2020-02-07 - Death Check

Friends check in with one another one in the hospital, one in self imposed rehab.

IC Date: 2020-02-07

OOC Date: 2019-09-30

Location: Text

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3872


(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : Not dead, right?

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : Not dead. Half-regretting it. My head hurts and it's hard to focus on the crossword. How are you?

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : Should I visit because I'm in the murderous stage and could put you out of your misery.

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : Nope. You stay in the room, drink plenty of water, sleep off as much as you can. I'll send Isabella there to lock you in if it'll help.

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : Because I would totally enjoy using a bucket to pee in.

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : I'm glad you would enjoy it.

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : At any rate, I appreciate the offer to visit. I think they'll let me out in a few days, as soon as I can fake pass their concussion tests. Then I should be able to help you through the worst of the withdrawal.

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : Worry about you right now, but your brain juju would be most welcome right now.

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : Don't worry about me. I have a very hard skull. But I wish I were there to help. I know I'm supposed to be. I'm sorry.

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : Don't be silly, couldn't be helped. Just like when the aspirin bottle and the lamp got into a fight.

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : Did the lamp lose? More importantly, is the lampshade okay?

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : Lamp totally has a glass jaw. Lampshade remains intact. Makes a great hat for confusing the bird.

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : I feel like the aspirin bottle might have sucker punched the lamp. But I'm glad that you're confusing Luigi. He needs a little confusion, and I've neglected him.

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : I put on a full review of RENT for Luigi and Buttercup until I forgot the words.

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : Blue Bell. Unless you're smuggling animals into my apartment to be your audience. For...what is RENT?

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : Fjajflajfkajf Blue Bell. I can't THINK. It's a musical.

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : It's okay. She doesn't speak English. And are you going to sing musical songs at me? That would be nice.

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : You might want to invest in earplugs, but sure!

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : It'll be an agreement. And you can eat something I cook. Then we can both have regrets, if it goes badly. ::grin emoji::

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : Deal. Can you ask Isabella to bring some ginger ale if she stops by to get you some clothes or something?

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : I will. I need to send her home anyway. She needs sleep, and hospitals are not great for sleep.

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : I promise to be quiet as a mouse so she can rest.

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : More likely, she'll need someone to sit on her to keep her from doing work.

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : I can perch with the best of them. I'll just claim I need a cuddle. Which is actually totally true.

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : Excellent. You give good cuddles. Thank you, Bennie.

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : Anything for family. Now rest. XOXO

(TXT to Bennie) Alexander : I'll try. You rest, too.

(TXT to Alexander) Bennie : I'll try!


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