2020-03-16 - Corn, but not forgotten

Shucking it up after their Korn Maize macobre adventure where they vanished into thin ear, Everett, Kailey and Kim cut the crop and husk some deeply fielded questions. Things corn get real.

IC Date: 2020-03-16

OOC Date: 2019-10-25

Location: Sweet Retreat - Apartment

Related Scenes:   2020-03-16 - The Maize

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4291


(TXT to Kim) Everett : hey. stupid question, but did you have a really :corn: - ie dream just now?

On his way back to his apartment after a visit to someone special, Everett found himself sucked into a Dreamscape, not of his own choice. When it's all said and down, kicking his way out of the alleyway the through he'd cut through to save time, he sends a trashcan lid rolling out the alley space, flicking a brown banana peel off his shoulder, the leather jacket now scratched and torn and glancing to either side of the street. The Veil has a bitch way of protecting itself. Knowing the Boardwalk isn't far, he slips his phone out of his phone and sends off a text while he continues his course back to his apartment.

(TXT to Kim) Everett : cool. i'm about to get home and see if kiki's ok. i'll send a text to lyric too. grace wouldn't like it if i let her fiance get hurt on my watch. 🙂

Kailey finds herself on the bathroom floor and no longer holding Everett's hand. For a few seconds she doesn't move and just kind of glares at the light fixture instead. And what is -that- on the ceiling? With a sigh she rolls over and praises the ether for a bladder of steel. She pulls out her phone from the robe pocket and sends off a quick text as she wanders out of the bathroom. Then heads for the window that looks out on the boardwalk.

Kim just appears in Everett's apartment. She doesn't mean to and certainly with her comfy clothing. She has her phone in hand and so confused to her surroundings. Never a place she has been before and her phone beeps again. Thrown out of cornfield and no idea what is going on. There is her phone and she types a reply, thinking it is real.

<FS3> Kailey rolls Composure: Success (8 8 5 4 3 1 1) (Rolled by: Kailey)

(TXT to Lyric) Everett : hey. stupid question, but did you have a really :corn: - ie dream just now?

It isn't late enough for Sweet Retreat to be closed, so Everett ducks under the door when he enters, grimacing to the waitress and cook alike when passing on through for the brief moment as he moves from the dining room into the kitchen and then up the stairs taking them two at a time. Typing is hard, so he recycles one he's already written before opening the door at the top of the stairs and looking around. "Kail--," there she is. And she's not alone. Relief on his face, he exhales heavily and then smiles. "Hey, you. You think you corn get rid of me that easy?"

Kailey jumps when Kim's phone goes off and whirls around with wide eyes. "You!" She breaths out instead of screaming. And then Everett is bursting in and relief floods her face as well as a smile. "Ev! You're okay," She says. There's a nasty scratch down one cheek and on her arms. But the robe seems to have taken the brunt of it. It's...filthy. Her nose wrinkles at his pun and she says, "I had cornplete faith in you." Then her eyes turn back to their guest. "Urm...I'm Kailey, by the way."

The tiny hacker only looks up at the strange surroundings. Blinking when she sees the less than jolly green giant "Crap I'm not home with Grace am I?" she tries to process from her knowledge. She blinks at Everett's presence, still this isn't her home. There is another voice and the purple haired girl from her dream is there. Kim just blinks some "I'm Kim. Eh has Everett talked about my Grace-Kanojo?" she still isn't sure this isn't another dream.

"Corn you believe it?" he asks, turning around, opening his jacket to give Kailey, and Kim the full look. He's none the worse for wear, save the rends and scratches on his clothes and a corn leaf entangled in his long hair behind his head. "Not a scratch on my husk," he says, even if there are plenty. After his showcase, he gives a glance down, and down to Kim, brows raised while he heads over to Kailey, arms open, smartphone beeping a new text message in his hand. Slipping one hand inside the dirty bathrobe, as intimate a gesture that is, he looks down at his phone. He smiles and quirks a brow before sending back three quick sentences, typing with his thumb. Glacing up from the device, Everett turns his attention to Kim, shaking his head softly, "No, this is my place. Uh. Welcome. Want a beer, water? Or anything they serve downstairs? Oh. Sorry. Um. Kailey, this is Kim. Kim, this is Kailey." He lifts his phone, "Lyric is ok too. I don't know who that other person was or I'd text her. Either of you two know her? I don't want her to think that I'm," he pauses. And looks guilty. "Stalking. Her."

