2019-07-16 - No Half-Naked Viking Boys

The title is a lie.

IC Date: 2019-07-16

OOC Date: 2019-05-16

Location: 9 Oak Avenue

Related Scenes:   2019-07-15 - Dr. Sigurd in the House   2019-07-20 - To the Coast

Plot: None

Scene Number: 717


There are no half-naked Viking boys in 9 Oak Street right now, but there is one in a soaked t-shirt and jeans. Marius is humming along to AC/DC as thunder rumbles overhead and he shakes back his hair. He might not be living here full time yet, but it's a convenient stop off when you're riding your bike and a thunderstorm breaks out overhead. Ceasing his humming with a sotto vocce "Thunder!" he then raises his voice to call, "Hey! Anyone home?" How he got in if no one is in to have unlocked the door is a mystery.

Jens sticks his head out from his bedroom window. Jens moved in like lightning, honestly, because he needs his privacy. Marius is taking his time. Jens has his paintings and shit all in his room already. LOOK. HE'S EFFICIENT. He looks down at Marius from the window. "THUN. DERR." And then his head disappears.

"Thunder!" whoops Runa as she climbs the stairs to dump a cardboard box into what will become her room. The keyboard took priority, and already has its own cozy spot in the corner. She trots downstairs and dusts her hands off, peeking around the corner to eye Marius. "Hey."

"Ugh...why did I agree this was a good idea?" Ash wonders, standing in the safety of the kitchen. The dry, dry, qui...not-quiet but not being moved into kitchen. She finishes doing what she was doing, which is making herself a damn drink before she steps out into the living room, "So this is a Thor thing, right?"

Marius sings loudly and not very well, "Ah-ahahaaha... THUN-DER!" Thankfully, he leaves it at that, just grinning toothily, "Hey Roo, Ash." He raises his voice to carry upstairs, "Jens." And then he shrugs broadly at Ash, "Hey, it's not my fault you like Vikings. We're all loud." Undoubtedly, Marius knows he's not a viking. Right? Spreading his arms wide and dripping a little on the floor, he grins to Ash, "Gimme a hug!" And then to Runa, "Get all your stuff in before the skies opened up?"

Jens bounces down the stairs like a Viking Tigger and then "sneaks up" (by which we mean moves way too fast) behind Runa, crouching and wrapping his arms around her legs so he can lift her up. "Hey shortstack!" And then he jumps, bouncing her. "THUN. DERR."

"He's right," Runa agrees readily, re: loud. She makes up for her height in volume, and likes singing in the shower. Sorry, roomies. It's break time, and she follows Ash's lead by making herself and probably Marius a drink too. "Yeah, I'm all clear. I think you guys had more to move than I did," she points out with an amused crinkle of her nose. Just as she's about to reach for the alcohol, she is caught by stealthy Jens. "Aaagh!" she yelps in surprise, but really, she should be used to this by now. In retaliation, she makes a complete mess of his hair with a ruffle of her hand.

Astrid is hopping down the stairs just as the Viking Siblings start blasting the AC/DC song, and she groans as she drops the last few steps. She stands there on the landing of the stairs, glancing cautiously into the living room. She leans into the post at the foot of the stairs, supporting the bannister. "Hi Runa." She brightens considerably for the woman, but then narrows her eyes at Jens and Marius. She hasn't spotted Ash yet.

The wide open arms. The wet t-shirt. Ash isn't falling for this, because she shakes her head at Marius, "Nuh uh. Nope. Not going to happen. If you want to get me wet, you can try again another way. But this..." Ash gestures, "Isn't working." She does, at least, move out of Runa's way to let her get to the booze, and moves even a little further at Hurricane Jens, which allows her to spot Astrid, "Hello, landlord, I'd like to make a noise complaint."

"Yeah," Marius nods to Runa, "Because all of our stuff is like 50 percent bigger than yours." He laughs as Jens Tiggers their sister, then looks back to Astrid, starting to say something and then turning a grin on Ash, waggling his eyebrows, "With all of them here? I mean, Ash... did I know you were an exhibitionist? I don't think I knew you were an exhibitionist." Assuming his drink remains unspilled, he takes it from Runa, then grins at Ash again, "I'll give you a noise complaint." Laughter bubbles up from his lips even as he makes the words as lascivious as possible... and blushes under the rain still trickling down his face.

"Oh, gross, Marius is trying to be sexy," Jens tells Runa. "Roo. Do something." Yes. Runa is Roo. He lowers the redhead down and then moves towards the alcohol. Astrid gets a flashed smile. "Hey, Ast."

