2020-03-01 - The Aftermath of the Storm

After three days in intensive care, Stephanie wakes to find out what happened after she was rushed off to the hospital, and for the first time in front of her friends, she breaks down and admits she needs help.

IC Date: 2020-03-01

OOC Date: 2019-10-15

Location: Park/Addington Memorial Hospital

Related Scenes:   2020-02-24 - I have to hurt you, to hurt him   2020-02-25 - Between Life & Death

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4133


Three days in intensive care after 8 hours of surgery, Stephanie was finally allowed to recover in a regular room, and upon her arrival in the room, she in her groggy drugged up state, realized that she was in a shared semi private room with another person. She tries to figure it out at this point but the drug induced fog in her brain was in is not helping her.

Hera remembered bringing her here with Devlin's help, and hopefully she has been keeping up to date, at least somewhat, on Stephanie's condition. With flowers in a vase, she makes her way into the semi private room. Her friend is easy enough to find and spotting a tray of some sort, she goes to put the flowers down there. She doesn't say anything just yet but she watches for a moment, wondering if the woman might need someone to talk to or, if it's best to remain quiet just to let her rest.

There is a quiet groan coming from Stephanie’s bed as she settles in, trying to get used to her new environment. Seeing one of the people who had saved her life, Stephanie lets a smile escape her lips despite her current state. “Five metal plates in my chest,” she says quietly, “Everything is set back in place.”

Jessica has, of course, been with Hera during this trying time. She accompanies the redhead into the room but takes up a position away from the bed for now. She's there for support though she is also obviously concerned for Stephanie...and Kim when she spots the Japanese woman in the other bed.

Hera frowns as she hears her friend proclaim her injuries, and the procedure that was used to save her life. "Well, if everything is set back in place, then things will get back in order as they should. You really look good." She says, "I guess they are treating you well here. If not, well." She smiles to Jessica and says, "We'll make sure they get a bad review." Powa to tha pen! Never underestimate the press!

Kim is in a the other bed not having fared much better in the days that followed. Being in and out of conscience for brief periods of time. Her family has probably been to visit her and thankfully aren't here now. She blinks her eyes open as she looks around and realizes she isn't dead. Thinking she heard a voice she recognizes or even two "Stepie? Hera?" she asks weakly trying to push herself up for a better look around.

It isn't until the voice hits her that Stephanie realises who is in the other bed and she becomes visibly upset. She doesn't say a word, and it is obvious that she is trying to hold back the groundswell of emotion threatening to overwhelm her. A part of her just wants to pull every line out and walk out of the room, but she is weak and is needing to stay connected to the monitors and the IV for a while longer.

Jessica winks at Hera with her suggestion. "Not sure you review hospitals but I can certainly expose any malpractice that may occur. Though, with what I heard Stephanie went through, sounds like they did a good job." The stirring of Kim has her looking over that way and offering a wave, but since she wasn't named, she will let Hera greet her properly first.

Grace has most likely been keeping around the hospital. Since Kim and Steph share room she would be checking in on both of them. Returning to the room with coffee now. "Oh, hi. Didn't know you both were here as well. Want me to grab more coffee?" Asked of Jess and Hera. Not sure if the two injured can, or want to, have coffee. But at least she brings some, just in case. After giving a hug to the two visiting she will take a seat near Kim's bed.

Hera steps over to talk to Jessica in a bit of a whisper. Something obviously concerns her and with a heavy sigh she goes over to check on Kim. "I guess you two might be friends for a while. I'm very grateful Kim. I thought you might have been....dead. If you were I doubt I could ever forgive myself. I just want to know if we are going to have to deal with that type of situation again. If I ever see that thing in my gallery, it's not going to go over well."

Stephanie sighs. "It's not like anyone ever gets a warning about that kind of stuff, Hera," she says flatly, "You think Devlin and I got a warning in January that we were having to deal with that? You think those people who died got a warning before they got killed? Why do you think I wanted us to be prepared? Why do you think I offered myself as a living target for practice?"

Kim only had a voice to go off and with drug induced stupor wearing off she can make out others. Raising her hand to give a little wave "I think that bleary figure is Jessica. Hi." of course seeing Stephanie and she is alive as well "Stepie they got you here in time. I'm so glad." she manages with a smile.

