2021-03-03 - Afternoon At The Boardwalk

A chat between a couple of strangers

IC Date: 2021-03-03

OOC Date: 2020-06-16

Location: Boardwalk

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 5771


It is a nice afternoon as far as a March Day in Gray Harbor is concerned. Devlin is seated on one of the benches were he can watch the activities happening in the bay. There is a book in hand, but not open. The characters on the cover of the book appear to be Asian. Even though his gaze mainly overlooks the bay, he can be seen to turn his head to look at the boardwalk from time to time.

The nice(ish) afternoon sees Perdita coming out of the Sea View Suites motel and onto the boardwalk, long hair in a high ponytail that swings with every step of those designer boots of hers. The faux fur 'teddy bear' coat is draped over one arm, as the weather's at least decent, revealing a gauzy, lacy bohemian sundress that looks like it wouldn't do anything to keep her warm... worn over a black mock turtleneck and a pair of black leggings that tuck into the boots. Around her neck, a gold necklace with a unicorn charm stands in sharp relief against the black material, and she pauses not too far from Devlin, looking out to the water with a smile.

"A good day for looking out over the bay before the tourist fishermen show up and you end up dodging poles and hooks when they cast." Devlin comments as he glances your way. "The sunsets can be rather impressive if the weather is right." He smiles a bit and then returns his gaze to the bay.

"I'm pretty good at dodging poles and hooks, but I'll never get over this view. The water is beautiful. Very cold, as I can say from experience, but beautiful." She turns to smile at Devlin, too-perfect teeth on display, dark eyes sparkling with amusement. "I'm looking forward to one of those sunsets. So far, it's been gray, cold and either too foggy or too snowy to enjoy the sun."

Devlin nods, "To few beautiful ones out here to be found. Easier to catch them just about anywhere else." He smiles back as he turns his head towards you. "Passing through or another person relocating to here? I'm Devlin, one of your neighborhood Paramedics.. day off for me. At times a rarity it seems these days."

"The plan was to pass through, but..." she gestures as she turns to lean against the boardwalk railing, smiling. "It pulled me in for some reason. You know how it is, I'm sure. People keep telling me you can check in, but you can't ever leave." she laughs, the sound light and friendly. "I'm Perdita. Neighborhood... unemployed person. I should really get on that, if I'm going to stay."

Devlin says, "Lots of opportunities around here. Strangely in it's own way, better than working in LA county as a first responder. Granted... I have noticed that some jobs do have a bit of turn over like waitressing tend to have openings around here." He takes a long breath as he relaxes where he is seated, "There are other jobs but not something I keep track of these days. I think the hospital is always hiring too.. come to think of it."

"'Like most college campuses one in five of our students students go missing.'" Perdita quips, possibly quoting something. "Something like that? I'm... honestly not sure what I'm good at. I was a personal shopper before I moved here, but there's like one rich family in town and I already pissed off Buffy the Note Taker, with her muscular arms and her perfect hair and oh my god now I'm complimenting her. Ugh." she rolls her eyes, then laughs again, "I might have to look into the hospital. Not that I'm medically trained, but receptionists are a thing, right? And I'm good at maintaining privacy."

Devlin chuckles at the Buffy the Note Taker comment. "Yeah.. problem is when it comes to wealth.. it's a one limo town. There was a second.. but I think the other ate it," he chuckles a bit. "Yeah, I bet there may be positions like that at the hospital, even departmental spots. No one goes into a job knowing it all. So you get to learn something new."

"Yes, but then you're around sick people all the time, and that... I've got to admit that sounds pretty depressing, if I'm honest. I'm not sure if I'm empathetic enough to end up in healthcare, I'd probably end up on Nurses Who Kill or something." She shakes her head, but is still smiling. "What are you reading, anyway? Or... trying to read?"

