2022-01-16 - Meditation by the Bay

Yossi has a quiet moment. KC walks his dog. Somewhere in there, town secrets spill out.

IC Date: 2022-01-16

OOC Date: 2021-01-16

Location: Bay/Boardwalk

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 6355


Like a light breeze through a sparse forest, Yossi meanders around tourists and locals alike, thumping boots tapping a soft cadence against the Boardwalk's creaking wood. It's cold, and snowing--to neither of which the man is particularly accustomed, and especially not in the context of the ocean. One hand is buried deep in a jacket pocket, while the other occasionally reaches out to gather a flake or two. There's no particular method or purpose to his path, though it inevitably ends where boardwalk meets empty space and endless water.

Standing alone, he breathes deeply of the late morning: salt and confections and something oily from the rides. His free hand retreats to his jacket pocket for warmth, and he closes his eyes with a measured breath to simply... listen.

He looks more like a student than what you might expect a CEO to look like on a regular day. A neutral colored sweatshirt with a jacket, jeans a bookbag and a skull cap taming down his hair. At his side walks a single dog keeping pace with his casual gait. The dog seems a little run down, not as energetic, but very attentive to her surroundings because her dad is currently not. At least not 100 percent, because KC is walking and playing on his phone at the same time. The beginning of what you might see in videos just before that walk into something unfortunate. Distracted, probably texting or something. His giant footfalls and the dogs clacking against the wood.

As various images and thoughts bubble into his mind's eye, Yossi calmly notes and validates them, holding each like one might grip vapor, allowing them to be carried away on the cool ocean breeze. With each passing thought, his sense of awareness expands, catching the cry of gulls, the laughter of an amused child, the arguing of riders and ride-runners, the grinding of gears, the rhythm of steps, closer now, and so heavy.

Only a man of a particular height and particular build could make footfalls sound like that. Yossi would never claim to being the most sensory aware individual in spite of his practice, but without opening his eyes, he could make a reasonable guess at who that might be.

"KC?" He speaks before turning.

Going over whatever it is that has his attention to his phone, KC seems concerned and possibly a little disturbed. It's stressing him out a little, seen by the lines of a frown across his face taking is free hand to rub his palm-side up and down one side of his face. And then he snaps free with a determined sigh through his nostrils, a vey visually conveyed 'Ok! Alright fine.' Before he can do much else, his name is called and he looks up suddenly, "Hello," he says before he even knows who it is. Grey German Shepherd coming to stop and peer over at who is speaking.

It takes him a moment to plant the name with the face, as he has work things on his brain, but he works it out rather reasonably, "Oh hey! You're uh, Yossi right?" The broad man pops a shoulder up to more secure the strap of his backpack onto it.

By the time KC has worked out his phone predicament, Yossi has turned and opened his eyes. "That's right," he says with a smile. His hair is free at the moment, necessitating a some bangs being drawn from his face as he crouches to greet the Shepherd. "And hello to you, too." Pets, of course, are offered, provided animal and owner both assent.

Looking up, he says, "I'm just enjoying a stroll and taking in the sights. How are you? You seemed to have something of a small emergency the other day."

The dog isn't feeling very well by the way she is acting. She seems tired, but she's a good girl, so she approaches with her tail wagging for strokes, her gait a little sluggish, like she wants to but it's a little taxing. "She just came from getting her annual vaccination. Right now, she's being dramatic. It's her sister's turn tomorrow, you can't do them both on the same day, they'll try to out pathetic each other." the large owner explains of the dog's behavior. "Same thing every year." the man shakes his head,

"Yeah..." he sighs, "Believe it or not, it's very common in my line of work. I'm just the main one that has to be informed and make a decision when something happens. Psychotic patients attack staff sometimes, and my people are well trained, but sometimes it's the luck of the shift on what happens. Today is gonna be a day of incident reports and statements and everything. Luckily the nurse wasn't hurt TOO bad but..." his broad shoulders shrug, "You hate to see it happen."

