2020-06-01 - You Will Not Approve

There are some things one's required to tell one's BFF about. Even if one might rather not.

IC Date: 2020-06-01

OOC Date: 2019-12-19

Location: In The Ether

Related Scenes:   2020-05-31 - Strange With You

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4748


(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: Well.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: I seem to have acquired a boyfriend.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: You will not approve.

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: You acquired one? Like out of a catalog, or kidnapping?

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: I go run a business and try to shore up what my grandfather let go for five minutes or a few months or whatever and this is what you do to yourself?

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: Wait, why won't I approve? Not some Canadian hockey player i it? Full disclosure I actually have no leg to stand on there.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: Well, someone has to entertain me.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: But no. American skateboarder. And you won't approve 'cause I wouldn't. He's a 21 year old artist with purple hair, very little common sense, and absolutely terrible taste in clothes.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: ...you should tell me about the Canadian hockey player, though.

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: (...bouncing dots...)

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: (a pause and deletion)

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: (...bouncing dots...)

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: (...more bouncing dots...)

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: (...more deletion...more dots...)

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: But he's also talented, bright, curious, funny, brave, and frankly rather adorable, not that that one's generally been one of my priorities. So I suppose his wardrobe is easier to fix.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: We make virtually no sense, but apparently I'd rather be happy than sensible at present.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: (...also he has a gorgeous body and the sex is fanTAStic, but for the moment let's just pretend I'm too deep for that to be a factor, shall we?)

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: So you're afflicting yourself with practice for a midlife crisis by noshing on junkfood rather than focusing the important things like your career and giving me actual usable ammo against your Grandmum

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: omg Vyv are you feeling well? Are you alright? Is this my fault? And no i"m not telling you about the hockey player. I refuse to get petty or nostalgic here!

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: (bouncing dots)

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: ... you're not in a cult are you?

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: Please. When has there ever been a cult that didn't insist one dress like a complete prat?

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: Well when ever has the bespoke Vyvyan Vydal run about with the barely employed that cannot dress? I have to ask because you're my BFF and I care. My outrage is me caring. Also me almost walking into a door texting you.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: Don't walk into a door, darling, just imagine having to tell people that really is why your face is bruised.

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: Because I'm bereft over your self-harm of your social status?? You're right. They might start coming to me with all their issues. I don't have time for all that caring. It makes pointing out all their faults later awkward.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: No, because no one will ever believe you haven't actually been being hit by someone. In any case, he isn't junk food, and I have faith the presentation can be improved. Though the hair I rather like, at least when it doesn't show roots. And I am wholly capable of focusing on my work and another thing or two at once, thank you.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: I never said he was barely employed, incidentally.

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: You said American skateboarder. This immediately draws all manner of images together I know about Gray Harbor.

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: I mean I'd weep for you but I just had my nails done and cannot operate a tissue safely yet. I'm still curing.

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: (pic of nails in blue with holofoil stars on them for the 4th. That took some time)

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: I also said artist. And good, I'm pleased your nails are preventing any untoward leakage on my behalf. They look quite festive. Texting isn't getting in their way?

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: I'm improving voice to text. I yell at it enough it's getting used to me.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: You're wandering around yelling at your phone then, are you?

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: YES I AM! Are you sure you're alright? Let me at least take you to lunch.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: I'm a bit startled but fine, darling. And reasonably certain I can be tempted to lunch. Anywhere in particular in mind?

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: I want to go to Ahaar. I'm craving Indian food and can really go for a chicken biryani. I'll buy. I'm worried about you.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: Indian sounds good. You have my blessing to buy today. Really needn't worry, though.

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: I swear to god if you give me a grey hair over this I'm naming it after you. Look, and i mean this with all three feelings I have because you are important to me, if this is about you turning 30 this year I get it. I do. You are not expiring so soon that all hope is lost and I want you to know that.

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: Also Justin's in Canada. Dunno when he'll be back and he's got another deal lined up after this. Off continent. So yeah.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: Ugh, don't remind me about the birthday. But no, it's not about that.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: Plus, if you get a grey hair you'll just remove it anyway. Quite reasonably.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: What's he away for, more movies? Make him give you a better schedule.

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: Turns out it doesn't work that way. Also he needs this right now.

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: How can I entirely be certain you are not Bizarro World Bestie?

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: I couldn't say; I'm not accustomed to entertaining suggestions I might not be me. Don't the Bizarro World versions of people sound odd, though? Poor grammar, etc.?

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: You mean like making rash dramatic social choices that seem entirely counter to your normal routine?

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: (Arched eyebrow emote with monocle)

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: This is what we get for having no PA right now hand being left to our own devices. It'll be okay. Lunch, martini, Xanex and you'll feel better. I'll pick you up when I'm done explaining to this moron that birch and balsa are not even remotely close to being the same thing.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: I am not being rash or dramatic. Sadly. But we do need something done about this PA situation, it's ridiculous. Rebecca's required to replace herself suitably if she's going to run off on me like this.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: Good luck teaching the secrets of proper wood appraisal.

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: And that is what a dramatic bizzaro world person might say, Vyv. Really you may be due for a physical.

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: There may be bail and biryani for lunch. We will see how this goes.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: As I recall a dramatic Bizarro World person would say 'me am being rash and dramatic. me not spend any time thinking about this and just do whatever'. Unless he were being rash and dramatic, I suppose, and then he probably would claim not to be, but the odd grammar and general allergy to the word 'I' would remain. I always did hate 'opposite day' in any case.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: Do please try to avoid murder or serious assault. They're liable to get things on your outfit that will never come out, and then you might well be forced to wear a shapeless orange jumpsuit for some unbearable length of time. Such as 'any'.

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: Yeah. I really don't have an outfit for that.

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: Also thank you the trauma of that mental image will stay with me all day.

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: Quite welcome, darling, what are friends for.

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth:

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv:

(TXT to Hyacinth) Vyv: Let me know when you're nearly here. I'll meet you outside.

(TXT to Vyv) Hyacinth: will do.


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