2021-10-13 - About Time, Take Two

Twelve weeks passed and look, the important things here are that Ravn and Hyacinth finally tripped one another up and also OH MY GOD WE'RE GOING TO BE UNCLES. Days of our lives, indeed.

IC Date: 2021-10-13

OOC Date: 2020-10-13

Location: Cyberspace

Related Scenes:   2021-09-19 - 3 Months and a Trip to Toronto Later...   2021-09-20 - About Time

Plot: None

Scene Number: 6051


(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : wtf

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Is that "August is pregnant wtf" or "you kissed my boyfriend wtf" or "you made out with Hyacinth wtf"?

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Is this a trick question anvil guard????

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : I don't know, you're wtfing me, Rosenstern!

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Of course you made out with Hya, who wouldn't! Of course you kissed my boyfriend, who wouldn't!

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Technically he kissed me. And I'm pretty sure he's had better, because I froze like a deer in headlights.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Fucking nice by the way, every high five, look at you saying you got no game

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Well, if the definition of game is 'stand there looking like a cow at an on-coming train'...

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Don't knock it if it works

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Roen pregnant though you should have heard the supersonic noise I made

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Well, it got us out of a tight spot, and the Veil went fuck it, just going to drop an electrical lights armament on the firefighter and nope out, which is good.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : ... Oh, was that what blew a fuse? I thought it was my attempts to connect electricial wires.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : I hardly have any idea where I am or what day it is. If I was pregnant I'd just be like yeah sounds fair

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : I guess I've been restoring a great car though?

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : I just woke up from a twelve week time lapse, kissed a guy, didn't like it, realised I bought a house and have a roomie, and then Hyacinth threw herself into my arms because apparently somebody told her I died. I'm still reeling a bit, not going to lie.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Pregnant! We're gonna be uncles, pal!

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Okay hang on if you kissed de la Vega you're morally required to tell me it was super hot

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Haha that's fucking adorable. Did you guys do it

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : I hated it, ok? I mean, no offence to him, he's definitely not the worst kiss I've had. But on the whole? That whole having someone in my personal space thing? I mean, I was lucky that he can do that shut my nerves off thing too, because otherwise I'd have been screaming on the floor.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Ehhhhh I GUESS that's fair

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Yes. Well. Turns out Hyacinth can also do that thing.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : NICE

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : >>

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : <<

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : YES.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : I'm getting you so drunk

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : ... Why? I mean, not that I object. It's been twelve weeks plus since we got drunk.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : We're getting special drunk. We gotta celebrate this new chapter in your life of getting laid by Hya Addison

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Better not call her that if you want to live. 😆

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Fucking autocorrect, full disclosure I'm kinda high too

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : But, yes. I think we are officially dating. Mostly because I have already had the 'nice but if you hurt her' speech from Vydal.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : ... To which Hyacinth pointed out that give her a flyswatter and I'll be on the floor curled up in a small ball for twenty minutes, and really, she doesn't feel very threatened at all.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : I'll be your second. That's like in Hamilton right? You duel you have to have a second

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Real talk this is the greatest I'm so proud of you

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Don't be proud of me. If this had to wait on me taking the initiative, we'd probably get around to holding hands at the time either of us got put in a retirement home.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Fuck who cares? You managed

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : I'm kind of laughing about it, to be honest. Because that's another thing in those twelve weeks -- apparently, in spite of Hyacinth actually not even being here for them, word in the Addington family became that we are 'seeing socially'.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Is it time for the awkward dude your girlfriend is so hot and I always wanted to let her tear a strip off me conversation

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : I'm not blind, yanno. I'm also not the jealous type. If she's on board with that idea, tear away.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : They're all a bunch of creepy psychics why wouldn't they know

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : True, that.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Not blind what does this mean

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : That yes, I know you find her hot. I mean, I'm not going to disagree with you that she is? No need to make that awkward.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Ugh I'm blushing now. Here look apparently I own this car https://www.investopedia.com/thmb/lI-oHurPRzDkjTPsOHEK3gqrqUo=/400x245/filters:fill(auto,1)/carshow3-56a627d93df78cf7728b9f3d.jpg

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Wow. I mean, I know nothing about cars but even I can tell that that one wasn't dime a dozen.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Speaking of which. Kailey Holt kind of accidentally turned the engine in my rental into applesauce, and I am thinking I need a proper ride.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : I have a whole thread on this classic car forum with a billion pictures and apparently I've been busy? Restoring it and all. I have so much documentation. I also have this quote about something to do with a string shop? Like logo design and shit? I don't know who I am anymore

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Yeah we will get you a ride, what ya thinking?

