2021-07-09 - Look, you ungrateful mongrel

The storm surges but people have to keep people-ing through it.

Content Warning: Swearing

IC Date: 2021-07-09

OOC Date: 2020-09-09

Location: Outskirts/Animal Shelter

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 6008


"I am not trying to hurt you!" No, Isi isn't insane. She has something bundled in a blanket in her arms. It moves as a hint that it is something alive.

"I should have just let you die in a storm surge...." She should pay more attention to where she is walking than to the creature.

Devlin is there currently wrapping the hand up of a person that suffered a few wounds due to helping wild life.. and of course wild life was uncooperative. "You shouldn't need stitches for this. But I'd go to your doctor about a tetanus shot. I got it cleaned out and now protected. Next time.. use heavy leather gloves that reach up pretty far instead of driving gloves to pick up a feral cat." The man just does the head bob followed by the I'm embarrassed that a cat kicked my ass walk away.

"it was a bobcat.." perhaps is barely heard from Mr. Walk away...

Isi waits her turn patiently and eyes Mr. Walk Away with an uprated eyebrow. "If I have some kind of malformed Coyote in my arms don't tell me okay? I don't need to know I'm an idiot." The thing wiggles and an almost hairless ear pokes out, along with a pointed nose. "Do I hand this monster to you?" She asks of Devlin.

Devlin chuckles, "Well, I'm not the animal expert.. unless you count that I hunt." He hmms, "I can look.. but the hand off is to the folks inside. They are pretty loaded up due to the storm. I happened to be near by when Murray gave me a call about that guy." He hooks a figure towards the retreating man. "So lets see what you have there." He then speaks in a soft tone, "Hey there not your best day, huh? Bet your glad Isi found you." He moves to get a better look at the canine in your arms.

Despite Devlin saying that he isn't the guy to take the dog from her, Isi is going to dump the blanket wrapped creature into his arms the second he makes his full arms avaliable. (If he doesn't well.. she won't drop the ungrateful animal.)

With the loosening of her grip a full snout pops out. It is a chihuahua mixed with... something ugly. Not a great cross and the animal seems to hold it against ALL PEOPLE. Yes, it will try to bite.

"My place doesn't allow animals, so it is here or this thing gets to try it's chances in the storm. Dude! He is trying to help! Ever hear about not biting the hand that feeds you?" The last is directed at the dog.

Devlin quickly executes a grab and wrap with the blanket you have the dog in, "Nope.. not a coyote.. I am guessing injured and frightened... Hey.." he flicks the dog's nose just so as it makes a lunge for a hand.. "I know you are not happy." Devlin looks up to you, "I can feel his little heart going a mile a minute. Once he gets a chance to rest, eat, drink.. and may be some quality vet time, he or she will be in better shape by the end of the week. Shall we carry this poor soul in?"

Isi backs the hell up the second Devlin takes physical ownership of the dog. No give backs! But she can't be so churlish as to say no about going in with the dog. She did bring the selfish creature here.

Stepping forward she opens the door. Sound pours out. Unhappy creatures mixed with stressed humans.

On entering, "Hey Murray.. got a surly customer for you." Devlin's NCO voice manages to cut through the chaos to get a reply, "What else is new, Devlin.. Surly is the soup de jour. I'd really rather get a helping of happy waggy right now. Be with you in a moment." Something about the way Devlin speaks causes the dog to calm abit.. may be that sense of Alpha is all the surly one needed. Devlin looks your way, "Well, lets hope Murray isn't using Microsoft minutes.."

It's okay. The dog will just keep trying to bite Devlin. No biggie.

Isi snorts at the Microsoft minutes quip. "At this point I'm on the fence about just letting the little bastard drown." Isi glares down at the dog and shakes her head. "Got the blanket over it before it could do too much damage though, unlike," and she jerks her head towards the guy Devlin just took care of.

On to different topics, Isi cocks an eyebrow up. "You are probably working like a dog right now aren't you? "

Devlin laughs, "My day off too.. and I just can't help it. Being Doc.. is what I do.. some would say what I am. Only good thing is that if I go most bars near Ft. Bragg.. once they know I was a medic.. my money is about useless with all the drinks grateful troopers buy for me." He again flicks the dog's nose, "Listen you.. I will win every time. Unlike you, I'm not exhausted, not scared, and not predictable." He then stage whispers, "And with you in the blanket.. I can feel your muscles tense before you try." He smirks a bit, "Guess he is going to keep trying.."

Yep. That dog wants the hands holding him to DIE.

"Nice to be useful. Right now I'm pretty much not. Drew up the worst case scenarios I could of the tax fallout. Till we know what actually goes under though?" She shrugs a single shoulder and shifts to let a volunteer who could care LESS about two people talking pass by her. "None of it will be accurate. Just bureaucrats trying to keep their jobs." Cue the sigh of a government worker tired of government bull shit.

Devlin smirks, "Yeah.. same one's that keep delaying my application for Paramedic in Charge." He shrugs some, "Been tempted a few times to accept a couple of Nurse Practitioner positions that a couple of the doctor's offices in the area offered me. Start off part time while going to school and get accredited.. but I do like being in the field as it were."

"Always some asshole who has to prove they deserve their job," Isi snacks with a deep exhale of breath. "If you can get out of the government I'd do it. The chances of us actually getting our pensions?" She lifts up a hand to show a zero with her fingers.

Devlin winks, "Military pensions are still good. Just a few more years in the guard and I'll have twenty in. Better than nothing. As to the state.. I'm doing the four oh one kay .. don't trust them not to screw up the budget at the state house.. let alone the county."

"As someone who handles money for the town and use to work for the state? You can't even IMAGINE the waste. A million dollar windfall someone has a month to decide what to spend it on before it is gone?" Isi raises an eyebrow to invite him to use his imagination.

That gets a smile from Devlin, "Remember.. I work for the five walled palace that pays 500 dollars for a hammer and a thousand for the toilet seat." He nods, "Yes.. I do get it."

"You couldn't pay me to work in military procurement." Isi swears. It is just in time to have the vet appear looking harassed.

"What do you have Devlin?" The Vet knows better than to reach for the dog. He ushers the pair of them towards a doorway to an exam room.

Devlin smiles, "Something smallish mutt.. and a ton of attitude." He cocks his head towards Isi, "As to where he was found.. just ask the lady. Murray, this is Isi by the way. Isi.. Murray.. a man with singular talent for handling service dogs." He passes the bundle over to Murray. Murray greets and then starts asking questions.. let the intake for the poor lost, scared, injured tiny terror of mixbreed begin.


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