2020-02-11 - Never Alone

Takes place at the same time as "Role Reversal." Texts among Alexander, Anne and Isabella are exchanged.

IC Date: 2020-02-11

OOC Date: 2019-10-02

Location: Textspace

Related Scenes:   2020-02-10 - Role Reversal   2020-02-11 - Gone   2020-02-13 - y o u a r e T H E L O S T

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3922


(TXT to Anne Alexander) Isabella: Anne? Are you awake?

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Anne: I am. I haven't been able to sleep.

(TXT to Anne Alexander) Isabella: Is everything okay?

(TXT to Alexander Isabella) Anne: I'm fine. I just.. something feels off.

(TXT to Anne Alexander) Isabella: I...I felt it too, this morning. How are you recovering otherwise? How's the arm and the foot?

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Anne: They took the boot off, doctors have cleared me. What do you think is wrong? I feel like it has something to do with what I can do, but I'm scared to test it, to be honest.

(TXT to Anne Isabella) Alexander: Did you have any weird dreams? Just checking.

(TXT to Alexander Isabella) Anne: [typing, typing..]

(TXT to Alexander Isabella) Anne: No. I didn't. Did you?

(TXT to Anne Isabella) Alexander: Yes.

(TXT to Alexander Isabella) Anne: What about?

(TXT to Anne Alexander) Isabella: We both did, about our bones being ground up. Anne, remember when I told you that the Gohl funeral might be something that counts regarding big changes that could affect the Veil? The casket, the burial site and everything. It's gone. August went and checked. It's like it was never there. We think it's connected.

(TXT to Alexander Isabella) Anne: What do you mean it's gone? Like someone dug him back up?

(TXT to Anne Isabella) Alexander: See? She had it too, so definitely not the concussion speaking.

(TXT to Anne Isabella) Alexander: Apparently it's gone as if it never was.

(TXT to Alexander Isabella) Anne: Speaking of concussions, did you get my flowers Alexander?

(TXT to Alexander Isabella) Anne: They were from me and Patrick.

(TXT to Anne Alexander) Isabella: No I mean, completely empty. ::sends over picture August sent, there is nothing, not even a sign that a grave had been dug up.::

(TXT to Alexander Isabella) Anne: How is that possible?

(TXT to Anne Isabella) Alexander: I did. Thank you. 🙂 They were beautiful.

(TXT to Alexander Isabella) Anne: This is a stupid question, but you're sure the grave was there to begin with? As in, did you go and visit the grave? To make sure you didn't Dream the whole thing?

(TXT to Anne Isabella) Alexander: I don't think I ever visited, afterwards.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Anne: The grave-digger would know. Or Father Daniel, I'm sure. I hear there's a new priest, too.

(TXT to Anne Isabella) Alexander: Priests.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Anne: Assuming it really was there..

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Anne: This is very concerning.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Anne: Do you know anybody who would do something to the grave?

(TXT to Anne Isabella) Alexander: Margaret Addington.

(TXT to Anne Alexander) Isabella: When Alexander first started investigating this, he was convinced that Margaret had something to do with my great-aunt's funeral parlor getting burned down. That was where they brought Gohl's bones initially. She also has the means to make it look like there's nothing there.

(TXT to Alexander Isabella) Anne: But if she dug everything up and brought in new soil.. That's not just something you do over night without anyone noticing

(TXT to Anne Isabella) Alexander: Does anyone notice an Addington doing something in this town if the family doesn't want them to notice it?

(TXT to Anne Alexander) Isabella: I talked to Father Daniel recently, he promised me he would help looking into whether there were any records of Jill Baxter being baptized in the Church. I can stop by and ask him about it. No harm covering our bases.

(TXT to Anne Alexander) Isabella: I also asked August to check with Itzhak Rosencrantz to see if it's possible to open a door and make things vanish through it without a trace. He's the most powerful mover I know. I figured we could see if we can eliminate that possibility also.

(TXT to Anne Isabella) Alexander: Maybe we should ask Itzhak to take us all over there, at the site of the grave. Just in case we did walk into a Veil-mirror of the place and have the funeral there.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Anne: I mean I can open a door and shove something through it. But it would just be there on the other side.
(TXT to Alexander Isabella) Anne: Unless something over there walks away with it..

(TXT to Anne Isabella) Alexander: That's littering.

(TXT to Anne Isabella) Alexander: Rude in any dimension.

(TXT to Alexander Isabella) Anne: I can open a door at the site of the grave. I'm pretty sure we'll just wind up in the cemetery .. over there.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Anne: like when I open the door at the pond or at city hall.

(TXT to Anne Isabella) Alexander: Then we should see if there's any sight of Gohl's grave there. Or any other Baxter graves.

(TXT to Alexander Isabella) Anne: All right. But I will need a few days. I don't know if this has affected my ability to create a door. I don't think it has, but..

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Anne: I promised Patrick I would be careful.

(TXT to Anne Isabella) Alexander: Still concussed, take your time. And Isabella managed to get herself traumatized by NOT being careful. So feeling sympathy for Patrick right now.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Anne: what did you do, Isabella?

(TXT to Anne Alexander) Isabella: I was following a lead. After the carousel expedition, I was doing more follow-up research on it. I focused on the year the carousel was built and I found through my research that plenty of revitalization projects were happening that year, including the abandoned saw mill. So I went, because after watching what happened to you, and experiencing the dream, the connection was fresh in my head.

(TXT to Anne Isabella) Alexander: without telling anyone. Alone.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Anne: Isabella 🙁

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Anne: We can't do this alone.

(TXT to Alexander Anne) Isabella: The aim was just to look around and see if there were any doors there, I was definitely not intending to go through anything, or even read anything. Just to see. But...

(TXT to Alexander Anne) Isabella: They pull you if you try to use your abilities there. If we have to investigate the abandoned sawmill also we're going to...have to find a way around that, I think.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Anne: I don't think rushing the sawmill is something any of us should be doing right now.

(TXT to Alexander Anne) Isabella: Agree, not with that kind of trap.

(TXT to Alexander Anne) Isabella: It's a very strange coincidence that this happens right around the time we were thinking of investigating St. Mary's.

(TXT to Alexander Isabella) Anne: I think it's just that. Coincidence.

(TXT to Isabella) Anne: I need to get ready for dinner. Be safe, both of you.

(TXT to Anne) Isabella: Yes. Will do, and you too Anne. Say hi to Patrick for us.


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