Kailey rolls her eyes and snorts but curls into Everett and returns the hug. Even as she smiles at Kim, head shaking. "Can't say that I have. But then, I only just got back in town and I was...well, I didn't meat a -lot- of people when I was here before. You aren't hurt too bad are you? I didn't recognize the other girl though. But, again, I don't know many people." There just might be a pointy finger aimed into the big man's ribs.

Kim still has trouble believing she is really here. She looks up to Everett "Surprise motherfucker. I know you probably don't get memes. A water is good. I was in Grace's arms and then a corn field. Now I am here. Lyric Mee-chan talked about her." Kim comments. Looking back to Kailey "This is nothing compared to the last monster I encountered. Really just a weak horror movie." maybe she is challenging fate. "We all survived and even wih the gorilla, I mean for him to survive. Oh sorry I am Kim Nakamura. Pleasure to meet you even in this situation. He meant something to my wife." she doesn't know some history and just leaves it hanging.

He's texting. Everett's texting a lot and when he gets poked in the ribs it gathers his attention, "Huh? Oh," he clears his throat, "well, whose fault is that that you don't leave my bed and go out to meet other people? Besides, you make friends easily because you corned them with kindness."

When called motherfucker, Everett's brows knot together while he looks concerned at Kim. No. Not in the least. If there was a meme in there, it goes right over his head. "Yeeaahh. Even with me there." He glances sideways, then towards Kailey offering, "It's complicated."

He frowns playfully before gesturing between the two of them, "Something occurred to me. Maybe this happened because one of us is a Capricorn. I hope none of these are hard to 'ear." By the end of his puns, he's grinning torturously wide for a moment or two then looks down, spying a hole in his jeans which he puts his finger into and wiggles beneath the black denim, "Aww man. And these are my favorite pants."

Kailey is looking confused and looks between Kim and Everett. Those eyes wide and green and puzzled. "Everything here is complicated," She says with a little shake of her head. She's trying to ignore his puns and mostly succeeding. But they get further pokes from the purple-haired miss. "Well, it is nice to meet you, Kim. Let me get you that water while this lug worries over his cornholed clothes," And she struts the very short way to the fridge. Pulling it open and grabbing a water bottle which is then tossed towards Kim.

Kim laughs towards Everett. She needs to find some comfort in this "Seriously you don't know the meme? It's okay. Look stop talking about complicated. It isn't any worse than Mac and I. I still didn't ask Mac to marry me." she shrugs "I asked Grace to marry me. And Hera put things into prospective for me. Things changed for me and quickly. Faster than even my brain can process." she looks between Kailey and Everett. Seeing at least something there. Looking up to Everett "You know what I said to you about Grace. And maybe you'd be willing to share as well." she turns her gaze to Kailey, as he well let's be honest fingers a hole. "Ah would you like to be...eh corn...I can't even say it. But a water is nice. Eh..." she catches the bottle and drinks from it. Avoiding a gaze to Kailey.

"The only thing getting cornholed in here..." he starts to say, his voice raised, threatening, before he stops, and looks at Kim. Everett stays unmoving, paused like a statue with his mouth open slightly. Then he adds, "Don't. Puke. In my home." Since Kailey walked away, Everett turns his head down to use both hands to return text. "Yup, Lyric's juuuust great," he says, sending off another text. Glancing between Kailey and Kim, Everett gestures between the two of them, "Are you guys gunnaaa," he lingers. "I mean, I know what you said about Grace, she and I haven't spoken yet." He turns his attention back to Kim, "I'd offer you a place to sit but," well there aren't any. A fact that Everett shows with a fanfare of his right arm. Bed. Broken dresser. What more does a man need? I think there's even a lamp in the description; he lives not unlike a King. There's another glance at his smartphone and a broad grin before he returns his attention to the room.

"Huh? What? No...wait...who is sharing what?" Kailey looks hopefullesly confused and it might actually be cute and amusing. Her lower lip pouts out slightly and her brows draw down. She glances from phone to Everett's face and back. One brow raised and she says, "I am completely in the dark, for what it is worth, on what Everett has done in the past or recent past with anyone if it wasn't myself. So...let's start there. Grace is your fiance. Got it. Grace and Everett used to date?" She glances questioningly between the two people, trying to straighten out this confusing ball. "Who is Hera? Or Mac? And what ante do they have in things?"

