2020-01-16 - Somewhere between a bartender and an attorney

Having exchanged numbers with Harper at Winter Fest and then at Hera's gallery, Hera gets in touch with Harper about an upcoming rendez-vous with Harper's bff Jessica.

IC Date: 2020-01-16

OOC Date: 2019-09-15

Location: Text

Related Scenes:   2020-01-13 - WinterFest - Day 1   2020-01-18 - Doing it Right

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3603


(TXT to Harper) Hera : Hello?

(TXT to Hera) Harper : Don't know this number, but I happily recommend All the Lovely and Wonderful Things, by Bryn Greenwood.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Hi it's Hera

(TXT to Hera) Harper : Hera of the art gallery who uses both sides of her brain? Hi there.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Yes, that's me, do you have a minute?

(TXT to Hera) Harper : For you? Absolutely.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : That's so sweet uh, I have a date, I think?

(TXT to Hera) Harper : How exciting. Do spill all the delicious details. Librarians are bound by special laws of confidentiality. Somewhere between a bartender and an attorney. (Harper doesn't apparently do much slang or abbreviating in her texts.)

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Well uhm, it's with Jessica. I haven't been out on a date in.....years. Not like a date date and I'm not sure but, do you think it's a date...date?

(TXT to Hera) Harper : Why are you uncertain about whether it is a date or not?

(TXT to Hera) Harper : I think you have fantastic taste. I may be biased.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Oh, she's really pretty but, wow. It's just been so long like, wow uhm. What should I do? Ok yes, be myself, I got that, by the 'myself' here is really nervous about this!

(TXT to Hera) Harper : She's smokin. Yes.

(TXT to Hera) Harper : You've got the first step down. Being you.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Ok so, what does she like? I mean, tell me, tell me!

(TXT to Hera) Harper : What is Jessica like? Where to begin?

(TXT to Harper) Hera : I don't know, that's why I asked.

(TXT to Hera) Harper : J is a myriad of personas. There is the journalist side. That makes her tenacious, strong-willed, whip-smart, and a force to be reckoned with. Ruthless even, when it comes to a story.

(TXT to Hera) Harper : There's the personal side. J has a wicked sense of humor, she's up front with what she's thinking. She's incredibly kind and giving. She's a fabulous cook. And she looks amazing with or without clothes on.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Strong willed, I like that, I really do but what does she like? Like, does she have a favorite color, a favorite movie? Does she like a certain nail polish?

(TXT to Hera) Harper : Then, comes the heart. If she invited you out, then she's turning the knob on that door. And you're one of distingushed and carefully selected group.

(TXT to Hera) Harper : She has too many favorite movies! Name a genre! She likes witty stories. But she also loves to make fun of movies while watching. She loves to laugh. Smile and make her smile and you're home free.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Trust me, the last thing I would ever do is hurt anyone, especially her. Oh! Would she like MST3K?

(TXT to Hera) Harper : Favorite color? Anything vivid. Nail polish? She prefers a woman who knows herself and is confident to one who has the best manicure. But I don't think she'd mind the touch of some fingernails. Play with her hair and she'll be your slave. I do not kid.

(TXT to Hera) Harper : She would LOVE MST3K. Get her joking and you'll both have a lovely time. Hours will melt away.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Ok, so what do I wear. She said something about Middle Eastern food. That's it! I'll be a bellydancer, with a coat because it's cold outside and I can't dance well but I'll sing!

(TXT to Hera) Harper : !!! I think she might faint from delight if you showed up in belly-dancing gear. That said, you don't have to dress up any special way. She'll want to see who you are inside, just like you're asking me about who she is.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Inside.....really. Well, there's a lot there. What is her favorite color?

(TXT to Hera) Harper : I think that's why I immediately liked you. It's apparent that you're a faceted person.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Not everyone can go from a slave to a goddess.

(TXT to Hera) Harper : Damn, girl. Say THAT to her. Just like that.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Seriously?

(TXT to Hera) Harper : No joke.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Ok, be the Hera I named myself to be. Got it. What else, what's her favorite color?

(TXT to Hera) Harper : Anything vivid or outrageous. Unless you're asking about flowers.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : What kind of flowers does she like?

