2019-09-20 - Burning Questions

After the smash and grab at the Elma distribution center, unanswered questions are addressed.

IC Date: 2019-09-20

OOC Date: 2019-06-29

Location: Text

Related Scenes:   2019-09-18 - siempre separa las drogas

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1711


(TXT to Graham Joey Andre) Greg : Yooo gangstas, what's good family? Had some thoughts 4 the group. First if anyone wants to cut a deal about their loot, hmu. I'll pay face value, ten Gs. Might have to space it out some if all y'all wanna liquidate. But yoooo, wtf went down dudes?!?! Who the fuck is Foster? Those bitch ass thugs weren't no rent-a-cops.

(TXT to Greg Joey Andre) Graham : I'll sell you what I can. We can talk $$ later. I don't know who those guys were tho. There's like 10000 Foster Security companies on google 🙁

(TXT to Greg Joey Graham) Andre : this is funny u guys https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRLDF0aJ6i7OE6D6u8RkDumgD0EhV9gIT7gERglHBLyiGizQJXA

(TXT to Greg Joey Graham) Andre : LoOok AT ALL tEh BABy TOEs https://i.chzbgr.com/full/9182108928/h388416B5/

(TXT to Graham Joey Andre) Greg : Dre u eatin ur cut fam? Or u just high on life?

(TXT to Greg Joey Graham) Andre : eaTIng mY cUT of WAt hamBURGers https://media3.giphy.com/media/cODtmm19jmTv2/giphy.gif

(TXT to Graham Joey Andre) Greg : For real tho homiez, the way that one dude said 'Foster', it was the name of a dude, not a company. He said "when Foster finds out."

(TXT to Greg Joey Andre) Graham : Greg you best get used to the kitten gifs, all day everyday now you opened the door


(TXT to Greg Joey Andre) Graham : Greg wants to buy your boxes off you Dre, ok? Boss is ok with that, don't worry

(TXT to Greg Joey Graham) Andre : ok HE is GOING to THROW THEM OUT right but not IN THE TOILET cuz I SAW THAT WAS BAD AND COULD MAKE THE WHOLE ciTy HIgH

(TXT to Greg Joey Graham) Andre : https://media0.giphy.com/media/nURzWHsOTpDDa/giphy.gif

(TXT to Greg Joey Andre) Graham : Here Greg, get spun out and dig through this list [link is to a whitepages.com for people named 'Foster' in GH's zip code]

(TXT to Graham Joey Andre) Greg : https://cdn.drawception.com/images/panels/2012/9-8/Lx57AMT28C-8.png

(TXT to Greg Joey Andre) Graham : Let us know when you find out who THE Foster is lol

(TXT to Greg Joey Graham) Andre : SPINNING IS FUN!

(TXT to Greg Joey Graham) Andre : https://media1.tenor.com/images/e045f935a8b2f2e7544d70717b751c70/tenor.gif?itemid=3546213

(TXT to Greg Joey Graham) Andre : GrEg U caN have MY piLLs To ThRoW AWAy IN the RIGhT WAy CAn WE trADe FoR GLOW sTiCKs and FiREWorks?

(TXT to Graham Joey Greg) Greg : I'll dig into it my dude. Ur dumb af if you think there won't be any blowback... we smoked this bro's goons and snatched his shit. I'd be coming with the fire and fury, wouldn't you?

(TXT to Graham Joey Andre) Greg : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGJuMBdaqIw

(TXT to Greg Joey Graham) Andre : I LOVE THIS SONG

(TXT to Greg Joey Andre) Graham : 1st off no because I wouldn't leave my shit out for a bunch of assholes to come steal it

(TXT to Greg Joey Graham) Andre : GREG dO We HAVe a DeaL alSo CaN u FIx MY pHoNE I doNT ThinK the WOrds ARe wOrkIng RiGHt

(TXT to Greg Joey Andre) Graham : 2nd off you think they even know it was us??? What they gonna be looking for 3 skinny white dudes and a big black guy??? We're fine

(TXT to Greg Joey Graham) Andre : WHo Is LOOkinG foR me ShOuLD i GO say HI

(TXT to Graham Joey Andre) Greg : As tempting as it is Andre, I got to pay you fair. Then you can buy all the fireworks and kittens you can tragically combine. I'll take a look at ur phone though. Ima go buy a used lurker van and I'll be out to pick up.

(TXT to Graham Joey Andre) Greg : Hope ur right G. I'll buy in to the optimism tho.

(TXT to Greg Joey Andre) Graham : Wait you gotta buy a what van?

(TXT to Greg Joey Graham) Andre : https://i.gifer.com/UXm5.gif

(TXT to Graham Joey Andre) Greg : https://external-preview.redd.it/sXnintqsPitpRfR-FgvfkqPBlg3T1vYh7JP_dRrE9Vs.jpg?auto=webp&s=40c4f555db39f956da8db5356f462fe809050bb5

(TXT to Greg Joey Andre) Graham : Why dude??

(TXT to Graham Joey Andre) Greg : I mean, I won't paint 'rape van' on mine.

(TXT to Greg Joey Andre) Graham : O well in that case all the chicks will climb right in wtf

(TXT to Graham Joey Andre) Greg : Discrete movement of goods and personnel gangsta

(TXT to Graham Joey Andre) Greg : And I'm tired af of walking everywhere

(TXT to Greg Joey Graham) Andre : U COULD pUT KiTteNs in UR van AnD all THe kiDs will CoMe plAy

(TXT to Graham Joey Andre) Greg : ....Dre, dude. u can't borrow my van. 🙁

(TXT to Greg Joey Graham) Andre : Its OK GreG CUZ i CAnT DriVe

(TXT to Graham Joey Andre) Greg : https://www.geek.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/whatever-625x352.jpg

(TXT to Greg Joey Graham) Andre : IS tHAt Ur VaN

(TXT to Greg Joey Graham) Andre : U r VRy CoOl

(TXT to Greg Joey Graham) Andre : NEwAy ElIsE sAiD I ShouLd RESt a LOT so Im TaKing a Nap NoW

(TXT to Graham Joey Andre) Greg : :just paid five hundred bucks and an ounce of shrooms to a 70 year old hippie, title in hand

(TXT to Greg Joey Graham) Andre : https://media0.giphy.com/media/TH0MckLHTN0YM/giphy.gif

(TXT to Greg Joey Graham) Andre : MUsHRooMs R GoOD in PAsTa

(TXT to Greg Joey Andre) Graham : hold on, do you think a windowless van is discreet???

(TXT to Graham Joey Andre) Greg : Alright homiez. Ima kill the group text. New friend Joey, whenever you catch up with this ridiculousness, reach out to me if you want to cut a deal fam. If I find out anything about a Foster, I'll put it out there. G... it's like a... hiding in plain sight kind of shit fam. It's like too obvious to be suspicious. I think.

(TXT to Greg Joey Andre) Graham : All right well good luck with that, set aside some bail $$. Text me if you figure out this Foster thing


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