He's no dog whisperer, but Yossi still has a calmness to him he hopes at least offers the dog a little relief from her drama. Soothing pets and strokes continue as explanation is forthcoming, and the reverend nods as he listens intently. "So a mental health facility of some kind, then. You may have mentioned it at the coffee shop, so my apologies if I missed that detail." A few more dog-pats and he stands, returning his hands to his jacket pockets for warmth, exhaling a short cloud of vapor.

"I'm not overly familiar with the administrative details, but I have been asked to assist with mental health in the past--mostly art therapy. My understanding is religious assistance can be a bit prickly." He quickly gestures to his neck with a finger. "Especially since I lack the collar, or robes, as would have been the case. I trained as a Coptic priest but ultimately decided I could do more good as non-denominational."

The other man is only helping Grey get more pathetic to get more attention Her ears are pulled all the way back, her eyes wide and she carries a 'woe is me' on her face. "Yeah," KC confirms, "I've worked there for about 10 years now, started out as a tech. Worked my way to CEO." Even though he knows the dog is putting on a show, KC is still unshouldering his backpack to unzip and dig inside.

"Well from an administrative standpoint, there might be a need for clergy presence in the hospital. It doesn't usually happen for a couple of reasons. One being how dangerous it is, we have patients that are criminally psychotic, so while we're not a prison, we do have accommodations for patients that are under evaluation for psychiactric incarceration. The other reason being that we have patients of different faiths, and we're a very inclusive facility, so hiring a religious figure from every religion isn't very lucrative." He finds a piece of jerky from his backpack and unwraps it. The dog know it is for her perks up, and momentarily forgets that she isn't feeling well to jot over and await what is rightfully hers.

"The big issue with my job is how do you balance the needs of the patient and the needs of the hospital in one. The hospital needs money to function and help people, and sometimes it is an insurance game," as he tosses the bits of meat to the dog who snatches it out of the air. "So sometimes, because of private insurance, I have to make the decision to accept a patient of slightly higher acuity that pushes the limits of my staffing. I've worked in the nursing department, so I try to avoid that as much as I can. Were you looking for a position, possibly? I'm sure I could get with the administration team and see what we need to fill in those areas. We have a geriatric unit, so religious services cold be a help."

Yossi makes a face as if he realizes he's been hoodwinked by a grifter, waggling a finger at Grey that suggests more pets will not be forthcoming. Now I see what you're doing. Still, his face warms with a pleased smile, happy to indulge her simple enthusiasm.

"It sounds like quite the burden of responsibility." His gaze sweeps from the dog up to KC's face, considering the big man, and his offer, with a canine tilt of his head to keep with theme. "I wouldn't want to commit to something full-time, given I have my own work to consider, but if you could use me part-time or as-needed, it would be my pleasure and moreover, is my calling to assist however I can."

"Hrm," KC strokes his chin thoughtfully, "Well, I am sure we can fit it in some capacity. Even in it's best condition, we're always having to make improvements." the large man smiles warmly. "But for today, it is my day off. I don't even wanna think about work today-- but I know I'm gonna have to." His blue eyes roll, and then turn to take a look at the water rushing up on the boardwalk, "It's nice up here." his deeper voice says with a warming to it, "I used to come here as a kid, hop up on this here," the large man puts his hands on the wooden rail, "And walk alllll the way down the length of it, my mom right by my side. She would let me do it too," KC looks over at Yossi, "She was never worried over anything like falling or getting hurt, she always believed in me even then. She'd just stroll down here right next to me with her parasol." The nostalgia taking the man to a fonder place.

"I understand," Yossi says gently, then reaching inside his jacket to pluck a pair of shades that had been hooked to his shirt. So he doesn't have to squint from the glare of light off the water, he slips them on as he turns to look at the wooden rail, and then back at KC, studying his face. "I imagine, as a local, you have fond memories like that from all around town, yes?" He glances back at the railing, and then out towards the water. "The more I read, the more this place seems to be plagued with death. It's... comforting to hear about warmer memories." He touches the railing, drawing a few fingers across the wood, as if he, too, might be able to see that memory. He doesn't, of course.

"What do you do around town to relax?"