(TXT to Hera) Harper : Your name is self-chosen? That's intriguing. Tell her that.

(TXT to Hera) Harper : She likes non-traditional flowers. Stay away from roses, carnations. Pick something unusual.

(TXT to Hera) Harper : Hopefully you're picking up a theme.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : I think so, she's non traditional?

(TXT to Hera) Harper : In some ways. Her father is Catholic and her mother is Muslim. So you can do the math. Jessica breaks all the rules. In all the best ways.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Wow, are they still together?

(TXT to Hera) Harper : Going strong. Have I mentioned how amazing her cooking is?

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Last thing I need to do is gain weight.

(TXT to Hera) Harper : Jessica likes curves. I'm just saying.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Ok so, if I got it, flaunt it, ok

(TXT to Hera) Harper : If that's you, she'll eat it up like ice cream. Biggest requirement: Be you. She values real.

(TXT to Hera) Harper : She also is naughty as hell. Trust me until she reveals that one.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : I despise lying

(TXT to Hera) Harper : You and Jessica are going to get along fabulously.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : It's in the business world all the time, and the same within gangs. Don't let anyone tell you differently.

(TXT to Hera) Harper : What? Lying? Gangs and business. Check.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Yup, I got better at spotting liars through the years, that's for sure.

(TXT to Hera) Harper : What about you? A quality other than honesty that's important to you? Favorite date ever?

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Not to be stabbed in the back.

(TXT to Hera) Harper : Alright. We've got basic human decency down. How about some frivolous look-fors?

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Honestly?

(TXT to Hera) Harper : We've already agreed on honesty, darling. Spill.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : I sometimes dream of falling into someone's arms and being told I am beautiful.

(TXT to Hera) Harper : Of course you do. Go on.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Kisses that, while they only last for minutes, feel like they spark a new connection that would last for hours, and a lifetime. The feelings so powerful it makes you feel like you're dancing among diamonds and rosepetals, hard and soft, transcending the physical to bring on new heights.

(TXT to Hera) Harper : No. You're not an artist at ALL. I'm taking notes. Continue.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : The diamonds and petals combine together to flow into one element, the love of transference, the love that is fluid, melting two into one but in that state to cling to a foundation, but also fly into the air to reach the stars.

(TXT to Hera) Harper : Transference. Fluid. Stars. I'm with you.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : But also firm. Truth, that's the rock, that's the foundation. The fluid, that's the love, the love that bends and flows between two, always there, always creating, always giving, and inspiring us. Filling us from within and pushing us to reach forward for...for hope. Hope, for a love and truth, that's what I reach for.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Did I say too much?

(TXT to Hera) Harper : You are a mf artist, Hera. And it's a beautiful thing. When is dinner?

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Whenever we get back in contact with each other to arrange it.

(TXT to Hera) Harper : You need to arrange it! Get your artist on, Hera. Carpe journalist.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : And be confident, maintain my confidence, be confident....

(TXT to Hera) Harper : Otherwise known as being yourself.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : What did you say her favorite color is?

(TXT to Hera) Harper : I didn't. She likes vivid colors, but she's too complicated to have a favorite. Is there something in particular you want to apply that information to?

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Well, sometimes I like red. Do you think she would like this? https://previews.agefotostock.com/previewimage/medibigoff/bedbaef176a134370eeba6cd8ffffd8f/plx-325559-020hnw.jpg

(TXT to Hera) Harper : I can say with 100 percent certainty that the answer to that question is yes. You strike with the iron hot, don't you, Queen of the Gods?

(TXT to Harper) Hera : And I don't need Hephaestus to do it

(TXT to Hera) Harper : Don't incinerate my best friend with hotness on the first date, please. Hmm. No. I take that back. Immolate her. Immolate her hard.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : I will leave her a message and, she will just need to text me back.

(TXT to Hera) Harper : I think that sounds perfect. Feel free to call or text anytime, Hera.

(TXT to Harper) Hera : Same to you. I think I will go now. Devlin and Stephanie and I are supposed to be seeing The Thing later tonight.

(TXT to Hera) Harper : Sounds like fun. Enjoy!


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