"Sup Astrid," Runa tosses the other woman a grin and a peace sign with her fingers. "I hope you all have figured out my brothers are the wooooorst to live with by now," says the woman who has lived with them almost her whole life. There's a mischievous wiggle of her brows that suggests she may just be the worst of them all. TBD. "I strongly suggest investing in a great pair of noise cancelling headphones. I can suggest a few brands that won't break the bank," she tells Ash brightly, all while shoving at Jens until he puts her down. There's an audible snort of amusement at Marius' words to Ash, accompanied by a shake of her head. She can't help who her family is, okay? "Like what?" she mutters at Jens, eyes averting to the ceiling while she thinks quickly of a distraction. "Mom posted a bunch of baby pictures on Facebook today."

"I was heading for the garden to make sure the storm covers are in place, or my strawberries are going to get flooded." Astrid steps up to smooch Runa on the cheek. "Welcome to the House!" Then she gives Marius and Jens both little shoves before she bounces up to Ash to smooch. Then she's off to go take care of her garden.

There is a shake of Ash's head at Marius' words, "Nope. I need to go call my shrink." She beams at Astrid for the cheek smooch, reaching out to try and smack the exiting non-loud person on the ass on her way through. "I'll take a list of those suggestions, Runa. I'll also suggest we wallpaper everything in those foam egg crate things. I hear they are good for noise absorption." She takes a sip from her drink before moving towards the couch, dropping onto it before she pulls out her phone to call a number. That number evidently is Marius' phone. Dun dun dun.

"What, you don't want to be shown up, Jennie?" Them might be fightin' works, but Marius says them with a grin. He snorts at Runa's input, sticking his tongue out at her and then starting to turn back to Ash before... baby pictures? He cringes, "Oh no... not the ones with the cowlick?" Shake it off, Marius, shake it off. "Strawberries... does that mean daiquiris or blended margaritas later, Ast?" He gives a whistle at the ass-slapping, then looks back to Ash, "Heeeey! I think I'm hurt. That's all it took to make you need to call your..." his phone rings, he digs it out and opens it up, then puts on the worst German accent ever, "Doctor Sigurd. Vas do you need shrunk?"

Jens is already on his phone, cackling at the baby pictures. "NO FUCKING WAY SHE SCANNED THEM." He tosses his head back, cackling. "She's been threatening to do that for years. "Dude, dude, look," he swings his arm around Marius, ignoring the phonecall. "Look." He holds the phone up, picture of Marius. "You look like a prepubescent wannabe Peaky Blinder," Jens howls, doubling over.

"Save those strawberries! I've had a hankering for shortcake..." Those that don't already know will find out soon that Runa eats as ravenously as her brothers. It's just a Thing. Releasing Astrid with a quick arm-hug and a grin, she calls out a cheery "Thanks boss!" as the gardener departs. "We could get pretty creative with those things, you know? Paint cool designs on 'em," her eyes go wide as her mind wanders with all the possibilities. "A lot cheaper than sound proofing insulation - not perfect, but will definitely help when I really need to practice at 2 am..." There's a sudden, eager nod at Marius. "Cowlick. The one with pants on the head," she pantomimes the motion of pulling a pair over her head. There's a sly, amused smile as Jens leaps to action and shows Marius. "Told you," she beams, reaching for her glass so she too can flop onto the couch next to Ash. "Pretty they revoked his license for streaking."

"You have to show me those pictures, after this call." Ash whispers to Runa, pointing at the phone, "Super important." She then clears her throat, "I'm sorry to be calling you so late, Doctor Sigurd, but I just had this really bad spell. I mean, I had this stinky, water-logged jolly green giant try and hug me, and my entire state of mind has been rocked. I need help." She carefully arranges herself so that she can lean on Runa, and talk to her 'shrink' at the same time.

No German accent, "Of course she scanned them. She's grieving about us moving out." Even if they're just across town. Bad German accent, "The best sing for it is to hug the poor bastard. To do otherwise only delays de inevitable." It's an atrocious accent. Just miserable. It goes away, thankfully, "And damn it, that cap was awesome." Beat pause, "On a ten-year-old. The pants-on-head less so." Marius drains away the drink that Ash brought him, sets the glass aside, and then reaches up to strip off the soaked t-shirt. Now there's a half-naked Norwegian-American in the room. And the German accent is back, so all in all a bad turn of events, "They vill never stop Doctor Sigurd from streaking!" Accent goes away, "Or, you know, I need to get into something dry. I like that someone," he nods his thanks to Ash, "brought me a drink, but no towel. A+ priorities, guys." By his tone, he sounds like he means it.

