2020-08-24 - Never Try To Make Sense Of Life In Gray Harbor

Hera and Devlin take a little time to relax and talk about some of the things that make Gray Harbor strange.

IC Date: 2020-08-24

OOC Date: 2020-02-09

Location: Vivid Dreams Art Gallery

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 5136


There's little need to change in the gallery and, as such, all seems well for the most part. Queso is in 'silent' mode which may be cause for concern, or a concern for a cause. Whatever the case may be, Hans lays on Hera's lap as the two seem to be enjoying quality time together. In her free hand is a book while her 'taken' hand rubs at the neck of her dutiful dog. At least ten feet away is the coffee pot that leaves the area with the strong, but inviting, aroma that only 'bean juice' can offer important guests. Pausing for a moment, Hera turns the page as her eyes partake of something interesting.

As Hera knows, Devlin has had a lot of over time hours. He complains about it but still works them.. grousing he calls it. But surprise surprise... it seems he has a day off as he shows up at the door. Spotting you, he smiles a bit, "Hey there Hera's keepers. Mind if I spend some time with her?" He first moves to where you are and offers a hug, "Been missing you, cousin."

Hera appears to be snapped out of her 'fake' reality for a moment and looks over toward the familiar voice. "Oh hi!" she says as she slowly puts the book down. "I've been missing you too! How have you been? I keep hearing so many things in the news so I've been meaning to stop by your apartment." The redhead then moves to get to her feet and Hans obediently gets off the couch. "Let me get you some coffee. Same old same old bean juice but, it's ready for you."

Devlin smiles, and intercepts you for a quick hug before you can get the coffee. "Over time has had me almost living at the station house." He then settles in a near by chair. "You two better be treating her right." He says to the canine and feline. "Been thinking about taking the guitar back up again. Borrowed a friends during shifts. I started picking at it..I can still find the frets ok."

Hera playfully rolls her eyes a bit, "Oh yeah, they always do. My constant furry companions are always here. It's easier to clean up after the dog though. Overtime would do it for sure. That's the life of someone in emergency services though. My work isn't all that exciting which, could be a good and a bad thing. I might be meeting another artist and I think I have made a new friend. Speaking of friends, whatever happened to Stephanie?"

Devlin shrugs as he sits, "No idea.. she got hurt, called off. I have not seen her since. It was a little after Morigan left town." He sighs, "I do miss her. Shoot.. if you were straight and available.. I'd ask you out. Not just hanging out with a family member I like to be around either.." He chuckles, "Oh well, that is life.. Oh, I did get a evaluation with the new criminal psychologist. Hopefully her report will put things to an end with the state house." He grins wickedly, "I did have fun with Dr. Kosimar's suggestions.. mentioned that the good Doctor felt I needed to get laid a few months ago.. and socialize more."

Hera blushes a little at the comment, "Thanks for the vote of confidence. I have to admit Jessica uhm, changed my perspective on, somethings but, thanks." she seems secure in that. I was really hopeful for you and Morrigan, I really was." She then can't help but laugh as she offers him a cup of coffee, "So, is that my new job? To make sure my cousin gets laid?"

Devlin laughs as he gets the coffee, "Oh, I would not wish that job on anyone, Hera." He leans up to kiss your cheek. "But I won't stop you from trying. Who knows, you may spot someone I'd miss out on." He teases, "Lets see.. hour glass figure.. smart.. funny.. and yeah.. tall would be nice. And perhaps a dash of crazy.. as in thrill seeker.. not like someone we know." He then sips the coffee, "Though as crazy as this town is.. I could wake up looking at her in the mirror in the morning when I try to shave." He then gets serious, "I don't know what is going on but they changed the signage on the Grizzley.. and are trying to claim it always had the new name. I ate there the same day I pulled into town for the first time. And the arguments over the Pourhouse name... that one.. easy to see happening."

Hera taps her fingers together as if to gesture that she's making mental notes. "Well, it's a bit of an, oh how do I say this, unusual town?" She looks around as if to make sure no one else can hear, "I've noticed that this place seems to, well, be a bit open in terms of relationships? How else can I say this uhm, I thought that when people got serious with each other, serious serious well, they'd want to just stay with one person. Here, it doesn't seem to be the case. I don't know how I would feel about a real open relationship. I mean, I don't know. I understand it's not good to be obsessive all the time but, how can you develop real intimacy if you are with one person one moment, saying you're in love, then immediately afterward hopping into bed with someone else?"

Devlin sips his coffee and then hmms, "Wow.. something going on, hon? Unusual topic.. if I brought up something you find painful.. it's cool.. time and place that works for you. But at the same time, your right..real intimacy takes trust and time.. plus love. Hard to get trust back when you cheat.. as to open. Never been there myself. Did date three girls at the same time once.. they knew. Honestly, would not attempt that balancing act again.. not to mention sorting out where you are emotionally."

Hera shakes her head and says, "No, I mean, well. There was a part of me that." she sighs and says, "Believe it or not I got a little jealous of Everett when he had all of these women after him and having his babies. I mean heck, I would have liked to have just had one child and then they, I don't get it. It's not painful, at least not anymore and I did come to terms with. I was jealous of him but, it just surprises me that so many people are that, loose, with themselves. I didn't think it would be the norm."

