2019-09-01 - Sunday Afternoon With The Addingtons

Erin has some questions for Margaret and Thomas.

IC Date: 2019-09-01

OOC Date: 2019-06-16

Location: Wherever The Addingtons Live

Related Scenes:   2019-09-01 - Divide and Conquer   2019-09-03 - Precursors

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1392


Sunday afternoon is usually the most leisurely time at the Addington mansion. Most of the staff are off for the day, just a housekeeper and a cook and a driver on-hand, and Margaret likes to have lunch and catch up on shows. Before, this was usually just Erin and Margaret, sometimes a rotating cast of family members would pop in to try to curry favor with the old woman. Now, it's always Margaret and Thomas and Erin when she can make it.

So that's what's been going on for a while now, just quiet sandwich-eating time. Thomas is drunk, of course, and Margaret is scrolling through their watchlist when Erin comes in and gets greeted with a lifted hand. "Come in, dear. We're just arguing over what to watch."

Erin was here and precisely on time if not a few minutes before. She had arrived not in her own car, but a friends car which was still parked out front with her friend still inside, presumably since she'd gotten out of the passenger side.

While the friend had offered to come inside with her, Erin had turned them down. This was her family, beloved as they were, messed up as they were, and she loved them no less even after learning what had happened with her parents. Margaret and Thomas were the parents she'd grown up with.

Walking over when she's called, she leans down to kiss Thomas on the cheek, her heart going out to him for the burden he has to bear and she looks at him for a long, sad moment before greeting her grandmother the same way. Then she seats herself, getting comfortable. "This time of year is the season change so we have to get used to whatever new shows are out now that the finale's are over on the others."

"Oh, hello." Thomas tilts his cheek up to be kissed, then goes back to staring a glazy stare at the television. Leaving Margaret to say mildly, "Yes, but I suppose I'll take that if it's the worst of our problems today. Here, find something worth watching." She passes the problem off to Erin and gets up for a moment, heading to the side-table. "Cocktail, dear? It's dreadfully muggy out, so we were having mint juleps." Like the one necessitates the other.

Taking the control, Erin hits the menu button determined to find something cheerful. Goonies. Jumanji. All old versions. Not a show but a movie. Watching her grandmother, she gives a tentative smile. "Yes please, that sounds refreshing." While she doesn't select a show right now, she uses the lull in between to put out some feelers. "Ever since I came over with my friends, I've had some questions to ask. About William and Uncle Thomas. About a lot of things. Would you mind if I got those out of the way, just to ease my curiosity?"

"Yes, we figured." The old people exchange looks, so at least we know for sure that Thomas is vaguely conscious, and then Margaret resumes making those mint juleps. Normally, this is someone else's job, but everyone else has the afternoon off, as noted above. She makes them doubles. "You can try, though I'm not sure how much more there is to tell but what your little friends already know. Still." She muddles that mint up good, tests a sip, muddles some more. "Go on, dear."

<FS3> Erin rolls Alertness: Success (7 7 3 2 1)

Erin may notice the little look between them or perhaps she had been looking down at the remote at the time. Either way, she does begin. "I have several, but I will only ask one at a time so we don't confuse things like last time. There were so many people throwing so many different questions at a time, it got confusing. At least to me." A deep breath is taken, "Uncle Thomas said it wasn't about the bones, that it didn't start with those. If it's not about them, where did it start then? He's had this burden for so much longer?"

"How many times do I have to say - "

Margaret shushes Thomas with a hand, then proceeds to shove a mint julep at him, which finishes off any chance he has for dialogue at the moment. "Decades ago," she explains, once she's sure he's going to hold his tongue. "Billy died at the hospital, then the Carrs - who are just Baxters that changed their name, by the way." She smushes the hell out of the mint in her glass, smash smash smash. "The Carrs came and exhumed his body in the sixties and brought it back here. One mishap after another later, the corpse got misplaced. Thomas kept tabs on it as much as he could over the years, which brings us to his present state."

