2021-11-03 - TBD

The best thing to do is stay connected....

Content Warning: swearing

IC Date: 2021-11-03

OOC Date: 2020-11-03

Location: Texting

Related Scenes:   2021-10-31 - Beggar's Night

Plot: None

Scene Number: 6071


(TXT to Ravn) Isi : How is ANYONE in this town still alive? Like honestly. I feel like there is so much flux there isn't time for the down and dirty.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : Well, for one, most of us try to have one another's backs. Also, most of us fight dirty. Unless of course that's not what you mean by down and dirty in which case I feel like I should mention it took me four months to get from 'hey, she's nice' to actually getting her alone.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : How's the... butt? Road rash?

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : I mean sex, but it's fine. You've got that whole 'omg don't touch me' thing going on.

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : Meh, it hurts like hell. Good thing I don't sleep on my back. ALSO, Dita. Does she always just have nice clothing around extra?

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : Dita is made of fancy outfits. Also, let me tell you a little secret: Some of these mind type people can turn neuropathy off for a while.

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : There is a sex joke in there, but I'll spare you. Remind me to always ruin my clothes around her. Oh - do you know where she lives? I need to bring this dress back.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : I actually haven't got her address, now that you mention it. But I have her number, and she comes by HOPE often enough. Now stop holding back on a good joke.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : I had her address but she did mention moving and waking up in a new place with a new cat during the time skip.

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : Just saying, you are probably the only person who wants to be turned OFF by sex.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : Snerk.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : Let's just say I am not complaining about that ability some people have around here, to affect anxiety.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : Heh. When I first met Perdita she sure as hell tried hard to get my attention. Not because she really wanted it but because it bugged the shit out of her she couldn't seem to make me notice. Don't tell her I told you that.

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : Ha! I can feel that. Getting ignored is annoying as hell.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : -wink-

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : emojis from you are weiiirrdd

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : What do you think I am, a cardboard cutout? How stiff and dull do I come across to you exactly? :p

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : Glad to hear you weren't badly injured though. Those ... kids ... had me worried.

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : You do not want to know how stiff - but also limp.

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : Would they have killed us?

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : I suspect they intended to try to terrify us, possibly harm us, but probably not kill us. It's a bad farmer who kills his cows to get the milk, you know?

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : Also, you suck. I am not a complete bore. I sometimes use two lumps of sugar in my tea, I'll have you know.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : However, I'm no more eager to come back a few limbs short or cut full of new, fun stab wounds than you are, so I'm glad we didn't stick around to find out what their attentions actually were.

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : Those kids were the fear things right? They can shape shift?

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : More, it can be hard to tell where a dream begins or ends. We slipped into one, somehow, and then slipped back out.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : Bit like that damn dragon.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : Did it jump into our reality, or did we somehow shift into the dragon's?

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : what does tea have to do with fear? No offense, but weird.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : ... I was trying to joke about how boring I am, ok.

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : Must be a cultural thing.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : Can't be. You're American, you don't have culture.

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : I've thought about moving. But those things pissed me off. I leave those fuckers win.

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : NATIVE AMERICAN. First Nation.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : I don't know if you've noticed, but everyone here tells everyone new to get the hell back on that Greyhound. We do that for a reason. But, no one ever does. Probably also for a reason.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : You call me boring, I call you American. Okay, maybe I'm being a little harsh here.

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : you people need someone to remind you this shit isn't normal.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : I've lived here for just a year, I'm very well aware it's not normal. I just can't make it not happen.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : I grew up in a haunted house. Like, half a dozen damn ghosts. And I think this place is insane.

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : normal people don't see a dragon and think 'let me beat this with my BRAIN'

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : No, not really. But you got to admit, it worked. I mean, what'd you and I do? Pick up a stick and proceed to get roasted like marshmallows?

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : I can't do anything like what Kinney and Holt did there but I'm sure as hell not sorry they could.

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : i mean, I hid like a sane person.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : What I do is... know things. And that's also about all I do, because as far as this whole shine thing is concerned, I'm a joke.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : Don't worry, you'll get over it. Around the time it becomes clear to you somehow, that a lot of the time, the only way out is through.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : I mean, what the hell do you think I did the first couple of times? First time it happened to me I was chased through the woods by the Headless Horseman trying to decapacitate me.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : Then I got turned into a merman...

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : And then I ended up having to help kill a Mayan fertility goddess so she could reincarnate and turn the wheel of the year once more...

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : I think about around that time I realised that this is just... nothing is too weird here, just, roll with it.

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : That is what disturbs me most about the people here. The acceptance.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : Don't confuse acceptance that we can't stop it with compliance. Fighting back, every step of the way. The whole point of HOPE is to fight back.

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : I thought it was too give those to traumatized by this town a place to breathe? Or maybe it was less nice than that. Can I come to the next was counsel?

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : Altruism is anathema to these entities. Every time we make life a little less awful for someone, we're souring the harvest for them. Every time we have each other's backs in a confrontation with them, we make it a bit more difficult for them. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for charity and the milk of human kindness, but the point here is to give the Veil the proverbial finger.

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : I've been called a selfish bitch before, guess that hasn't changed.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : Didn't you just ask to join the war council (Not that I think we ever formally had one)? I'm pretty sure that counts as not selfish.

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : Me, I just take a quiet sadistic glee in making them as miserable as they make us. I like helping people but ultimately, I'm in this game to get to fight back.

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : How can you tell if you are hurting them?

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : The more I seem to get involved, the more they try to hurt me.

(TXT to Ravn) Isi : That.... I'm not sure that proves that you are hurting. You are a know it all. 😉

(TXT to Isi) Ravn : I'm a nerd and a geek, and I'm proud of it. I drink coffee, I read books and I know things, that's what I do. It's also kind of all I do -- you've seen some of the things people here can do. And you should talk to some of them, find out what you can do. It's a fact, though, that until I started doing the whole 'one for all and all for one' gig, the Veil cared very little about me. I consider the increased interest to be confirmation I'm kicking a shin that matters. I'm cool with this.


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