2021-01-28 - What Did You Ask?

After the card reading, the discussion. Also, the wine.

IC Date: 2021-01-28

OOC Date: 2020-05-25

Location: A Small Cafe

Related Scenes:   2021-01-28 - Fortunes in the Garden   2021-02-14 - One. Whole. Year. Wow.

Plot: None

Scene Number: 5694


Too cold and wet still to eat outside, but in a way it makes the small café more intimate, separated from the outside not by open doors but by windows, and with only the internal tables available. The delay in the part has Vyv and Hya arriving just at the very tail end of the lunch rush, and by the time they've been seated and given water to drink and menus to peruse, it's quieting down, leaving them with a pleasantly calm little nook in which to eat and chat.

Hyacinth scans the menu to list her statute of foodly demands lunch order. There's a hmmmm thoughtful, "I'm thinking havarti grilled cheese with the avocado...bacon jam... swiiiiiss... I'm 50/50 on the tomato." There's a pause... a longer extension of the pause. Her fingers mend the menu sheet towards her to peer over the top of it. She blinks and dryly asks, "So what the hell is that about? The old lady critiquing our business. You have never been more successful, Vyvyan." There's a longer pause and both eyes widen slightly, "Gooood you don't have high blood pressure do you?"

Mostly manicured fingers nudges Vyv's water glass towards him. scoot scoot scoot.

"Yes, you want the tomato," Vyv says, scanning the menu himself, "It's a fresher sweetness than the jam and the texture will be good. I think I'll have... mn, caprese salad and the linguine alle vongole." No mention of adapting it. The café itself doesn't pretend to be Italian, so it's a measure of trust in the place that he's considering a dish they've gone so far as to label in the language rather than simply 'with clams'. He's mentioned before that he's found this can be a bad sign.

It's only then, as the drink scoot-scoot-scoots toward him, that he looks up over the menu to meet Hyacinth's gaze. "No, darling, my blood pressure's still perfectly fine, by some complete miracle considering how many things are constantly trying to raise it. I think it's just pure stubbornness now." A small pause, and smaller smile. "But thank you for your concern. No... I'm not sure what some of that was about. Well. Most, really. And anyway, I did just take time off." Though not particularly much, and it was for family holiday stuff. Not the least stressful form of vacation to be had. Particularly when it involves the whole meet-the-family situation. "Rest and respite from the trials of life. Mm." He picks up the glass, pausing before actually drinking to give her a just slightly less small and more amused smile. "Perhaps she's just saying it's been too long since we last visited the spa."

Never trust a dumbing down of the menu. These are the same people that spell Crab with a 'K'. She watches, concern abated with being told his heart is fueled by spite and is quite fine. the concern holds, watching and waiting...patiently. Finally it eats a hole through the calm barrier, "Well what didn't you ask her, Vyvvy?? There's a number of things that ought be said but I'm now entirely uncertain who is or isn't saying them. And-" passive rant on hold she considers this, "Yes on the day spa. I accept this theory. You ask her about your business or..."

"What didn't you ask?" Vyv counters, the tone mild and enough light in the eyes to suggest to someone who knows him as well as she does that while, yes, he does absolutely want to know, this is also teasing. It's more obvious even to someone who doesn't when he adds, "There are nigh infinite things I didn't ask her. The last digit of pi. How to change a spark plug. How many roads a man must walk down before you call him a man." He folds the menu and sets it down, glancing at it a moment, and there's a tiny pause that seems as though it's about to end in the proper answer. Instead, he looks up again quite suddenly to catch her gaze. "No, I didn't ask about business. What are you thinking ought to be said?" Curiosity wins out.

Hyacinth tilts her head and one imperious little finger goes up in a tut tut gesture. "Now now, I have no plans on being unfair, but I asked first." Her eyebrow arches though her heart is now as 'in the game' of it as it usually might be. She walked out of the reading with a nose bleed and she knows he knows what she did to the cards. Still- "Changing a sparkplug is easy. Do you somehow not have Rosencrantz on speed dial?" A squint later she says "A real man also needn't walk everywhere. They know how delivery services work, or at least how to ask for directions." Hya looks to Vyv being obtuse as he can so fashionably, "My god do I have to shake you by your ankles and play what did I win? What was your question, Vyv?"

