2019-10-22 - Inkubation

In which our heroes battle the incubation of a strange hunger, filled with a need both alien and dark, and don't entirely make it out unscathed.

IC Date: 2019-10-22

OOC Date: 2019-07-20

Location: Someplace Somewhere

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 2285


It's 11pm on a Tuesday night in October. There's a chill in the air, and a bit of dampness from some recent rain. Lyric is walking down the street, away from the Cabaret. There are some headlights behind her, a car passing in the night, and they cast stark illumination on the road ahead. Music can be heard playing through the car's stereo even though the windows are closed, the heavy base thumping. Rick has just gotten up to walk to the kitchen, when he can hear the sound of a passing car outside, that thumping bass reaching him even in the house. The same for Kass, as she lies on her couch recovering from the Veil Flu, and Grant in the trailer. It catches their attention all at the same time, the way that the lights from the car seem to be approaching, coming through the windows and lighting things up around them. The world becomes suddenly brighter briefly, and when their eyes adjust, they all find themselves standing in the middle of a stark white featureless room. It's a perfect cube with no doors, no windows, just each individual standing there, in whatever clothes they had been wearing when that pumping base assaulted their senses. Here, in the white room, they can feel it, like a mechanical thrum coming from somewhere below perhaps? Or above. Somewhere, the music is playing.

Music is Lyric's passion so when she hears the car go by with those inside thumping to the beat. Never would she begrudge anyone their fill of their love of music. She even bobs her head to the beat and shoots a peace sign. Blinded briefly by the headlights, she lifts an arm to shield her eyes. As soon as she lowers it though, she's in a a completely different place. Turning a complete circle, she gapes at her surroundings. "I took a wrong turn." Funny, there's no door for her to have wrong turned into!

Kass has spent the last week on the couch of her newly rented trailer, sick as a dog and feeling it all the way to her soul. On the mend, she's been trying not to inflict her sickness on others, so is still camped out watching cheesy movies and drinking lots of TheraFlu and EmergenC and tea and water. When the car approaches, the pounding bass makes her head throb in time with it, the bright lights making her squint and lift a hand to ward it off. Then, she sneezes. When her eyes open, she finds herself, in her violently orange girl boxers and black tanktop with werewolf feet stompy slippers with a neon green microfiber throw blanket around her shoulders, in the white room. A tissue still clutched in one hand while she looks around blearily. It takes a moment for the scenery to penetrate the OTC medicated brainfog.. but when it does, she whimpers. Her eyes immediately loste what little luster they had as the redhead is mentally transported back to another time, another place, another danger. "Bad place.. bad place with bad people.. we have to be quiet. They don't like loud noises..."

<FS3> Super Hero Landing(Tm) (a NPC) rolls 8 (8 8 7 7 6 6 4 4 1 1) vs Gravity Sucks (a NPC)'s 5 (6 5 4 4 3 1 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Super Hero Landing(Tm). (Rolled by: Grant)

Rising from his computer where he was doing some sorting of his photos, Rick is about to head out to get himself something to drink from his fridge. He's wearing rather comfortable clothing now, dark pants and a grey sweatshirt. As he hears that car approach, he frowns a bit. "Hey, turn that down..." he begins, blinking at the lights and the sound. One hand going up to his eyes, he blinks a bit as he sees where he is, and the people present. "I'll wait in this place where the sun never shines. Wait in this place where the shadows run from themselves..." It's more or less muttered to himself, as he looks around. "This is not the kitchen..." Stating the obvious.

Grant hears the thumping and out he tumbles from his loft bed right out of it onto the floor. In a panic skating reflexes kick in and in a stroke of geni-... pure luck, he doesn't land flat on his face. He stands up hiking his shorts up murmuring to himself, "S'ok... don't need an audience, Bax. You know that looked bad ass." He even answer himself with a murmur, "Yes, yes it did. Thank you." He opens the door grabbing a hoodie and stepping out into the blinding light and... stark subsidiarity. Suddenly uncertain of anything but that he's not wearing shoes he slides the hoodie on covering the two 'stars' tattooed on the front of his shoulders: One the Dead Kennedys logo and the other the Chili Peppers. One hand wiping his face he looks around, "Are we at my place? Are we being like... evicted?" He's slow to process looking around asking, "Kaaaaaass... where'd my stuff go?" Seeing Rick he asks her, "Who's this and can we keep em?" Looking back to Rick he hesitates before waving. "Sup."

That's right Dorothy, we're not in the kitchen anymore. In fact, there isn't even coffee. There's just the slick white surface of the floor tiles, and the slick shiny white surface of the walls and ceiling, the kind of white glow that seems to come from the very walls themselves. As they begin to orient themselves, they might notice that in all this whiteness there is another object in the room with them. It's a single, large, white egg about the size of an ostrich egg. With everything so white in the room, it's easy to miss, but there it sits over in one corner, only really visible once one notices its shadow where its presence disrupts the light.

