2020-01-28 - Weirdness And Making Plans

Devlin wants to see his girlfriend and Morrigan agrees to bring coffee. Things are talked on.

IC Date: 2020-01-28

OOC Date: 2019-09-23

Location: Text

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3746


(TXT to Devlin) Morrigan : How are you doing?

(TXT to Morrigan) Devlin : A boring shift and trying not to let Stephanie drive me crazy with her hero worship.. or what ever it is. Missing you

(TXT to Devlin) Morrigan : Hero worship? I miss you as well. Want to get together for dinner or something like that?

(TXT to Morrigan) Devlin : Only word I have for it. I'd love to get together for dinner or even just for a walk.

(TXT to Devlin) Morrigan : But is it towards you or another? And we could go get coffee and go for a walk if it's not too cold? I can meet you at the park?

(TXT to Morrigan) Devlin : Me, unfortunately. Coffee sounds good, meet you at the park then.

Morrigan's truck pulls up to the parking lot of the park with two large coffees to go. There's a bit of a moment taken to check her hair in the mirror and there's a smile before she gets out of the truck. She gets the coffee out and settles it on the hood of the truck and waits to see where Devlin might be.

It is only a few minutes till Devlin shows up, having walked it seems. The weather not seeming to annoy him. He waves as he approaches, clearly smiling as he draws closer. "Hi Morrigan." He moves to first offer a hug before coffee.. yup, you could be rather important there to the caffeine addict.

Morrigan gives a smile to Devlin as she sees him approaching, "Hey there handsome." she greets him with a little wave. She hugs him tight when he gives her the hug and then hands over his coffee, "I got it like you like it." she tells him. "So...explain this whole Stephanie thing?" she asks him.

\Ok.. first coffee for the man, a couple of sips are taken. Devlin then takes a breath, "She seems overly fascinated with my time over seas. A little quick to brag on my trauma skills and experience. A lot of little things, plus the way she watches me. Just feels off. She is good at what she does and isn't an issue during a run. It's that down time between runs." He shrugs, "Just feels like when a new guy joins a unit and finds us vets to be.. more than we are." He sips his coffee again, "Just hard to really put in words for me. She isn't like worshiping the ground I am walking on.. but still a little weird.. you know?"

Morrigan looks to him and listens as he talks on the woman, "Do you think she likes you and she's just trying to show it?" she asks him. "Let her know it's weird. I'm sure she'll understand especially if she's not realizing that it's being weird. If she doesn't quit, go to someone in charge." she tells him. "Everyone is an adult, so I'm sure talking to her will be good first." she tells him. "Besides weirdness, how is work going?" she asks him.

"Work is good. Only problem I had was with one of the cops calling me an ambulance driver.." Devlin rolls his eyes, "I tore into his ass and ripped him a new one verbally.. then something caused another guy to flip out so bad he pissed himself.." He sighs, "Yeah..not fun. I think one of those weird spirit things fucked with him." He then OHS... "Oh.. had this weird dream.. Hera and Stephanie were there too.. plus two stoners." His smile brightens.. "That was what bothered me.. this figure.. seems like it was different to each of us. I saw one of the Paramedics you see pictures of going into the Towers on nine eleven always wanted to meet him.. he inspired me to be a medic. Stephanie.. saw.. me.." Yup.. that is making things click for him

"That monster." Morrigan chuckles a touch. "Sometimes they don't know what all you guys do really." she admits. Then she listens to him talk about the weird spirit things, "Maybe we should see about putting you in a bubble for a few weeks. To keep you safe." she tells him with a soft look. Then there's a bit of a chuckle, "Yeah...Stephanie really likes you." she admits. "Do you like her like that? Is it something you would have been interested in had we not gotten together?" she asks him.

Shaking his head a little as he sips his coffee, "I like a strong woman.. a spirited and adventurous woman.. " Devlin smiles, "I run into her alot and she knows how I like my coffee." He slides an arm around you. "And she has some cool hobbies... makes me look beyond what I thought my world was."

Morrigan gives a smile to him, "That wasn't a yes or no, but, you don't need to answer." she tells him as she leans in to kiss his cheek after he slides his arm around her. "So what are you doing for Valentine's Day? Going to hide from the herd of guys going to get cards on the same day?" she muses warmly.

Teasingly he says, "No.. not interested in her. Would still be looking if you were not around." Devlin then hmms, "Oh, your dealing with a paratrooper my dear... we lead the way and leave the left overs to the legs." He chuckles as he snugs you with one arm. "But... I think there are better things out there than cards for special ladies.. " He shrugs, "Unless you count my sisters and mom.. they are getting cards. Granted... unlike some guys, I try to listen and understand hints." He grins a little.

Morrigan gives a nod to him, but doesn't bring up the woman again. "Paratrooper? I should run now then." she teases him a bit. Then there's a soft smile, "I don't need gifts or cards. I think spending time together when we can and you being in good health is gift enough." the redhead tells him. "Sorry if that sounds super sappy." she adds. "Your mom and sisters are doing alright, yes?" she asks him.

\"Yeah.. Mom's why I know about Hera. Nothing like a little DNA testing to make life interesting." Devlin sips on his coffee, "Well, I may get sappy at times myself. I love spending time with you. I also love that you are ok with me having a bit of Me time to myself at the apartment or hunting for that matter. Wait till it gets warmer and go looking for a place I can skydive at." Another sip of his coffee is taken. "I am also looking forward to working on my swimming with you.. past the initial tests for Rescue Swimmer a couple weeks ago. " He waggles his brows, "Not to mention seeing you in one of those cute suits you mention at times.."

"Is Hera family?" Morrigan asks him with a smile. "That's pretty neat." she admits. "I don't mind you being sappy. Nothing wrong with that." she tells him with a smile. "Everyone needs private time and time to destress." she states to that. "Maybe I'll need to invest in a bikini or something for the Summer." she grins at him. "And I'm glad your swimming is going well, we should do that sometime as well. I have a place that will let us in after hours." she states.

"Yes, she is my 2nd cousin. She's different from the hard core military most of the rest of my family is. Service for us go back a long way. Almost like seeing a part of the family that no one thought about before or something." He hmms, "Could always go shopping with you.. let you model. Or you can surprise me.." He grins, "Either way will be fun. Swimming with you should be great.. may be work a little on my technique.. I got the basics." He laughs.. "I can see it now.. smoke jumping, rescue swimming paramedic.." He gahs.. "I'll never be allowed to rest.." and then he just laughs.

"Nothing wrong with being different." Morrigan admits to him. "And it means you get to have different people around." she tells him. "Like I'm not military and I think it works just fine." she nods to that. "Could just model at my place after I get done shopping." she winks at him. "Cook you a nice dinner and things." she adds. "You are most certainly going to be allowed to rest. Or we'll never get to go out and enjoy things." she teases him.

\Getting an evil grin, "We could always get stuck some where and need rescue.." Devlin grins and he turns in to gently kiss your cheek. "Though.. your place is rather cozy.. mine is a bit .. plain. I should get ready to head over to the station.. I promised the new guy I'd cover for him tonight. He's got an exam tomorrow.. trying to move up from just being an EMT. I gave him some good notes to read over."

Morrigan gives him a smile, "Sounds good. I can always be a damsel if you feel the need as well." she chuckles to him. Then she gives him a big hug and a warm kiss before she parts from him, "Call me after you're done or just come by? I don't mind you staying at my place if you like." she tells him. "Good luck and tell the new guy he'll be fine." she gives a smile to that as she heads back to her truck. Leaving sucked!


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