2020-12-27 - When's the road trip

Seth texts Alexander in the aftermath of NYE

IC Date: 2020-12-27

OOC Date: 2020-05-03

Location: Elm Residential/26 Elm Street (Monaghan)

Related Scenes:   2020-12-30 - Threat Level Red?

Plot: None

Scene Number: 5594


(TXT to Alexander) Seth : Yo. You ok? Lost track of you at the party. I, uh, kinda got distracted. Sorry about that. You and Isolde get home ok?

(TXT to Seth) Alexander : Hello. Happy New Year. And yes, that dress was pretty distracting. No need to say sorry. Isolde seems to have gotten home okay. I went home with Isabella shortly after midnight.

(TXT to Alexander) Seth : She was there? And you didn't introduce me? 😢

(TXT to Seth) Alexander : She got caught up in talking academic talk. Couldn't pry her loose until the kiss. It's a good tradition. I like it. Did you usher the new year in well?

(TXT to Alexander) Seth : Um....yes.

(TXT to Seth) Alexander : Good. 🙂

(TXT to Seth) Alexander : I'm glad you danced with Isolde. I don't dance, but I know she likes to. And things are a bit awkward between her and Itzhak right now.

(TXT to Alexander) Seth : So some people didn't seem pleased with the pre-midnight proposal.

Yeah, from what I saw there was some tension. Seemed to be a lot of it last night flowing around from various people. de la Vega, Vic, Cris, Joe, Itz...and even you. Hell, I think the only on there that didn't seem to have tension with anyone was me! That's a first.

(TXT to Seth) Alexander : Isolde and Itzhak used to be a thing. But it was complicated, and she decided to leave town. And if you want tension, I'm sure some can be arranged. 😃

(TXT to Alexander) Seth : No, no...i'm good. I'm sure I could have gotten some if I had just gone over and said a word to de al Vega. Any word would do. He doesn't like me. I'm not exactly fond of him, so the feeling is mutual.

(TXT to Seth) Alexander : He doesn't like me, either, anymore. But he's complicated. He's good. Just complicated.

(TXT to Alexander) Seth : I'll take your word for it. So, when is the road trip? Just you and Isolde?

(TXT to Seth) Alexander : Soon. I don't know how long Cruz will let me borrow the car. He just said until he needed it. So heading up there in the next day or so. I have a line on a detective's notes about a serial killer from the fifties. Apparently there are a few boxes. I'm excited. What about you. Going to help Miss Grey with the bar?

(TXT to Alexander) Seth : It looked like he might be busy for a while, so you can probably take your time.

Yeah..that sounds...exciting. I am sure you will have a good time. Are you going to go up the space needle? I was up there once.

I don't know. Ravn said jokingly that I was now going to be the new apprentice bartender. I just think I am going to keep her company, but who knows. Maybe I will pick up a new trade.

(TXT to Seth) Alexander : Mixing drinks sounds like fun, and its something you could do together that isn't the shooting range.

(TXT to Alexander) Seth : This is true. I can add that to the growing list of things we can do together that aren't shooting. What is Isolde going to do while you are doing murder-research? It doesn't really sound like her thing, but maybe I am wrong.

(TXT to Seth) Alexander : There are other antiques. It's not all murder. And I'll get that out of the way early, then we'll go to the Museum of Pop Culture. Thanks for the suggestion; she seemed very excited about the horror exhibit.

(TXT to Alexander) Seth : They had some pretty cool stuff when I was there. All the horror movie stuff, but also sci-fi stuff and other pop culture stuff, which makes sense since it is a pop culture museum. The muppet exhibit was cool.

(TXT to Seth) Alexander : I remember muppets. They are pretty cool. Do you like horror and sci-fi and things?

(TXT to Alexander) Seth : Yeah. I like most pop culture stuff too be honest. Movies in general as well. It's pretty neat seeing the props. They even had Luke's severed hand from Empire. It looks pretty fake up close, but that isn't really a shock. What about you? Other than murder, what are your hobbies?