"Your house? Are we in Pleasantville again?" Everything was white though, not gray and she studies Grant. "We keep meeting like this. Clowns and kids with guns. Ice cream trucks with Bomb Pops. At least the walls in here aren't padded, cause then I'd know we been committed." Kass, she vaguely remembers from Pleasantville too. But Rick? She grins at. "At least we got a cop here this time." Lyric isn't afraid yet. The last few dreams had been just.. kind of fun. She went from walking home to a room with no windows or doors. She's making assumptions about it being a dream. Then she notices the egg and points it out. "We even got something for omelets. That's all good, as long as it's not from Grizzly Diner." Isn't she just a regular comedian? No. Nope.

"Shhhhhhhhhh.. we have to be quiet. They don't like it when we're noisy." Kass repeats herself to Grant before darting a glance to Rick. "He's cute. We can keep him." Then she's looking towards Lyric. Her head cocks to the side, "I know you... Cabaret, right? You're the.. dj opposite Mee? Hi. Uh.. I'm Kass.. the waitress that uses the body paint?" And does she ever. Her 'uniforms' are always some form of extreme bodyart painting. Her first night was a callback to Ursula the sea witch! She glances towards Grant again and leans in, "We need to be more quiet though.. the nurses will come get us.. you don't want The Injection.. we should be more quiet so we don't attract their attention." Says the girl with the brightly colored hair and clothes...

There's a few moments of pause before Rick offers a half-wave in return to Grant. "Hello," he offers, before there's a brief grin to Lyric. "Ah, so you usually tend to meet people in places like this?" Sounding a bit curious, before he pauses again as he hears Kass. After a few moments, he offers, "We're not letting them give you The Injection," he offers. Moving over in the direction of that egg, to study it a bit closer.

<FS3> Grant rolls Composure: Good Success (8 7 7 ) (Rolled by: Portal)

Grant tiredly warms a wide, easy grin to Lyric, "Yeah like seriously if we survive this like tomorrow? Ice Cream. 1pm." There. Heading 'is a cop' makes him arch his eyebrow sloooowly. He clarifies, "Whatever trip this is? I'm not responsible for bro...man... sir...officer." His glance shifts around and then Kass is leaning in and whispering and his eyes lift to follow the room. He frowns a bit and squints. "Eeeh I don't think we're in a hospital. None like i been in. Sides, they come, we fight. It's what super heroes do." Calmly his fingers slap to his chest, "Yooooou are in luck that I happen to be just that... in training." His hand reaches to Kass' shoulder letting her lean away if she wants before he tries to pat it. "Soooo yeah. That's... what an egg? A super suit? That controls our spaceship emergency pod? The last sentient sea monkey?"

The egg begins to crack as Rick approaches it. It's a fine, hairline fracture at first, and then it begins to widen slightly, and the egg begins to rock slightly back and forth as whatever might be in it begins to make its attempt to get out. The sound of the music in the distance changes. That heavy base becomes a slower thrum, more like a heartbeat than actual music. But the room itself remains that antiseptic white. It doesn't smell like a hospital. In fact, it doesn't smell like anything at all.

<FS3> Grant rolls Alertness: Success (8 7 5 5 4 3 1 1) (Rolled by: Portal)

<FS3> Kass rolls Alertness: Success (7 6 3 3 3 1 1) (Rolled by: Kass)

<FS3> Rick rolls Alertness: Success (7 7 5 5 4 4 3 1) (Rolled by: Rick)

<FS3> Lyric rolls Alertness: Amazing Success (8 8 8 7 7 7 6 5) (Rolled by: Lyric)

Grant really wanted to focus on building things and that repair stuff

"Oh hey yeah, cool! Yeah, that's me. I'm Lyric the DJ, been there since the place opened. I 'member you now." A shake of Lyrics head, "We won't let nothin' hurt you. See? He's a super hero. I'm not but I think a cop can be classified as one too. So you're covered!" To Rick, she giggles, "I don't tend to meet people in places like this, cause I usually can't get into them. Not the ones without windows and doors. I wish I had a a mirror and a board. I could get out then. According to the joke anyway."

She waits a beat, whether anyone wanted to hear the joke or not, they get to. "Look in the mirror, see what you saw, take the saw, cut the board in half, two halves make a whole and you crawl out the hole." She cheeses a smile right out there for the goofy joke. "1pm Ice cream. Banana Split actually. The bigger the better. Or we can go for the ice cream eating challenge and try and win a t-shirt. I'd go for that."

As soon as the egg begins to crack she turns to look at it, gasping a little. "Looks like we're about to see!" But she reaches for the collar of her work uniform. Maybe since she was just leaving work and has less clothing on, she can feel the difference in the temperature. "It's getting warmer in here. Cause our body heat maybe? I mean there's two hot guys and all." Winking to Kass playfully. "Wait, there's more eggs! Look!"

Kass shakes her head, "There's more than one type of hospital.. and the police took me to the last one." She glances towards Rick briefly and murmurs, "I'm sure you're very nice, though." While the others are looking towards the eggs, she's edging away from them, moving towards the wall, putting her fingers to the wall and starting to feel along it. Perhaps trying to find any sort of hidden or secret catch that might be there to open a.. DUNDUNDUN.. SECRET DOOR. Who doesn't love a secret door? She even tries knocking gently on the wall a few times as if trying to gauge how thick the wall is. Glancing back every now and then towards the eggs distrustfully. "Be careful.. not everything that comes out of eggs are cute. Facehuggers come out of eggs."

