2021-09-22 - Water Under the Bridge

An unsuspecting trio finds themselves recruited to help a troll get back into his Boardwalk home

IC Date: 2021-09-22

OOC Date: 2020-09-22

Location: Gray Harbor/Firefly Forest

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 6036


The Storm has passed, and with it? A fair chunk of time. It’s left a lot of people confused, paranoid, and cautious. But it’s not everyone feeling this way. Old Man Joe down the street can recall the last three months just fine. It’s only those with Glimmer who are struggling because of course it is. The Storm tore through the Veil Harbor as much as it tore through Real Harbor, which means that even citizens of the Veil are having some issues of their own.

Whatever our merry band of Gray Harborites had been up to has been put to the side, because they find themselves walking in the Firefly Forest instead of whatever they were just doing. . Their destination appears to be a stone bridge that may or may not exist in the Real that allows passage over a river running through the area.

As they draw closer they can hear the sounds of arguing. Strangely sort of high pitched and gravely at the same time. One is distinctly more feminene despite the gruffness.

<FS3> Caed rolls Alertness: Success (7 4 4 3 2 2 1) (Rolled by: Caed)

<FS3> Ellery rolls Alertness: Good Success (8 8 7 6 2 1) (Rolled by: Ellery)

<FS3> Ellery rolls Composure: Success (6 6 5 3 3 2) (Rolled by: Ellery)

Since that little slip of time, Caed has been spending a good deal of time at St. Mary's in silent contemplation among the pews. After crossing himself with Holy Water at the font, he slipped his phone out of his pocket to text Ellery that he was on the way back to their shared little ramshackle rental and started the walk.

By the time he looks up from his thoughts, his feet are crunching on dead leaves and refuse of the forest floor, and a wild twist around is given to try and get his bearings. Did he wander off the road? And if so, how long had he been on his wayward path?

A, "Jesus, Mary and Joseph," slips off his lips, but not just because he's found himself in the middle of the woods. But he's not alone. It's one thing to believe in leprechauns. It's quite another to think you suddenly see them with your own eyes.

Ellery is actually a few paces ahead of Caed, standing with phone in hand and eyes wide. He seems to have been on the verge of a panic attack, but has managed to pull himself back to reality. He's still sort of staring at the bridge and the creatures, head canted. He hasn't noticed Caed approaching, nor has he heard that bit of sacrelige.

"It's been FOUR MONTHS Skaiyi!" The feminine out proclaims loudly, pointing off in the distance. "Your home is the Boardwalk! Go there!'

The one called Skaiyi lifts up his hands, "The Boardwalk is still ruined! How am I supposed to get my home fixed, Koreli?!"

"Not my problem." Koreli tosses a pebble at him. "I am tired of-" She stops mid speech when she spots Ellery and Caed. "Oi! You there! Come here!" She demands of both of them. Rather bossy for a pint-sizes thing.

At first Caed was so fixated on the little creatures that he didn't register his taller counterpart a few steps off, with an almost timid approach, he steps up behind the other man, "You're really here, and you're really seeing this too, aye?" A hand goes to Ellery's shoulder to confirm he's corporeal, still standing behind him a pace as if to use his friend as a human shield. "Saints preserve us." The motion of making the cross goes all the way from chin to navel as they're addressed by the little creatures, but he makes no move forward.

Since the storm (and so much time) passed, Ashley has been prodding. There are Thin Points. Well, there's more thin points. And he's jabbing at them in a way maybe he shouldn't. That's why the poor fool haplessly trips through into the forest. He's wearing a sweater instead of flannel today: jeans, an oversized sweater that looks like one of those homemade deals that's likely impossibly comfortable rather than scratchy. Hands in pockets and- voices? Withdrawing one hand to push up his glasses, the radio DJ starts ambling in the direction of the argument.