"You guys got some fucked up kinks," Jens says with a shake of his head at Ash and Marius. He looks at Runa and then just shrugs. "I mean. I told you it was weird here. I told you. But you wanted to move in anyway." He makes a hand-washing gesture near her face. "You guys wanna order pizza tonight?"

"I'll text you the good ones," Runa promises Ash, already having saved most of them on her phone. "I have a few of my own that they may not remember," she adds with a devious grin. "Saving those for a rainy day." Then she casually sips her drink, like the most innocent of sisters. "You and that cap..." she chokes out a nostalgic laugh and peeks at Marius over her shoulder. "Weirdo," she notes affectionately, with a glance then toward Jens. "You did. It's cool. I like weird? And it's less sad than me being the only one at home. I can't handle that pressure." Pause. "I always want pizza."

"I think that I'll suggest instead that he goes outside and hugs the other wet person. Seems more reasonable, thanks, Doc!" Ash hangs up the phone, tucking it back into her pocket before she moves to give Runa's cheek a kiss, "You're the best of them. I'll treasure the pictures always." She then looks towards Marius, "My doctor said that you should go outside and hug Astrid, because she's already wet." Notice the very innocent look, the owlish blinking. The innocence. But then pizza, "No anchovies, though."

"You're Velcome!" Marius hangs up the call and tucks the phone away, snorting at Jens, "That's not a kink. Now, if I was giving her advice while," he starts to blush again, "we were having sex... that would be a kink." Headed for the stairs, he tosses the wet t-shirt at Jens, "Something with something that isn't meat on it, please. Anything that isn't meat." There's a pause, "It can have meat too." He shrugs helplessly at Runa, "Just remember we've got as many blackmail pictures of you as you have of us, Roo." Pausing at the base of the stairs, he shakes his head at Ash, "Where's the fun in that, Ash? I want to get them wet, not just take advantage of them already being wet." There's a pause, and then he considers, "Usually." Subject change! "So. Beach trip this weekend? No matter the weather? Surfboards, tents, pony keg of mead?"

Jens is already on the phone. "Yeah, one with extra cheese, one meatlovers, and one anchovies. Like, a lot of anchovies. Like, if you can triple it--yeah. Yeah. Cool, cool. Also a side order of those cheesy fri--YEAH. Oh man, I love you, dude, you readin' my mind. Okay. Oak 9 Avenue, yeah. Thanks." Jens hangs up. "Beach!"

"Great idea," Runa leans against Ash and gives her an affectionate squeeze with a drape of her arm. "I'm sure you will," she laughs, before sliding off the couch and to her feet. "Yo, we definitely need to put up the egg carton foam if you're gonna do that," she eyes Marius, promptly swigging down the rest of her drink. Gulp. "Hawaiian qualifies," she points out. "Sounds good. I'm in. I'll bring the sunscreen and chips. I gotta go unpack," she adds, waving before she heads up the stairs to make a mess of her new room. "Yell when the pizza is here!" Because she's gonna go play some music while she works.

"Usually." Ash agrees before she lets herself fall to the side when Runa gets up, carefully holding her glass out so that there isn't any spillage. When someone orders anchovies anyways there is a glare in Jens direction, then she rolls her eyes before she nods, "Right, beach. No matter what the weather is!" As long as it's not a hurricane.

Marius steps aside so that Runa can slip past him and up the stairs, "Hawaiian qualifies," he agrees, then points to Jens, "But he didn't order Hawaiian." Flashing a grin to Ash, however, he adds, "And sorry. You eat enough lutefisk, anchovies start to sound good. And those little tins of sardines?" He mimes holding a little container and peeling it open, "Mmmm." He calls up to Runa, "And I'm not fucking anyone in the house!" Flashing a too-broad grin at Ash, he adds, "At this precise moment." Despite still being soaked, he leans against the banister, "Who else should we invite? If we ask Bobby, he and Ash'll just be too loud all night and no one'll get any sleep. Should we talk to some of the old school crowd, or the new school crowd?"

"Why are we inviting more people? What?" Jens blinks, looking over. "I only ordered three pizzas. It's not gonna be enough if we invite more people," he complains. "Plus I think we're out of beer." He furrows his brow.

