2020-03-28 - Wreck Her, Wreck Him

Jade and Thewlis encounter some of the Veil Creatures that have never been fans of Mr. Fixit

Content Warning: Violence, Language

IC Date: 2020-03-28

OOC Date: 2019-11-02

Location: Starlight Theaters

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4381


They've been a pain in the ass as long as he's been repairing things. Little things that frustrate, that like to break. Snarling, vicious, balls of spines and teeth with glowing eyes, clever hands and will to wreck.

There are several in the theater tonight, after the last shows. One of them, the size of a bowling ball, is running down the main corridor from theater two in the direction of the concession stands, little arms and legs pumping, giggling to itself hysterically as he tries to avoid the proprietors.

Jade finishes up in the projection booth, blissfully unawares of the riotous little gremlins running amok in the theater as she winds the film and stores the digital back in their space. Whistling lightly, she stores the last of the movies and dusts off her hands and heads out of the booth to go help her man with the cleanup so she can take him home and do naughty things to him. She barely makes it to the bottom fo the stairs when that THING rushes past her with its cackling voice. "The FUCK?!! Thewlis!!" He was in Theater Two last she knew, and that's where she starts headed for immediately.

Thew is running pell-mell after the creature, long legs pumping - holding a pipe wrench with what looks like reddish-purple blood on it. "Don't let it get to the booths or the concessions!" no stutter, to focused for his mind to betray him. Long tall and stuttering is only two of three for the moment.

Welcome to an average day for Thewlis Moore... at least once or twice a month "They break things!"

The creature continues to laugh, moving fast for something with such short little legs, arms waving in the air.

<FS3> Jade rolls Firearms: Success (8 5 5 5 5 4 2 2) (Rolled by: Jade)

Jade turns to start chasing after the creature, pulling her CCW on the way. She pauses, taking stance, lifting the gun, aiming... letting out a breath and then squeezing the trigger. BLAM!! The sound is horrible in closed quarters, makes the ears ring. But she manages to the wing the little bastard! He won't be running so fast with one of his legs gimped. "What is it?!" Her voice sounds muffled for a moment or two as she takes aim again at the creature.

<FS3> Thewlis rolls Spirit: Great Success (7 6 6 6 6 5 4 4 4 3 1) (Rolled by: Thewlis)

The creature flops into a roll as its leg is hit, cackling and hissing back at Jade before it tries to keep going, but it's slowed, paused a moment and of all things that she has seen him do... Thewlis suddenly winds up like a cricket bowler mid step, while throwing like a baseball pitcher. The air wavering around him before it ignites and a ball of purple flame bursts into existence in his hand, hurled across the distance to immolate the little creature.

"Thank's d-d-darlin'!" said in a half shout, his ears ringing as well as he slides to a halt beside her. "I think there's one or two more! I just call them gremlins... They act like them! Look like crites!" still shouting, putting a kiss on her cheek - still focused, still speaking generally clear.

Blinking at the display of raw power that Thewlis shows with his throw of the fireball, Jade can't help but grins when he skids to a halt next to her. "Thanks! I should start bringing the rifle to the theater! Pick 'em off from the booth!" She kisses him back and grins up at him before nudging him lightly. "Okay. SO we have to pincer them. You come in from the back, go in behind the stage and come in sneaky. I'll come in loud and herd them towards you." She leans up to kiss him again, a little more firmly this time, then grins, "Lets go get 'em, babe. Then we can go home and... celebrate." Winking, she heads towards the theater, gun pointed at the ground as she watches ahead.

A laugh at the kiss and the nudging, "Sounds good, b-bu-babe." winking back as Thewlis takes off again, giving her rump a good smack as he actually laughs and heads for where she directed, pipe wrench in hand... SMACKIN' may happen.

From the shadows eyes can be felt watching, malevolence, something that hates what goes here, that wants to break, smash, destroy, ruin.

Jade creeps towards the theater door, glancing in through the little circle of glass before pushing open the door and calling out, "Oh my! The concessions stand has been left completely unprotected! All those popcorn and soda machines! The ice cream machine!!"

A head peaks around a door jam, eyes glowing red at Jade when she calls out, razor sharp needle teeth bared as the veil beast snarls at her. There is hate in those eyes, pure unadulterated hate.

