
Ruby's icon
Ruby Cavendish
Full Name
Ruby Cavendish
Comic Book Shop Owner
Played By
Miss Deadly Red
[object Object]
Supplemental Information
Raul's icon

I think he's stuck with me after this long. Or he's just waiting for me to write a will that leaves him my comic collection.

System Information

Comic Books - Ruby owns One Up Comics and she's an Comic Book guru.
Veil Research - She does it. Want to help out?
Costumes - Miss Ruby is a known Cosplayer and costumer, need something fantastic made?
Knives - She loves them!

Ruby Cavendish was born and raised in Gray Harbor, She was a quiet child and for good reasons. She figured out very early in her life that she had the Glimmer or 'Glimma', as her grandparents on her mothers side liked to call it. Her father was a Russian immigrant that met her mom when he was visiting and he came back after their one night stand produced Ruby. Her mother ended up marrying another man. But Gregori, her biological fighter, stayed very close. He always told her he couldn’t leave, the city had a hold of him.

She would play pranks on him when she was younger, moving stuff while he was in another room, but she didn’t have to move herself. It was a fun game until dad got annoyed at her and he’d start hiding her toys in the lake.

Gregori was a big part of her life, but he was not the most emotional man. He was more interested in teaching his daughter what his father taught him. And that was working with knives and things. By the time she was in high school she was an accomplished knife fighter. She was also a collector of comic books and had a love of superheroes and anything sci-fi. She was

One of their trips out to practice and to explore went horribly wrong. They were inspecting an old hunters shack that seemed to pop up out of nowhere and Gregori fell through the floor into a cavern. Ruby tried to help him out, but the only thing she could do was provide a small light. A few hours into the ordeal he told her to go find help, but she was not built for finding her way home in the dark. She struggled to find her way, and she didn’t.

It wasn’t until early in the morning that she heard dogs and then saw flashlights. That gave her hope. A lot of hope. That hope was quickly snuffed out when they told her that they’d found her father dead in that cavern. And she was hysterical.

She continued on with her knife training and her training for her physical abilities. She worked on her schooling and graduated about the middle of her high school class. She went to college in Seattle and got her Bachelors in Art and Design. She loved to create things. And that’s what made her happy.

She moved back home and opened up a comic book shop by the name of One Up Comics. They have open board games, card games and activities daily. During the summer they have a program for children that want to test their artistic talents. She has a lot of confused looks when she tells people she is the owner of the store, but she knows her stuff.

Comics, Glimmer, Knife Fighting? She knows all of her stuff with those things. Though the knife fighting isn't the most known about. Those that have powers are more than welcome to seek her out, she loves to add new people to the research. It helps them all in the end!

On the surface, the fire-haired woman appears to be a living porcelain doll just above average height. Her calmness and poise of motion and bearing combine with clear emerald eyes to mold a beatific face as calm and serene as a Zen garden in winter. Her almost ethereal features, timeless and with the gentle slopes and contours of the Celt, requires no artificial pastes nor unguents to augment its natural, timeless beauty. Lips kissed rose by Nature are quirked almost perpetually in a somewhat bemused, often thoughtful half-smile.

Her lithe frame, suggesting the toned and graceful physique of a dancer or swimmer, is clad in well-worn denims that look as though they've got their own little shrine in her closet. The logo of a stylized 'R' is emblazoned on the front pocket of the shirt she wears. Well broken in tennis shoes are on her feet.

Select a scene type tab to browse scenes.

2020-03-12 - A Growing Coalition
Ruby seeks out Drs. Isabella Reede and August Roen at the Gray Harbor Library regarding their efforts into exploring and mapping out the Veil.
August, Isabella, Ruby

2019-12-25 - Christmas Day With The Geeks
Ruby wakes Raul up with breakfast in bed and then they do some presents.
Ruby, Raul

2019-12-03 - Checking Up On Costumes
Lyric stops by to talk about Costumes.
Lyric, Ruby

2019-11-16 - The Pitch
Nicole introduces Dylan, who introduces his comic book to Raul and Ruby of One Up Comics.
Nicole, Ruby, Dylan, Raul

2019-09-27 - Party Planning
Ruby and Raul plan the Halloween party for the store.
Ruby, Raul

2019-09-06 - The Morning Routine
Ruby is already up and makes breakfast. She convinces Raul to hit the gym with her. Note: There's some slight NSFWness at the end.
Ruby, Raul

2019-09-04 - What's For Dinner?
Just everyday things.
Ruby, Raul

2020-02-14 - My Bloody Valentine
Raul is about to be introduced to the weird.
Ruby, Raul

2019-10-22 - One Up Comics Halloween
One Up Comics hosts their annual Halloween Party!
Julia, Abitha, August, Everett, Sparrow, Garrett, Malachi, Ruby, Raul, Rhys

2019-10-13 - Quick Texts
Ruby and Love text.
Love, Ruby

2019-09-24 - Brushing Up
Ruby's shaking the rust off.

2019-08-28 - Comic Restock
Ruby is a bit gloomy with the new stock. But the day is looking up.