2019-08-27 - A Boatload of History...Sorta

What happens with a member of the Historical Society puts the great and might King of BS on the spot in front of a*literal* boatload of people.

IC Date: 2019-08-27

OOC Date: 2019-06-13

Location: Gray Harbor Boat Tours

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1315


It's a late August afternoon and the boat is just loading up with passengers for its next cruise. Tobin's driving, and Ignacio is set up to give the tour. Dawn works to take the tickets of those who slowly begin boarding. They have about fifteen to twenty minutes before pushing off, so Tobin is just chilling, hanging out on deck and greeting folks as they come aboard, or lounging casually against the rail.

Ignacio has been going through some weird shit lately and not the least of which was admitting to Tobin and his brother he's going to work on quitting his painkiller regimen that effectively pins his whole world together. Naturally the new girlfriend was involved in prompting that, the cursed one with the haunted house, but ya know some days are better than others.

Today? Today seems to be a pretty good day. He ain't tall but he is tan and for that? He thanks you, Tobin! "Folks when you get settled we're going to get moving here in a bit. It's sunny out with no signs of inland typhoons today or needing to escape a stampede of deer anytime soon so no rush. Enjoy the fine weather and get comfortable." He unclicks the mic and widens a grin to Tobin, "Man... you have given me unbridled utility to the minds of the people. This really is the best gig." Looking around he squints, "Doesn't look like sharks today that's a good sign." on a lake. It's Gray Harbor. he's learned to broaden his valley of concerns.

Tobin has been supportive of Ignacio's quest to kick his painkiller habit, offering him whatever he needs to help him along on that journey, even if it's just an ear to complain to. "Deer?" Tobin mouths in Ignacio's direction? Grinning and shaking his head a bit, he settles back against the rail and shakes the hand a of a couple of people who come aboard to say hello. Tipping his head back toward Ignacio he laughs and says, "No sharks is generally a good sign." It's on the ocean. Sharks are a possibility, though certainly a slim possibility.

Ignacio pops an eyebrow up to Tobin. He admits, "Sooo Finch's been feelin kinda down lately. So Morning Boss," Which is what he calls Roen to keep things clear, "helps me make her an antique birdcage for this canary I got her. I'm figuring it looks a lil gimpy but it's fuzzy yet. Chica loves birds she'll fix em. Turns out not all yellow birds is canaries and I got her a damn baby chicken."He pinches this bridge of his nose and can't help but to grin at the failure, "So now she wants to go out and get three more and like a couple parakeets with me. I was like woah, we started datin and now we're adoptin already? Critter Protective Services is gonna be arresting me by the end of the week for not knowing what a damn chicken looks like uncooked." He shaes his head, "Talk about commitment issues."

He pauses and realizes ya know that might be picked up on the mic and assures with a wave of his hand leveling with the gathered, "I promise I'm a better oceanographer than I am an ornithologist. I can promise you if it's got feathers and is in the air we got a 98% chance of that being a bird and we'll be happy to point them out to you all. Some pretty ones out here too, but not as many as when we get out to the water." Looking back at Tobin he grins "You love it when I forget this thing is on don't you?" Hell, he's got no pride. He's not even remotely slowed down by this.

Tobin leans back with his elbows on the railing to either side of him, grinning a little bemusedly at Ignacio as the man regales him with the story of the not-canary. He shakes his head a little bit, that grin never fading, trying not to laugh. "Hey, man. Congratulations," he finally does laugh, unable to hold it back any longer. He knows that the mic didn't get it because Ignacio had turned it off before they started talking, but he does nothing at all to stop him from explaining to the nearby passengers, nothing at all. He is deeply amused. He raises his hands palms up and says, "What can I say? You're pretty entertaining with the mic on and off."

Ignacio and Tobin are on the tour boat, standing not far from the ramp where passengers are boarding as they chat. Both are wearing t-shirts that show that they are crew. Dawn, a young woman with a sunny smile is taking tickets for passengers who are boarding for the next afternoon cruise. It's not very crowded, and there are still tickets left for people to pick up to get on board.

Clarissa looks like perhaps she meant to be dropped off somewhere far from here in a city with a swanky theater or even an upscale mall, yet here she is with expensive heels click, clacking their way towards the boat as she digs in an oversized purse, "Hold on, it's in here somewhere," she gives Dawn her own smile as she loads a shiny lipstick case, a sparkling compact, and a sleek leather wallet into one hand and finally comes up with the ticket, "There's going to be a narration on this cruise, yes? Some history of the area and all that?"

"Yes, ma'am," Dawn says as she takes the ticket and tears the small stub from it, returning it to Clarissa to keep if she likes. Then she nods to the ramp for her to go ahead and board. "The captain's right over there," she nods to Tobin, "with our narrator." She nods toward Ignacio, then before turning to take the next ticket for the next passenger.

Tobin and Ignacio seem to be talking about sharks, or something to that effect, and laughing a little bit when Clarissa boards. Glancing over in her direction, Tobin studies her for a moment before saying, "Councilwoman," in greeting. He remembers when she was in the news when her husband died.

