2022-02-07 - A few more hours and another bottle of wine later

Apparently Isi isn't done texting but never actually gets to the f*king point.

IC Date: 2022-02-07

OOC Date: 2021-02-07

Location: Cyberspace

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 6395


(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Ring Scheduler. You should download it.

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : (a few minutes later) ring what? what the fuck are you on about now

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : It is an app. Set your sleeping hours and it will turn your sound on or off, put it on vibration- whatever.

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : Look, I don't need you bossing me about my fucking phone. I keep it on for work emergencies, yeah?

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Then don't get prissy when someone wakes you up. Get a landline or whatever.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : You are a grown ass man right?

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : I'm not getting a fucking landline. and I'm not prissy

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : Do you actually want something, or are you just here to hassle me about my phone?

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Sorry, typo, pissy

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : I don't like the answer you gave and I am a bit drunk so....

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : you? drunk? I have a hard time picturing this.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Fuck you

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : From all you've said you aren't exactly a tetotaler or however that is spelled

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : Me? A teetotaler? that's the funniest shit I've heard all week.

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : Soy Mexicano, cariņo.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : I said you weren't!

I still don't speak Spanish.

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : I think I'd be fucking excommunicated as a Mexican if I didn't drink, Ms. Cameron.

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : anyway, what answer? what are we talking about. I'm not awake yet, you'll have to remind me.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Or you could scroll up.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : But whatever. I want to know how dangerous your mind magic whatever is.

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : Oh. that question.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Yeah - that one.

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : Look, I already answered you. it depends what I'm doing with it. I didn't fucking hurt Ravn, no matter what you think. I got in his head, yeah. But I didn't hurt him.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Okay - what can you do with it? What exactly did he want?

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : I feel like that's something he should explain

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : And I just told you, I can get into peoples' heads. share thoughts, emotions. Some people find it pretty intimate.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : No offense- but you are way too old for that. Like I'm sure your whatever is fine but I'm looking a little younger.

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : did you just fucking imply that I propositioned you?

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : No, you said it was intimate. Just making sure you know where I stand. Don't be a jerk about it

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : Because 1) if I wanted to fuck, I'd ask. and 2) I'm in a committed relationship. so get your panties untwisted.

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : Intimate means intimate. don't twist my words.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : 1) ew, please never say panties again 2) you fucking brought it up. Blame yourself.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : What?

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : you heard me.

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : 3) panties

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Maybe I'm not the drunk one here because that make no sense - we are texting i literally didn't hear you

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Gross

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : What, are you 12?

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : I don't know what women you know but most of us don't like talking about underwear with someone old enough to be their father.

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : it's an item of fucking clothing, and you're the one who started on this my whatever being fine.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : What do you mean by intimate then?

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : are you seriously going to make me break out the dictionary definition?

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : also, you clearly don't date much. the 25 year old badge bunnies looking for an older guy in this town are as thick as fleas

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : I am tired of getting into shit i don't understand- so yeah. I am. And fuck them. I'm not a slut.

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : I know you're not. but I've had to fend a lot of this shit off

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Well not from me.

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : No, you just text me at stupid fucking hours with stupid fucking questions

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : would you like to spend the next twenty minutes convincing me how much you don't want to fuck me, or is there anything else you actually want to know?

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Look - I'm curious. But I have an animal that depends of me. I can't just go do dangerous shit without making sure I'm going to come back to her.

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : What do you think would happen to you?

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : I don't know -thus the asking. You can die just laying in bed in this town.

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : I don't know what else to tell you. have you ever had another mentalist inside your head?

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : No

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : it's like being able to interact with someone, without all the other shit getting in the way. the shit that for me at least, makes people messy and difficult.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : You are being serious so ill get back to that but damn- phrasing much?

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Anyway

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : What phrasing

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Don't worry about it. So just give me an up down on living through you doing it and still being me?

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : nothing I can do will change you.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : How can I know? You broke Emil- yes, I know he deserved it, but I'm not much better. So.

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : that was different.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : How? Because you were trying to hurt him?

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : yeah. I hurt him. It was a choice that I made, to break his mind. I didn't do that to Ravn. I wouldn't do that to you.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : You would have good reason. I haven't been kind to you.

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : (some typing, then some backspacing)

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : I wouldn't do that to you.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : I believe you.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : I envy you. Can you talk to animals like Alexander can?

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : I can. they don't always have interesting things to say. once in a while, though. What's to envy?

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : I wish I knew what elsa was thinking more often.

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : Animals are singleminded, typically

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : they don't complicate their lives as much as we do, I find

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : smart

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Fuck - you should go back to sleep

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : Don't fucking tell me what to do

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Now who sounds 12

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : (no answer)

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Fuck whatever, it doesn't matter.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : I need to get Elsa use to gun shots- any tips?

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : Hell of a lot of patience. you fuck it up, and it's going to be almost impossible to fix. might be able to get one of the guys at the range to help you out with that.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : She has freaked out a few times - fireworks or gunshots, not sure which

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : both, maybe. why are you asking me about this? I'm no expert on dogs.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Right forget I asked

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : What the fuck do you want from me?

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Fuck - I don't know. I'll go drunk text someone else.

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : Noquearse, cariņo

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Still don't speak spanish

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : don't give a shit

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : I did not need to know you were constipated

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : what the actual fuck is wrong with you?

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : I'm not the one talking about shit

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : It's a figure of fucking speech. give a shit. It means I. Don't. Care. that's twice you've felt the need to fucking comment on my body like it's any goddamn business of yours. you wake me up again and you're going to have to deal with Joe. and he really fucking hates being woken up.

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Sorry. That was wrong.

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : (more typing, and more backspacing)

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : I'll talk to you later, yeah?

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Yeah

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Sleep well

(TXT to Ruiz) Isi : Tell Joseph sorry too if I woke him up

(TXT to Isi) Ruiz : Yeah


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