Devlin nods, "Yeah I know.. Ever watch that movie Idiocracy? Some times I fear that is were we are headed. Stupid, uncaring people will end up ruling the world due to there being more of them." He then shakes his head, "I don't get Everette.. then again, I think that Everette needs to do some real soul searching.. once he wakes up."

Hera rolls her eyes in a bit more of a serious manner. "I don't either, I really don't but, it's ok. He hasn't been over causing trouble or anything like that. I guess him being a new father would change things, I do hope for the better. That's all you can wish I suppose. So, all in all, things have been well here. I think I will have a new class opening soon and hopefully some more interest in things. Speaking of which, have you met Ravn? A fantastic storyteller."

Devlin shakes his head, "Can't say that I have met anyone of that name." Another sip of the coffee, "Storyteller.. interesting. Oh.. I've been looking around here and there at some guitars.. " He taps his head, "I figured out how to make small fixes in things. But I know I have to be careful in how often I work on it. May be safer just to spend the money.. you know?"

Hera looks at her cousin with growing interest. "Oh wow, that's really nice. Are you thinking of taking lessons? I wanted Jade to play here but I haven't seen her or Thewlis around for a while. Hey maybe you and Ravn can do a duet or something of the sort? Queso actually seems to like him a lot. Right when he got into town my cat claimed him. I think he's still got a softer spot for Maggi but, I haven't seen her in a while."

Devlin shrugs, "No idea.. been just getting my fingers up again is all." He then pulls out an old CD with fading sharpie, just a date and the word Iraq. "You can have this. Just me and a couple other guys playing when we were deployed. Can't take a PlayStation to a forward base." He smiles a bit, "I think you'll enjoy. As to other things, don't think that I am needing lessons so much as me figuring out if I want to get back in to playing. Hence my borrowing another guy's guitar at the station. I can't say that I have seen Maggi either recently. Then again, all that over time."

Hera reaches forward to take the CD. "Oh, interesting." she says, "That's an interesting thing about guitars you can play lead and the other can play rhythm and you have a very good beat. You can truly make music in many ways. I haven't seen Leon either. I hope they have both been ok. I might have to try to check on them if they both continue to go that quiet. That's not good but, I care about my friends and they really looked after me when they didn't need to."

Devlin nods, "That was from my 2nd tour in Iraq." He sips his coffee, "Yeah, it gets scary how easy it is to loose track with people." He nods, "Yeah, you can do a lot with a guitar. I mostly just play an acoustic. I would love a good Martin like Elvis played.. but have been tempted to try a twelve string. May be one of those later."

Hera tries not to get a wistful look on her face at the thought of music in all its joy. It is a true art, even if it's not an art she specialized in. "I would love to feature some musicians I really would. I thought there would be more musicially oriented folks coming in and out to be honest. I guess the karaoke takes the lead in all that but, I really do look forward to listening to this. I don't think I've missed out on music festivals recently. Those would be good to see and, I think this town could use such a thing. There's been some violence in the news hasn't there?"

Devlin nods, "A bit.. plus as strange as this town is.. I am not sure I'd want a music festival. All we need is some spirit thing going nuts killing a hundred people over a weekend. But yeah, doing small things here in town makes a lot of good sense to me. May be work with the coffee place to do in the mall area here on an afternoon or something?" He shrugs as he sips his coffee. "And may be I should invite you over.. my place is still rather Spartan.." He smirks a bit, "Last time I did serious wall stuff, my room ended up looking like a comic book store, music store, and a military park exploded on the walls."

Hera shrugs and decides to head over to the coffee pot herself. "Now that might be a good idea, it really might be. I like your place though. It's good to have your own style. I'm sure one day you'll find someone to enjoy it with. It not well, just enjoy it. Heaven knows I enjoy my place. I never thought the town would change me as it did but, I just have to think I'm making the world a better place."

Devlin says, "Yeah.. but I am not a monk." He smiles as he sips on his coffee. "Though it is always nice to hang out with you. And hanging out with you tends to remind me to call mom and others in the family." He sips his coffee and then reaches down to scritch Queso's head. "Hey there little one." He then looks back up to you, "I love your smile and I love the way you always want to make things better. Me.. I kind of try to do the same, more give someone a 2nd chance.""

Hera grins as she clearly enjoys the company and waves her dog over in a playful way. "No, but heck, you could have surprised me, with some of your martial arts aren't you supposed to be a monk? Not in ALL ways mind you. Speaking of which, how is your mom doing?" Of course the kitty just goes into purring purring and purring some more. Fortunately, Devlin speaks cat!

Devlin says, "Mom and dad are doing good. Their going to the Smoky Mountains for a couple weeks. Got a cabin up there." He then adds as he finishes off his mug, "Brothers and sisters.. busy with their families and a few on deployments." He hmms, "I worry for them, the inside attacks are hard to detect and catch. I never dealt with those.""

Hera smiles a little at the news, "That's good, that's really good. Speaking of arrangements, I need to make a few more calls before I forget about things. Appointments and, other items to note." She offers a hug to her cousin and grins, "It's good to see you and come back more often. I hope you can meet Ravn when you do. Be safe though ok?" With such a remark, she goes off to tend to business.

His return hug is a tight family loving hug, "Glad mom found you. And yeah, always.. "


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