Kim gags a bit as Everett even mention's corn holing. "I can accept that." she pauses to hold things in "I wouldn't in your home. We have come to a understanding. Just never the finger guns again or I will puke." she nods that Lyric is okay. She doesn't know Lyric but still defense of another. "You and her should talk. I mean she is going to be my wife probably. If she loves you as a equal...you are more than other's think. More than I did."
Finally looking back to Kailey as gothic loitia meets the purple haired girl. "Sharing a deep love. I know my Grace cares for the monkey." and she truly means it in affectionate terms. "I don't know what you mean to him. But you are very pretty. Yes Grace is my likely my fiance. And I'm not sure that Ev and Grace used to date only that they share a connection I'll not get in the way of." she sighs "Hera and Mac have nothing to do with this." and confusing it is to Kim and to others even more so

<FS3> Kailey rolls Composure-1: Good Success (7 6 6 5 4 4) (Rolled by: Kailey)

<FS3> Kim rolls Computers: Good Success (8 8 8 5 5 4 4 4 1 1) (Rolled by: Kim)

Finally. Finally, his smartphone is tucked back into his front left pocket and his attention returns to the here and now while poor, cute Kailey gets all confused. The right corner of his mouth lifts up with a soft smile. Slipping off his jacket he looks down at his torso, noticing the rips in his too-tight green shirt over his broad chest. Folded, the leather jacket is placed on the kitchen counter while he opens the fridge again, and takes out one of the remaining cheap domestic beers he used to stock in it. As he had done at Kim's, Everett twists off the cap and throws it into the kitchen sink before turning around and leaning in front of the sink.

He waits until Kim isn't looking and then, with a beer bottle by the neck, double finger-guns at Kailey with a wink which he's quick to dismiss. Because he's a brat and doesn't want Kim to see him misbehaving. Guns holstered, he mulls over something Kim's said. He's been a tough sell, and when Kim suggests Grace might love him as much as she loves Kim, Everett tsks audible and cants his head to the side to look away. "I wish you hadn't said that." His gaze returns, and it returns to Kailey. While he may not think he has to, he feels obligated to say something, "I don't like to kiss and tell. But we had, have a thing? As I said, it's complicated. There was. Something I can't talk about, and it made something of a bond. At least for me. She's pretty tough," he says to Kailey, bending his empty arm and flexing*. "But I was goofing around and I did something she didn't like and instead of talking to me about it, she ghosted and then later, showed up with a new girlfriend." Everett gestures the beer bottle neck to Kim then takes a drink. "In so far as I can tell that's the biggest 'fuck off, we're done', I can think of. So that's how I took it. But I guess she's having second thoughts. Not about Kim," he adds, quickly, "but about brushing me off." For his part, Everett downcasts his head and shrugs, "I just don't know. If I would have to worry about her anymore. If we had an argument and she'd show up again, I dunno." He lifts his gaze to Kailey, filling in with, "I dunno... pregnant or something." Another sip is taken.

Turning his gaze to Kim, Everett explains, "That's what's holding me back, Kim. And." He sighs. "I hope she treats you different." He smiles, grins even, offering, "It helps that you don't do goofy shit like press your ass against windows. Right now I don't know how I feel about her. I know we have to talk about it, it's just making time."

Kailey's mouth opens and then closes. And her eyes remain a little wide. For a time she stops looking between them. Focusing on Kim and there is surprise in her face. She sucks in a little breath when she breaks out the 'L' word and winds up biting her lower lip. "Oh. Yeah...talking has been in the plans, just keep getting distracted," She says in a soft voice, cheeks turning red.

She, maybe notably, doesn't turn to look back at Everett. Instead she opens the fridge and pulls out an Odwalla juice that she'd stuck in there earlier. Closing the door and taking it from the kitchen, over to the wall by the door, where she leans. The juice smoothie in her hand has her gaze as she slowly opens it. She listens though and isn't lost in her thought. Because she almost, not quite, cringes when he makes that 'pregnant' comment.

"I just...need a bit...to take it in. Don't mind me," Kailey says with a hoarse laugh, waving one hand limply at the two of them. And then takes a gulp of her juice. Nope. Still not looking at Everett.

