2020-05-15 - More About Megan

Easton texts Alexander and Isabella about Megan's visit.

IC Date: 2020-05-15

OOC Date: 2019-12-04

Location: Text

Related Scenes:   2020-05-10 - Baking and Broken Alices   2020-05-15 - Filling In The Blanks   2020-05-15 - what kind of tots   2020-05-18 - Search and Rescue

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4651


(TXT to Alexander Isabella) Easton : So. I met Megan

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : Were you a good boy or a bad boy?

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : If you were good, I know most of the decent body dump sites around town. ::smiley face emoji::

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : Not sure how to gauge that? I didn't pull a gun on her. She didn't attack me.

(TXT to Easton Alexander) Isabella : What did you tell her?

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : You shot the ghost, but not the bleeder? Easton. ::thumbs down emoji::

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : She told me how she ended up in the asylum. She asked to restore my memory because it's her way of getting back at them.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : HE HAD IT COMING

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : She tried to get the town to feed me to the Dark Men.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : You failed to mention that. When was that?

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : She was one of the actors. When everything started getting weird(er). But Isabella's question is a good one. Did you?

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : I let her do it. I remember our trip now. And I remember my uncle taking me to his office through the door in the basement of the bar. When I was a kid.

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : 🙁 🙁 🙁

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : I know

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : You're okay?

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : I'm fine, just faded. But we don't have to wait for the fade to wear off. We can do something about it.

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : Oh?

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : Yea, I'm not a hundred percent sure how, but she said it's possible. She had to do it after recovering her own memories of the asylum.

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : She said something like that to us, too. About having a purpose.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : I'm good with active solutions. I'd rather not just wait around. So I'm going to figure it out, maybe even try and find a door? I have a feeling there's something on the other side for this. I'll be careful, maybe ask Rosencratz.

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : If you need backup, I'll help. Can't open doors, but I can do things.

(TXT to Easton Alexander) Isabella : Either having a purpose, or putting things in a right order like how people are often walked through in order to recover memories. It makes sense? At least, if you know where to start. That's always the case, even with the Asylum. We know how it moves, but without knowing where it starts, it might not be accurate. We might have enough to try though.

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : You two should probably get together, too. See if your memories match.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : My uncle told me when I was kid, when he took me to the office, it was open on Tuesdays. He started to say more but said it was too complicated.

(TXT to Easton Alexander) Isabella : I had her restore my memories too. I saw the whole clock, there are more places - like the Reception Key. From my recovered memories of our trip, I know that's where we went through the last time. So we know that the Reception Key is through the morgue at a certain time. It's on the 6 o'clock area on the clock.

(TXT to Easton Alexander) Isabella : Wait, Tuesdays again? What is with this town and Tuesdays?

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : Elvis died on a Tuesday. It's not wrong to commemorate his hallowed memory.

(TXT to Easton Alexander) Isabella : Did Dr. Marshall like Elvis? Anyway, the Bar Basement is labeled in the 8:00 section of the clock, so if we tried to open it on Tuesday at 8:00 am or pm, you think it'd get us to the Asylum?

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : What's the worst that could happen?

(TXT to Alexander Easton) Isabella : Well we also have to consider that if we do end up there...what would we DO there? What would we look for?

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : If possible, I think we need to resolve the question of the Asylum's purpose, and its reason for existence. And we should take the astronaut.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : I'd vote 8am. It's always been a bar so it would be really inconvenient to use it at 8 at night.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : She said something changed? Either when my uncle died or when we buried Gohl, but now The. Doctor. is in charge and that's a bad thing?

(TXT to Easton Alexander) Isabella : That's what Alice said, too. She made it sound like the Doctor was the devil incarnate.

(TXT to Alexander Easton) Isabella : Wonder if he's the reason why they're...the way they are. More powerful than I've ever seen.

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : People were tortured before that. At least on our side. I don't know if time works that way over there. That's why we should take...Joseph? He was a patient there and remembers. If there needs to be a reckoning, he knows the questions.

(TXT to Alexander Easton) Isabella : I agree. He said he wanted to talk to me so I'll be meeting him soon. I'll field it with him.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : We need to get him back in shape first. He's dull as dirt right now. I say first step is we get back up to strength

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : You all are.