"What...what ARE you?" says Ellery as he shoots a look at Caed and nods once to confirm he's real. But then he's looking back at the creature, his expression turning from shock to wonder. He lifts up his phone and tries to get it to the camera app, but everything keeps crashing. He curses under his breath. "Is your phone working?" And then he spots Ashley, "Is yours? Please tell me someone has a working camera!"

"What am I? Skaiyi what does he mean what am I? What are you?" Koreli counters, hands on her hips. Skaiyi leans over and whispers something to her, she huffs, rolls her eyes and nods. Before the trio's eyes the two seem to...get bigger! Not much bigger, perhaps growing to the size of a human toddler. "I'm a Bridge Troll and this water weight here is a Boardwalk Troll." She prods Skaiyi in the shoulder.

"Hey! Ow!" Skaiyi grumbled, rubbing his shoulder. "With the bad storm, some of us from the Boardwalk moved inland and have been staying here. The Boardwalk is a mess though. My home is buried."

"But he's being a nuisance! I can't handle it anymore." Koreli whined. "I am Koreli, this is Skaiyi. You two look strong." She hasn't quite noticed Ashley yet and if Skaiyi has? He hasn't said anything about it. "Help him get back to his home and out of my hair!"

"The photographer without a working camera." Caed points out the bit of irony as his friend, the Cryptid hunter, is face to face with one and no way to gather proof. Still using Ellery's back as a shield to hide behind, he slips his phone out of his pocket and gives it a whirl. "Mine's bolloxed too, mate." He's muttering something underneath his breath in Latin that might be prayer for protection.

"So you'll be wanting our help, then? That's all? Not going to consume our souls or sommat?" The Irishman asks the creatures, before flicking a glance to to Ashley in a glance of solidarity against these apparent trolls.

And as Ashley approaches, he's briefly too flummoxed to notice Ellery and Caed. Because there's trolls. The very same ones he'd been pursuing and talking about. He knew it, "I fucking knew it!" If they didn't notice him before, they will now. He's fumbling his own phone out of his pocket, jabbing at it, but to no avail. "Damn this place," he hisses, but he does surge forward. "Yes, yes, of course we'll help." Simply, you know, assuming the other two are along for the ride. He even thrusts his hand out towards Skaiyi and Koreli both in turn. "Name's Ash. So happy to meet you. Would you-" this to Skaiyi, "be willing to answer some questions? I have listeners who would love to know more about your people and how you fared during the storm."

Ellery is, well, he's staring. Slack-jawed staring, even. "You're both...really really seeing this, right?" he glances back at Caed. "Shit..." he tries again but then the battery dies entirely. He very nearly hurls it, but grips the phone at the last minute and slips it into his pocket. "Yeah. What he said. Questions. About what you are. In exchange for...for help." Eyebrows arch up. "Fair bargain, right?"

"What would I do with a soul?" Koreli asked Caed like it was the stupidest question she'd ever heard. "Trolls don't use souls. The Whoseitwhatsits are the soul eaters." She looked towards Skaiyi. "i don't know if these are the brightest in the bunch." She clearly doesn't have time for this nonsense.

"They're just humans, Koreli. Don't be so mean, they don't know any better." Skaiyi looked a bit startled as Ashley was seemingly suddenly there and in his face trying to shake his hand. Koreli ignores it, keeping her hands on her hips but Skaiyi hesitates only for a few seconds before reaching his own hand out to shake Ashley's. His palm is cool and rough to the touch and he's seeming to be restraining himself with the handshake- like he doesn't want to hurt the guy. "What are listeners?"

There's a pause and then he nods towards Ellery as well. "I will answer two questions from each of you. If you help with with my house. Koreli is like a, what are they called. The tiny dog that likes tacos? She's like one of those. But it's best to keep her out of this. Come with me to the Boardwalk."

Koreli bares her teeth at Skaiyi when he compares her to a chihuahua. "Yes. Out of here! Away from my bridge!"

