2021-01-19 - It's Just a Thing

Cruz needs his car back. Alexander has News about that.

IC Date: 2021-01-19

OOC Date: 2020-05-18

Location: Text

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 5656


(TXT to Alexander) Cristobal : Hey, hope you got your road trip in, cuz things are getting hot and I need my car back. Sry.

(TXT to Cristobal) Alexander : Oh. Yes. Um.

(TXT to Cristobal) Alexander : So. I never had a car, because I was afraid that I'd get Lost and the car would get Lost with me?

(TXT to Alexander) Cristobal : What. Happened.

(TXT to Cristobal) Alexander : ::attachment: picture of squished Fairlane:: I'm very sorry.

(TXT to Alexander) Cristobal : ...

(TXT to Cristobal) Alexander : There were minivans and motorcycles with harpoons and machine guns. In a desert. And Itzhak was strapped to the hood of his truck.

(TXT to Alexander) Cristobal : ...

(TXT to Cristobal) Alexander : I've asked Itzhak if he can fix it. He doesn't sound hopeful. But if it can be fixed, I will get it fixed.

(TXT to Cristobal) Alexander : I'm very sorry, and if you need to punch me, I understand.

(TXT to Alexander) Cristobal : It's just a thing, Clayton. Don't worry about it. You okay, though?

(TXT to Cristobal) Alexander : I got shot. It's fine.

(TXT to Alexander) Cristobal : Well you're texting, so I guess you'll live. Let me know if I need to send our Tailor over.

(TXT to Cristobal) Alexander : I don't usually have clothes that need tailoring.

(TXT to Cristobal) Alexander : Oh. You meant a doctor.

(TXT to Cristobal) Alexander : I have a kit. I'm okay. It was just the shoulder.

(TXT to Alexander) Cristobal : And who needs those.

(TXT to Alexander) Cristobal : Sell the Fairlane for scrap, buy yourself something pretty.

(TXT to Cristobal) Alexander : I'm not going to sell your car. Unless you want me to sell it. Then I'll give you the money. I'm sorry.

(TXT to Alexander) Cristobal : Rosencrantz has enough of his plate without trying to fix a lost cause. Stop apologizing, sounds like it wasn't your fault.

(TXT to Cristobal) Alexander : I was not expecting the machine guns.

(TXT to Alexander) Cristobal : People seldom do.

(TXT to Cristobal) Alexander : Are you okay? I mean. Other than the car. I understand things have been filled with events.

(TXT to Alexander) Cristobal : Just chilling. Enjoyed a bonfire the other day.

(TXT to Cristobal) Alexander : Hope no one got burned. It's dangerous to get too close to those.

(TXT to Alexander) Cristobal : Only the tinder suffered casualties.

(TXT to Cristobal) Alexander : Okay. Good. I'm glad.

(TXT to Alexander) Cristobal : Take care of yourself, Clayton. Watch your back until this is over. Don't sweat the car. Again, it's just a thing.

(TXT to Cristobal) Alexander : I'll be fine. Don't die.

(TXT to Alexander) Cristobal : That's the plan.


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