A very grey and sobering look crosses the face of KC, "Death is a symptom in this place, the cause is something entirely out of the scope of normality." KC's mind seems to go to some farther off place, a distant or perhaps close memory, but not a good one. Grey seems to sense KC disassociation and whines, nudging against his leg to bring him back. It seems to work well enough because KC snaps out of it with a smile.

"Ah, that's a question for the ages. It's not like the city here, so you really have to find simpler things to do. Since I got back, I haven't found much to do but work out, read, sit in the hot tub and play around with the dogs."

It was apparently an open-ended question, in that sense that around town was a loose description. Yossi lifts his fingers from the rail and then turns to lean his back against it. His expression remains thoughtful. "Just a curiosity. In some ways, you can get a good sense of a place by determining how the people in it spend their time. As for the cause you mentioned, that's part of why I'm here. My research." With a short chuckle, he waves a hand dismissively. "Yes, I'm aware of the dangers."

"Just avoid going under the boardwalk." KC mentions, and looks over to the man, "That's what they say anyhow. Bad things happen down there, but that's always the way isn't it?" A smirk aligns across his lips, "Under the boardwalk just sounds like one of those inbetween type places, like some fairy ring or something. I can't help but admit, I'm a little curious." Somehow, there is a bit of fascination at the man. Likely to do with his somewhat spiritual and free appearance. KC can't quite put a finger on it, and it is written on his face. "In anycase, I'm not the best to ask as my interests have changed. I'm a bit different since I moved back."

This particular smile is one of those full-on, eyes-crinkled, teeth-bearing varieties of genuine mirth. "You're right, that's exactly what it sounds like. The locked basement, the old closet, that one spot in the forest with tracks around but never through." Yossi traces a crude illustration in the air. "I have an admittedly poor habit of intentionally seeking out those kinds of places. For the same reason," he says with a nod. "Curiosity. After all, what is the point of faith if it can't buoy you in the dark places?"

Looking down at the wood blanks, he taps at the cracks with the toe of his boot, experimentally, as if a hole might open up beneath them. "You're really not dissuading me, KC." He laughs. "Being different means I have even more of a reason to ask. When you leave and come back, perspectives change. Eyes are open to details they may have missed before."

KC cannot help but chuckle, "I don't think I'm trying to dissuade you," the man admits, "Not intentionally at least." This line of thought trips KC up, and he knits his brows together, now faced with his deeply personal issue, "I don't know to tell you the truth. There are holes in things these days. In me..." his mighty chest expands from the breath he takes in and slowly lets out, "Not physical ones, but mental. I'm sure I used to like to do lots of things but--" his blue eyes look up at the man, a strong sense of vulnerability within them.

In a careful, gentle gesture, Yossi sympathetically rests a hand against the large man's arm. A steward of such vulnerabilities, he holds KC's gaze, quieting his voice to a respectful volume, so as not to carry on the wind. "You don't need to explain if it's difficult," he begins, offering the man a way out, if he wishes, "But to paraphrase Rumi, 'Wounds are where we let the light in.'" Momentarily glancing around to confirm they have some space, he gestures forward so they can walk and talk. "Do you feel as if it's something's missing in the sense that you've left something behind? Or that something was taken?"

KC knows this, it is a therapeutic technique to comfort someone in crisis, and build rapport. It makes him realize that he is the one that is getting the therapy. Is he blushing? All near 7 feet of him is flushed a bit read, "Uh-- No, um-- it's not really like that." the tall man shakes his head, "Do you know how you have medication, right? And that medication is made up of something good and helpful and wonderful, and then it is used one pill at a time. While it is helping the people taking it, it keeps getting emptier and emptier. That is what it is like."

Their walk is a casual one, Yossi's hands back in his pockets; but his focus is entirely on KC, actively listening and nodding his head. Even therapists need therapists, after all, and the reverend obviously takes his commitments seriously in that regard. Still, he's not blind, and his lips part a little in amusement at the big man's surprise at the turnaround. "So are you the patient, or the medication?" He wonders, turning to catch KC's gaze. "Presumably the patient can always replace the medication, but if it can't be refilled, then what happens to the bottle?"