Grace sitting by her bed she reaches her hand out to her girlfriend "I am so, so happy to see you. Have you been here long?" tilting to Hera as she comes near "I guess so. I didn't think I would have made it out...it was all so horrible. But I bought you guys time so it was worth it. It wasn't your fault you had to get Stepie out. We will probably need to deal with these again." almost like foreshadowing as shadows quiver in the corner. Still sometimes shadows are just shadows right?

Jessica considers Hera's whisper and shrugs...though with a nod. In her uneducated opinion, she could be right. Grace's hug returned. "How are you holding up, Grace?" But Jessica is happy to let the wrestler see to Kim. She listens quietly to Stephanie's complaints, lips pursed with concern, but she will refrain from offering any comment. Let her get it all out.

Hera takes a deep breath and goes over to offer Grace a bit of a hug. "It's not anyone's fault, and we made the best out of the situation. If we have to deal with these again." She turns to look back at Jessica and says, "Well, let's just worry about the present moment, right? I guess that's enough to deal with. I have faith that both of you will be ok." She doesn't answer Stephanie's questions though. If she would try, she wouldn't have an answer.

There is a slightly forced smile at Jessica's question. "I am okay. Just glad that everyone is alive." Taking Kim's hand. Listening some, but letting the others steer the conversation. She is mainly an observer today, and also seeing to the peoples' needs.

Holding up a hand to her lips as if to restrain herself from speaking up more, Stephanie instead looks around at how empty her side of the room looks. More than ever, she regrets not keeping in touch with her siblings, shutting her father out and not allowing more people to get to know her over the years. She looks at the phone on the side table she'd previously asked someone to bring over for her and she reaches for it, though she doesn't use it but rather just stares at some pictures in it.

Kim holds onto Grace's hand as tightly as she can. Just really happy she is here until a thought passes through her head "Ah you didn't run into my family while you are here?" pretty sure they would have notified. Which isn't quite as terrifying thought as Obsesi but close.

Really being able to answer Stephanie's previous words "Stepie what is wrong? We all made it out alive and though beat up bodies heal. These experiences can only make us stronger right?" forcing some optimism she really doesn't feel at the moment.

"Are either of you up to telling us what happened?" Jessica asks quietly. "If you want to leave it, that's fine, but can you at least tell me if the danger is still out there?"

"I couldn't tell you, it took me out so quickly," Stephanie says quietly in response to Jessica, "I just wish I could have done more to try to stop it. The last time I was here for hypothermia, I felt my powers shift, like they got stronger...but then all they've done lately is fail me."

Kim though sort of out it, the encounter that Jessica talks about isn't one she's going to forget anytime soon. "There was some disgusting creature that looked like a cross between gollum and a sewer monster. It was after someone in the Addington house, never got his name. It talked about loving her, don't know which her. It went after everyone there...I think there was a fireball involved? Stepie took her injury from it. Devlin and Hera moved to get her out while I kept it distracted by doing something stupid. Oh there was this guy, Alexander there who was stabbing it. Obviously Hera and Devlin got Stepie out. I stayed behind to help and when it looked like the guy was trouble I went from doing something stupid to downright idiotic. It worked though distracted it from him and...I don't want to talk about what it did to me. He was carrying me out and told me it was dead. So it's gone." She quickly tell the recap of what she remembers. Some of what the creature did to Kim is obvious from stitches in her face. With that she does quiet letting others digest the tale.

And when Kim tells the story, something snaps in Stephanie. She can't take it anymore. She does in fact rip whatever lines are attached to her off, anything connecting her to a monitor, and she slowly and gingerly gets off her bed, and walks straight out the door. She doesn't get very far though, slumping against the wall right next to the door, her knees against her chest. Their room being at the end of the hall, it's somewhat private, and she lets it all out when she's away from everyone else. All the emotions, and all the tears she'd held back, she just cries.

Jessica listens to Kim's tale; the journalist even allowing her some secrets...until she's recovered at least. Though there is also a rather big distraction in Stephanie making a bolt for the world outside. "Stephanie! What are you doing?!" The EMT should really know better. With alarms going off, Jessica rushes out after the wounded woman, crouching down to hold her as the tears flow. "C'mon, Stephanie. You need to get back into bed" she whispers, nurses heading their way.

