2020-12-05 - Where the Fuck Are You?

Vic texts Ruiz to see where the hell he's been after no response to a dinner invite with her dad. It goes, not well.

IC Date: 2020-12-05

OOC Date: 2020-04-18

Location: Cellular Network

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 5536


There have been approximately 3 messages from Vic, waiting in Ruiz' voice mail. One, from the day after the Ghost Turkey incident, inviting him and his boys to a dinner at Sitka with others and her dad, with hopefully less incorporeal fowl.

The second was her calling evening of, reminding him of the dinner and noting she hadn't heard if he was coming or not, but would plan for a big enough table in case.

The last was her calling the day after, asking if he was mad at her or her dad or something, or if something was wrong. Were their kneecaps she needed to break.

Then the texts come today.

(TXT to Ruiz) Vic : Hey, It's Vic, you there? Still haven't heard from you and starting to actually worry. Dad asked after you.

(TXT to Ruiz) Vic : Someone beat the everloving shit out of Clayton. Twice. And I'm worried maybe someone got you too.

(TXT to Vic) Ruiz : (after a good few minutes) Hey, yeah, sorry. I'm here.

(TXT to Ruiz) Vic : What the fuck is going on? Are you all right?

(TXT to Vic) Ruiz : Alexander? Uh. I might know something about that.

(TXT to Ruiz) Vic : Clayton wouldn't tell me shit. What do you know? Someone smashed the shit out of his already injured hand. His ribs are cracked. Bennie is going to have to try and set his hand bones for him and hope nothing was shattered.

(TXT to Ruiz) Vic : He said it wasn't Reyes

(TXT to Vic) Ruiz : It wasn't Reyes.

(TXT to Ruiz) Vic : Javier. What. Is. Going. On.

(TXT to Vic) Ruiz : I'll check in on him. It'll be fine.

(TXT to Vic) Ruiz : Could you apologise to Walt for me? I'm sorry I couldn't make dinner. he's already left town, yeah?

(TXT to Ruiz) Vic : Yeah he left this morning. He had a great time, ghost turkeys aside. Hope he forgets that part when he's far enough from town. He's gonna come back in a few months.

(TXT to Ruiz) Vic : He only asked if like...4 people were my boyfriend.

(TXT to Vic) Ruiz : What, you putting the moves on half the town, or what?

(TXT to Ruiz) Vic : He seems to think I should be. I'm not dating anyone. I'm not sleeping with anyone. FFS don't you start too.

(TXT to Vic) Ruiz : I'm not starting anything. It was a question. I don't know why he'd think you're dating anyone.

(TXT to Vic) Ruiz : You're a big girl. you want to date someone, I'm sure you'll figure it out and let the rest of us know when you're ready.

(TXT to Ruiz) Vic : I think he worries because I haven't really dated anyone since Mike. He's a dad. He worries. I just wish he'd treat me like I'm my age and not 16.

(TXT to Vic) Ruiz : You tried telling him that?

(TXT to Ruiz) Vic : It was the first time we'd been face to face in like four years. I can grin and bear it a while longer. Anyway, and you and the guys ok?

(TXT to Vic) Ruiz : He'd have a kitten if he knew I'd touched you. I'm guessing you haven't told him.

(TXT to Vic) Ruiz : Uh, they're fine, I guess. You'd probably have to ask them.

(TXT to Ruiz) Vic : Oh HELL no. He doesn't EVER need to know that. He's old. he'd have a stroke. And why would I have to ask them? You live with at least one of them don't you?

(TXT to Vic) Ruiz : Sure. He's fine.

(TXT to Ruiz) Vic : LOL. Jesus man, ask your boys how they are once in a while. Make sure they're all right. Anyway, more renos gonna be happening at the new house next week if you feel like helping. After it's done I may start a poker night in my basement.

(TXT to Vic) Ruiz : (several dots)

(TXT to Vic) Ruiz : Maybe I don't feel like fucking discussing how they are right fucking now. Had that occurred to you?

(TXT to Ruiz) Vic : Shit man, relax. Just glad everyone is ok, all right? Alexander's face looking like he was swapped in at the gym for the speedbag has me concerned.

(TXT to Vic) Ruiz : (more dots, then nothing for a while)

(TXT to Vic) Ruiz : Like I said, I'll check in on him. This shit doesn't concern you and it doesn't concern Reyes. You need to stay out of this.

(TXT to Ruiz) Vic : He's my neighbor and my friend, and my dad likes him. You don't get to tell me who I get to worry about, ffs.

(TXT to Vic) Ruiz : Right, got it. You do what you want. We done here?

(TXT to Ruiz) Vic : Why do you always turn everything I say into a conflict. Whatever, Javier. Just be safe.

(TXT to Vic) Ruiz : I'm fairly certain you don't give an actual flying fuck for my safety, Vic. But I'll talk to you later.

(TXT to Ruiz) Vic : You really think that? Really? Well fuck you, Javier. Goodbye.


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