There is a blank look at Marius when he points out he's not fucking anyone in the house, then she snorts, rolling her eyes before pushing herself up again, "I'm not inviting Bobby because his girlfriend would flip out. I was kidding about him the other day. Just so you know." She downs the cotents of her drink before getting to her feet, offering to Jens helpfully, "He meants to the beach, and we have plenty of alcohol, though."

"Shit, not now." Marius shakes his head at Jens, pointing to Ash, "For the beach." Ash's news causes him to groan in apparent disappointment, "Well hell. That sucks. I thought at least someone in the house was getting some." He pauses, peering at Jens and then shaking his head and looking upstairs, "Welp. Guess Runa's our only hope."

Oh, here's Astrid now. She's soaked, muddied, but looking absolutely triumphant. "That storm is amazing. Seriously, guys." She presents herself proudly in her soaked t-shirt, jeans, and tennies, hands proudly set on her hips as she beams. "I have protected our strawberries!" Because that's what counts here, guys. Then she catches some talk about the beach. "Hey, that still on for this weekend?" She's padding forward, leaving lovely wet footprints in her wake.

"Hell is your problem?" Jens asks Marius with a snort. "I get plenty, thanks." He hops himself up onto the kitchen counter, smiling at Astrid. "Yep. Apparently Marius wants to get Bobby in trouble with his girlfriend by throwing Ash at him in a bikini."

"Not quite the way that conversation went." Ash points out to Jens before she moves towards Astrid, her arms out stretched for her. Evidently it's not okay to hug half-drenched Marius, but it is okay to hug muddy and half-drowned Astrid. "I was telling Doctor SIGURD about how this guy was ignoring me, and that I might ask Bobby as a stop gap. But it was a joke."

Marius looks over his shoulder from the base of the stairs as Astrid comes in, chuckling at her soaked, muddy state, "I have been informed that since no women here want to get wet, I have to hug one that's already wet." His shirt is now somewhere around Jens, so when he turns to Astrid and holds out his arms with a grin, he's shirtless. Nope, still hasn't gotten a towel, still hasn't changed clothes. And now Astrid has a choice, since Ash is offering herself out for a hug too, "Suuure, Jens." He nods at Ash's response, "Look, Doctor Sigurd has a big mouth."

Jens does not open his arms for Astrid to hug him, he just shrugs at her and winks. "Sup?"

Now Astrid is arching her brows high at Marius and she then smirks. "Um. Yeah. I don't think that's a good idea." There's something obvious in her tone, but she also leaves most of the actual accusation out of it. "I didn't know Bobby had a girlfriend though." She scratches at the side of her nose. "Maybe we can find you some beach boy this weekend." But then she has two amazing hug offers, and she bounces brightly toward-- ASH. She embraces her friend in a big, wet, muddy hug. But don't worry. She snags Marius next and gives him a big hug, and then... "Come here, Jens!"

Yay! Ash got hugs, complete with mud and water, and then Marius, and now Jens! Which just spurs Ash on to making a slightly less muddy run for Marius to keep up the hug chain. As she does it she points out, "He's been dating Sarah on the downlow all semester. Didn't you know that? C'mon, Ast...those goo-goo eyes? Everyone knows."

She's totally still talking about Bobby.

"What? Just because you have a dirty mind, Ast." Marius snorts, "I'm talking about rainwater. As in, I'm pure as." But he waits his turn, arms drooping for a moment, then gives Astrid a squeeze -- and then Ash too -- "Oh, I see. Now that someone else got you all wet, you want a hug from me. Typical." Exactly how it's typical is unknown. "Huh. Why do people try to date on the downlow? I mean, if you're going out often enough to be dating, it's gonna be kind of hard to hide." Those words may come back to bite him. Hard.

But by the time Astrid has managed to get through both hugging Ash and Marius, Jens has acquired the dreaded can of whipped cream that he left on the counter a few hours ago (after he covertly stole some strawberries from Astrid's patch). When she releases Marius and makes a bee-line for him, he shakes the canister behind his back and then sprays her in the face. "Love you."

"Ash, you're job in this whole arrangement is to notify me when relationship statuses change. I had no idea!" Then she is bouncing over to Jens only to get-- "Jens, no!" Then she's laughing as she gets sprayed with whipped cream. She braves the assault, bouncing forward to try to wrestle the can away from him while the aerated cream and sugar gets everywhere. Goddamnit, Jens. "Ugh! Love you, too," she grunts as she manages to get at least one hand on the can.