The smile Tobin gets is the usual pretty but thin one important people plaster on for crowds as she makes her way up the ramp, stuffing everything back into her bag and then adjusting her sunglasses (expensive!) up onto the top of her head to squint at Tobin in the newly bright light, "Captain," Clarissa replies with a nod, "Or...were you the narrator?" She glances between Ignacio and Tobin uncertainly, but only for a second before that smile is in full force, "I heard you give wonderful tours here, full of the historical significance of the town. Seemed fitting for me to stop by, make sure you know what you're talking about."

"Captain," Tobin confirms, and then nods toward Ignacio has broken off to talk with another pair of passengers. "He's the narrator today, though I do it from time to time as well." He smiles a little bit in amusement when she says she's here to make sure that they know what they're talking about. "Tobin Gilford," he introduces himself. "And I'll look forward to your review of the tour, then."

"Oh, people will definitely hear about it," Clarissa replies as she looks around and absolutely does not wrinkle her nose at the boat that is not a yacht, although there's the tiniest edge to her voice that implies she wants to. She removes the sunglasses from her head and folds them crisply between her fingers, "It's nice to meet you, Mister Gilford. Clarissa Robbins, though you already knew that. How long does this tour usually last? And which side of the boat is the best for seeing the things you'll be talking about?"

Tobin doesn't seem particularly offended by her reaction, or the way that she looks around the boat. It's definitely not a yacht, but it is very clean and well-kept. "A pleasure to meet you as well," he says and then says, "If you prefer the shade and don't mind some obstruction to the view, then this downstairs covered level works. If you'd like unobstructive views, the upper level is all open, though considerably more windy. But we do a kind of loop, so that there will be things to see on either side throughout the duration of the tour."

At the mention of wind, Clarissa puts a hand up to her perfect looking hair, "...downstairs seems fine," she decides, nodding once again as he says both sides will work, "How far back in history do you go? Is it just the buildings that we can see or do you discuss things before the founding of the town?"

Ignacio comes back up to the foredeck sounding right out of the boroughs Queens New York, "Well I'd be happy to start before the foundin of the town. Plenty of dinosaur activity to keep us all busy this week I'm sure." Looking to Tobin he gives him an all too-earnest look, "El Capitan, we got everythin secured t'ferry out when you're ready." He is the narrator armed with the mic clipped to him. Beware, world, for you have armed him! "A'ight, folks, looks like we're going to be ready for departure and some pearl clutching. Should be an excitin trip t'day."

Tobin chuckles at Igancio's answer to Clarissa's question and gives him a clap on the shoulder before saying to her, "Pretty sure we can start off with some early tales of when the town was first founded." With that, he gives them both a nod, because once the ship gets underway, he has to focus on actually you know, piloting the boat. He motions to Dawn to go ahead and cast them off. She unties the boat, and Tobin heads up into the cabin to get the show on the road.

Clarissa's attention snaps to Ignacio when he starts speaking and she says, sounding rather shocked, "You're from New York!" She exclaims, as if no New Yorkers ever dared venture to Washington before. "...and you work here. On a boat." The initial surge of joy in finding another misplaced New Yorker drops pretty quickly into skepticism. Whatever she's about to add is cut off by the movement when Dawn starts casting them off and she stumbles a bit on those pretty heels over to find a seat, still close to where Tobin is so she can hear everything.

<FS3> Ignacio rolls Entertainer: Good Success (8 8 6 6 4 3 2 1)

Ignacio comes to a total standstill with such earnestness that the guy might be missing his calling for physical comedy. Looking around he announces with a slow half smile forming, "Aww hell, I've just been informed this ain't New York Harbor." Clarissa gets a friendly wink though. "Lately there's been a few of us here in Grey Harbor I got confused. Well first on the list of attractions if you'll look out the starboard window- on your other left- you'll see someone's stolen the statue of Liberty. She's on her annual break to kick it in Maui." He grins as people go to look "Relax, you're in the Pacific Northwest and there's still plenty to see here. Because none of you got the extended tour we'll fast-forward a bit past when the Earth Cooled and the dinosaurs came and started gentrifyin up Bay Street." Looking around he asks, "Any locals other than the Cap'n here local? You there? Yeah well don't ruin the surprise for anyone. That your family with ya? Lemme guess Freshman for your third PhD?"

The student grins and shakes their head. There's something about family and second year of college. "What major? ...Nursin? Let's hope all goes smoothly and you don't need to get your practicum on t'day. Well welcome family and other guests." Looking to Clarissa he upnods looking to Tobin and back, "Where from the great state of New York you from?"

Once Ignacio gets started, Tobin pulls the boat away from the dock with the practiced ease of one who has been doing this for a number of years now. He is focused on driving, and so Ignacio has control of the floor. He's a natural entertainer, and Tobin's pretty glad to have him on board. There's a toot of the boat's whistle to indicate that they are heading out, and then they begin to accellerate slowly as they move out toward the bay.