Vyv can't (or just doesn't) help being amused by the threat. "I'd almost be interested to see you try," he remarks, "...and yes, of course I know how to get someone else to change a spark plug. I even know at least two or three ways to look it up. That isn't the point, though. And you also went first, so it makes perfect sense to discuss it first." Sometimes -- many times -- he'd be inclined to continue arguing the matter simply for inherent entertainment value and the (potential) pleasure of 'winning', but today turns out not to be one of those times. It may be because this is when the waiter comes to take their orders and menus, or it may not, but as the young man walks away, Vyv watches him for a few seconds and says, "...I'm thinking of buying a house." His gaze returns to his companion. It's not exactly the answer to her question, and that's clear enough, but somehow it's not exactly not the answer, either. It is, at the least, relevant.

Hyacinth arches her eyebrow and forfeits totalitarian control hands over the menu, with her order waiting for Vyv to cave. Regardless of the gamble it's her turn to win so it's just fair. Still her eyes are pretty wide trying to do all the math, "Soooo you are thinking of buying a house... and you need to just not rush into this impulsive decision and take a vacation toooo put your head back in the game or what?" There's a pause and she goes slightly jaw agape, "Oh god did that tatty bint call you unfocused?"

A blink, and then a brief, quiet laugh. "I don't think so." Vyv considers the reading a moment, then shakes his head. "No, if I anything, I think that reading would be saying I was too focused. What with ruthless and lofty expectations, my most ambitious pursuits not coming to fruition because of neglecting those currently closer to home, becoming trapped by the work without taking time for respite? Mn. At any rate. I don't tend to run particularly impulsive. But..." He picks up his glass, brow furrowing slightly. "I suppose I can think of the occasional moment or temptation. But really, if one's actually going to take these things seriously at all, one still can't take them too literally. It's all symbolism, after all."

<FS3> Hyacinth rolls alertness (7 6 6 2 1 1 1) vs Vyv's composure (7 7 7 6 3 3 2 2 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Vyv. (Rolled by: Hyacinth)

Hyacinth listens and assesses that, yeeeees arguably that's all true. She's looking for the little tells but try as she might to scrut with her very best scrutiny Vyv remains inscrutable. She's not even hiding the expression of it all either. "Oh god you are serious. Well... figure out what you're looking for and I'll find you my realtor I property scout with. " There's a pause looking at him oddly, "You'd give up your view?" There's a pause and Hya admits, "I...wanted to know if I try to usurp Her if... I'm to expect to be trapped and bound to it the same way. And then there was the sawmill running and this talking smoking how tree dude saying basically buckle up. Courage along won't be enough to survive what's coming so... I'mgetting cheesecake with lunch. Yours when we walk back." Which is Hya for sugar Czar, make cheesecake happen!

"About thinking about buying a house? Yes." Also about many other things, though possibly not quite as much or as intensely as some people seem to imagine. The number of times someone's been shocked at discovering Vyv has a sense of humour is mildly amusing in itself. "But not give it up, as such. I don't think I'd bother unless I can exchange it for one of equal or greater value. As they say. It needn't have quite the same altitude, but if I were to move house... I'd want one ocean-front. And I'm honestly not sure if anything suitable exists, or if I'd have to find an appropriate lot and have it built myself. ...still. Yes, thank you. I'd like to take a look."

As for the rest, that has him setting his glass back down, and studying his friend closely. "I'm fairly certain cheesecake can be arranged, yes. The sawmill and tree were when you... looked deeper?" It does seem he caught that. "So what do you think it means, then? Aside from don't skip dessert."

Hya is absolutely no match for someone that has been raised all their life to endure Grandmama. Formidable, truly. Does he know how to pitch this to her in such a way that her nosy nosy concerns will be appeased? Actually, yes! The building and care for it sells it. "Good. You might be all topsy turvy but the rest of us are not. Get me a list of things you are and are not willing to sacrifice and I do not mean for a house summoning ritual or 'good taste' or 'my ability to sleep in on sunday morning'. I mean for the house." Because while Vyv is a bulwark battling bullshit it doesn't mean his snark is not in tact.