"That happen to you a lot, Marius? That seems like something you should work on." Ash is happy to give hugs, though, and to troll at least one of the brothers at the moment. She was going to continue the hugging, but when she turns around and spots Astrid's fate in this hugging event she just turns around slowly and nopes right in the other direction. Hopefully no one notices that she's trying to flee.

And whipped-cream attack. Astrid's on her own in this one. Or rather, Jens is. Marius skips back a little, shaking his head, and then chokes on a laugh at Ash's comment, "They all come to me for hugs eventually, Ash. And after that..." he gestures to the whipped cream fight, "No hugs. See? I can't help it if I'm the best." Instead of getting involved, he scoops up his wet t-shirt and finally heads upstairs to get dried off and put on some new clothes.

Nope. Nope. Nooooope. Ash is out of this conversation, she's retreating to the safety of the couch, dropping herself onto it and firmly blocking out what is happening. She can't become involved if no one notices her, right? However, she ruins that by yelling up the stairs at Marius, "You aren't the best at hugs!"

Marius calls down, "Not at hugs," but then he's gone to change.

Pizza was delivered, pizza was consumed, and now Astrid is slumped back in her chair, holding what is just another one of Ash's famous punches-- a little of this, a little of that, a splash of OJ-- against her cheek so it cools her skin. The thunderstorms have turned into heavy rain, and the door to the back deck is open to let in the sound and smell. She looks up at the others at the table. "Ugh, I'm gonna need to go dig out the camping gear tomorrow. Did we ever replace the tent from last year?"

Marius pokes around the empty pizza boxes in the vain hope that one of them still contains food. Alas, even the anchovy pizza has been completely demolished. "You mean the one Jens and I demolished trying to both get into our ScanFest costumes at the same time? Nope." He pauses, considering, "I think we duct taped it up." So that's fixed, right? No need to replace it?

"I did." Ash points out with a roll of her eyes for Marius, "I asked for a new tent for Christmas after all that, and I got lucky. It's one of the bigger ones." Which means that the boys might have a small chance of getting to stand up hunched over in it. "But we can all fit comfortably in it...It's just not here." Oops.

"Ash!" Astrid laughs at the blonde before she shakes her head and takes another sip from the cup. "You left the tent at home?" Then she takes a gnawing bite off a bit of crust that's still left. "Alright, alright. Ree, do you think you guys have a tent? If not, what're the solutions?" She passes Marius her cup so he can partake.

Marius brightens at Ash's response, "Oh hey!" And then she's crushing him, and he slumps back in his seat, taking the cup from Astrid, "You left a group tent in Seattle? Seriously, Ash? No more hugs for you. Not until you get that tent back." He'll crumble on that punishment. "We could probably borrow one from my folks, but then we'd have to bring it back with no stains." Taking a sip of the Ash Special, he considers it, then nods, "Needs more alcohol." It doesn't. A second sip, and then he passes the cup back to Astrid. "We could rent a yurt, I guess."

"I can just go get the tent, it's not like home is a million miles away." Just, when will she pick it up? Between work and well, everything else. Ash just shakes her head at them, "I'll get it...I'll get it." She probably won't get it before the beach adventure, though. Maybe. "So the five of us in a yurt?" She shakes her head, getting to her feet, starting to pick the plates up off the table.

"There's nothing wrong with a yurt!" Astrid flashes a grin after Ash, and then she props her elbows up, cheeks on her knuckles. "I could go with you, Ash. I should check in on Mom and Mama anyway. They've been leaving me weird voicemails, asking when I'm coming home, so I should probably go visit." With the return of the cup, she accepts it and takes a deeper drink from it.

"Well then someone just has to..." oh look, Astrid is volunteering, and Marius gestures to her, "...go get it. Unless we want to yurt it." Scoffing back to Ash, he adds, "And a yurt's at least as big as those awesome super-tents." There's a pause, then he adds, "It's a super-tent, right?" Looking sidelong at Astrid, he inquires, "Weird voicemails? Like, 'we're going to drop in and check on you' voicemails, or 'there's something we don't want to talk about on the phone' voicemails, or something totally different?" With Ash distracted by picking up, he reaches across to snag her cup too, taking a sip of it in turn.

"Cool...yeah, we can drive up to get it." Ash calls back as she heads towards the kitchen, scraping the food off into the trash before she tosses the plates into the sink. This is the sum total of her cleaning because she heads back towards the table, "It's supposed to be able to fit ten people or so...I always wonder if it fits that many if people are friendly." Hint. Hint. GUYS.

