2021-12-24 - You wouldn't turn a blind eye, would you sir?

Alexander is lured out of his house and his pets are missing when he returns.

IC Date: 2021-12-24

OOC Date: 2020-12-24

Location: 13 Elm Drive

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 6272


There's a sound of pounding on Alexander's doorway. It's mid Christmas Eve Day and no one is looking for sleuths, except for this neighborhood teen who is pounding on Alexander's doorway as hard as he can, apparently heedless of the danger he may or may not be putting himself into.

The teen is someone that Alexander may or may not be familiar with. He lives several doorways down with an uncle. The uncle tends towards being drunk and in-and-out of work, but he's still probably the most stable person in the teen's life. The family is always hurting for money and was the recipient of a small Christmas ham from the food drive courtesy of Saint Mary's church, as well as several small gifts. He's wearing one of them now, a heavy blue jacket that is clearly new-to-him, if not new-to-life.

Alexander has a small Christmas tree set up in the living room, twinkly lights and all. Bluebell is currently sprawled out beneath it, and Luigi is sitting on one of the fake branches, staring at a distorted version of himself in a reflective ornament. Alexander himself is sprawled on the couch in sweats, clearly not planning to go anywhere, reading a true crime book. The sudden banging on the door causes a small animal explosion as Bluebell races for the bedroom to throw herself under the bed, and Luigi flies back to his cage.

Alexander's reaction is not quite so dramatic, but there's a knife in his hand by the time he makes it to his feet, the book discarded on the table. He walks over to check out the peephole; seeing the kid, he does open the door, just enough to see the kid more clearly. "What is it?"

GULP. Literally, the kid's adam's apple goes UP and then DOWN again. "Mr... MR. Clayton," there's a distinct glance at the knife he sees all sparkly in that crack. "I, don't know if you know me but, I'm Rafe," And the teen has a NAME! "It's - it's my uncle. He's gone and I... I was told maybe you could help?" Something about Alexander tells Rafe he needs to keep talking, and so he does. "He went out last night to get some smokes, but then he didn't come home. I checked all the bars but like - he was gone. I don't have much money but," he stoops down and lifts up that Christmas ham. "I've got this?"

Alexander looks down at the ham. He just stares at it for a bit, then back up to the kid. "Short for Rafael?" he guesses, to the dreaded nickname, but for once it's not snappish. He opens the door and waves the kid inside. "It's freezing out there. Put the ham on the counter. I'll make you some cocoa and you can tell me exactly what happened. Your uncle got any enemies? Anything go unusually wrong?" His voice is gruff, but not hostile, but he is still holding the knife.

A nod when Alexander asks for his name, with a suprised flicker. Apparently people usually take the name at face value without asking further.

The kid looks nervous as he glances inside. "No, man, y'know. I need you r help but..." He lets it linger before blurting out, "Louie said you're dangerous and a little crazy." Which is not something Rafe wants to be in the same room as apparently. "I got to be safe - but uncle does drugs you know? If I go to the cops they'll ask questions and I will get removed. Christmas is a shitty time to get shifted into the system. I only got another year before I'm eighteen. Just - uncle always comes home, even if he's high or drunk or shit. The guy at the corner store told me to fuck off when I asked but you...?" He trails off, eyes wide and hopeful.

Alexander huffs out a breath, although he doesn't try to argue about dangerous and crazy, since its one of the things that lets him live on Elm in relative peace and quiet. "Fine. I'll go look for your uncle. Louis? Where does he like to hang out? Any friends? Regular dealers? When did he disappear last night?" And, after a pause, he says, "Then go home. Take the ham, and call a friend or someone you trust to stay with you until you hear from your uncle or me. Call my number if anyone comes by." A number which will be given when it looks like the kid is ready to take it down.

Rafe rattles off a few locations - the corner store just off of Elm, the sketchy one that doesn't always check IDs, a bar, and a dealer's name who lives in the nice part of town because who would suspect the person in the upper-middle class house?

When the number given he has to bobble for his phone to type the number in. "OKay - I willl You sure you don't want me to come?" The offer is genuinely made.

Alexander considers Rafael, then shakes his head. "It's fine. I do better on my own," he says, although it's a lot more about not wanting the kid going with him to...wherever his uncle ends up being, and seeing Louis in whatever state he's likely to be in. "Just go home. I'll find your uncle and bring him back, if I can." And then he closes the door in the kid's face. Which is what he gets for turning down cocoa.

It only takes a few minutes to change out of the 'home sweats' to a sweater, jeans, and ugly olive jacket more appropriate for the weather outside - if not for anyone's fashion sensibilities. He decides to start at the corner store.