While Ellery and Ashley are rather enthusiastic about this prospect, Caed still seems hesitant about making a deal with one of these creatures. "I don't know if I'm comfortable with this." He says quietly, even through the 'reassurance' that these things aren't after their souls. Apparently this is a stretch of his faith if there ever is one.

Oh gosh. Oh golly. Oh gosh. He's shaking a troll's hand. Ashley looks positively chuffed. His glasses nearly slip off his nose until he withdraws and pushes them back into place. "I talk about things. News. Happenings." Someone put air quotes around this guy. "And people listen. Listeners. Do you hear the radio down at the boardwalk?" Unfortunately, he doesn't seem aware of Caed's uncertainty. Like Ellery, he is All In for helping this troll.

Ellery reaches out and squeezes Caed's shoulder, as he manages to tamp down his 'oh my god cryptids' enthusiasm to recognize the Irishman's nerves. "Don't worry. I don't think these guys come from the Catholic's playbook. More like...Hans Christian Anderson. Or folk tales." He then lowers his voice and says, "From what I understand, the best way to get out of this is to play along."

So the tall photographer nudges the shorter dark-haired man, and glances to Ashley. "Good luck explaining radio. Not sure that's the kind of thing that translates." But off he goes, boardwalk-wards.

Skaiyi just kind of looks at Ashley like he's the crazy one. "What's a radio?" But before Ashley can actually elaborate, he's trotting off down the path back towards town! "Nothing to be worried about." He says to Caed. "Unless you don't like getting your hands dirty. Then I guess be worried."

As they travel back on the path to town it becomes rather evident that this isn't the Firefly Forest they're so familiar with. It's a little twisted, different. Spookier, more unsettling perhaps. The sky is also different. Somewhat permanently overcast with deep blues and purples. The town? Essentially deserted, though there are signs of damage from the storm in various state of repair. The boardwalk itself is pretty much still standing. There's a few boards that got ripped away and scattered but otherwise, it'll take more than a time warping storm to destroy it!

"Nearly there, boys!" Skaiyi leads them down and around to underneath the Boardwalk. In Real Harbor, it's where the homeless hang out. In Veil Harbor, it's where the ocean trolls make their homes. Currently? It seems as deserted as the town. "That's the trouble." He points to a rather large looking boulder that has wedged itself firmly under the board walk. It doesn't even look like it should have logically been able to get to this area, much less get under it. "My house is in the leg behind. There's no way to get to it! I can't move it all myself!"

It does look like it might even be difficult for the three of them to move it unless they get a little creative.

Ellery seems to put things in terms that Caed can accept, or at least begrudgingly so. He just rolls his shoulders up and tucks his head, "Far be it for me to deny aid to one of life's creatures." Besides, they are promised two questions each, and the least he can do is help Ellery and Ashley with their curiosity. He trudges behind quietly to the boardwalk, unbuttoning the cuffs of his shirt and rolling them up to his elbows when the boulder is pointed out. "Work smarter, not harder." He offers, looking about for something to use as a lever.

Luckily for Skaiyi (and everyone, really), Ashley is too busy considering his two question reward to go into a lengthy attempt to explain radio to a sea troll. Sorry, Ellery: he'd just HAVE to under normal circumstances. Instead he just follows along, staring wide-eyed at the forest and town. "Ho-" but he stops himself. That's a question, Ash. "The storm hit hard here, too." Statements, use statements! "I imagine there was a lot of lost time. We lost time, too. Months of it, actually." When they arrive at the rock, he considers and ends up stripping off his sweater to reveal... the basic white tee underneath. There's an upnod for Caed's assessment as he, too, turns to look for something to use as a wedge.

"Hold on..." says Ellery as he pauses to survey the boulder. He cants his head, steps forward, looks around, hands to chin, steps back. Then he looks back at the others. "What about the...the...the..." he snaps, then makes vague, wavy hand-gestures. "The magic powers shit. I can sorta move stuff with my brain, I think. It should work extra well here in Fairytale Land, right?" He really has no idea. They're new in town.