The face ducks back... but a hand lingers at first, fist pointed towards her - one particular finger pointing towards the ceiling,

<FS3> Jade rolls Firearms: Good Success (8 8 8 8 4 3 1 1) (Rolled by: Jade)

Smiling right back at the creature, she stares into those red eyes until it starts to pull back. That single finger disappears in a spary of blood and flesh and bone as she shoots it off... along with most of its hand. Standing up, Jade boots the door open and strides in, "Come and get me! Soft, fleshy human, right here! Whatcha gonna do now?" She glances all around, looking for the 'gremlin' to poke its head out.

There is a screech a hiss, and then from another point in the theater, nearby, another screech, and one more. Anger, malevolence, it all begins to rise, palpable... And then a scrabbling of feet as three of the little monsters are out and visible, charging, teeth bared.

"Wreck her! Wreck him!" one of them calls out, and they begin to laugh maniacally.

<FS3> Jade rolls Firearms: Good Success (8 6 6 5 5 2 2 1) (Rolled by: Jade)

"Gotcha now you little spiky bags of guts..." Jade grins when she sees three pair of malevolent red eyes racing towards her. Its the eyes she aims for this time, those malevolent little red eyes. "Ohhhhhhhh, you done fucked up now..." She squeezes off a shot, nailing the farthest forward of the little creatures and calling out, "Now Thew!"

<FS3> Thewlis rolls Spirit: Good Success (7 7 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Thewlis)

<FS3> Bite bite bite! (a NPC) rolls 5 (8 6 5 4 4 2 2) vs Jade's Athletics (7 6 5 4 1 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Thewlis)

<FS3> Bite bite bite draaaw? (a NPC) rolls 5 (8 7 6 5 3 1 1) vs Jade's Athletics (8 8 5 1 1 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Bite bite bite draaaw?. (Rolled by: Thewlis)

<FS3> Thewlis rolls Spirit (8 8 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 2) vs AHHH! Real Fire! (a NPC)'s 5 (8 8 7 6 5 5 2)
<FS3> Victory for AHHH! Real Fire!. (Rolled by: Thewlis)

As one of the creatures is blasted, exploding into veil goo as it is downed the other two keep running, one leaping and wrapping it's lips around her calf as Thewlis appears, eyes wide at the site before him as he throws another ball of fire, the little spiny bastard leaping clear and hissing at the lanky man, eyes narrowed - but grinning at the scorch mark on the floor.

<FS3> Jade rolls Firearms: Good Success (7 7 6 5 5 4 3 1) (Rolled by: Jade)

Yelping as one of the creatures buries needle-sharp teeth into her calf, she kicks her leg out again and again until it lets go. When Thewlis' fireball misses, Jade takes aim again at the little shit that bit her. "OH you are so fucked..." BLAM! She squeezes the trigger again, taking aim right at it. That last one manages to skitter away, however, leaving her scrambling to catch it, "One more, Thew!!"

<FS3> Thewlis rolls Spirit (8 8 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 1) vs Stop shootin' fireballs! (a NPC)'s 5 (8 7 4 2 2 1 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Thewlis. (Rolled by: Thewlis)

His confidence shaken by Jade's injury, ears ringing, nostrils burning from the smell of gunpowder, he rears back and throws again at the creature he'd missed as it scurries towards Jade - jaws open and hissing, leaping and then bursting into flames as it's struck, hitting the ground wailing and rolling around.

"Jade! Are y-y-you!? Are... Okay?!" panic in his voice.

"Yeah! Yeah, I'm okay. Little bastard bit me, but its okay, not deep. Just.. stings." Jade puts on a smile for Thewlis, holstering the gun and moving towards him. She wraps him up into a tight hug and smiles, "Thanks for saving me from that thing." Leaning up, she kisses him lightly, "My hero." When she pulls back, Jade glances to the little bodies then up to him, "Wanna take care of these and I'll bandage up my leg and we can go home? Have a beer and watch a movie?"

"They'll melt... ff-f-fade. They always d-d-do..." holding her tight Thewlis sighs and presses a kiss to her temple with his arms tight around her. "Sorry about those... They c-c-come wuh-with the t-tuh-territory." frowning as he holds her tighter. "They nor-hor-hormally come when I'm... alo-lo-hone." leaning back. "I'd love t-t-to get a buh-beer... and a muh-movie"

"Oh okay. Well that makes the cleanup easy," Jade smiles up at him, trying to put him at ease over the bite. Its barely even felt anymore. Holding him as he squeezes her tighter, she nuzzles into his shoulder. When he leans back, she smiles up at him, sending out that wave of love and affection. "Then lets go home. And.. maybe its a good thing they're showing up around me now. Means that you don't have to fight them alone." She kisses him lightly and murmurs, "Alright hero. Lets go home."


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