2020-12-17 - Keeping It Together

Alexander and Vic text, but not even Percocet can loosen the enforcer's lips.

IC Date: 2020-12-17

OOC Date: 2020-04-26

Location: Text

Related Scenes:   2020-12-15 - Pew Pew Practice   2020-12-17 - Stop Getting Punched In the Face

Plot: None

Scene Number: 5564


(TXT to Vic) Alexander : Awake?

(TXT to Alexander) Vic : Depends on your definition of awake. I am percosetted. Which means I'm not really sure this is even a real text or I'm dreaming you're texting me.

(TXT to Vic) Alexander : I'm real. You're real. 🙂 How are you feeling?

(TXT to Alexander) Vic : Like maybe I should have ducked a bit more than I did. You?

(TXT to Vic) Alexander : You probably should have. Or hit back harder. I'm fine.

(TXT to Alexander) Vic : I hit back plenty hard. Ok, so I pulled my punches. But it was for the greater good, I promise.

(TXT to Vic) Alexander : ::doubt-face emoji:: What greater good?

(TXT to Alexander) Vic : Nope. I'm not telling you that. Even though I know you're probably texting me knowing I'm drugged so I might tell you what happened but I am smarter than that and I'm not gonna. Two can play the "I won't tell you who beat the shit out of me" game, bucko.

(TXT to Vic) Alexander : The thought did cross my mind.

(TXT to Alexander) Vic : There is no quid without the pro quo, or whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean.

(TXT to Vic) Alexander : Plan to make a habit of this sort of punch therapy?

(TXT to Alexander) Vic : Nope. It was a one time thing. At least me letting it happen is. Was. Will be? Ugh I am so loopy.

(TXT to Vic) Alexander : Good. Little worried about you.

(TXT to Alexander) Vic : Don't be. I'm a big girl. I can take care of me. I worry more about you. I know you'll still get beat up. Because you have to have all the answers.

(TXT to Vic) Alexander : Answers are good things. I like them. But I'm a big boy, too. 🙂

(TXT to Alexander) Vic : Ok so we can agree, we're grown ass adults who are well aware our actions may get our asses whooped. Maybe we should be doing these things together so as to maybe have a chance to be less whooped?

(TXT to Vic) Alexander : Pretty sure some of our things are mutually incompatible. But if you need backup on something that isn't, you know I'll help.

(TXT to Alexander) Vic : ok. Same here. You need help investigating something that isn't, you know, involving HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED, then call me. I was a damned good detective you know. Damned Good.

(TXT to Vic) Alexander : So I've been told. I feel like I should challenge you to a detective duel.

(TXT to Alexander) Vic : OMG that sounds fun! Wait? How would that even work? What would the prize be? Can it be loaded tots? Please?

(TXT to Vic) Alexander : I have no objection to a tot prize. I guess we would have to find a mystery and see who solves it first. Maybe each person is allowed one assistant. But we'd need a suitable case.

(TXT to Alexander) Vic : Definitely. We can totally do this! Totally! It will be a magnificent contest of wills and skills and brains! I may be rambling.

(TXT to Vic) Alexander : You're on percocet. You may regret this conversation in the morning.

(TXT to Alexander) Vic : This is true. But it really sounds so fun right now. Much more fun than setting the 70s on fire in my house.

(TXT to Vic) Alexander : Don't set anything on fire in your current state. 🙁

(TXT to Alexander) Vic : Dude, I'm not even getting out of bed except to pee.

(TXT to Vic) Alexander : Like that stops anyone from setting things on fire. I've seen so many people burn to death in their own beds.

(TXT to Alexander) Vic : really? Well I'm still not smoking since that whole surgery thing, so that won't happen to me.

(TXT to Vic) Alexander : Good. Smoking is bad for you. So is getting shot. And beaten. All are to be avoided.

(TXT to Alexander) Vic : ok I am very sleepy again. I'm gonna close my eyes for a bit. Don't get beat up again without me.

(TXT to Vic) Alexander : I will invite you if I plan to get beat up. Don't die, sleep well.


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