To Marius, Astrid tilts him a glance and a smile. "I think more the former than the latter. They miss me." With her leg curled up toward her, she looks back to Ash and her smile brightens. "Perfect. Road trip! I don't have classes tomorrow, and I think all I have is a lunch shift." Then she takes another drink from the cup, only to sputter at Ash's not so subtle suggestion. "Well, um... are we planning to get friendly?"

"Good. Worried parents suck," Marius shrugs off Ash's hints with a snort, and a grinning, "Are you planning on stacking up vertically, Ash?" Astrid's sputter draws a glance, a shift on his chair, and then a look back to Ash, "I mean, you could weave them like a basket. A tent-wide game of Twister? I'm pretty sure that's only fun if Crisco is involved. And my siblings aren't. Soooo... probably not this trip."

"Aren't some of us already friendly?" Ash counters easily, dropping back into her chair before she reaches for her glass to take it back from people who are dirty drink thieves. "I'm also not saying that we have to be, just saying...these things are always fourteen people...eight people. Like...how friendly do you really have to be in those super tents, right?" She smiles slowly at the pair of them, innocent as can be.

"What the hell are we talking about?" This question is cast between Ash and Marius. "Weaving people? Stacking them? Did I miss something?" But then she is looking back toward Marius with a blink. "Crisco?" With a squint, she settles back into her drink before she narrows another look at Ash. "I don't know..."

"We're all friendly?" Marius stubbornly insists, and then adds, "Or do you mean the kind of friendly that I have zero interest in being with Roo and Jens?" Beat pause, "And how annoying is it of Mom and Dad that they gave Jens with a name without any easy nicknames?" He laces his fingers together over his stomach, crossing his ankles way under the table. Looking over to Astrid, he lifts his brows, "Clearly, we're talking about how to fit so many people in a big tent. Ash was suggesting that we stack people on top of each other. I suggested a Crisco weave." Leaning his head forward slightly, he frowns at Astrid, "Have you really never played greased, naked Twister?"

"You'll have to show her how to play greased, naked Twister." Ash points out as she takes a sip from her drink, smiling cheerfully at the pair of them before she sets her drink down, "I doubt, though, that we'll have a huge problem considering there's only five of us going on this adventure. Clearly we just need two air mattresses. Unless people are going to be weird about sharing, and then I think there's a way to make it into a three room tent instead of using it for a living area."

"Super annoying. Because you can't call him 'Jay.' He gets all weird when you do that, like you're addressing someone else." Now Astrid releases a big yawn-- and it kind of fills her lungs. Then she is taking another sip from her cup. "Alright, well... you two can puzzle that one out. I can just sleep outside." Now Astrid is hauling herself upright. "I'm not going to get weird about sharing. I'll share with anyone. Jens is a great big spoon." Then she grabs her cup and starts for the front room and therefore the stairs. "I'm going to bed now. We're leaving right after lunch shift, Ash!"

Marius says, "I think his new nickname should be 'Bunny,'" Marius declares, then shifts in his seat, looking between Ash and Astrid, "Yeah... first, have you seen me and Jens? The Andersson boys take up an air mattress each." He reaches for Astrid's cup as she starts to get up, but she's picking it up and he sighs, "Fine, take the booze. I see how it is. And I've got no problem as long as I don't have to spoon with either of my siblings. Sleep well, Ast." Looking back to Ash then, he shrugs, "Tent sounds great, Ash. I appreciate you guys making the trip. And who knows, maybe I will show Astrid how to play greased, naked Twister. But probably not in a tent with my brother and sister.""

"I'll create a sleeping chart." Ash calls after Astrid as she retreats for the stairs, then she stares at Marius, "Seriously?" She wonders, then rolls her eyes at him before she gets to her feet. Maybe she's just meaning seriously about the drink situation, because that is where she goes, to make him a drink that is far more alcohol than a normal person should consume in one drink. "So if you and Jens need beds of your own that means that the third room would be us three." That clearly being the girls. "Or Runa can have a bed to herself and we can split the rest."

Marius chuckles at the offer and then turns to follow Ash's path across the kitchen, "Oh... you're off the clock, Ash. You don't have to do that." He says it holding out a hand for the drink when she comes back, "I'm not gonna worry about it. Pretty sure that there's not going to be any hanky-panky in a tent with three other people." There's a hesitation there for a moment, and then he frowns in thought, and he lowers his voice, leaning forward a little, "Ash... you got the hots for Jens?" The question is quiet, serious.