Kim sighs deeply "Why because she could love you? Really I'm not jealous in the least. I only want her to be happy and if she is happy with you...well we talked about about. I think I get what you did to drive Hera away. Look I mean to make her my wife. It doesn't mean I can't accept her loving another." Kim purses her lips "You know what she loved you. I know and accept it. Maybe because you rejected her friends...and I know enough that you didn't mean anything except protecting them. Why else would you have tried to cross the Asian wall." Kim winks at him. Oh the L word, Kim has let herself free here as she gazes back at Kailey. Her own face turning red "So hey I didn't mean to get between you two. Truly ask him and anything he has to say will make me sick. Not his fault I'm just not into men at all...."
Kim looks up to Kailey "Are you into women? You know what just forget I asked that. Other things though Stranger Things, Bojack Horseman, new Dark Crystal?" trying to distract her nerdy self. Looking back to Everett "Our love for him isn't hard to explain. The hero of Gray Harbor. The man they call Ev." she sings and is pleased with herself with altering verses.

<FS3> Alisha rolls police produre (8 8 5) vs Everett's Leadership (7 6 5 5 3 2)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Kim)

Kailey mentions a distraction and then blushes with that adorable bottom lip bite and Everett half closes his eyes, pausing taking another drink as he gives her an alluring glare, his head downcast ever so slightly as though he's considering launching from the kitchen sink and company be damned. He'll show her distraction. Instead, a roused sound emits from the back of his throat, even if she doesn't look at him.

His body language chills with Kailey's cringe, and he then does pull himself from the sink and his boots thumb on the hardwood floor over to her. He doesn't stop until he's well and truely in her personal space, bending his head to murmur in her ear. "Aww, babe," before he nuzzles his cheek against hers. Lifting his head, the affection of the nuzzle is compounded with a soft peck against her temple before he turns around to, like her, lean against the counter. One handbrings the beer bottle to his lips, the other rests on Kailey's hand, his pinkie worming its way between her smallest and ring fingers while Everett regards Kim.

"I know you're not jealous, and I appreciate that," Everett says, considering something, before he says, instead, "I want her to be happy too. That's why I texted her that. That's why I showed you that text. I want her AND you to be happy. I don't think I'm necessary for that," and Kim should know why. Something about a 1950's fantasy. He sighs, heavily put upon. "I didn't like the way that went down. But at the time, Hera didn't sparkle. She couldn't see the monsters for what they are, and even if she did, she would have rationalized them away. To protect her, them, I acted like a jerk so they'd get away from me, so I could go after the monster by myself," he explains to Kailey. "They just never forgave me for it. Even after now that they sparkle and see the critters for what they are themselves." His big shoulders shrug. "As for Hera, I tried to make it up to her a couple of times. I think she's coming around. Day after Valentine's I apologized, again, and left some flowers there. Four. For her and her girlfriend, and you and Grace. I don't know if you got them." He taps his sterum with his bottle mouth, "I'm making an effort here and I plan on taking her," he nods his head to Kailey, "over to see Hera. An artist needs a gallery. Just as soon as there aren't any more ... DISTRACTIONS."

A question makes him pause and shift his torso towards Kailey, his drink poised to drink from, "Hey, yeah. ARE you into women?" he asks before he smirks down at Kim, and dismissively scoffs.

<FS3> Everett rolls Presence+I Work Out: Good Success (8 7 7 5 3 3 1) (Rolled by: Everett)

Kailey was taking a drink when Kim asks if she is into women. There is a little bit of sputtering and coughing. Some juice gets on her already dirty robe and she looks up, wiping juice from around her mouth, at Kim with wide eyes. Oh there is that red blush creepiing and she opens her mouth.

"Uuuuhhhh," Seems to be the only thing coming from it. Then, "Yeah...?" In a rough and wavering voice. Finally those eyes turn to Everett. "I'm not upset. Just...sudden after that...thing and...I'm trying to not have a fit cause I can't take my meds now cause that's not fair and right now my feels are all confused and...and...oh fuck..." That last bit starts slow and then comes faster and faster. And then she is sinking down the wall, hand slipping from Everett's, and she curls up in a fall. Hiding her head between her knees. There's a groan from within the robe.

Kim doesn't look away from the pair. Kim just seems to get it, she backs off. Sure she's very gay and usually saves it for Grace. She closes her eyes for a time, afraid she has misread things "Sorry Kailey, I assumed. And truly I shouldn't have. But if you'd like a pleasure a man could never give...fuck sorry. I didn't mean to tease. I can so much with my small hands...still I wouldn't without her permission." Still there is Kim's nerdy nature. Looking to Kailey "Gen 1 or 2? You could not know what means...so 11 versus government shit heads."