Erin winces and gives Thomas an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, I didn't fully understand that before. I do now and I won't ask about about those." She watches her grandmother, afraid of how old her family is getting, of losing everyone. Her expression even gives her thoughts away. The next one is a painful one and she tries to blink away tears that her current thoughts, mingling with this question bring. Trying to show only strength, she takes another breath and voices a painful one. "After what first happened at the apartments happened.. and you'd already decided to shuffle Thomas off to the facility, why has it not happened already? Why not before.. my parents?"

Margaret stops muddling the mint, looking from it to Erin. The only answer is the simplest one: "He is still my little brother." She hands this next glass to Erin and readies the third, more muddling to ensue. "It will have to be soon, though, you're not wrong about that. Tomorrow, perhaps." She looks at Thomas while he sips his julep. "Or the day after."

"What more could happen? I don't want him sent away despite what happened. He's your brother, he's my uncle. I don't have much family left, I don't want to lose either of you." Erin has extended family, she's aware of that, but none she is so close to. "Is there any alternative? Anything at all, even if it's just a slim chance? We're all willing to try anything at this point rather than commit an innocent man who has been fighting this for so long, to a place like that facility. I've heard the way they talk about it. None of us want him there. Can we even try anything else?"

After a sip and a quick 'oh that's not bad' face made at the glass, Margaret tips just a little more liquor into her glass, then comes back around to where she'd been sitting before. "I'm open to suggestions, dear, but I'm afraid all the other alternatives might be too risky. And Thomas is old already, so it's better than he keeps this burden, I think."

Thomas gives a sloshy laugh. "What about in the fountain, Marge? You'd have to drain all the water, but I feel like it'd be less mess than drowning in the bathtub." He hiccoughs loudly and then slumps down in his chair, very near the edge of consciousness.

Margaret thinks that over - the fountain - then returns her attention to Erin like the whole interlude never happened.

Erin accepts the drink belatedly, having been lost in thought. "Thank you." Lifting it, she takes a fortifying drink or three, swallowing it down almost in gulps. "You're not taking him to the facility are you?" Her voice hitches a little and her face turns white. "No, give us some time we'll figure out something. We just need time. I wondered how you'd find the facility when no one else who seeks it out can find it. But you're not going looking for it. What about the box from before? How you caged the killer before? Who built it and how? I'm willing to do anything, Grandmother, to help." Erin had made a promise so she keeps it. "Uncle Thomas. I promised Hyacinth I'd ask." And it pains her to do so but she does it anyway. "She wants to know if her leg getting cut off at the sawmill that day was intentional?"

"I thought you were asking questions one at a time," Margaret muses, shaking her head as if entertained at the quick series of them. "Dear, I assure you, that hospital is not capable of hiding from me." As to the rest of the questions, she sips her drink placidly and shakes her head. "I don't know what you're talking about, what box? You must realize, Billy was sent to that facility before I was born. Our acquaintance with him only began in the sixties." She defers to Thomas to speak for himself about Hyacinth's leg, though, man! That question earns Erin a dark frown.

"Hmm? Wussat?" Thomas peels open an eye to dizzily send it in Erin's direction. His attention settles, but it's quite like he's looking through her rather than at her. "Poor little Hya, such a sweet little girl. Do you remember her, Marge? Such a bright little, sweet little thing," he sniffles, hiccoughs. "Who would do something like that to a little girl? Chasing shadows, that one, but I always.. I always.." he sighs, "I'll never forgive myself, for that. For this."

Erin felt bad for even asking and she gives them both a look of apology again. "I had to ask because I promised I would. I'm sorry for asking so many at a time there." As she hears Thomas out, she can hear and even feel the sincerity from him. Or what she interprets as sincerity. "You can't blame yourself for things that happen. This has all happened to you. Not by your design." Though there's another question that springs to mind because of that connection. "How is Gohl possessing you, Uncle Thomas? Is he there right now? Is anyone else in danger?" While it's more than one question it all hinges on the same response. "How are you connected and why did Gohl choose you?"

"So many questions," is all Margaret says for now. She works on her drink, leaving it for Thomas to answer. If he's sober enough.