Clarissa's cheeks flush just a bit when Ignacio runs with the New York thing as part of his speech, but she smiles to those that seem to find it funny and probably doesn't start plotting another murder-to-look-like-a-suicide or anything like that. She purses her lips a bit when more jokes than facts start off the big tour and then blinks a few times when she's called upon, "Oh. The greatest island of all, Manhattan." She replies proudly and with an aura of New York superiority.

Ignacio locks on to the flush of embarrassment. Sorry lady, you tipped your hand here. "Queens. Good t'see you made it out." Spinning back, but leaning on his spot back there he holds on with one hand. If one put mony that this guy skated through life on charisma and earnest intent over facts and research you might be a future lottery winner. Yet still he carries on, "I won't tell you what ya already saw cause you don't have to pay cash to see the town and we won't waste the sunshine on things ya can't see from off shore, but! What a lotta folks dunno is taht the far West coast as we know it t'day is a lot newer history wise in bein settles than say... the great and wondrous state of New York. That said right around 1796, a lil late t'the party but they brought beer and a mean spinach dip to it, fur trappers and lumberers founded Gray Harbor as a logging and fur settlement."

He takes a moment to point out, "You can imagine it didn't take PETA long to get out here with the lil signs and start complainin about that. In the early days though life was hard, we didn't have the fish fry to go chill at on the boardwalk and Two if By Sea didn't have their crableg specials goin yet. They had to do a lot for themselves. After they got the lumber camps in solid prosperity it's from there they started buildin up the rest of the tow and almost immediately,"He points a finger around looking for guesses, "Yeah, the port.... ya sure you need to go to school> You might know everythin already."

Clarissa makes a sour face when Ignacio says his first comment about getting out, but perks up when it seems like they're going to get some real bona fide Grey Harbor history happening here! "For those of us that might not know everything, could you be a little more specific?" She pipes up, tapping her sunglasses against the back of her seat.

The boat begins to turn up the coast, heading along the port, passing the Two if By Sea and Fried Fish even as Ignacio is talking about them, the hills in the distance, and the little town laid out in front of them along the waterfront and then back inland. It's a pretty view of Gray Harbor. Tobin's quiet, just keeping an eye out on the harbor and letting Ignacio have the floor.

Ignacio shakes his head and sighs, "I love it when people care about culture and history. Well I'll skip a lot of cold winters without Hot Pockets and decent network cable-knit sweaters to rev us up to almost 80 years later when a group of folks named the Baxters came and really got the damn place goin. You might ask, "But, Ignacio, sounds like they have experience in this?" He taps the side of his nose. "Believe me I asked and after being slapped by 13 lil ol ladies I couldn't find a one who was there at the time of 1880 to tell me." he pauses thoughtfully at the obvious ruse, "Did meet a really nice EMS person though. Anyways, industry gives way to banking and by 1900 we were a super real legit town! The Addington family apparently came in and started bankrollin the deal and then we had a huge port, open trade, and an authentic, genuine, serial killer here too." He nods sagely. "Official city. Trust me, I'm from Queens. We're judgy about this." He grins to another passenger pointing, "Oh your'e from Chicago? Hell yeah you get it, brother. So yeah like a hundred fourty people siappeared... maaaaybe into this very bay or the forest area noooooone wants to build on cause they say it's haunted. Now... I ain't seen no glowin deerbut I'ma city boy. You show me a salamander big enough and I'm going the other direction."

Despite her best efforts, a couple of those lines get the tiniest of smiles from Clarissa and she seems keenly interested in some of that information he's dropping there at the end. She even stops tapping her sunglasses to listen. And because she's clearly the most important person in the room (or boat) she pipes up to ask, "Do they attribute one hundred and forty people to the one killer? That seems a rather high body count for no one to have caught them earlier. Surely the town wasn't so large that it could withstand that many workers going missing?"

As the boat continues on up along the coast, Clarissa has a nice view of the houses along the shore. One can see why Gray Harbor never really became a tourist town. There's little beach to speak of, and what there is, is mostly rocky shoreline, nowhere to swim or sunbathe. The houses that are on the water basically have a drop off straight to the ocean from the rocks.

Ignacio holds both hands up in a shrug, "I dunno. Seems like a lot to put on one person to me, but I sit on a boat all day and talk to our fantastic guests all day. I don't even have to drive the boat so right now by comparison a lot of that seems like too much effort. Like seriously guy, he shoulda just moved if he was so damn unhappy. Seattle's not far and also pretty groovy. That said? This fall look for more of those answers on some of the various haunted tours. They loooove to goon about that stuff. "

Pointing to the other part of the harbor, "Up here you can see where they filmed a few episodes of Jackass about 14 years ago right over there. If we get close enough to the dock you'll see the dent on the pier where Bam Margera dented it by smacking his head into it trying to waterski by jetpack. Yup. Sometimes we get celebrities!"


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