2019-06-08 - Texting Two Girls At Once

Easton has to gently break it to Baylee that their plan to both woo Bennie might have to be put on hold, while making plans with Bennie. Thankfully he's not drinking so there's no crossing of the streams (this time).

All texts weren't done in scene, hence all one big pose. oops.

IC Date: 2019-06-08

OOC Date: 2019-04-20

Location: Gray Harbor/Bayside Apartments

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 299


(TXT to Bennie) Easton: I'm thinking we hole ourselves up in my place with takeout, beers and something painfully cheerful to watch for our next date.

(TXT to Easton) Bennie: Did you just ask me to Netflix and Chill?

(TXT to Bennie) Easton: ... yes. But what I meant to do was find a way to insulate us from further shenanigans. If that's even possible in this town.

(TXT to Easton) Bennie: No shame.

(TXT to Easton) Bennie: I mean, I don't have any. I'm in.

(TXT to Bennie) Easton: Yup. Literally no shame. Ha. Good to know.

(TXT to Baylee) Easton: Need to pump the brakes on hot EMT. No orgy talk just yet.

(TXT to Easton) Baylee: You or me need to pump the brakes?

(TXT to Easton) Baylee: Like true love delicate?

(TXT to Baylee) Easton: Ha. No, more like fucked up history on her part.

(TXT to Easton) Baylee: Daddy touched me at night fucked up?

(TXT to Easton) Bennie: I'll even bring the beer.

(TXT to Baylee) Easton: Not sure, don't think so? I saw some of her past in a dream. Kinda fucked up my head.

(TXT to Bennie) Easton: I have beer, but I am short one ridiculous hot blond.

(TXT to Easton) Baylee: Damn. That's shitty.

(TXT to Baylee) Easton: Yup. But just wanted to give you the heads up

(TXT to Easton) Bennie: You don't have a supply of those in the closet?

(TXT to Bennie) Easton: They keep escaping.

(TXT to Easton) Bennie: I'll buy you better restraints for Christmas.

(TXT to Bennie) Easton: Only if you promise to use them on me.

(TXT to Easton) Bennie: Deal. So when you thinking? I'll have to make sure I don't pick up a shift somewhere.

(TXT to Easton) Baylee: You're such a good guy.

(TXT to Bennie) Easton: After the weekend? Bar's open until late now and I haven't adjusted.

(TXT to Baylee) Easton: Literally a hero for considering more than my dick. I know.

(TXT to Easton) Bennie: I can be patient. I mean, I'm not, but I'm sure I can be!

(TXT to Easton) Baylee: you need to get paid?

(TXT to Bennie) Easton: Patience is over rated.

(TXT to Baylee) Easton: ?

(TXT to Easton) Baylee: laid.

(TXT to Baylee) Easton: You offering?

(TXT to Easton) Baylee: sure

(TXT to Baylee) Easton: ...

(TXT to Baylee) Easton: I feel like you're calling my bluff.

(TXT to Easton) Baylee: it was a bluff? Damn. My ego can't handle it.

(TXT to Baylee) Easton: About her. Not you. Where the fuck was this offer before?

(TXT to Baylee) Easton: I gotta raincheck you darling. Sorry. I need to see where this goes. Apparently I'm now a tease. That's new.

(TXT to Easton) Baylee: Not sure its a tease to want something special.

(TXT to Baylee) Easton: I feel like I talked a good game and now have to walk it back.

(TXT to Easton) Baylee: whatever. We're cool.

(TXT to Easton) Baylee: follow your bliss.

(TXT to Baylee) Easton: If this blows up in my face: You, Me, whatever I can get my hands on and it's a party.

(TXT to Easton) Baylee: I'll hold you to that.

(TXT to Easton) Baylee: Thanks for helping Aidan

(TXT to Baylee) Easton: Of course. Fuck whatever's out there coming for us.

(TXT to Easton) Baylee: Yeah.

(TXT to Bennie) Easton: And I'm sorry about that dream.

(TXT to Easton) Bennie: Thanks! You were in it, it was the craziest thing. My big ole protector.

(TXT to Bennie) Easton: Yea. I got a feeling I know. Have you ever heard people talk about slipping? Or getting lost? In town I mean.

(TXT to Easton) Bennie: The town was probably excited when it got its first stop light. Can't imagine people getting lost.

(TXT to Bennie) Easton: Ha. Not exactly what I meant.

(TXT to Easton) Bennie: You mean like urban legends?

(TXT to Bennie) Easton: Yea. Like that.

(TXT to Easton) Bennie: I mean, I guess. Come to think, it's not the first weird dream I've had of you.

(TXT to Bennie) Easton: I thought the throwing of the mace can was pretty bad ass.

(TXT to Easton) Bennie: Now you're officially weirding me out.

(TXT to Bennie) Easton: Sorry, this is probably more a face to face thing. This town is jacked up. People are helping me work through it.

(TXT to Bennie) Easton: Not trying to freak you out.

(TXT to Bennie) Easton: Aaaand, I've failed and completely freaked you out. Super. I'm awesome at this dating thing btw. Probably should have warned you how good I was at it up front.

(TXT to Easton) Bennie: I'm rusty too. We'll figure it out together.

(TXT to Bennie) Easton: I don't know what you're talking about. I'm being serious. I'm amazing at it. Bleeding all over women, scaring them out of bathrooms, plopping them into bizarre situations, mistaking them for underage girls, clumsily broaching supernatural topics at ill advised times via text. These are my go to moves.

(TXT to Easton) Bennie: You want to be really freaked out? I feel safe with you.

(TXT to Bennie) Easton: Not freaked out.

(TXT to Easton) Bennie: And if I'm starting to believe you were sent to Gray Harbor for a reason?

(TXT to Bennie) Easton: Same.


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