2021-03-28 - After [Yoga] Class

Fern and Perdita get acquainted after one of Fern's yoga classes.

IC Date: 2021-03-28

OOC Date: 2020-07-02

Location: Downtown/Dance Evolution

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 5814


Fern has been teaching yoga around town for the past three years, though she's been back in town for roughly five. It's not tightrope walking and aerial ribbon dancing...but it keeps her focused and calm. Plus, if she's teaching yoga she's not being tempted to walk into a bar! So it's a win-win really. Her group session of the day at Dance Evolution has just come to an end. Most of the participants have already filtered out to the changing rooms. A couple are lingering to chat or chatting with Fern while she works on rolling up her mat. The instructor is wearing a pair of bright blue yoga pants with a black tank top, her hair pulled up in a tight bun that's come just a little loose.

"I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself. Have a great afternoon, and remember what I said about working on those stretches." Fern offered as she waved to a departing client and resumed her packing up.

One of the participants for this particular class is a new face. Perdita is dressed in a top that looks like it was once a regular t-shirt, with the collar portion partially sliced free to create a little gap that exposes just a hint of toned shoulder. Her long hair is in two buns atop her head, save for her bangs, which, as always, all but obscure her eyebrows. She's also dressed in yoga pants, and looks... relaxed.

Rolling up her own mat, she smiles at Fern, "Thank you for an amazing class."

Fern looked over as she's spoken to, offering that easy smile to Perdita. "You're extremely welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it." She strapped her mat together to keep it rolled up. "I don't think I've seen you in one of my classes before. But you kept up pretty well. What was your name again?" Just a casual, friendly inquiry.

"Perdita. I'm new to town. Came in a few weeks ago expecting to just stay a little bit, but... it's a really charming town. When there isn't... weird fog covering everything, I mean." she gestures vaguely outside, as if to ask 'what's that about?' but doesn't actually ask the question, because nobody seems to know anyway. "Figured it'd be a good idea to try and stay limber, and it's... pretty dangerous to go jogging right now. People are still driving in this even though you can barely see the road."

"Pleasure to meet you Perdita. I'm Fern." Which, of course, she said during the introduction to the class but this was a more official, personal introduction! "I was born and raised here myself. Left for a while but, things have a way of pulling you back in." She nodded towards the window in a general gesture. "It's ...quirky." And deadly, but whose counting. "The fog though, I definitely haven't seen anything like it before. It's super weird. You're right not to go jogging - definitely more dangerous right now." She flashes another smile. "Yoga is a fantastic way to stay active and limber. I can't do much in the way of running or weight lifting or anything these days. So Yoga is like my lifeline."

"I've... gathered. Apparently there are... glowing moose... in the woods." Perdita shakes her head slightly, as if finding that rather odd. "I'm a big proponent of staying limber." It's saved her life once or twice during some rooftop escapades, but she's not going to brag about those. "You're an excellent teacher, I really appreciate that a smaller town like this has a yoga class. When I first saw the town I expected there to be maybe two gas stations and a mom and pop diner, but... There's actually a lot here. It's like a hidden jewel." a cursed jewel, but a jewel!

"Glowing moose?" That's a new one for Fern. "I remember growing up we were always told to stay away from the woods. Sounds like a good reason to keep staying away. Maybe it's something nuclear." Her eyes widened ever so slightly at the thought before chuckling. Unlikely, more likely it had to do with just the town's general nonsense. But Fern doesn't just randomly start spouting that sort of stuff. Especially not to a person who hasn't been here long. "Right? It's actually built up a whole lot since I left. Which is nice to see. The old and the new."

"The man who runs Branch & Bole mentioned them to me. August Roen?" She tilts her head a little, smiling. She rises, yoga mat all secured and under one arm now. "Told me to turn and go the other way if I saw one, too. So... be careful if you see something like that." She looks a lot more serious, now. She, apparently, is a believer in, at bare minimum, glowing moose. But, then, what other weird things has this town seen?

"Roen, yeah I've heard of him! I will definitely turn around and walk off." Fern assured her. "Honestly? Probably safer to just not go near the Firefly Forest at all if you can help it. Or if you can't, stick close to the tree lines." She shuddered a bit, as if thinking of an old memory. "So what brought you to Gray Harbor in the first place, anyhow?"

"I was headed south. I was thinking about either San Diego or maybe San Fran. I stopped for the night here, woke up the next day and... didn't feel like leaving. I'm from a little town on the water, a lot smaller than this, and it reminded me of home with none of the negatives." Perdita smiles, dark eyes bright. "You know how small towns are. Everyone knows everything about you. Easier to get a fresh start somewhere else."

"San Diego is a nice place, I've been there a couple times." Fern mused and nodded her agreement. "It's fantastic being some place where no one knows your name. Though coming back can be refreshing too." Eventually. After getting over some serious self-pity. "I hope you enjoy staying here, however long you end up staying. And you're totally welcome to any of my classes. I'm here at Dance Evolution twice a week at the moment. Reworking my schedule some to include some extra places again."

"Expect to see me again! It was nice to meet you, Fern, and I look forward to more classes." Perdita smiles brightly, a warm, genuine sort of smile that speaks of someone with good intentions, if just a touch of mischief in her personality. "Until next time." she sketches a wave with her free hand, stopping long enough to pull on a windbreaker, before swinging her yoga mat, on a strap, across her shoulders and heading out with a bounce in her step.


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