2020-07-29 - Tattoos together

Cuz, feelings man. Feelings are difficult.

IC Date: 2020-07-29

OOC Date: 2020-01-23

Location: Elm Residential/The Kelly House - First Floor

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4951


It's rare these days, some downtime. What with all the things going on, it's kept both of their dials on level 11 most of the time (Joey's maybe 12 or 13 even, with the numbers written on since they aren't supposed to exist).

But here they are.

Nicole is sitting on the couch in the Kelly's living room, bare legs crossed with a laptop resting there. She wears pink shorts of a jersey knit and a heather grey tank, her hair tossed up in a messy bun. She isn't planning on going anywhere for awhile. Her head bops along to the music she is listening to through one earbud as she works on editing some photos, occasionally humming along. Until suddenly, she looks up and over to where Joey is doing his own thing and says,...

"We should get tattoos together."

Joey is tired and has people creeping in on his city, and right now someone could be out finding new and exciting ways to frame him for things he didn't think of first. How is Joey spending his time? Chilling on the couch with the small puppy in his lap and his lady, and his pistol between teh couch cushions right now. You know, in case.

There's a lot of in case lately.

Eyeing her he moves and drops his head in her lap. At least he's got one of his people watching the outside of his house these days in case. No call, no problem. Green eyes study her face and try to memorize it in case this moment is stolen from him, eventually. "Ah yeah? What you thinking?" She's the one with the good taste.

Smiling, Nicole lifts a hand to delicately brush away strands of hair that have fallen loose from the bun. "Oh, I dunno... some sort of shapes.. or letters. We could go to Portland and get them. Make a get-away of it..." The way she is smiling is playful, but after she mentions the get-away, she tilts her head and lets out a 'hmm'. "I could make an argument for... they wouldn't suspect you to go to Portland so we'd be safer... but I also know that I am not going to get you to get-away until things here are more settled."

Looking back towards her computer where her work and the music she is listening to is, she shrugs softly and says, "something to think about anyway. No idea what would be a good design for the two of us."

A glance back at him and she is asking, "any new news on the... " Her eyes drift down to the couch cushions. Yes, she knows where the gun is. "front?"

Joey stretches out leaving his foot hang off the end of the couch. His head turns and his bites the top of her thigh teasing and shuts his eyes to consider the art possibilities. "Portland's like an hour." It's not that far. He can reason that out and find remote people...maybe...maybe.

"Well maybe you should design something." Everything he says sounds serious enough, but there are times where he stop s having that stern look like he's the world's youngest 50 year old, and isn't trying to be Felix' whatever and just...is instead. His eyes crack open and he considers it a moment longer and turns his head just a bit, "If you want to I'm in. Been thinking about that kinda a lot lately. You. This. Not bad. Kinda like one of those extra central crisis things." Poor Alexander, somewhere. he's not gotten that far in the book yet, but at least he knows it's there!

Surprised by the bite, Nicole gasps and her leg jerks slightly. She gives him an arched brow look and says, "don't start that now or I may forget about what I am working on.... Yeah, I mean, I guess we could just go for like, an afternoon but..." But, wouldn't it be nice to get away for a little longer? Nodding, she says, "I could maybe. Yeah." She looks to him as he's talking, tilting her head just so when he starts in on 'been thinking'. What he says next though seems to catch her by surprise more so than the bite to her thigh. She blinks, her lips curling into that smile she gets when she is really trying not to smile all big and bright, kind of like a Mona Lisa smile. When he mentions 'this', she looks around the house, then says, "You. Us... yeah." She nods, biting her lip. "Existential crisis... things." She bites her lip again. "I think your life has purpose... meaning... do you?"

There's a pause before she says anything further.

"I mean... I have been thinking about it, uh, this.. things... a lot too."

Joey gets a wicked grin. There are few places safe to let him unwind and be himself and not Joey to the World. She might be all of them. "Shit I was thinking it's only an hour away. if there's an emergency we can get back but we could take the weekend." Plainly he protests, "If Byron can take 36 hours off so can I." He pauses, "I think."

The question is big. Does his life have purpose. His brow furrows, "I dunno. According to the legal system?...no. However... ya know...lately? It's like... I dunno. I had thi werid dream. Had to take care of some things for this lady who who i s a real ball buster and tired of people's dumb shit." He considers frankly to the Amazonian blonde whose lap he is occupying, "She was cool. I think you'd really dig her. But short answer? Yeah I guess it does?"

His brow furrows a bit looking to Nicole in sympathy and some guilt for all she's been enduring because if his bullshit. "Good. There's a lot going on. And I know it's hella unfair to you." There's a pause considering her. "Talk to me, goose."

"Oh!" Nicole smiles bright. "Oh, well, in that case... let's plan for it! You know, after we agree on a design or something. Or I draw one. Or make someone more talented draw one....." She nods. "You can totally take time off, and with that new care of yours, I bet we could make the trip faster if we had to.

