2020-03-07 - Why are you here?

Easton has the brilliant idea to drunk text Katherine and clear the air. Interspersed with Itzhak texting him and Easton screwing that up.

IC Date: 2020-03-07

OOC Date: 2019-10-19

Location: Text

Related Scenes:   2020-03-07 - Silkies

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4202


(TXT to Katherine) Easton : Why ar eyou here?

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : Last time I checked, I didn't owe you an explanation. Why do you want to know?

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : Because your'e here and in my business deal and I can't help think it's about me.

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : Not everything is about you, Easton. Sometimes, you just don't have a choice. You didn't give me a choice when you walked away. Neither did my firm when they sent me to Gray Harbor.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : Your firm? How long ahve you been here?

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : 4 months.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : WTF?

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : Really? No fucking text that hey I'm in town?

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : I don't owe you a thing, Easton. Not after what you did to me.

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : I wasn't planning on staying after the account was settled but I have reasons to stay. And they have nothing to do with you.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : Silkies. Tiny marines shorts: https://www.breitbart.com/border/2015/08/04/irreverent-warriors-march-in-undies-for-comradery-and-suicide-awareness/

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : Shit, wrong pesron

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : I'm sorry

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : Aboutthe engagement. Not the texintg you the silkies thing

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : I get I was an ass but plus side: you don't hae a drunken leftover marine for a husbnd! Youre weclome

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : I guess it's good that it's going to be someone else's problem. You're a fucking saviour. Why didn't you just tell me you didn't love me anymore instead of this bullshit about doing me a favour?

(TXT to Itzhak) Easton : Fuck you, like id int try.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : I tried. You knew bette. Have a great ucking life. somehwerelse

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : You're emotionally incapable of love. I was stupid enough to refuse to give up on you. I get it.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : Good we garee

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : Why do you care that I didn't tell you I was here for four fucking months?

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : If it weren't for my work, you wouldn't have even known I was here at all.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : SO you could putl that bullshit at the casino? DOn't pretend you didnt enjoy the shit out of rollig up there to ambush nem

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : ::pic of Easton in a mirror shirtless and drunk::

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : FUCK! Shtih not for you

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : So what if I did? You didn't care about my feelings before. Why should I care about yours?

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : Because it wa s bitch move and you know it.

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : You get to crush my heart like an asshole but you get butt hurt when I fire back?

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : I was an asshole. yes. But i'm not pretending I awsnt.

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : I've already accepted the fact that you didn't care about me the way I cared about you back then. I just wanted you to see I'm better off without you, exactly like you wanted.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : FIne. Good for you. When are you leaving town?

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : I'm not. Thorne put me on retainer and I met someone. So I'm staying. Get used to it.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : Fucking throne. Of course he did.

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : NOW we've officially moved into Bitch Move territory. Don't blame him. I didn't tell him a thing about us. He hired me because I'm good at what I do.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : KK, please. I"m not fucking round, leave town. This is not a good lace. I get that I'm an ass.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : Please

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : It's adorable that you think you can influence what I do now. That you can make me believe that you care after all this time.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : Great your'e a strong independent woman, do ou even know what this place is?

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : I'm sure you're going to tell me.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : You woulnd't listen

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : Just stop pretending like you care what happens to me now.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : oh yea, that's me not gibing a flying fuck when people in y life get hurt

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : Go ahead and leave your warning then, if it helps you sleep at night.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : Find a local who stands out. Ask them about the veil, abou this place. About getting lost. It's not a good place K

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : I know. I'm already talking to someone. I'm still staying. There's nothing you can do about it. And you can't drive me away this time.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : super

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : I just want to know one thing...are you happy?

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : what anser are you looking for? Because I thought we arleady decided we didn't care.

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : I'm a lawyer, the only answer I ever look for is the truth.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : That was the most pretentious text I've ever read

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : Have a great time here. Don't die.

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : You're avoiding my question, asshole.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : If you're asking if I"m seeing someone? yes. And I'm sorry or how I got here, but I'm not sorry at all that I met her.

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : I was expecting a simple yes or no answer. I wasn't trying to pry into your business.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : It's harder question tha n you seem to think

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : I was just asking for a general answer. I don't need specifics about your love life.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : Oh damn, I was about to start listing positions we've tried, how we met and what her hair smells like.

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : Anything else you wanted to get off your chest before you sober up?

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : Yes, thanks for asking. You were always too good for me.

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : Fuck Easton, I wish you'd stop saying that.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : I wish a lot of things. fuck good it sod me.

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : Like what?

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : Now who's pretending to care?

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : You have no way of knowing whether I'm pretending to care or pretending not to care.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : fine. we don't have to do this. We can do the business part like adults, all make money and not torture the fuck out of each other in the pcoess. Deal?

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : I can do the business part no problem. Everything else is complicated.

(TXT to Katherine) Easton : ok.

(TXT to Easton) Katherine : We have to figure out our new normal. But not tonight.


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