(TXT to Seth) Alexander : I like video games. And poetry. And historical occultism. John Dee, Enochian ceremonial magick, alchemy, things like that are pretty interesting. And gardening! Severed hands sound interesting. I'm always interested in how closely they try to model those things. The camera doesn't usually care, but seeing people take a lot of time to get things right makes me happy.

(TXT to Alexander) Seth : Wait. You have seen Star Wars, right?

(TXT to Alexander) Seth : If you haven't, I will have to remedy that.

(TXT to Seth) Alexander : I haven't. I don't do much fiction.

(TXT to Alexander) Seth : ...

(TXT to Alexander) Seth : ...

(TXT to Alexander) Seth : Ok. You're coming over. You are watching Star Wars.

(TXT to Seth) Alexander : All right. I can bring something to eat. What would you like? Popcorn is appropriate, but it's not really food.

(TXT to Alexander) Seth : I got food here. I'll make burgers or something, but bring whatever it is you would like to eat.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : Ravn...Alexander has never seen Star Wars. WTF.

(TXT to Ravn Seth) Alexander : I told you, I never did much fiction. Apparently I am going to watch it now.

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : I have seen... some of them? Also, hi?

(TXT to Seth Ravn) Alexander : I mean. Maybe not NOW now? Or now? Should I be walking or is this the planning stage?

(TXT to Seth Ravn) Alexander : Hi. Are you back from the wilds?

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : I don't know. Ravn has seen Star Wars...right?!

(TXT to Alexander Seth) Ravn : Not yet. Flying back on the 29th. Ended up staying a few days longer so Hyacinth could have a torrid affair with my house. I've seen some of them?

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : Tell me you at least saw the good ones. Not those first three, or the last thee..but the middle three

(TXT to Alexander Seth) Ravn : I think it was the first three? Something something Ewan McGregor fiancee has a celebrity crush, something, honestly don't get the hype.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : UGHG! I can no longer like you two.

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : Seth, for fuck's sake, I'm a folklorist. What is the original Star Wars movie MADE FROM? Of course I've seen bloody Star Wars. The original trilogy, anyway. I slept through the prequels.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : Ok. You are forgiven. I think.

(TXT to Alexander Seth) Ravn : Of all the odd things to be texted about in the middle of the night...

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : Should we wait till you get back to watch Star Wars?

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : Oh please, king of the late night texts...

(TXT to Ravn Seth) Alexander : Consider it revenge for texting us in the middle of the night.

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : Fair. Actually, having a Star Wars watch party could be kind of fun.

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : In before we end up having science fiction Dreams for a month after, mind.

(TXT to Seth Ravn) Alexander : We'll have those, anyway. Also, did Seth tell you he's going to be watching the bar with Miss Grey for a few days?

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : Yeah, I think he mentioned? Marshall and Oakes taking off to Mexico, something. Heard the party was kind of dramatic, too.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : Yeah, I gave Ravn some of the deets from the party. You may have other perspectives.

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : I should probably check up on Rosencrantz sometime. Bumping into your ex at a party isn't necessarily a good thing from what I've seen (no personal experience, but, not blind).

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : It's a small town. I would think seeing ex's would be more commonplace than say in like Los Angeles or something.

(TXT to Ravn Seth) Alexander : I think Itzhak would appreciate the checking up. I don't think the end was particularly rancorous, but there were some bruised feelings on both sides.

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : Doesn't mean people are okay though. No expert in the field but from what I've seen, people get outright silly about their exes. Someone told me once that if you don't hate each other when you split up, you never really loved each other in the first place.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : That's a pretty morbid way of looking at things.

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : Can't say I'd know, to be honest. Seems legit to me? You care enough for someone, it hurts when they lave you.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : I suppose. Neer really thought about it like that.

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : Well, don't start taking relationship advice from the guy who doesn't do relationships. Take that advice, though. Don't take my advice. Something.