"You know what Ev?" maybe he is prepared for the tiny thing to go off on him "You did what did to protect her. I respect that. You tried to keep your powers at bay." finally looking back up to Kailey "Sorry. You are probably more into him. No regrets here except you are very pretty, And I'd love to go...no you don't want to hear that. Just now you are gorgeous."

The sputtering, the coughing, Everett's hand removes from hers to stroke her back while he watches her clevage with concern, lifting his gaze when she speaks. Just in time to avoid getting caught staring at her boobs. Maybe. The large paw on her back moves up to Kailey's far shoulder and held as he pulls himself near and hugs himself to her. "I didn't think you would be upset," he says evenly, "otherwise I'd be doing a lot of grovelling right about now. You already told me how you felt about that, and I have to take you at your word. But if you ever want to talk about it, or anything else, you know where I sleep," he turns his gaze to the mattress on the floor, up nodding to it.

With her explenitive, Everett takes the last couple of paper towels and crouches down, offering them in one hand, holding his beer bottle in the other because, while some might think he's a sweetie, he still has his priorities. He upnods at Kailey, even if he's up higher than her to murmur a concerned, "You ok?," as he offers the towels. Then he glances over his shoulder at Kim and smirks with amusement, "Are you. Hitting on her right now?" He steals a look at Kailey and when he's looking back at Kim, Everett's chuckling softly, toothlessly grining.

Kailey's face is buried but that doesn't mean she doesn't hear Kim. She's a lovely shade of red now and in the darkness of her robe and curled up self there is the flash of a smile. But that just makes her turn redder and make soft squeek. Finally a mewling, "Thanks," Pipes out from the tie-dye robe ball that is Kailey.

It is followed shortly after by a, "Yes...no...I don't no...probably not. I'm all mixed up, Ev. My head hurts," And Kailey suddenly sounds tired. The towels are either not noticed, yet, or needed and thus ignored. "Definitely need to talk. Definitely," She says after a pregnant pause. "Just not, you know, now. Now I need...I need to go for a walk-NO! No...going anywhere is bad right now, nggggn," And she shakes her head against her knees anda ctually growls. It's a cute little thing, hardly vicious, for the moment.

Kim's boobs are nothing to be admired. She needs to feel alive after the the experience and her attention is not on a male at all. Kim shrugs to Everett's question "I hit on any women I like." she offers in response. The gothic loitia looking up to the purple haired girl. The offer of thanks just has her a little confused "Would you like me to go down on you?" there is a blush to her cheeks, but no shame in her tone when she offers.

Hearing confusion. "Sorry. I just...no I should save to this for another. If you'd want him over me...can I at least watch?" the walk leads her to try to extend her mind, if not resisted <So pretty. I really love your hair.> she just looks at Kailey with no words spoken. Just a honest truth from her mind.

"Yes," he agrees, still grinning, nodding when he brings his attention back to the woman who's everyone's focus. "It sounds like I have a lot of talking in my future, and I hate talking," give him something he can punch, so much better. Weighing the options, he gives Kim a glance and then turns his emphasis back to Kailey. He's a deep timbred man, even when he hushes. "Would you like me to leave?" he asks, keeping his head slanted while regarding the Caucasian woman. Whatever could he mean by that.

His brows frown with concern, the bottle placed aside, the beer tasting sour in his mouth suddenly with his rising worry. He leans in closer to the woman on the floor, putting his empty hand on her knee to squeeze while he resumes stroking her back, "I don't know what's safe for you to take for your head in your condition. Want me to google it and see if we have any aspirin?"

Kailey's answer to Everett asking if he should leave is a very sharp and very desperate, "NO!" And it even makes her head come up. Showing she's blushing to her ears. And as she is looking at Everett someone is whispering in her mind. Her eyes go a little glassy, distant, and one brow raises followed by the other.

Slowly Kailey turns to look over at Kim with this stunned little expression. Taking a deep breath she slowly lets it out and says quietly, "Thank you. I am thinking right now I'll pass on doing anything intimate with anyone. Even if they're cute and watch Sci-Fi," She then puts her head in her hands with a groan and rubs at her face as Everett rubs at her back. "Tylenol. I think? Yeah. That," She says as she turns to give Everett a weak smile. Reaching out to cup his cheek. "Thank you. Sorry. I warned you I'm a mess."