She reaches down to play with his hair a little as he thinks about her question, looking into his eyes, even if he looks away. Smiling, she nods. "Sounds like the kind of woman I would like, yeah. " Nodding, she agrees with him. "I think it does too. I think you help more people than you realize, and I think helping people is one of those things for you, that give you purpose... you know? Helping... the right people." She reaches over to pet Riley who sits somewhere on top of Joey. "And pups."

Her chest expands as she takes a deep breath. Exhaling, she says, "yeah, I mean, that's not all I've thought about, but it is a lot. Of course." Her arm lifts in a shrug and she moves to put her laptop further out of the way. "It's an adjustment.. but... shit." And she's the one good with words? "Like, I still can't believe Andre is gone man, you know? I wasn't his bestie or anything, but man... I really liked him. He did good for you, for your people... you know, everyone."

"And yeah, it's brought some of the... realness of it all... more to the forefront. Like.. what could happen one day." Her eyes blink a couple times and she takes a moment to look at him, this handsome man resting his head on her lap. What could happen one day... she could lose him, one way or another. "But... I came in with my eyes open, and they still are, and... " She shakes her head. "Worth it. Still worth it. It's not unfair to me, because I choose to be here, with you, in this, with you. It's not unfair to me, because I am present for it. It was unfair to Andre because... fuck those fuckers."

Joey finds solace in the simple things shared. The fingers touching his face without striking, the silence, the warmth in her voice. These are the small pains the world inflicts on him when threatened. Her tone picking up again letting him breathe easier. When she gets to fuck those fuckers! his smile reaches his eyes with adoration and pride. "You are better than I deserve, baby. I want you to know I know that."

Taking a deep breath he says, "talking to Coira, the gal you might leave me for someday , trust me. She's that cool. Anyways, the lady in the dream and I were talking and I realized I'm so fucking paranoid with so much brass flying that they're actually robbing my ability to spend time with you. And that hurts you." He pauses and reasons casually, "Or not. I might be a pain in the ass. I dunno." He looks up to her in that subtly play of humor very glad she can read sub-context... which Joey might think is a type of land mass, but you know, he's got a lot of Alexander's word-a-day left to go through.

Fingers press to her lips and Nicole kisses the tips of them before pressing that kiss down to Joey's forehead. It's all she can do when he says she is better than he deserves. Well, that and smile down at him. There are often words her brain tries to make her say in moments like this... or her heart, rather, then the brain stops her, or her heart does. Words and fear are mortal enemies sometimes, in constant battle. Her head tilts as he talks about Coira. "Paranoid about... just, all of the possibilities? Is there a specific thing you are paranoid about?" She smiles at him then, trying to comfort him, her fingers going back to lightly caressing the side of his face. "We're spending time together now, aren't we? Does it hurt you?" she asks. "That this business is robbing us of time? I mean... you are totally a pain in the ass. But you are my pain in the ass." She chuckles, looking at him.

Of course, the stress wears on them both. Their eyes look a little more tired, their jaws a bit more tight with tension. But when she looks at him, there is still that sparkle in her eye. "I am okay... really. I understand the importance of this, solving this... When it is over, we will have more time. And..." She smiles again with a small shrug. "It's not so bad being next to you in bed every night."

Joey snorts with amusement, "Best pain in the ass in four counties. And I'm all yours. Lucky you." There's a cloud of thought that casts a shadow on his amusements giving pause for a more serious thought to shape.

The vague poke at not so bad with that coy smile of hers draws the solemn agreement, "It's why the dog keeps me around." As Ripley continues to nap on his leg because she can. Good girl. You nap.

fingers push back through his hair and resting o her leg as he lays there. "It's.... the paranoia is going from being, like, detached from anything and everything so you got nothing to lose and nothing they can take which means no one can hurt you and you are bulletproof. The flip side to that is if you get rid of everything then you have nothing." His eyes glance around and back to Nicole staring up at her trying to recant dream to memory to translation. It's tricky..

Taking a deep breath he murmurs trying to be practical about an emotional thing. "There's risk. Caring. And if something hurts you I think I'd lose my goddamn mind because I don't ever want to picture this world without you in it and happy." Those hard green eyes soften and get a sheen to them as he comes to this conclusion himself. Huh. How having a mood can physically hurt he still doesn't get. But he has one, and it does.

Her smile upon her lips, Nicole whispers down at him with affection in her voice. "The very best pain in the ass." Seeing that shadow cross over his features, she cups her palm to his cheek. "And I am lucky." His response to being next to him in bed gets a small snort of a laugh as she glances towards Ripley, a soft, 'mmhmm' escaping her. His voice brings her attention back to his face. It's serious talk now and she is giving him her undivided attention. His words carry with them a significant amount of weight, of understanding. She knows they are likely difficult for him to say. He glances around himself then back up at her and she trails the back of her fingers along the side of his face. A soft smile creeps back to her visage and she whispers, "and now... you have something." It is a statement, not a question.