(TXT to Easton Alexander) Isabella : The three of us. ::sheepish face emoji::

(TXT to Easton Alexander) Isabella : He's giving me that face, E.

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : I am angry facing all of you. I just happen to be doing it where Isabella can SEE it.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : Kiss him. It will distract him from the disappointment

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : I suppose I'm not angry facing Joseph. I barely know him.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : Maybe undo a button?

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : I wouldn't object.

(TXT to Alexander Easton) Isabella : If I do that now you're never hearing from us for the rest of the night. I never stop at just one button.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : ha! All night? I was gonna offer to wait an hour or so. You animals.

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : Isabella is beautiful, and I have thirteen years of celibacy to make up for?

(TXT to Alexander Easton) Isabella : We take breaks! Just...they don't last very long. Also I was away for two weeks!

(TXT to Easton Alexander) Isabella : You try to be away from Bennie for two weeks with nothing.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : damn. A to the lex we might need to talk vitamins or yoga routines, I'm open to pointers.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : Shit. ALEXANDER. Totally meant Alexander.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : Quick, Isabella take off your damn shirt.

(TXT to Alexander Easton) Isabella : The last time I did that with you around, you yelled at me!

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : It's okay. I know it's hard for you, and I appreciate your trying. 🙂

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : Because you were drunken sexy dancing at me! In the morning!

(TXT to Alexander Easton) Isabella : I thought you were Alexander! ...and then I thought you were stalking Alexander. Look, mistakes were made. It will never happen again.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : no, by all means always drunk dial me when attempting to sexy dance and simultaneously burn down buildings.

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : To be fair, if Easton were stalking me, I expect he'd be very good at it, and you probably wouldn't catch him out by accidentally drunk dialing my phone.

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : I am regretting the lack of sexy dance, though.

(TXT to Alexander Easton) Isabella : I'll oblige you, but this needs some serious costuming. I need harem pants and a coin scarf.

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : www.amazon.com Two day delivery.

(TXT to Alexander Easton) Isabella : ....oh shit they actually have these!

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : Do you want nipple tassles? Because this is how you get nipple tassles. (Leaving me on this text thread)

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : Of course they do. And I have no objection to nipple tassles.

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : It would mean, though, Easton, that you're getting edible underwear for Christmas. So be warned.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : FYI, it's all gross and possibly the least sexy, sexy thing.

(TXT to Alexander Easton) Isabella : I can't believe we went full circle back on this edible underwear thing. Why do I tell the two of you anything?

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : Really Alexander, she's more of a book person.

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : There are some very interesting books. Bet I can make her turn red from head to toe.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : So just roughly how many how to sex books do you own?

(TXT to Alexander Easton) Isabella : That's because you cheat! You cheat all the time!

(TXT to Alexander Easton) Isabella : He cheats, Easton!

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : Not telling.

(TXT to Alexander Easton) Isabella : (a lot)

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : Shush.

(TXT to Alexander Easton) Isabella : I'd tell him you have a legitimate academic interest but he won't believe me.

(TXT to Alexander Easton) Isabella : He also has a subscription to this now.

(TXT to Easton Alexander) Isabella : ::smartphone pic of latest GIRLS AND CORPSES magazine:: I still don't know how we started getting this.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : Why?

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : Why is that a thing? And why is that thing you have?

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : So much why

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : I didn't order it. But it actually is rather entertaining.

(TXT to Easton Alexander) Isabella : Apparently Yule reads it too. The articles are apparently interesting?

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : They are. They did a review of various bone saws and their forensic markers just last month. And Miss Morgue had freckles. Yule has excellent taste.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : It's no Vanquish, but I guess to each his own?

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : Anyone should be able to appreciate a good article on flensing knives.

(TXT to Alexander Easton) Isabella : I feel like I'm voyeuring on a very dirty conversation between the two of you. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Do we have any popcorn?

(TXT to Isabella Easton) Alexander : I can check. Either way, I should check my book collection, as well. Don't die.

(TXT to Alexander Easton) Isabella : Goodnight E. We're going to pop some corn.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander) Easton : Night guys. Enjoy your weird sex


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