Then her jaw opens and closes as to not imitate a cod. There is a most curious look where she says, "well desert is important. But yes when I looked deeper into the reading. I think ...it is a warning for the horison or... a threat and the trees are going to try to eat me." As a carpenter and an Addington with a sawmill? Eeeeeeeeeeeh she's 50/50 on this one.

The preemption of any snarky entries on the list of things Vyv will and won't sacrifice gets another small smile, half-hidden by the glass as he raises it to take a sip. Is part of it being pleased at settling her curiosity, as well? Perhaps. Whatever else might've been a factor in his question, it may be easier not to specify. Now, though, her own is more of a worry. "She said... you've too much abundance of choice, you need to choose with care, but not be so caught up in that choice as to let other things fall by the wayside. Take things slowly and carefully. That it's a beginning. Yes?" There were a lot of cards read for a lot of people, and he actually cared about three of those readings. Lots to keep track of. "Do you think that means options regarding whether you were to try to take things over at all, or more... how, when, the details like that? And you've always treated your wood respectfully, I don't see why it would be inclined to try to eat you."

"The beginning is sometimes the middle of a story and we have to go back for more experience to make the future progress. Time is a bit...strange like that but I read it," Her nose wrinkles a but when she's thinking and not judging like this, "we can 'become' our art, or we can bend away from the obsession less we fuse to it like some Japanese cartoon and are then left only to be our function and not a person with identity. Though from the sounds of it you're at a far higher risk of this than I am and I'm the one withthe sawmill." There's a wry little smile.

A longer pause and she's back to judging, "You're serious though aren't you? That mean your'e stepping away from being Vyvyan Vydal: art elemental at large? I'm concerned."

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end," Vyv replies in an agreeable tone that leaves it entirely unclear that he's quoting, let alone whether he might be quoting a pop song or the philosopher it quoted directly. Another sip of his water, looking thoughtful himself as Hya follows the thinking-rather-than-judging track, and a corner of his mouth quirks up as she returns to the latter instead.

"If one can be art, why wouldn't one?" A small pause. "If one can be art, shouldn't one?" He sets the glass down, giving the water a displeased look for its failure to be wine, which is suddenly what he'd prefer. Alas, not a transformation in his power. "Serious about which? My identity is fine and I've no intention of stepping away from anything. Except possibly the flat if I find something better to step toward. And no one said I was topsy-turvy, by the way." Except, arguably, for 'all three cards being reversed'. "That was Ravn's reading."

Hyacinth tilts her head, and then a little more. "Then should I talk to you like this so your cards and you and I can have this conversation right side up?" Yeah, she might have caught that. "And yes, we owe it to people to be at our very best. Always." But she's a perfectionist and kind gets concerned for kind. "And according to your Grandmum-" She stops herself and extends a hand taking a deep breath resting her hand on his wrist, "Well that doesn't matter. People are concerned in..." She finds the judicious word, "their own ways," Accurate at least, "and I think what Grandma Goodrich over there was saying is... You're 30. What do you want?"

"No, stay right side up. It was the cards' own choice to be reversed and if they find the position inconvenient they can jolly well fix it themselves," Vyv replies crisply, "...and no one's any particular reason to be concerned for me, cards or no cards. I want what I've always wanted: to be the best patissier there is, and preferably, ever has been." And acknowledged as such, though one doesn't specify such things. Even one who doesn't hold much with false modesties. He doesn't shake off her hand, though. The touch is accepted as offered, even if the concern perhaps less so.

"While I'm at it, I'd quite like the answers to the myriad questions I've got about various things, the world in general to shape up and start putting in the effort, a masterpiece of modern architecture with a stunning ocean view, my wine to arrive, and everyone to refrain from reminding me I'm thirty." And nearly a half. Ugh. "But all in all -- and keeping in mind I am still making progress on at least the first of those things and the second to last seems likely to be fulfilled within the next five minutes or so -- at the moment I'm relatively... happy with how things seem to be going."