Poor Alexander is in for a rough day. Corner store guy tells him to fuck off, Alexander has to be convicing, and at the end of it Alexander learns that uncle was there this morning, buying a six-pack. Then the bar, where he's told that the uncle was kicked out at last call for being too drunk. Finally, the drug dealer's house where Alexander finds the uncle. He's surprised at the man's presence.

He also looks super confused at the tale Alexander tells about Rafe looking for him. "What the fuck? He knew I was going to be gone, I texted the idiot last night and told him to have dinner ready by tonight."

Alexander has gotten progressively grouchier as he tracks down the guy, and by now, he's glowering. "Maybe you should go home, before he tries to give your dinner to some other random asshole," he says. "You don't seem dead, and you know where your home is." A sigh. "Mission fucking accomplished. Merry Christmas." And then he turns and starts to stomp away, back to his home and his hot cocoa.

When Alexander gets home things are... concerning.

For one, his door is open. And it looks like it was violently done. The door jam is busted all too pieces and it won't be staying latched on its own until actually fixed.

"Son of a bitch," Alexander swears when he sees the door. He pulls the knife from the small of his back and sidles up to the wall, keeping the siding at his back and a wary eye on the street. He doesn't walk inside; instead, he reaches out with his mind and sweeps the property, looking for living creatures.

Cockroaches. And that's... it. Which is probably concerning as there should be two other bright spots of life inside the house.

Neither Bluebell nor Luigi are there.

When Alexander enters it's a mess. The small Christmas tree has been knocked over and a handful of the twinkly lights are smashed. There are scratch marks on the floor where the carpet has been dug at. Maybe Bluebell? Even more alarming is the empty cage with a dusting of feathers at the bottom.

<FS3> Alexander rolls Composure-4: Failure (5) (Rolled by: Alexander)

Alexander does a cursory look over the interior. The things aren't important, although the black fury that's building around him certainly isn't eased by the damage to his Christmas tree. He doesn't really notice that he's crying. He also doesn't notice that when he passes a fallen lamp, electricity leaps from him to the lamp, extinguishing it with a zap. The air around him smells heavy with ozone, even as he strides out of the house, knife in hand, heading directly for Rafael and Louis' house.

Rafe is sitting in his uncle's house, the smell of cooking ham coming out of their ill insulated house. There's laughter and rap music within. Chances are that he's invited a few friends home and his uncle's poor stock of alcohol is getting depleted steadily.

<FS3> Alexander rolls Mental: Success (8 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 1) (Rolled by: Alexander)

Alexander stops just outside the door, and with his ugly sweater and the knife, it really would only take a hockey mask to make him Jason. But he doesn't break down the door in slasher style; instead, his eyes flash -- literally -- and the smell of ozone sharpens as the stereo inside and the living room light suddenly explode into a shower of sparks.

There's a cascade of swears inside the household as the sterio and lights explode. It doesn't take long for the front door to be trust open to let the smoke out while nearby the front window is slid open with a smash of sound.

The teen standing at the door is about three inches shorter than Alexander and is not Rafe, "Woah, /fuck// who are you man?"

And that poor kid? He gets a fist directly into the face as Alexander tries to push himself inside. At least it's not the fist with the knife?

Congratulations Alexander - the teen's nose is broken. He stumbles backwards into the room with his hands coming up over his mouth. Inside there are two other teens. Rafe, and a third one who is over by the window.

Rafe goes pale when Alexander comes through the doorway and then he cuts and runs for the backroom without waiting to hear from Alexander.

Alexander ignores the rest unless they make a move for him; in which case he'll lash out almost incidentally, all of his focus on getting to Rafe. He doesn't shout. He doesn't say anything at all, really; but his eyes are nearly black holes in his face, burning with rage. If he can catch the kid before he manages to get to the back room, then Rafe is getting slammed into a wall. Otherwise, anything between Alexander and his target is getting torn down.

<FS3> Alexander rolls reflexes+athletics (7 6 4 4 4 1) vs Rafe (a NPC)'s 4 (6 6 3 3 2 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Isi)

<FS3> Alexander rolls Melee (7 6 5 4 3 3 3 1) vs Rafe (a NPC)'s 2 (6 3 3 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Alexander. (Rolled by: Isi)

It's a very very close thing. Rafe ALMOST makes it outside the back door before Alexander catches him and throws him up against the wall. "Fuck, fuck, I didn't do anything man!" His arms are up and he covers his head, trying to protect what he considers the second most valuable part of his anatomy.

Alexander pins him with his empty handed arm, and the knife comes up, hovering a bare inch from Rafe's protective arms. When Alexander speaks, it's rough, low, and almost conversational. "If my animals are dead, I am going to peel off your skin and feed it to you, piece by piece, until you choke to death on it." The worst part is that it doesn't sound...threatening. It's just a flat statement of the trajectory of history as far as Alexander is concerned. "Tell me everything you know, and maybe I'll get them back before they're hurt."

