more? Because reclining sounds amazing to her right now. "You should keep your head shaved just so people think you're bald and just as they start assuming it you can be like boom bitch I can grow hair." She brings her legs up in the chair to fold them under her. "Anyways you should try to sleep. I'll stay until you do fall asleep so it's easier, okay?"

"As appealing as fucking with people would be, I look awful. I want my hair back. I should... go back..." Enzo closes his eyes and mutters, "Get my hair back from those assholes." That is a terrible idea. "I'll show them." It probably doesn't take him that long to relax, once he stops reliving the earlier hours of his day repeatedly. He cracks an eye open, "Thanks for coming by."

"You do not look awful. You're probably one of the prettiest people I know even with all this going on." Beth listens to him mutter and she manages not to laugh at him. Which is hard. She closes her own eyes then telling herself she's not going to fall asleep. "Its okay. You'd do the same." A pause. "But I'm not helping you escape. You'll have to settle for me sneaking drugs in for you."

"This is where I'd hit on you, if I had more energy also if I could walk and not cry, I would escape down the stairway and run outside. But I guess my options are limited right now. I'll escape tomorrow. Revisit that first thing later, good night." Enzo yanks the pillow out from behind his head and uses it to cover his face, which is a totally normal way to fall asleep, don't judge.


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