Kim just sighs and nods to the cute purple haired "I understand. Still if you'd like to get well...close to him I'd still like to watch." she backs off of mind to mind communication. Only because the player can't with giant. She reaches out to Kailey's cheek "Not for anything later. I'm sure my wife would like to watch shows with you." a slight look over to Everett. "I know she'd want to talk things with you as well. I don't think you've talked to her. Truly Ev after the thing we have your gifts hang up. Is this someone you love? If so I will back off...Really you need to talk to Grace-kanojo. She will understand you did what did to protect Hera. Sorry I assuming things again." she tries to meet his mind with her's and just fails.

Her answer gives Everett a calm smile while the right corner of his mouth twitches, fighting to make it larger. The hand on her knee rises, a crooked forefinger brushing Kailey's cheek, stroking her blush. "I don't think I've seen you blush like this. You're cute when you're getting hit on." His voice, his chin both drop and take a lewd quality as his smile widens, "It kinda makes me want to reach under that robe and see for myself just how you're." His nostrils flare with the exhaled breath as he pauses, putting extra emphasis on the word, "FEELING", his own green eyes widening as he says the single word.

With a shake of his head, Everett offers, "You're my mess. I'm in this with my eyes wide open, Kiki." He stands, picking up his beer bottle from the floor and gives a discreet tug to the front of his jeans. Putting the bottle on the counter, he upnods to Kim before heading to the alcove that serves as the separation to the bathroom, parting the flowery curtain to disappear behind it for a moment, leaving Kailey and Kim a lone to get up to whatever it is women get up to when men aren't in the room. Pillow fights. Hair dos. Talking about boys. You know, the usual. He returns, after a moment with a small bottle, already open and shaking it into his massive paw, the paper towels gone.

Offering his hand down to Kailey with two white pills on it, Everett turns his head to Kim with a playful smile, "You know. This isn't the first time you've asked someone to watch have sex with me. I'm beginning to think you're not as gay as you think you areNOPUKINGINMYHOUSE." The quickly said words make Everett smile wider and then he shrugs a shoulder, "I. I'll talk with Grace. I just need a time to do that at. It's not like I'm avoiding her. Or the talk." Nobody notices that Everett doesn't comment on if he loves Kailey. Or how he feels about her. Because Jedi mind trick.

<FS3> kim (a NPC) rolls 3 (8 7 4 3 1) vs Everett's Perception+Alertness (7 7 7 6 5 1)
<FS3> Victory for Everett. (Rolled by: Kim)

<FS3> Everett rolls Alertness+Glimmer (8 6 6 5 5 4 4) vs Kim's Stealth+Glimmer (5 4 2)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Everett. (Rolled by: Everett)

Kailey slowly begins to uncurl once Everett makes his statement. The smile on her lips is tight, a little pained, but there. All she really does, though, is give Kim this embarassed little glance. "I doubt that's happening tonight," She says and sounds truly sad about that. "My head is starting to pound after all this. I've...mmmm..." She reaches up and rubs nervously at the back of her neck while slowly scuffing her way over to the mattress.

There she lets her legs fold and falls onto it. Pulling the comforter up and around her shoulders like a protective shell. "My mind is getting quiet again and I can think. And I think Everett needs to start at the beginning of it all. Because I'm still a little confused...mostly about where I sit in the tangle," She says when he emerges with bottle and pills. Which she takes from him and pops in her mouth, swallowing down with juice.

Kim holds her palm open towards Everett, what she said about Stranger Things. That is how she channels her abilities, well hey at least it isn't GoT. In her mind she is L. And trying to get into Everett's really thoughts. She just fails like against a demogorgon, you know what complete nerd and proud. Hey don't judge the geek. She looks up to Everett "Really? Keep that stuff in your pants or you'll see if I was kidding or not. Truly I have come to like you but if get your dick out..." she shakes her head thinking he is joking. "Please do. Truly I think my Grace-kanojo needs it."

"Okay just a offer. I don't know your sexuality after all. Apologizes if I assumed too much. Even if I didn't you are still in pain. I should go back home." first trying to tend to Kailey, and if no one stops her she'll head out.