Hera seems to have been distracted by her phone but when Stephanie has a bit of an emotional flip out, she rushes over to Jessica to offer aid. "Come on." She says, "The worst part is over with. You need to get back into bed or you're really going to wind up hating life, really....." She looks toward the door, likely the nurses are on the way and she just shakes her head. "This thing has caused enough damage, be strong enough so it doesn't overwhelm you."

Over the years, there are aspects of Stephanie's life, aspects of her soul, that have been chipped away at and ignored. Having been the strong one for years, she buried everything deep inside, and this incident...for the first time in her life, pushed her to breaking point. It almost felt like she'd been crying out years of tears she'd failed to let out. Although there was a bit of resistance initially, she finally allowed Hera and Jessica to lead her back to her bed.

Seeing Stephanie get up and out of bed, Kim tries to pull herself up to move. Flopping back down as much as she wants to go to her friend her body just isn't there yet. Lucky that there are her other friends to help out. She can offer words "It will be okay. It's dead and can't hurt anymore....not hundreds upon hundreds of people anymore. Without everyone's help it could have gotten away. You did what you had to." trying to give some words of comfort.

Jessica will let the nurses take over the rewiring of Stephanie, stepping back to watch the pair in the beds. "Listen to Hera, Stephanie. it may have hurt you...badly...but you're still here and you will get better." As to conversations about 'powers', they can take place once the medical staff have moved on.

Stephanie finds herself back on her bed as the nurses restore the monitors and hook her back up on her fluids. The traumatic event has done a number on her mental health, having led to her meltdown. She is a great first responder but as it turns out, a terrible patient. "Why didn't she just leave?" she says quietly, only truly audible to those who would be around her bed.

Kim can just nod along with Jessica's words. "Ahh Jessica have you ever heard of something like that before?" compared to the rest she is the expert on such things. And even with medical staff around it's a safe enough question. Her attention going back to Stephanie as they hook her up. Looking relieved that she is getting the care she deserves. Likely more than enough space between the beds she can't hear whatever quiet thing she said.

Jessica offers a nod of thanks to the nursing staff as they head off. Some stern looks at Stephanie to make sure she doesn't do it again. "Things like this happen all the time, Kim" she sighs before a quirk of a brow for the EMT. "Who is 'she', Stephanie? Who do you mean?"

Jessica is wordlessly met with a sideways glance at Kim's side of the room. "She almost died because of me. Grace, her family, they all almost lost her because she wanted to save me," her voice is quiet, laced with guilt and sadness, and unspoken emotion, something hidden in the depths of her soul. The phone she has left on the side table is picked up again, and Stephanie does actually leave a message this time.

Kim will be thinking about Jessica's answer for a good long while. Still no need to speak more of it when they could still be over heard. A psych evaluation wouldn't go well for her now. Still focused on making sure Stephanie stays in bed, not that she could do anything if she decided to get up again. Though the voice is quiet she is perspective even pumped full of drugs. "I couldn't leave someone alone to face well things. It was my choice and I'd make the same one again. It's just my nature." though her tone suggests she isn't quite sure if she had the chance she'd do it all over again.

"Hey, we're all in this together, Stephanie. The circle, remember" Jessica replies to the EMT. "Any of us would have done what was needed to save lives. We don't run away. Simple as that." A nod in Kim's direction. "See, she wanted to help you. That's not your doing. If we stick together, this kind of situation won't happen again."

"I'm just tired of this weird bullshit happening while I'm on shift," Stephanie simply mumbles, she feels a bit broken, like a shattered porcelain doll. But Jessica's reminder prompts her to admit, "I'm not okay. I haven't been okay in a while." She gives Kim another sideways glance before she adds, "We don't run away."

Hera tries to be supportive but, like Devlin, she can be blunt at times, "This wierd bullshit is going to happen whether you're on your shift or not. We need to gather knowledge and then, go from there. If the thing at the Addington House is dead, then we move on. If it's not dead, then after the mess on the carpet, Patrick will kill it. If Patrick doesn't kill it, we will kill it. Also, you didn't run away and right now you're not ok, but for all the people who depend on you, you need to be."

"Absolutely we stick together and help out." Kim is quick to add. Kim just shakes her head slowly to Stephanie's words "It isn't running if it saves one of us. Better to be alive to fight another day...still what can we do to help you get more okay? I know we can't fix everything." to what Hera says she nods "She's right the more information we can get the better. Seems like the best way of going about things."