<FS3> Ashley rolls Alertness: Good Success (8 6 6 6 4 4 4) (Rolled by: Ashley)

<FS3> Caed rolls Alertness: Good Success (8 7 7 4 4 1 1) (Rolled by: Caed)

<FS3> Ellery rolls Alertness: Good Success (8 6 6 4 3 1) (Rolled by: Ellery)

<FS3> Ellery rolls Physical: Good Success (8 8 6 5 4 4 4 4 4) (Rolled by: Ellery)

Caed's eyes flick over Ashley, something with the man causing the Irishman to form a brief smile that extends to Ellery when he gives the man a nod. "If you can manage just to lift it a tad, Ell, perhaps we can wedge a board or the like beneath it and be able to roll it the rest of the way? Oy, boyo, you think these branches look sturdy enough?"

"Huh. Yeah, you're right." In his excitement, Ashley had forgotten about the quirk. The MIND BULLETS (that's telekinesis, Kyle). He grunts in agreement with Caed's plan, moving to check out the branches. He tosses his sweater over his shoulder and bends to grab up one in particular. "This should do the trick." He'll wait for Ellery to do the nudge before getting in there with Caed to hopefully tip the boulder away!

<FS3> Ashley rolls Athletics: Good Success (8 8 6 5 2 1) (Rolled by: Ashley)

<FS3> Caed rolls Athletics: Good Success (7 7 6 3 3) (Rolled by: Caed)

Ellery has, in truth, not explored his gift much. For a newbie to town, it rightly scares him a bit. But something about being face to face with actual cryptids - and ones that don't seem to want to tear his guts out - is making him throw caution to the wind.

"Kay, so um, fair warning. Never tried to move something this big before. At least, that I can remember. Maybe I've been floating cars these past months or something." He cracks his neck, shoots Caed a wink, then shakes his hands. Then he focuses on the boulder, and uses his hands to direct it. Because, well, that's what people do on TV. And he tries to give the boulder a nudge so that the other two can get their sticks under it to leverage it out of the way.

Skaiyi has perched up on the top side of the Boardwalk where he has a good view of the men working. "Oh yes, yes good idea!" He encourages as branches are collected and the mind magic is talked about. "Jealous of you humans and your weird magics." Though clearly trolls have some kind of 'magic' of their own! He gives a few other (un)helpful tidbits as they read their actions!

As the men find, a little ingenuity goes a long way. Ellery utilizes his powers and manages to lift the boulder just enough for Ashley and Caed to get the branches underneath it. Them leveraging the boulder helps Ellery manage to push the boulder out from under the Boardwalk and off to the side where it's (hopefully!) out of the way.

"Hooray!" Skaiyi jumps down from the Boardwalk and on to the beach with a bit of a tuck and roll. He pops up and motions for them to follow him. "You helped! So easy too. If Koreli would have helped me sooner I'd have been gone sooner." He huffs. "Come, I have questions to answer you." He walks under the boardwalk, shrinking back down to that ankle height once he is near the leg that had been blocked. "We talk inside!"

If the men wondered how that was going to work, well, no need to worry! If they chose to follow under the boardwalk and to the door? They'd find themselves shrunk down to the appropriate height in a blink.

While Caed might be fit, strength wasn't particularly in demand in his last profession. Wedging a branch along side of Ashley, he puts his shoulder into it and a sweat breaks out on his hairline by the time they get the rock rolled out of the way. He stands off to the side for a moment, hands braced on his knees and giving a soft laugh born of their collective accomplishment but he seems proud of Ellery for his Glimmering contribution. "Fair play to ya, Topper." Oh god, are they going inside?!

Caed looks to the others, resigned that he'll no doubt be outweighed on this too, so he squares up and trudges forward and shrunk before he can even comprehend how they'll all fit in there. Discombobulated by that fact alone, he's too frazzled to think of what would be pertinent to ask, so instead says, "I'd like to give my questions to the other blokes, split between them."