<FS3> Everett rolls Composure: Good Success (8 7 6 4 3 2 2 2) (Rolled by: Everett)

Crouching down again, Everett smooths the comforter at Kailey's back, stroking the lump of her gently and in broad figure eights. "More talking," he murmurs, grousing, already, or still, looking fit for a good sulk from the last time a talk was threatened his way. Then he feels that tingle, that feeling that he's not alone in his head. His eyes flutter down to the bump in the bed first. No, she knows better. "Hey," he starts quietly down to the lump before patting her twice, "you're dirty from running around a cornfield, you wanted to take a shower but maybe a bath would be better, babe. Seep in your own juices," even concerned, he can't not help, but twist a little joke in there. Especially after skipping another corn pun.

And then.
Then his eyes slowly roll over towards the diminutive woman speaking to him. Glaring. Chilly. Cruel. Swiftly he stands up, his jaw clenched, as do his fists while he boots towards her. When Kim mentions returning home, Everett's voice is forced calm, teeth clenched. "Yes. I think that's for the best." He's breathing heavy while he glares holes into her, and makes no attempts and further niceties such as showing her to the door.

"Pan and poly and sometimes very confused," Is Kailey's reply to the comment on her sexuality. Which once said makes her laugh wryly and shake her head. "Thank you, I'm flattered. Just...tonight is not a night I'm feeling sexy. I just feel..." She trails off and glances up at Everett when his tone changes. She has seen that face. Once. She didn't like it then and she doesn't like it now. And it ain't even aimed at her. Those eyes slide to Kim and she says, "It was nice meeting you. I'm sure we'll see each other soon." Voice weak and shakey, but then it's been that way off and on since they landed in the real world. She looks down at herself then and back up at Everett. Nodding she slowly moves to unfold and get up. "A bath actually sounds perfect," She says, leaning in to give him a quick, fearful, peck. Cause he's glowering and even if it ain't at her, well, it's scary.

<FS3> Kim rolls Physical: Success (6 5 5 5 3 2) (Rolled by: Kim)

Everett continues to stand where he is. When Kailey approaches him, he swivels his head to offer her his cheek for all the pecks in the world, while he keeps his eyes on Kim. He steps behind her, giving the little woman more than an arms distance while she prepares to leave and then his brows raise when she turns around and growls. Everett's right lip curls as it twitches, pulling back like a wolf. His isn't a figurative growl that draws his breath.

"Get the FUCK out of my house and my head!" He replies when she threatens him, "This is my fucking house. You can get out, or be thrown out, but it's going to happen in three seconds." His eyes narrow before he adds, "And if you were anybody fucking else, motherfucker, you wouldn't get that time."

<FS3> Everett rolls Presence+Menacing: Success (8 5 5 4 4 3 3) (Rolled by: Everett)

Kailey stops and stands up a little straighter. Her smile fades into a frown and she glances at Everett and back to Kim. "I...thiiiink you misunderstood something...he'd never hurt me. But I'm pretty sure I know what you tried to do, and I done did it before myself. And I'd go now, it'll be fine okay? Bye," And she sats it quickly, given that Ev has given the petite woman three seconds to go.

Kim is given a threat and just heads out. Not really sure what she did to cross a line. Still she isn't one for conflict.

Kailey is trembling a bit by the time the door closes behind Kim. Her shoulders sag and she lets out a sigh before turning to look at Everett sadly. "That got really weird," She just lays it out there. "And we -really- need to talk. I know you don't wanna, but this just proves it needs to happen. I'm gonna go get in the tub and soak. I'd like you to come sit and keep me company?" A flutter of a smile crosses her lips. She gives him her best hopeful and needy look. "Please?"

And then Kailey bites her lower lip.

Everett, too, waits for the door to close with Kim on the other side of it. Then nothing gets hit. His knuckles whiten, cracking. Glowering, Everett snorts out his nose like an ox. He knows what he's going to find when he turns around; her being all adorable, glowing in that special way. Probably even biting her bottom lip. Trying to stay mad while picturing it is difficult, but he manages to grunt. Big dumb bull protecting his family.

Relenting, Everett turns around, his jaw rolling while he unsquares it and nods. Silent, at first, he looks around the room for a second and grunts in surprise. "I'll follow you in," he finally says, before crossing to the kitchen to pick up his beer bottle, swirl the contents within, then follow into the bathroom, already taking a chug, his demeanor coming to rest.

Tags: punny

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