2021-12-10 - 420

Tor texts Bennie to ask if she's got a weed hookup. Tor may have genuinely forgot you can just buy it at a store.

IC Date: 2021-12-10

OOC Date: 2020-12-10

Location: Text

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 6216


(TXT to Bennie) Tor : hey do you have a weed dealer?

(TXT to Tor) Bennie : Hahahah. No. I just get it from the dispensary. You're the last person I think would be dry.

(TXT to Bennie) Tor : I usually buy from my cousins, but they're being fuckin dicks

(TXT to Tor) Bennie : We should rough them up. If that were a thing I did.

(TXT to Bennie) Tor : The dispensary doesn't support the

(TXT to Bennie) Tor : local economy

(TXT to Bennie) Tor : the same way

(TXT to Tor) Bennie : Well, yeah. But, government employee here. Trying to stay on the up and up.

(TXT to Tor) Bennie : Cousins still not supporting your brew?

(TXT to Bennie) Tor : They wanted to use the brewery's books. Assumed I would do it. I said no so they're pissed

(TXT to Bennie) Tor : so it's gonna be an awkward fucking lockhart christmas

(TXT to Tor) Bennie : is the heat cracking down the pizzeria?

(TXT to Tor) Bennie : I have to stop watching mafia movies

(TXT to Bennie) Tor : The heat in this town is more like a soggy match

(TXT to Bennie) Tor : And no but no family business just exists to be a business.

(TXT to Tor) Bennie : They need to get over themselves

(TXT to Bennie) Tor : it's complicated

(TXT to Tor) Bennie : I'm sure it is. Family always is.

(TXT to Tor) Bennie : They cast shadows.

(TXT to Bennie) Tor : Anyway I guess I could go to the dispensary like a fucking law abiding citizen

(TXT to Tor) Bennie : I have a couple of joints if you need to be tied over until business hours.

(TXT to Bennie) Tor : I'm sure I'll live without getting stoned for one night


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