Despite his profession and his heckin' nerdy demeanor, Ashley is actually a pretty athletic kind of guy. Comes of parents making him Do Sports and his keeping up with it. Join the Gray Harbor Men's Basketball League today! Beers after every game. It goes a good ways into getting that rock moving as he heaves into it alongside Caed and Ash steps back, wiping his brow as he catches his breath.

And they're being invited in and you don't have to ask him twice! "If you have questions," see! still using statemts! "please ask us."

Skaiyi is acting like it's definitely completely normal to for people to be shrinking down as they walk. He opens the barely visible door in the Boardwalk leg and it leads into a surprisingly spacious one floor area. There's furniture, though it's mismatched and looks like it belongs in a dollhouse and yet they're the perfect size for it now. He motions for them to sit down as he takes his own seat. "No questions for you. I have talked to many humans. Long time ago." Clearly he learned all he needed to. "You are the ones allowed the questions." A nod towards Caed. "Up to three for you and you." Pointing to Ashley and Ellery in turn.

It remains to be seen whether Ellery's mental gymnastics were actually more helpful than if he'd used actual gymnastics. The important thing is, this way was cooler. He may actually have giggled a bit when it worked, but in the manliest possible way, of course.

In for a penny, in for a pound, so he follows the others in. And naturally, as they shrink he has to say, "Curiouser and curiouser. Okay..." he rubs his hands together. "...first question. What's the relationship between our world and yours and have others like you ever come to ours? Two, could we get back here on our own? Three...have you ever seen a sasquatch? Ape-like creature, tall..." he motions above his head, "...well, taller than I am normally." A beat, "Shit. I should've saved one for a follow-up." And he's assuming they're going on Genie Rules here.

Skaiyi looks curious and he lets out a rumbling laugh as Ellery rushes through the questions, but it seems in good humor at least. "I can't say the exact nature. We've always been here just as you've always been out there. People and things come and go often from both sides though." He taps his large tusk in thought. "Some of you can, some of you can't. I'm not entirely sure why. Sometimes the world spits you out or pulls you in. I'm guessing it pulled you in. But no worrying, I can help you get out." Skaiyi doesn't seem to be an expert in Glimmer stuff at least! He looks curious when Ellery describes the Sasquatch. "...I don't think so? No. Nothing like that around here. But new things are popping up all the time and old things always vanishing. And with the storm, is hard to say what's here and what's gone."

There's a beat of pause he looks to Ashley. "You mentioned time earlier. No time lost for me and Koreli. But I'm not sure about others."

There's just big wide eyes as they're led in. Ashley is fascinated and also in his own private heaven. He's meeting his trolls! He's seeing how they live! He's like a kid on Christmas. Oh just WAIT until his listeners hear about this!

Wriggling himself onto a sofa, he pulls back on his sweater as he leans forward, elbows propped on knees. His mouth opens and closes a few times like a fish searching for air except in his case... it's searching for questions. He finally takes a deep breath. "How long have your people been here?" It's going to take him time to ask these, it seems. He wants to get it just right.

Skaiyi seems to be the patient sort. Ashley's question causes him to make a grunt as he thinks it over. "Forever I think. Our history talks of us being from the river. When the bridges were built we moved more up land. Under and into the bridges - safer. Then there was disagreeing among the river trolls and many split off, coming here to the ocean and the boardwalk. Making homes in here. That was a long time ago though. Things are more tolerable now. Especially when the river trolls let us stay safe from the storm."

The ocean troll would answer all the questions patiently and to the best of his ability. He doesn't seem to know much about Glimmer or other inhabitants besides the trolls, but he does his best. When they were ready, he would lead them back towards near where they first ran into the trolls and guide them to the Thin Point there so they could exit back out to Real Harbor. When they stepped out, they could feel the change in the air. It felt more normal, the sky looked right, and there were no trolls!


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