It might be a good thing his hand was out for the drink, because when he asks the question as she was handing it to him she's actually stunned enough to let go of the drink. Sadly, if his reflexes aren't fast enough the table gets the drink, and they are going to have a really big mess on their hands. Not that she's noticing this impending doom, though, because she's staring at him with her mouth actually open, and her expression honestly shocked looking. Like someone just smacked her in the face with one of those fishes people were talking about earlier.

<FS3> Marius rolls Reflexes: Good Success (8 8 7 7 )

Marius's hand was just underneath the cup, and so when Ash drops it, he closes his fingers neatly, a little bit of her concoction just sloshing over on his thumb. The big man lifts his brows in silent question, watching her for a moment as he sets the cup down then sucks the spilled alcohol off the back of his thumb, "See, because you said tall and kind of crazy, and now, that could fit four of the five people here in this house plus the taller half of the town, but you weren't really so wigged out about him painting you naked, and given how much you've been trying to smush Astrid and me together," that bit might come out a little fast, and raise a little color to his cheeks, but he presses on quickly, "I'm pretty sure you just suggested dumping Roo in the no-sex-annex and having me and Astrid and you and Jens each bunking up. Which is totally not fair to Roo." Beat pause, and he grins, "Or you."

"Smush you and Astrid together?" Ash goes on the attack at this point, which isn't much of an attack considering Marius and Astrid are about as oblivious as a box of rocks when it comes to certain things. "I am not smushing you two together." Hint. Hint. But then she retakes her seat, legs crossing before she grabs her drink, "First, obviously it's girls and guys, even split, you and Jens'll just have to figure out who sleeps when, or how to work that out, because you two getting your own private spots when three of us are piled in one room is unfair. And two...why would the other thing be unfair to me?"

Marius just arches an eyebrow at Ash when she goes on the attack, even if there are still little spots of color in his cheeks. He doesn't respond verbally, just settling back into his long-limbed sprawl and taking a slow sip of his own drink, "Jens and I don't need any private spots, and there doesn't need to be any sex-annexes." He waves that off, "I'm sure we can all crash in the main room of the tent without anybody freaking out." He takes another slug of the drink, and his grin gets very cheeky indeed, "And it'd be unfair to you because he's like..." Big brother holds up a shivering pinky, curved over and clearly flaccid. The laughter that follows quiets down quickly enough, and he shakes it off, "But seriously, Ash, if I'm way off base, I'm sorry. Just taking a stab in the dark."

"Of course there doesn't need to be any sex-annexes. We all know that if people want to get busy with each other they always find a way." Ash points out, downing the rest of her glass before she leans forward, resting her forearms on the table, pushing her glass away from her, "You don't have to be sorry about anything, Marius. For one, the painting wasn't exactly explicit, there are way more explicit ones out there than that, so I didn't have anything to be freaked out about." Which is a neat dodge of the rest, right?

And Marius, lovable galoot that he is, completely ignores the dodging, neatly distracted by the rest, "I'm still trying to decide if we should invite anyone else along. I mean, if we don't, we're looking at like..." some quick alcohol math, and then he comes up with, "A gallon and a half of mead each. But nothing says we can't bring it back too." And then he circles back... to the important point, "Wait, there's way more explicit paintings of you out there, Ash? I'm concerned," mock surprise, "shocked," he leans forward, "intrigued. Did you sit for an art class or something?"

"I didn't mean of me, I mean of people in general. Like, you can only tell it's naked because there's no clothes. But there's no..." Ash lifts her hands, waving them. "No actual like, pornographic content to the painting. That's all I meant." She then leans her head back, stretching her legs out as she slouches, "Almost makes you think we should bring a Bobby for Runa."

"Well now that's disappointing." Marius looks very serious all of a sudden -- far too serious to actually be serious -- "You've got to get that immortalized." And then he's chuckling, "Pretty sure Roo can find her own Bobby, hopefully without a girlfriend. Or maybe Bobbi-with-an-I, I've never asked if she swings both ways." He gives her knee a nudge with his own under the table, "How's working down at the bar, by the way? Seems like you two have things whipped into shape so you can pretty much do what you want. It still fun, or turning into just a job?"