"Dude! Dude!" Rafe is pissing her pants as he cowers as well as one can pinned and with a knife on him. "I don't know anything! There was a note - a letter. It told me what to do and included five hundred bucks. Said if I didn't that they's slash my tires. Fuck - I can't pay for new tires!"

"Where is the letter?" Alexander asks, still conversational, if you ignore the mottled red and purple of his face, or the fact that the knife in his hand is shaking. "And don't fucking tell me you threw it away, unless you want to go dumpster diving."

"My bedroom man!" Rafe says, continuing to cower. He loses control of his other set of bowels and the smell waifs through the hallway as a brown stain spreads along the paint. "Sock drawer, top left. There, there's a blue envelope with the rest of the money tucked inside.

Rafe's bedroom is nearby and it's pretty obvious it's the room of a teenager. The bed lays on the floor frame-less. The covers are a mess of sheets and blankets - with the pillow uncovered. Clothes and bits and pieces of teenage life litter the rest of the area. A hand-me-down dresser sits in the corner with the top drawer closed tightly, but the other two hanging open just a bit with clothes spilling out.

"You did wrong," Alexander tells Rafe, and then tosses him to one side without a second glance, instead heading towards the bedroom to grab the blue envelope. The money is ignored; money never has enough of an imprint. Instead, Alexander focuses on the letter. First with his mundane senses to see if he recognizes the handwriting or anything else about it that might ping who's responsible for this. Then, he reaches out with his mind, trying to 'ping' on whoever wrote it.

Alexander spends a luck point. Reason: THEY STOLE MY ANIMALS

<FS3> Alexander rolls Mental+3: Great Success (8 8 7 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1) (Rolled by: Alexander)

Rafe isn't going to wait for Alexander to leave - HE is running. In fact, all three teens are getting the fuck out of the house.

The blue envelope is one that anyone might pick up from the greeting card aisle. There's no words inside, just the hand scribbled note. It says what Rafe said it did. "Get Alexander Clayton, 13 Elm Drive, out of the house. Tell him your uncle has gone missing and offer payment. Act afraid. The $500 is yours. If you don't, I'll slash your tires."

The FEELING on the envelope is a mix of anger and violence. Even more clearly comes a face - a face that Alexander is familiar with. He saw it, adjacent to a woman who was in his office just a week ago. She was asking for Alexander to follow her husband and the woman who came with her was a best friend. A redhead, at the place she seemed to be oh-so-concerned about her BFF.

He feels where she is too - downtown, about Safewayish.

<FS3> Alexander Is Very Smart (a NPC) rolls 4 (8 6 6 5 2 1) vs Alexander Is Very Angry (a NPC)'s 3 (7 6 5 4 3)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Alexander Is Very Smart. (Rolled by: Alexander)

The teens are dismissed; or rather, they largely cease to exist for him the moment the feel of them leaves his immediate area. He leaves the money as well, and walks out of the house, on a straight line to the Safeway - or as straight as he can get while jogging down the trails through town. It gives a little bit of time for some the immediate rage to bleed off into the cold December air. Not the greatest part, but just enough that he figures out that it's probably a good idea to sheath the knife before stepping out into the more populated streets. As he gets closer, his mind sweeps the town, trying to pick up the familiar lights of Luigi and Bluebell, as well as any mind that feels like the redhead's.

Poor Alexander - he doesn't find any hair nor father of the animal's whereabouts. They aren't downtown. It's still useful information because at least there's one place they aren't.

The redheaded woman, now to be known as Ellen, doesn't move much either. She stays in the confines of the supermarket. Presently she's standing in the aisle that holds the pastas. She has the name brand in one hand and the generic in the other. It's an All American choice to make. Is the dollar difference worth it? Will they be basically the same or dramatically different?

Why can't they just have her usual brand in stock?!

Alexander is twitchy when he feels - or fails to feel - his animals. That rage inside of him threatens to turn to black despair and wild grief. He slumps against the brick wall of the supermarket, feeling Ellen in his mind, and his hand goes up to rub at his temple. He digs down inside himself, draws up the bleakest and most crushing guilt that he carries, and hurls it, in a ball, straight towards Ellen's mind. Horrific guilt. Deep shame. Everyone in this store knows what she did. They're watching her right now. Judging her. Loathing her for the miserable, wretched creature that she is. She doesn't deserve pasta. She doesn't deserve anything. Except maybe to die all alone, while her lover and his wife laugh at how stupid and ugly and pathetic that she is, always was, and will always be.

Ellen is a not-glimmer-er. That ball of mental power that slams into her is more than her poor little mind can take. She collapses right there in the pasta aisle, one of the bags bursting open as it hits the ground and she ends up on top of it.

Others yell as she slams into the ground in a dead faint, the call going up for someone to call 911, NOW!


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