Devlin says, "It's Tai Chi Classics.. as originally written. A collection of wisdom you could say about the Art. I reread it from time to time." He grins a bit, "At least no one is shooting at me up here." He then smirks, "When I was in my training period for LA County.. a gang member did hold a gun on me, wanted to kill the guy I was treating. That was a mistake.. once I have a patient, he or she is my responsibility. So, took the weapon from him, hog tied him. Kept on working to save a life and you'd think the police would be smart enough to wait for me to get a patient into an ambulance before they try to ask me about Mr. Hog Tied.."

"I imagine it wasn't that hard to disarm him for you." she states. "I'm also fond of not being shot at, if I'm entirely honest. It's one of the things that drew me here, but now I'm hearing about crooked cops and shootings going on in town and I'm wondering how dangerous this city really is." She leans forward slightly, draping the faux fur over her shoulders like a cape. "I'm glad you were able to save your patient, at least enough to get him to the hospital."

Devlin nods, "Yeah. I hate loosing to Him. Yeah, the kid did ok. Surgeon's did a great job and then he ended up in jail due to out standing warrants." He smiles, "As to Gray Harbor, No one messed much with the fire department here or the EMTs. After having been shot at while patrolling with grunts, LA was chill. But Gray Harbor is a lot better."

"Lot of ex military types around here." she notes, with a bit of a head tilt and smile. She's... definitely not a veteran, like... holy crap is she not. "Just seems like a lot of weird goes on here." her head tilts the other way, slightly, as if asking if Devlin knows what she means without actually asking.

There is a bit of a grin there in reply to start, "If you figure out where Rod Serling lives around here, I'd love to know. I swear half the time I think he is about to come out of no where and start narrating." He chuckles, "You just learn to roll with the weird and go with it." He then actually laughs, "And Austin thinks it's weird.. has nothing on this place."

"Never been to Austin, I lived in Seattle before this. Needed a change of scenery." Perdita shrugs slightly, an easy, comfortable gesture as she leans back against the railing again. "Rod probably lives in the motel, next room over from me. Would explain why it sounds like someone's getting murdered half the time I'm in there, he's just recording foley sounds for a new series."

That starts a good hearty warm laugh from Devlin, "I love it when people get it. Always enjoyed Twilight Zone, I swear it is a primer for the mental state you need for coping with Gray Harbor." He pulls a small flask out and takes a pull from it. "Me, grew up a military brat. Went all over as dad got transferred. I had to enlist to stay in one place.. not counting deployments for a dozen years. SeaTac is a nice area, I drill up there with my guard unit."

"I grew up in a little town kind of like this. Smaller, though. A lot less people, but it was on the water, sort of... insular but not standoffish I guess?" she shrugs, twisting slightly to look back out at the water with a smile. "You don't look old enough to have been deployed that long, if you don't mind me saying so."

Devlin smiles, "Thanks.. did four tours. So what kind of work are you interested in trying to find? As personal shopping out here may be a very limited field."

"I'm good with people and bad at physical labor. Or... not bad, but like..." she gestures at herself vaguely, as if to indicate that yes, she knows she presents the image of a pampered princess. "I've considered trying my hand at waitressing, I've heard it can be pretty good money, or maybe event planning, I've done that before... But I don't know if there's a lot of call for that around here."

Devlin hmms, "May be seasonal work for tourists. Hook up with some of the travel agents in SeaTac.. be their hands out here for their customers for vacation packages. Perhaps an idea. A cousin of mine figured out something that works for her, started her own business when she figured out there was a need. You have a good sense of humor and strike me as a woman of wit.. if a conventional job doesn't work for you, may be just a matter of you figuring out something you can do as your own business."

"Yeah, and tourist season starts soon. Not a bad idea, thank you." She smiles, warm and genuine. "You've given me plenty to think about, Devlin. Thank you... I should get moving, dinner isn't going to make itself." Perdita winks at the man, cheerful, hesitating for a moment to say goodbyes.

Devlin smiles as he rises, "Enjoy dinner. Sadly.. I have to get ready for a night shift. Time for me to get ready to save people from their self inflicted Darwin award moments."

The young woman flashes another smile, "Here's hoping for a quiet night... or at least nothing worse than a slip and fall on some ice." and then she's heading off down the boardwalk, ponytail bouncing as she sets off at a jaunty pace.


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