Nodding as her own eyes begin to get a similar sheen to them, she tries to speak past the tingle in the back of her throat, some emotional lump sitting there, threatening. She keeps nodding gently. "Great risk... caring. I know.. I..." She knows too, for her own reasons. But she can't speak them at this exact moment. Slipping her fingers down to cradle the back of his head in her hand, she half lifts him as she leans down, shifting awkwardly to press her lips to his. Eyelashes cast shadows upon her cheeks as she closes her eyes and slowly kisses him, not with passion, but with emotion; all the tightly wound feelings they are wrapped in entangled in. It's a bit of fear that brings glassiness to her eyes, a similar thought to what he expressed. Risk. Risk of losing... too much. But she knows, she has come to accept within herself that the only reason there is fear within her is because there is love.

That one thing they have not said to each other.

Joey steals that kiss and yoinks a finger in her collar for a second and murmurs, "Where you going? " Just because Joey's not emotional doesn't mean they are not there and that he fails to enjoy these small moments of reprieve in a sea of violence. Between them he grumbles, "...and now I have something. I'm a need you... to work on... being... a little less likable." High praise. It's a form of confirmation in its own way. His jaw tightens and fingers trace the edge of her face. Taking a deep breath he takes the very difficult concept and breaks it does to matter-of-fact directives "Look, I love you, and I've tried not to but then you go and put up with my bullshit, and look after my family when I can't , and I can't... not. I can't. I've been trying so... I'm sorry. Looks like you're gonna have to put up with my punk ass a while. But when you tell me you can't do this... anymore? I get it, and you'll get no war with me."

"Nowhere," Nicole whispers with a coy smile down at Joey as he hooks his finger in the neckline of her tank. She leans back down to kiss him again, and again, only pausing so they can speak in the intervals. "Mmnn. I refuse," she says with a decisive sounding tone. He gets that serious look in his eyes then, his jaw tightening though his fingers are a light caress against her cheek. What he says stuns her, and later, she'll probably swear her heart stopped for a moment. eyelashes flutter as she blinks far too many times, trying to keep tears at bay as he talks and she has to swallow against the emotion making that lump in her throat again. There is but a split second of silence between the end of his words and the coming of her own, but in her mind, it is forever as she tries to think of the right thing to say, the perfect thing. There is no perfect though... she talked about that very thing with Sparrow the day before.

"I tried not to too...." she whispers, the struggle with her feelings evident in her voice. "Oh, how I tried... I always thought I would be the first to break, the first to say it. Fuck, Joey... I love you too. I have been in love with you for a while now... always trying not to, in denial... I can't anymore. I can't deny. I love you and right now, I see no end in sight for me putting up with your punk ass...

"In fact.... the reason I said that about tattoos, earlier, is because this song came on and..." She reaches over to her laptop where it rests, all while shifting her body to half lay on him, half against the back of the couch. Pulling the headphones out, she goes back to the song that had been playing earlier and hits play.

<FS3> Joey rolls composure (7 7 7 6 5 4 3 2) vs Gah, Feelings! (a NPC)'s 4 (7 4 3 1 1 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Joey. (Rolled by: Joey)

Aww crap the feelings got real in here. In true Joey fashion he's taking that shit to ground so not even the nubbins are popping up on it. With a rough hand he reaches up and brushes her cheek. "Baby why are you messing up your face telling me shit I already know? You don't have to say anything. I knew when you took care of the dog and me when I had to beat that bad man with his ow toaster." Joey Love right there.

And now she's shoving little things in his ears. He takes them from her and puts the right one in the right ear and arches an eyebrow. His read rolls slightly waiting for the hook and blinks at her. "You made a playlist?! There any AC/DC on it?" Is he serious? Well she gets a wink.

Nuzzling her cheek against that rough hand, Nicole smiles sheepishly. "Oh good.. I hid it longer than I thought I did then." She lets him listen to the song, which is a bit poppy. "I.. well, yes. I make a ton of playlists and... I probably should have called it the Oh Shit playlist... but I didn't..." She glances over at her computer then. "AC/DC? I well...uh.. there's um... no. No AC/DC. Do they have a song that talks about 'fuck, I didn't want to fall in love.. no, I can't be falling in love... oh fuck, I am, aren't I' songs?"

Joey blinks and furrows his brow, thoughtful expression broken by a snicker, "Why is this new news? It's been almost a year!" There's a lopsided grin warms up again and he just shakes his head. "You and your damn playlists." Doesn't even come on the radar of things that are weird. "So you want to fall into a menu next and figure out what we're going to do for lunch because that'd be super great." It's right then the kitchen drawer rattles and slams ope with a clatter of stuff. It's the junk drawer where markers and pens, and rubber bands, and spare keys, and charging cords, and whatever are kept. Also the menus. Joey sighs, "Ma, you don't get a vote..." There's a pause and he grins just a bit, "But if you want to throw in ideas..." Because who ever knows about lunch??!


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