2020-02-01 - Help Freely Given

After being chased out of her funeral home by a Veil creature intent on loving her so hard it wants to literally hold onto her heart Beth contacts Ciprian and drags him into the thing she didn't really want to drag him into.

Content Warning: Mention of gore

IC Date: 2020-02-01

OOC Date: 2019-09-27

Location: Two if By Sea

Related Scenes:   2020-01-29 - Why can't you acknowledge what we have?   2020-02-01 - We're meant to be...

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3815


(TXT to Ciprian) Beth : Hey. If you've got a minute can you call me?

(TXT to Beth) Ciprian : Sure, let me finish this. Ten minutes?

(TXT to Ciprian) Beth : Sure.

Ciprian: Hey, it's me.

There is background noise like Beth is in a restaurant or bar. "Hey." She says, and there is a little catch in her voice. "So um something happened tonight and I'm kind of stuck at a bar because I'm terrified of being alone and it's going to close eventually."

"What the hell?" The juxtaposition between the distinctly non-urgent-sounding text and the apparently situation has Ciprian sitting up. "What bar? Where are you?

There is a long pause, a sigh heavy with tears that are being fought back, and finally she says "Two If By Sea."

"I'll be there in half an hour." Then the silence that accompanies the call being ended.

When Ciprian gets to the bar Beth is sitting at a stretch by herself. Alone while surrounded by people. It's a weeknight so people haven't gotten as rowdy as they might on a weekend. Her eyes are red and puffy and she's staring down at her phone in an attempt to dissuade anyone from talking to her. She isn't wearing a coat over her blazer or any sort of winter wear and she's paid with a twenty dollar bill which is somewhat remarkable just because she almost always uses her debit card.

Ciprian comes in with a look on his face that is certainly concerned, if not even more than that. He looks around quickly, and it doesn't take him long to see Beth. Ignoring the phone looking -- it's probably not to deter him, or at least he assumes -- he starts over that way, reaching to touch her shoulder. "Hi," he says.

Beth flinches when she feels a hand on her shoulder, her shoulders tensing, and her head whips around. When she sees it is Ciprian she relaxes. "Hi." She says back and there is sadness and relief in her voice. She pulls the charger her phone is plugged into out of the wall. "Um...can we talk outside in the car?"

"Of course." Ciprian doesn't ask anything else, just steps back a little bit so that she can get up, waiting for her to get situated before they leave. He clearly wants to ask her further, but she did just ask him if they could talk in the car, so...yeah.

Beth puts her phone along with her charger in the pocket of her blazer and stands up from the bar. She shoves her hands in the pockets of her businesswear as they walk outside. Once they are in the car she checks the back seat before she begins. "It attacked me. Well, tried to. I think it was planning on..." She can't finish. Her voice sticks in her throat. Finally she manages to get out, "It mutilated a decedent."

Ciprian gets into the driver's seat, but he doesn't start the car yet, and instead turns to her. His eyebrows raise as she checks the back, but he doesn't say anything, letting her speak. As she does, though, his expression shifts from concern to...well more concern, and also fear. "Oh my god," he manages to get out when she says this. "Are you okay??"

Beth takes off her glasses and wipes away tears from her cheeks. "I think I'm going to die." She admits with a crack of her voice at the end of her confession. She looks away from Ciprian after she says this and her hands shake to the point that she has to hold them together to keep them from trembling. Whatever she saw? It's completely fucked her up.

"No," Ciprian says, and whatever feelings he might have now, this sounds adamant. He reaches over to take her hands in his to help the shaking -- or maybe just because he wants to touch her. "You're not. We're going to figure this out. Okay? Don't let it beat you before we've even had a chance to do anything. You are not alone." He squeezes tightly, gripping almost as though for dear life. "Ashira's at my parents' place. I'm taking you to my place tonight. We'll figure everything else out in the morning."

Beth looks into his face when he takes her hands and she smiles sadly as her hands tighten on his. Her voice thickens a little and she nods her head once when he says they'll figure it out. "You're right. I got away from it on my own. With help..." She should be able to handle it. When he says he's taking her to his place she looks torn. "...Okay." She finally says in begrudging acceptance. "I need you to do something for me that's going to be really ghastly. Um..the body. I can't leave it how it is. Can you imagine that poor woman's family knowing what happened to their mother and grandmother?"

"You did." Ciprian pales just a little bit when she asks for his help with the body, but he doesn't hesitate before he nods. "Okay," he says, "just let me know what to do." With that, he pulls away, starting toward the funeral home -- and after, presumably, to his house.


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