"No, I'm the bottle. And the things that I am missing is the medication." though after a moment, KC thinks about that analogy, "It-- made sense in my head, but I don't think it stands up to what I'm talking about." his fingers scratch across the underside of his beard, "No worries, just burning the candle at both ends on a regular basis. It's fine." a big smile on his lips and a lift of broad shoulders. "How are you finding your way about town?"

"It's obviously not fine," Yossi replies in spite of the giant's grin, with one of those knowing therapist smiles of his own that suggests he sees there's far more to the story, but senses perhaps this is not the time to prompt a deeper discussion about it. "But we can talk more about it another time, whenever you like." He then looks away, inhaling deeply, considering. "Well enough for now. My cousin's helping me get settled--a place to sleep, maybe even an art studio for my painting and other work. Right now I'm just trying to get the feel of the place."

"Welp, I guess the rightful thing for me to do would be to say welcome to Gray Harbor, now leave." Though this KC says with a smile, turning to face the man with his hands tucked into his own pockets, "But you don't seem like the type to listen to that sorta good advice. You strike me as the type of man that likes to go places that he probably should not go. If I tell you that there is danger should you go into that house on the corner, I imagine your response would be..." He leaves the question open ended, as if he knows the answer already.

"So you and everyone else keep telling me." Exactly as the other man has surmised, Yossi looks if anything, more encouraged to stay. Playfully, he presses both hands to his chest as if he's been struck, figured out, seen, and then laughs. "When do we go?" He drops his hands and shakes his head, pausing his walking pace to turn towards the water and rest his arms on the rail. His brows and lips relax as he gazes outwards. "It's not that I'm hungry for danger, but I do have a passion for attempting to understand that which evades understanding. That, at least, is a resource rich in this place."

"The more people that stay in this place, the more people I gotta end up trying to help, or protect. So I guess that means if you plan on sticking around, and not shy away from danger, I'm gonna have to add you to that list." As the morning starts to warm, KC sheds his hat, pulling it from his head to let his hair fall freely, "I imagine we have quite a bit to talk about, in regards to what evades understanding." KC joins him, leaning against the railing with his elbows, "Eventually, we will probably share the same Dream."

"Really, you don't need to burden yourself with me." A flick of melted snow from his nose, but there's little point shaking it from his hair; Yossi turns slightly so he can see KC's face. "I can take care of myself reasonably well." Though he doubts that's a persuasive argument, he still tries to keep confidence in his tone. "I've done a bit of exploring of my own--in other places. Nothing too risky, considering I was on my own." He listens for a moment, wondering aloud. "Would that be so bad? Shared dreams. Though I admit, I haven't had many experiences with it."

"It might be," KC admits to him, "Dreams are not always pleasant; in most cases they certainly aren't. They can be very dangerous, and difficult to traverse." It sounds like the man has quite a bit of experience with them, "There are a couple of things that you should keep in mind when having one. One of which being the fact of what it really is. I'm not talking about dreams that you have regularly at night. You don't have to be awake for these. The lines of what's real and what is not become twisted."

"I have an idea of what you mean," Yossi says, closing his eyes as he recalls a few past experiences of a similar kind. "I'd always thought they were limited to me, at least most of the time, but you're suggesting the shared vision is a common thing here?" He opens his eyes, brows lifting with curiosity at the question. This is, after all, the kind of information he came to this place to learn. "Just how experienced are you with these... events?"

"It's incredibly common around here. You really should either leave, or get really familiar with being spirited away regularly." KC turns to him, his blue eyes aligning with the man, "Because you glow rather brightly. the Shadow People will come after you often. I'm surprised you haven't seen them on more than one occasion, considering." His head leans to one side curiously, and he seems to not stare at him, but through him. "Now that you're here, it's only gong to get worse."

Now they weren't being subtle at all. "Familiarity was always the plan," Yossi says, leveling a more serious gaze at the large man, now, and likewise taking a moment to really consider him. "I've been very careful," he reiterates, "And lucky, I imagine," he allows. "That being the case then, would you be willing to teach me what you know? Not all at once, of course," he says, lifting a hand. "I came here to study this phenomenon. I'm not going to leave without some kind of satisfying answer."