"I've never asked...always seemed kind of rude to ask." Ash looks thoughtful, trying to think about if she'd actually ever heard one way or another without asking. But then she laughs, "I don't think we've got everything whipped into shape so much as we talk fast enough and move fast enough that by the time the boss figures it out, it's too late. But...it's good. It's a job, and a lot of people drink in this town, so tips are pretty good. How goes your job hunt?"

Marius nods at the response, "Yeah... it kind of does. Especially when it's your sister." The description of the job, however, has him laughing, "Yeah, you Seattle girls pulling one over on us poor Gray Harbor hicks." He drains off another measure of the drink, "Eh. I spent most of the day poking around Hoquiam while Astrid was taking her test. There's less going on here, but I think I'm going to focus here, just closer to home. Kind of sucks to have no real skills besides 'big and strong' and 'can push a lawn mower around.' But I'm sure I'll find something in time, even if it's just doing labor for construction."

"Construction can pay really well, and it's at least related to what you want to do with your life. I bet that when you get your degree it'd give you a really good perspective on things. How hard it is to build stuff." Stuff. Buildings. Houses. Who knows what. "You've got plenty of other skills though, could also become a stripper. I bet lots of people would want to shove money down your g-string."

The point about construction gets Marius thinking, clearly considering it from several angles, but then she suggests he strip for a living and he lifts his brows, "Really, Ash? If I can't even get you and Astrid to stick dollar bills down my pants, I'm never gonna make it as a stripper. I mean, you guys like me, and know how much I need to money to pay you for rent." Now he's laughing again, though. "I'm pretty sure you've also got to be a good dancer for that. Like, not just able to dance, but a good dancer."

"I don't think you actually need to be a good dancer. Just able to wiggle the right parts of the body when you need to." Ash leaps up out of her seat, lifting her hands up to settle her hands behind her head before she starts to move her hips around in circles, "Like this." She then rather dramatically starts to hip thrust, making the weirdest face as she does it, "And like this...and go yeah baby, yeah."

That should probably be awkward. It should probably be really awkward. Instead, Marius laughs uproariously, giving a sharp whistle and clapping his hands vaguely in time to the silent music Ash is dancing too, "Yeah, you got it, Ash. Show the 'O' face... the Oh-My-God-What-Am-I-Doing Face." He has to lean forward onto the table, his weight on one forearm, and try not to face-desk to stop the laughter. "Oh! Oh!" Holding up one finger, he quickly digs into the pocket of his jeans, pulling out his too-light wallet and fishing out a single, waving it around between two fingers.

He wants that face? He doesn't get it. Instead as soon as he holds up that dollar she is reaching for it, plucking it out of his fingers before she leans in to give his cheek a kiss, "Thank you!" She sing-songs before she dances out of arms reach, folding that dollar up before she shoves it into the safety of her bra. "So, construction?"

Marius laughs and accepts her response to his teasing, slumping back into his chair, tucking away the wallet, and picking up his drink again. Instead of sipping though, he looks down into the cup, nodding slowly, "Yeah. Maybe so. It would be good for work, later on. When I start turning my sketches into actual plans." He smiles slowly, "And just look, that great idea just cost me a buck and got me a kiss on the cheek." A pause, and more serious, "Thanks, Ash."

"Thanks for what?" Ash wonders, tucking her hands into her pockets as she wanders back towards the table, leaning her hip against it, "I'm pretty sure that you'll have shitty off times when the weather is bad and stuff, though." Just so that he doesn't think her idea was so great, and then it becomes a huge disappointment.

"Talking through shit. And yeah, winter'll suck. Maybe that's when I'll get a barista job." His grin quirks up as he notes that, "And I'll have to find a place that can work with my school schedule, but it might actually work." Marius rolls his neck, popping it idly, "Aaaand I think I'm gonna turn into a pumpkin too. Job hunting takes serious energy, somehow."

"I'm going to head to bed, too." Ash agrees with a nod, "And barista job would probably be way easier to work your schedule around, but you've got wide open times during the summer for the construction thing." She pulls her hands from her pockets, reaching over to him, slapping her hand down on his shoulder to give him a squeeze before she starts towards the stairs, "Night, Marius."

"Yeah. Yay, seasonal work." It's not a real complaint from Marius, just a sort of 'more of the same,' "Just what I've always wanted." When she squeezes his shoulder, he reaches out to give the small of her back a little pat as she crosses behind him, downing the rest of the drink and wavering just a little as he stands up. He might have had a couple before dinner too -- which was probably why he was poaching from Astrid's drink. "Night, Ash. Sleep tight."


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