"First of all, I would suggest Stephanie needs some time. She has a lot of healing to do...and that means a lot of thinking" Jessica suggests to the others. "Kim too. But we're all here for you two. Don't lose yourselves in 'what could have been'. Unless you find a time machine, then it is done. And if you did find a time machine...then that would just bring the monster back. Above all, you had a victory. Remember that first and foremost."

"Maybe right now, I don't want to be the one being depended on, maybe right now, I'm looking to depend on someone. Maybe I've spent YEARS being the dependable one and maybe I need help." Stephanie is shaking, vibrating, but she doesn't attempt to rip anything off again. "Do you know where my family is, Hera? My mother's in a nursing home and can't be here. And my father? I don't know where he is. He abandoned Mom! So I'm sorry that if after 18 years, I'm not okay." And things she had never planned to reveal, they came pouring out.

Hera suddenly looks a bit upset herself but, she takes a deep breath and just looks down to the floor. But, she shakes her head and after massaging her forehead she just looks back at the two. "Well, you're here where you are getting help." She adds, "And, trust me, the past is the past. You can't do anything about it. All you can do is heal and move on, find yourself, find your passion in life, then find your purpose, and go from there." One way or another, she notices Grace hasn't said anything and she looks over, "Grace, are you ok?"

"I'm working on getting help, I just don't need to be told that I have to be strong right now, not after I decided to trust you with something I've never trusted anyone with before," Stephanie says flatly, before she mutters, "I'm speaking to the new psychiatrist on staff here, Dr. Ferrera. As far as getting me okay, I'm doing what I can." Stephanie gives Kim a look, knowing that she's the only one who knows what's really bothering Stephanie.

Kim shrugs "I'm okay Jessica. Well of course my body needs some healing, but sure I'm fine." doing her best to keep things together for her friend. If she loses it. "We did win even if we weren't the ones who did the killing." Right Kim just deal with it later. "We may not be the same as blood family. But you can depend on us. Each one of us is here to help and if you need a shoulder. Anything at all we are here. I'm here for you. Some other things have been hard but you aren't alone. You don't have to be strong we'll help." she says to Stephanie. She does know Hera's past hasn't been easy "Passion is really the key. From there it falls into place, for life that is." she adds to her words.

Hera takes a deep breath and centers herself a bit. Something has unnerved her a little but she stands up straight as she gets her focus. "Well, the doctors and all are good here. You are in more than capable hands. Talking to a professional will help." Trying to make sure that Grace is doing ok, she looks over at Kim, "And you're still holding up ok, or well, as ok as can be expected. I don't really think there's much else that can be done at this point, just try to be supportive."

"I love you guys," Stephanie says quietly, "I wouldn't be here without any of you." There's a lot spoken, but also a lot left unspoken in her statement. But it needed to be said. She doesn't know Jessica or Hera as well as she knows Kim, but the sentiment is the same.

Kim nods to Hera "Of course I am. You know me very little keeps me down for long. How about you? You were there too and it was quite a sight."

"Love you too Stepie. All of this are just what friends do for each other. I'd get up to hug you, but my body isn't co-operating. I can't say things will all be okay, but you have us so at least...maybe they are better?" really doing what she does and trying to be there for others.

Hera sighs a little and then goes to get her cellphone. "Well, more business to take care of. I need to go handle this." She offers a kiss on Jessica's cheek before she steps out the door.

Jessica watches Hera leave with some concern before turning back to the patients. "I should let you both rest. Though I would be interested in what you told the hospital and the police what happened. Make sure you get your stories straight. Take care of yourselves." A nod 'good night' before she too is heading out.

After Jessica leaves, Stephanie contemplates her story as she says, "Thank you, Kim. I owe you my life."

Kim waves a goodbye to Hera. "Take care Jessica. Haven't said anything to people yet, we'll come up with something to say." another wave for Jessica.

Now there are only two and she has no idea what to tell people. A bookcase fell on her...maybe "No you don't. I'm happy to have been of help. I didn't do too much honestly, it was mostly Hera and Devlin. All I did was a foolish thing."

Stephanie's little escapade with the wire pulling has finally got a doctor around to check up on her...and Kim. Doctor Zara Thule is working the Emergency Department which means she arrives in a hurry, though no less concerned. There could be a deluge of people arriving at Emergency any moment. "Ms Tremblay, how are you feeling? I understand you decided to go for a walk." Her tone is teasing rather than reproachful as she checks Stephanie's pulse.