KC gives him a disapproving look at his decision and sighs resolved, "If you insist on staying and getting into this, I cannot let you go to the point where you'll get yourself killed. So yes," he nods, "I'll tell you what I know. It's not much but it is enough to arm you." The large man is looking him over, taking into account the man's sturdy frame, "Your Glimmer will be an asset and a bane in one."

"Thank you," Yossi says, his expression relaxing. KC's disappointment doesn't seem to phase him; he had made up his mind about this a long time ago. "I don't have any intention of being reckless beyond simply staying here, so don't worry overmuch. But... Glimmer? Is that what you call it here? The manifestations of energy, talents and so on?" The reverend takes a moment to glance around them and verify they're still sufficiently away from any eavesdroppers. "Exactly how many of us here are there?"

"It's the most common word for it yes," KC agrees with a singular nod, "I'm not sure if that's an official name, but this is also something we don't fully understand, and we like to give names to things, so..." KC's hands lift from his pockets as he shrugs. "I can't say I don't share your curiosity, I do. And it's not that I think that you're not capable of taking care of yourself, or anyone. I just feel that you shouldn't have to. People deserve to have a peaceful existence, and if I can do something to help that, I'll take on the dangers." The man reaches down to pat his canine companion on the head as she leans against his leg, "As far as I know, there are a lot of us. I wouldn't be surprised if your cousin has the Glimmer. You should ask her, the most she can do is think you're crazy."

The reverend blinks. "That many?" A cold, but gentle wind flutters their hair. It carries the scents of the boardwalk and snow, reminding Yossi that his hands are freezing. Replacing them in his jacket pockets, he looks back over the water with a pensive, considering expression. "That's a lot of responsibility to carry on your shoulders, especially if there's as many of us as you suggest. Admirable, but be careful you don't overextend yourself. You're of no use to anyone stretched too thin." He pats the big man's shoulder.

As for his cousin, he'd had a feeling about Perdita, but quickly dismissed it as related to their emotional reunion. To that end, he says, "I will. Enough people already think I'm crazy, and to be fair, that's not entirely inaccurate." He chuckles. "But it's not something I allow to influence my decisions. Anyways." His hand finds his pocket again, and he steps away from the railing. "It's something of a dim topic, and I don't wish to darken your entire afternoon."

It does strike KC after a moment that they are talking about a pretty heavy subject, and it's making the both of them rather uncomfortable. Oh THAT'S what that feeling is! The contemplative loo on the man's face sorta telegraph that he is having a conversation in his head for a couple of seconds, and then it's over, "Oh! Yes of course..." he shakes his head, moving away from the railing, "You came down here for a bit peace and tranquility, right? I should-- let you get back to it." For a large and ok guy, he has a bit of social awkwardness.

Yossi waves a hand dismissively. "I can find tranquility anywhere," he says. "But I should be getting back so I can get my studio set up. Want the paints to be sorted and the light to be good." He spins a finger in the air to indicate 'etc. etc.' and then fishes his phone out of an inside jacket pocket. "But here, let's trade numbers in the event you do think I can be of some assistance. Or if you just want to talk more about the weird sometime, or whatever else." Smiling, he dispels the awkwardness.

"I didn't give you my business card?" KC questions, looking puzzled, "I thought I did. My day is already starting to run together." he waves a large hand about, "Uh, sure, sure thing." he is patting around in his pockets to check for his phone until he finds it, "Here," KC extends his phone out to the other man for entering his number

Taking KC's phone, Yossi enters his number and grins, handing it back. "Don't worry about it. Perhaps you did and I simply forgot," he adds, graciously. "Regardless, I've enjoyed talking with you, KC. Looking forward to more boardwalk talks in the future." Lifting a hand in farewell, he then crouches to give the dog some goodbye loving as well. "You take care of him, alright," he says to the German Shepherd, smoothing her headfur before standing again. Another goodbye wave, and he starts heading back into town.


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