Sober, Thomas is most certainly not. He's practically melting into the corner of the chair, and his eyes keep doing that rolling-shut thing that drunk people do when they are about to pass out. But he hiccoughs again and shrugs his shoulders, not looking at Erin this time. "Is he where right now? He's always here," he sloshes, waves a hand around and hits himself on the forehead with his fingers. Tap-tap. "Allllways here, damn Baxter. Like a leech," there's a sneer. "S'pposed to burn the bones, didn't happen. I'm so sorry, Marge," he looks at her, the guilt there is extreme. "I kept tabs after. I kept tabs on him, he kept tabs on me, funny how that goes."

How could ones heart actually grieve for someone who was still alive? Erin finishes the drink off, just downs the whole rest of it before getting to her feet and walking over to the side bar. "May I, Grandmother?" Pour herself some more. "Is it too late, Uncle Thomas? Do you have any idea of anything we could try to free you and cage him? To draw him from you and trap him somewhere? We love you, we love you both. I don't want anything to happen to either of you." Her eyes fall to her Grandmother. "You're not in danger are you?"

"Mm," begins Margaret for the apology. "It's fifty years ago, Tommy." Which isn't the same as forgiving him, if you really think about it, but she doesn't hound him or anything. A hand waves about the bar, she can help herself, and then she answers serenely, "I'm not in any danger, but you're a dear to trouble yourself."

Thomas almost abruptly snaps to attention and he frowns at Erin. There's something sobering in that dark look that he gives her. "I would never hurt Marge. Never," he insists. And then he's back to being a drunk slouch, muttering under his breath.

Well that was a relief. Erin pours herself a drink and walks over to refill either of theirs with the bottle, banking on Thomas needing it. He deserved it after so much. If either wants any she will pour it and return the bottle back where it belongs. "Then I guess my final question is.. Hyacinth and I.. are either one of us in danger?" That would go a long way towards her actions outside of the house. "Actually, one more question. Can you please not do anything yet so we can try and find a way to save him?"

Are Erin and Hyacinth in danger? It's probably not a comforting response from Thomas, who merely snorts .. and then passes out on the sofa, snoring loudly. How dignified.

Looking at that suddenly snoring man, Margaret answers candidly, "All of you are in danger. Every person in this town." She collects Thomas's glass and hands it to Erin - not for a refill, but to put it safely on the side-table, where it won't spill all over her very expensive sofa. "I make no promises, dear, but I'll try. Just remember, every moment that he's here," passed out drunk, "and not where he should be is another moment that you're all at risk. So whatever you mean to do," sip, "better get cracking on it."

Erin returns to get the glass and she places it on the side table before taking her seat and gulping down a drink from the glass. Thomas was passed out, she was safe for now at least. "I keep saying last question, but then I think of more. I will go after this and let you settle on the show to watch. I've temporarily moved out of my apartment just for safety's sake and I'm staying at the bed and breakfast." Safe enough to relay with Thomas and William knocked out. "My question is why not only the Addingtons if Gohl is a Baxter. Why his own family too? He's not too discriminate is he?"

Tolerance will only last so long, but Margaret keeps it going for now. Even with Erin, she eventually reaches the end of her patience, but she's not quiiiiiite there yet. "I don't know that the bed and breakfast is any safer, but if it makes you happy, dear, that's good." As for those last questions, she looks at sleeping Thomas for a long moment and finally decides, "I think it must be confusing. Gohl's hate for the Addingtons warring with Tommy's devotion to family? Toss in simple homicidal rage, and is it any wonder he can't keep straight who he wants to kill?" She laughs with dark, troubled mirth.

The snoring stops. There's a brief rattling in Thomas' chest. And then he starts snoring again. Hopefully he hasn't heard anything.

Erin mostly knows her limits. "Thank you, Grandmother." There's a quick glance over at Thomas and she suddenly feels afraid. Getting to her feet, she kisses her grandmother on the cheek but avoids doing the same to Thomas this time. "If you need me for anything at all, please call me. I'd do anything you asked of me. I should go now though and let him get some rest." But it's clear she really just wants to get away herself, not from Margaret or Thomas but from Billy.


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