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : I feel like I got off lightly tbh. All I did was ... my job. And buy a house and move in with Aidan which is cool since we'd talked about that for like six months already.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Well. Honestly? When this storm was coming in.. I can't even remember why but I remember thinking fuck this shit, I'm just going to have my midlife crisis now.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : So, been kind of sniffing around for a bike of some kind. Because fuck rational choices.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : I love this picture though :a picture of Lemondrop piled on the hood of the restored car, professionally done:

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : ... Beautiful, and she even matches.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Bike, you got it, you thinking crotch rocket or American muscle

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : I'm laughing so hard at two ways this all clearly tried to make my life hell. I'm going to be living in an art gallery, locked in constant warfare with Aidan over the shared walk-in closet, and with my girlfriend over whether Aidan can paint the facade into a rainbow flag.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : We should all have such problems

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Glad you're out of the trailer park

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : I mean, yes? It's hilarious. Anyhow, my father used to ride this Nimbus that belonged to my grandfather before him. You've probably never heard of them because they're a Danish bike brand that stopped production in 1960. Very robust, trekking machines, developed for WWII.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Not saying I'm gonna have that thing shipped over here. But something along those lines -- something robust, strong, durable. Something that you could ride to Portland on for the weekend if you wanted to.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : I didn't mind the trailer park tbh. But since I'm staying here long term I do want more space for books.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Totally heard of them, Cavanaugh loves all those, he's got a Russian version

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Not surprised he'd be on something similar. I think I've seen him drive up on it at the Pourhouse a few times. Mine doesn't need to be an antique -- just, that's the general kind of direction I'm looking at.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Not looking for some sexy little Japanese thing that purrs like a cat and calls me daddy-san.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : I got you, fam. Get it worked out.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : This is weird. Weirder than usual

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : What is weird?

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Three months went by, I don't remember them and they might have been the nicest three months of my life

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Yes. I get this.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : I feel like... The last three months were probably the nicest, quietest months Gray Harbor has known in nearly two centuries. I want to get my hands on the police statistics.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : I got some other pictures on my phone you never get to see and you wouldn't want to and sure wish I remembered some of that just saying

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : There's still a few families at the shelter. And they act like we've known each other for, well, three months. Trying to not let them find out I don't even know their kids' names.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : -snerk-

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : You know what that means, right. It's an excuse to re-enact them.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : You're a genius

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : I actually let Hyacinth photograph me.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : I'm gonna need supplies. You did, no shit?

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Mind, we were both under covers at the time, nothing too bad, but she felt like shocking Vydal a bit.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Haaaaa

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Amazing

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : So she literally sent the man a picture of my bedhead.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : I mean, nothing indecent or disturbing in it (unless you count my hair in the morning which is admittedly a bit disturbing).

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : But I still shocked myself because frankly, I'm camera shy as hell.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Yeah you are

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : You must reeeeally like her

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Look, I used to be engaged to a woman who got off on making me get on camera anyway.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : And, I mean, it's going to sound conceited as hell, but it's not all in my mind: There are a couple of papers back home at least that'd have a party with sexy pictures of someone with my name. So it's just... stay out of the limelight, so much easier.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Hya is kind of the good version of her, you know?

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Yeah, she really is.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : And we're going to be uncles.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : And people tell me this time leap was a bad thing?

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Holy fuck we're gonna be uncles!!!!!!

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Also, I want a dragon.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Water or komodo

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : I just watched Holt and Kinney shame a sixteen tons actual dragon into slinking back in the Veil like a puppy that has peed on the carpet, and frankly, I want to see Hyacinth do that too.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : ... I may have a thing for strong women.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : God so do I, I'm carefully pretending you didn't actually kinda give me permission

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Bro, I'm not the one you need to ask permission there.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Don't shatter my careful illusion that stuff don't grow on trees.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Hah.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Man, just, what now? This is all way too nice. This ain't baba yaga

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Not saying I couldn't get jealous. But, I'd be jealous if I got ditched for someone else. Which is something else entirely. Anyhow, it's not really something that's come up in conversation between us at all -- and I kind of like that? Not laying down rules and obligations from day one, just seeing where it goes.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Hyacinth actually said something, ages ago, that stayed with me: You can't steal somebody who doesn't want to be stolen.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Honestly? Enjoy the breather. Shit will go south soon enough, we're in Gray Harbor. I'm just going to ... sort out the practical things a bit, zoom around on a pink cloud a bit, and sort out getting the high school a new roof.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Yeah completely right. I may fuck around but who do I go home to? This grouchy asshole right here. Who wants to hear all about it. Haha he's cleaning his rifle and giving me the eye. He's so cute. I'm now denying I'm talking about him. He says hi by the way.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Dude we totally deserve a pink cloud