Hyacinth smiles just slightly with some delight in making Vyv agonize over the state of his cards. patpat. While she adores grandmama she's still on Team Vyv. Withdrawing her hand she pulls out her phone to text her contact over in real estate and says "Vyv, your wine is on its way and the most people can harass you for is six months." There's a pause and with an impish grin she says very pleased with herself, "Then we'll remind you that you are thirty-and-one." Sweet cruel Hya... "Look I just did thirty-six and could not possibly be in better shape. You're not going to be the Wunderkind forever, Vyv you just have to accept.." She sighs trying to break the bad news as gently as she can, "You're just better than other people and that will have to do."

"Seven months." Six and a half. "...and yes, the wine's the one I reckoned would be fulfilled in the next fiveish minutes." Fewer, if he's lucky. Still...

Vyv sighs, settling back slightly in his chair. "All right, yes, I am aware it's not the end of the world. All I need to do is age like you and Bax's father rather than mine." Not, as Hyacinth knows, that Vyv's father would generally be said to have aged poorly. Vyv's objection to following his footsteps is more that he's visibly aged at all. "It's still irritating. But yes, barring stepping out of the timestream, which would have its own considerable issues, I suppose it will just have to do." Alas and alack. "I still wouldn't mind a suitable portrait in the attic, mind." Ignore the fact that his favourite architectural style eschews attics. Surely a closet would do.

The wine arrives, so at least he's up one on that list now; he thanks the waiter and has a sip, faintly pleased with this improvement. "So. I suppose one could take my set of cards as suggesting I ought to take the time to focus more strongly on those sorts of personal arrangements for a bit, that the work will be the better for the foundation despite having to share priority. Balanced. And yours? What are the choices you see yourself actually choosing between, when you look at taking over?"

Hyacinth tilts her head but she's not about to argue time continuity in Gray Harbor. She does recommend, "Find someone. Someone who is good with healing stuff? Make them do a periodic age regeneration on your cells. Does wonders lemmetell you" Talk about abusing glimmer for vanity. there's a pause and she assures, "Also you take better care of yourself than your father and also actually enjoy what you do. People who are happy at work? Ten year reduction. No kids? Another ten years off. not a smoker? reduces by another fifteen and... I think that means like once you hit your prime you slow down or you'd be a damn toddler right now." By her math.

The other question is more complicated. "How to change things without breaking them and if there will be anything of myself left. There was... some manner of Dryad on the other side. I could hear the sawmills and he said it will take more than courage to weather what is coming and I don't know if they are friend... or foe. So I'm going to start with hopefully talking to the Baxters and see what we collectively can sort out. We need as the current generation to change the opinions of the elder generation or they will just keep causing the storm to churn."

Vyv arches a brow. "Do you have someone doing that, then? ...do they have openings?" Would it even be the vainest use of glimmer he's been party to? Hard to say. "Anyway, Dad loves his work, or he'd've managed to make one of those retirements stick. I suppose I can't argue the children, though. And I ought to get some sort of proper reward for managing to quit. That one would be acceptable." Of course, his father didn't seem to be a cigarette smoker either...

"Mn. Baxters and Addingtons working together, mass hysteria..." Not that Vyv's against it, flippancy notwithstanding. "There'd best be plenty of yourself left. I, at the least, am not done with yourself. But yes, talking sounds like a good start. Maybe something will be clearer if you can get all the pieces together. Even if it's just whether that was a warning or a threat." A sip of his wine, thoughtful. "Do you suppose August might know how to interpret a dryad's intent? They are plant-y things."

Hyacinth considers this sage advice from her fantastically flippant friend. "Oooh August would be a good contact for that. I don't know where my head's at and I'm glad you quit. I don't know how you can cook without your tastebuds operating properly." It's not even lung concern at this point. As for her skin car there's a slyyyy look and she says "I miiiight have a lady... Since you'd good to me and have been paying me in proper flattery I'll leave you her referral." There's a pause and she sighs giving him her rather frank look, "Vyv, the only one with the power to bring you down? Is you. Drink your wine. Make time your bitch. Become. Immortal... you can do this. You're almost there. Also The thirties are amazing. Still immortal and you don't have to fight twice as hard to be heard. You'll love it."


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