(TXT to Seth Ravn) Alexander : I don't think that's...good advice. I can't imagine hating Isabella.

(TXT to Alexander Seth) Ravn : So -- Star Wars?

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : Yes. Star Wars. When?

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : I have no wild plans after I get back to the US.

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : Coax my cat out of my boat and back to Huckleberry, that's about it.

(TXT to Seth Ravn) Alexander : So we three will meet when Ravn returns, and learn about these wars in the stars?

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : Yes...but you keep pushing it off because your 'friend' is having an affair with your house.

(TXT to Ravn Seth) Alexander : Wait. What?

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : Well, the lady in question has a date with some sleigh riding arrangement in Addington Park in a few days so I doubt she'll keep seducing the grand staircase for much longer.

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : Hyacinth really, REALLY likes architecture, Alexander.

(TXT to Seth Ravn) Alexander : Well. I don't throw stones. I hope she enjoys it. And that was a fairly sexy house.

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : She spent most of an afternoon grilling the guy in charge of maintenance. She looked very happy. So did he, for that matter -- I don't think most students here ask a lot about it.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : So, few days from now? Star Wars? Original trilogy only, or do we want to bastardize it and watch the new shit?

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : But yeah, we should be back in Gray Harbor in a couple of days. I honestly have no idea what the new movies are about. People argued so much about them online that I figured I couldn't be bothered.

(TXT to Seth Ravn) Alexander : I'm up for whichever is most enjoyable for you both. 🙂

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : So, is this watch party in Cinema Seth, or at the Twofer? 😉

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : Probably at my place. I mean, I can ask Vic if we can have it there, but it would have to be after hours and that would be a late night.

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : Let's make a decision based on the important facts here. Is your home bar well stocked?

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : If we do it at my place, I could cook. And my bar is fully stocked.

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : I'm sold.

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : Granted, I'm an easy sell when people offer to cook. 😉

(TXT to Ravn Seth) Alexander : Your TV is much nicer than mine, so I'm on board with this plan.

(TXT to Alexander Seth) Ravn : Yeah, the one at Vic's trailer is... Well, it's not like I watch a lot of TV anyway. Cinema Seth is nice.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : As I said, I'm single and have disposable income. Might as well get nice things.

(TXT to Alexander Seth) Ravn : That's not just about disposable income, though. It's also about being good with electronics and knowing what you want. Give yourself due credit.

(TXT to Seth Ravn) Alexander : Nice things are good!

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : Hey, I'm not complaining about knowing a guy with a home cinema.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : Fair enough. You guys are welcome to come over anytime if I am not busy. It's nice to have company.

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : Yeah, it is. Surprisingly so.

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : I think I am going to roll over and pass back out. But I'm definitely up for this. Just a little tired. I thought I knew my architecture. Turns out I know less than Jon Snow.

(TXT to Seth Ravn) Alexander : I'm also up for this. It sounds like great fun. 🙂

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : You know nothing. Ygritte was hot. G'night Ravn.

(TXT to Seth Alexander) Ravn : Don't have all the fun without me back there. I liked that girl following the white-haired girl around better. Z.

(TXT to Seth Ravn) Alexander : Also very confused. But sleep well. Don't die.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : sigh I'll add Game of Thrones onto the list of things to show you Alexander.

(TXT to Ravn Seth) Alexander : That's the one with the dragons?

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : Yes. It is the one with the dragons. Do you like dragons?

(TXT to Ravn Seth) Alexander : Are they trying to eat me? If so, no. If not, maybe. I don't believe I've seen any.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : Well, it's a TV show, so I don't think they are going to eat you. Maybe? This place is weird.

(TXT to Ravn Seth) Alexander : Ah, you're learning. 😃 But yes, we can watch that.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Seth : Great. I'll get some supplies and we will throw this thing when Ravn gets back. Have fun in Seattle. Stay safe.


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