"Yeah, I really wish you hadn't," Stephanie admits quietly but does not continue after a doctor enters to check up on both her and Kim. The prompt care of Doctor Thule is the reason she's alive so she doesn't do anything that would disrupt the woman's care. "Yeah, maybe just a little. It was getting to be a little too much in here. I'm a first responder, I'm not used to being a patient." She forces out a bit of a chuckle.

<FS3> Zara rolls Spirit: Good Success (8 7 7 5 5 4 4 3 3) (Rolled by: Zara)

Kim goes quiet as the doctor enters as first goes to check on Stephanie. "Can't change what happened." giving her own quiet reply. Otherwise not wanting to interrupt any care being given.

Under the effects of the appropriate pain killers and medication, it doesn't hurt as much as expected when Stephanie coughs, but she is reminded of the injuries. "Ow..." she says, chuckling through the pain and soreness. She doesn't complain too much, knowing how much worse it would feel without the painkillers.

"As a first responder, you should know better than to pull out IVs and go for a jog around the hospital" Zara winks before writing down something on Stephanie's chart. "Where is the pain? Give me a number?" She shouldn't have to explain the 1-10 scale to an EMT. Zara sits herself on the edge of the bed, reaching over to place her hand on Stephanie's forehead. Not to check her temperature, more to send a healing wave of energy into the patient. With those present, no hiding the little glow in her hand as she does so.

"It's a 5, the sternum's shifting a bit, but not too much. It's just really uncomfortable. I'm so thankful for the morphine, oh my god!" Sensing the doctor's glow, Stephanie feels something familiar, a familiar energy as she heals. "Thanks. I couldn't do that to myself." She doesn't bother to try to mask what she's saying if the Doctor is comfortable enough in displaying her capabilities, she could speak of it.

Kim's eyes wide at the little glow while she watches. With Stephanie speaking up, maybe it's okay to talk about it? Then again they are both pretty heavily drugged "Stepie should you really be talking about this?" a nervous glance given to the doctor. After all the caution around other hospital staff it makes sense to her to be cautious.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about, Ms Tremblay" Zara states casually before looking over to Kim. "Your friend is right. Shouldn't be talking about that kind of thing. Not in public." Back to Stephanie. "Five isn't too bad but we also don't want you addicted to morphine. You should be feeling better now." Zara makes her way over to Kim. "And what about you, Ms Nakamura?" A nod of greeting to Grace before back to her patient. "Pain level? On a scale of one to ten."

Stephanie shrugs, there's only Kim, Grace, herself and the Doctor in the room, but maybe she should keep her mouth shut. "Thank you," she offers, relieved that the plates in her chest help to keep others from being too suspicious about her recovery. She simply moves her head to glance out the window.

Kim looks up to the doctor "Whatever I'm on is working pretty good. I'd say a 4 it doesn't hurt too badly to exist." she admits to the doctor. Her injuries were quite different after all. "I don't want to imagine what it is like off of them." a quick glance give to Stephanie. Maybe she's being paranoid but she really doesn't know Zara at all.

Between working an paramedic and her own ability to understand each individual's capacity for their abilities, Stephanie has a lot more confidence than Kim does, then it occurs to her that perhaps Kim doesn't share the same confidence or ability. She simply gives Kim an apologetic look.

"Let's hope you're all better before you have to come off them" Zara says with some concern. Kim's wound, despite appearances, is worse thant Stephanie's. Zara takes her patient's pulse, though that is just cover for attemtping to heal her via glimmer. She closes her eyes...concentrating...before she lifts her hand away with a frustrated frown. Kim will take more time. "You're both doing well for waht you've been through. I'll come back before I finish my rounds."

Stephanie having been relieved of her pain decides to take a nap.

Kim gives a slow nod "I hope so too. If it doesn't I'm tougher than I look." trying to offer a smile. Well whatever Zara did has not quite worked as well for her. Feeling somewhat better with the effort. It would do good for her to have a remind her, as she heals, she isn't as capable as she thought. Offering a tiny and less painful shrug at the frown "Thank you for checking up on us. All bodies heal with time and treatment. " yep still nice despite everything.


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