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : I'd dare you to make a kissy face at him from me, but, he'd be asshole enough to get back at me for it. So just say hi, ok? 😆

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : It's good life wisdom, though. Benedicte had some kind of fundamental terror that all women wanted to steal me from her, I mean, it was neurotic.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : But you can't steal someone who doesn't want to be stolen, and I didn't want to be stolen.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : To be fair you probably should have wanted to be stolen

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : That's probably true, but it's also another story, so to speak.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : It's part of what I like about Hyacinth. She doesn't need me. She was doing just fine before me, and she would have gone on doing just fine if I'd not come around.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : She kinda does need you though.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Just in a good way

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : No, she wants me. That's different.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Because that makes it about being together because you like this other person and want to be with them. Not because you need somebody to save you, a human crutch.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Oh she wants you all right! But you're kinda on her level, too

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : How so?

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : You get the celebrity thing, you get money, you get the screwball family thing. You're like her in a lot of ways like me and Javier are alike. Drift compatible

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : That's a fair point.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : And, to be honest, I don't see myself in that world, but I do know how it works, yes.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : You know what Vic Grey said to me the other day? It cracked me up because of the wording. She said she was glad I'm not rich anymore or not in touch with my rich or whatever. I get what she meant, I agree 100%, but fuck, it was funny.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : If I was her boyfriend I couldn't talk to her about that and GET it. I'd always be a poor kid from the LES.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : I had not thought about that. But yes, that's a fair point. If I was with de la Vega, there's a lot I'd never understand about growing up rough. I've lived in that world, sure, but I never had to.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : You're not rich anymore fuck that is funny, I know exactly what she means

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : I've also never been the not-default vanilla white guy.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Right so it turns out that's important

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : It probably is.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : I mean, I like to think you and I get along pretty well. Though we're from very different backgrounds.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : So it's best of all worlds that you're dating her and I can be bros with her and maybe occasionally there's strip tearing. Yeah we do, I would treat you like a queen, tateleh

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Sorry, I mentioned I'm high right

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : It's fine, I'm working my way through a short but intense romance with a bottle of Glenmorangie. Itzeleh? What is it Bax says, Itzil?

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Ugh my heart totally thumped. Yeah either of those work but it's really Itzil. Nobody really called me Itzeleh, just feels funny

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : (Also, please don't. I mean, do you know how a queen lives? Locked up with security guards and a lifestyle of French cuisine, stiff upper lip, and wave to the plebes while your family gets taken care of by the wait staff, it always sounded like Hell on Earth to me).

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Wrong kind of queen

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : There are other kinds?

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Yeah! You don't know queen means a queer guy? That's adorable. Well my joke about it was super funny

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Hah, no, I didn't. Okay, that's funny.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Right? Frigging funny!

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : I'm not convinced I'd make a great queen in that respect but hey, I've been prom queen.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Look if kissing de la Vega didn't make you pop wood there's no hope

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Sorry.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : I've always been a bit weird like that. Some hot, naked woman in my bed doesn't do it for me either. I mean, ask fucking Vic Grey about that, I still feel like I should apologise for the ego shattering.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Hey you're one guy who won't chase him around, no complaining here

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : It does happen a lot from what I've noticed. Must be exhausting for all three of you at times.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : I mean, I do like the guy, just not... that way.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : I'm dying, a woman like her ain't so used to being let down easy

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Vic? Oh, she's hot, not going to say otherwise. It just... I see hot and all I see is, oh god, no, I can't deal with all the complications.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Is half an hour of pleasure really worth all that mess?

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Yeah you're just like that, huh? I can't get my dick to shut up for five minutes, we all know that.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : (Also, honest and very whiskey-inspired confession time here, I'm not exactly the greatest lay on the planet, with my neuropathy and all).

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Pfft I do not believe that for a second

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : Well, normally I have to be insanely careful.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Yeah I get that I'm just saying I bet it's hot. Hang on is that too weird? I can't tell how weird I'm being right now

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : The hotness wears off pretty quick. Then it's god fucking damnit, you're such a snowflake.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : You could really make it happen for you. The gloves, start telling girls you need to tie them up... I'm gonna stop

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : ... Oh my.

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : You realise I get offers like that sometimes, right? People see leather gloves and get the entirely wrong idea here.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : How could you not? Cheekbones like you don't come along every day wearing black leather gloves

(TXT to Itzhak) Ravn : ... I'm not supposed to sit here blushing at my phone, damnit.

(TXT to Ravn) Itzhak : Hah hell yeah


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