Rick comes to a stop as he sees the egg start to crack. "Wait... I wonder what this is..." A brief pause, before he grins at Lyric's joke. "That would be nice. I sort of hate being in locked places like this." He pauses at the mention of more eggs and warmer, grimacing momentarily. "Let's hope whatever it is isn't bad..." There's a brief grin offered to Kass, "I try to be," he replies. There's a brief grin offered to Grant as well. "I believe you."

<FS3> Kass rolls Alertness: Good Success (7 6 6 4 2 2 1) (Rolled by: Kass)

Grant Grins to Lyric and dips a nod, "Girl you're gonna see that and go that is way too much sundae for just me, halp halp! And I will be there spoon in hand, my friend." The compliment though gets an earnest, "Well thank you." Looking back to Kass he says, "And babylizards, and chickies, and duckies. Eggs are cool. Besides if I run away from an egg I'll have nightmares of Gerogia O'Keefe being really disappointed in me. I ain't ready for that kinda heat." Looking around he asks, "Hatchery? Maybe this is some metaphor for like... a life cycle or learning new things... or we are trapped in an egg. I dunno."

The first of the eggs continues to crack, and it begins to widen, and slowly a thick black sort of ooze begins to drip out of it, and onto the floor, stark against the very white backdrop. It puddles, thick like oil and begins to spread outward, as whatever is inside continues to make the egg shake from within.

"Eggs are surprises.. and surprises are almost never good. Alligators, crocodiles, spiders, platypi, and.." Kass pauses, her fingers finding the catch, which she presses with a faintly relieved smile, "snakes. All born from eggs. So are geese and swans. And those are asshole birds." She takes a step back, looking at the wall eagerly to see what she's opened, no longer paying attention to the eggs at all. "Who is Georgia O'Keefe and what does she have to do with eggs?" That curious question comes with a quick glance towards the others, "I think I found the door..."

When Kass presses a section of the wall, a hidden cabinet pops open and within there are what appear to be three suits, not unlike a wetsuit, but made of some strange polychromatic material. They seem stretchy enough that they would fit any one of the people in the room if need be.

"But I like food, and since I walk alla time I don't get fat." Lyric is so teasing and she sticks her tongue out at him playfully. Oh but Kass does get her attention even from the oozing cracking egg and she crinkles her nose, "Nope.." to the egg, opting out of it or something. "If there's three suits, that means I'm wearing one. I'm not in training to be a super hero, I need all the help I can get." Because she's a safety girl and all that! "I will rock paper scissors for it?"

Rick steps a bit back again from the egg. "I think we should keep our distance to that one," he offers, before he pauses as he glances back to the section of the wall Kass managed to open. "Nicely done. Perhaps that means we should be doing the same to other parts of the wall too?"

"You three get into the suits. I'll keep looking.. there has to be a door.. how would anyone have gotten in, otherwise?" Kass doesn't even hesitate, moving along the walls, her fingers stroking along them, searching for another catch. Another door. Another way to get out of here before whatever is in those eggs gets out. she bites down on her lower lip and mutters, "Even if I have to break it down to get it open..."

Bax looks up to Lyric and Kass and says, "If there's suits, you're both covered... unless they're really big and we can stuff you both into them like gnomes in a trench coat." It worked on Gravity Falls. Don't ask. He considers and looks around and walks slightly over to it but stops part way. He squints and head tilts staring at it. Really it's 50/50 on trying to figure out if Grant is fascinated by the contrast of ink on alabaster or if he's trying to mentally reach out to try to get an idea of the shape of the things's mind; it's being.

<FS3> Grant rolls Mental (8 8 7 5 1 1 1) vs Inky Egg (a NPC)'s 3 (8 6 4 4 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Grant. (Rolled by: Portal)

<FS3> Kass rolls Alertness: Great Success (8 8 6 6 6 5 2) (Rolled by: Kass)

The egg continues to rock and crack, and eventually what climbs out of it is the size of a small nearly drowned housecat, though it more resembles a rat than a feline. It is skeletal, and possesses two extra legs, dripping entirely with black ooze and looking half starved. It has no eyes. There is only that black dripping maw with sharp teeth, and a long skeletal tail that drags behind it, smearing the black ooze across the floor as it begins to make its way toward them. Around the room, more of the eggs start to crack and ooze their thick black goo out onto the white floor.

<FS3> Grant rolls Composure: Failure (5 5 1) (Rolled by: Portal)

Kass keeps moving along the walls, opening cabinets, more doors. None of them out, away But there's a very clear picture being presented. When she opens the first, she finds two gas masks, and puts one of them on immediately. In the second, she finds a can of seed, which is pocketed. In the third.. well now. SHe takes the gun out, handling it carefully, checking that the safety is on, then checking the clip. Snapping it back into place, she calls out, "Mr. Policeman? Here, you might need this!" And she lobs it towards him, safety still on of course! "There's 8 rounds, so make them count!" Fortuitous, it would seem, as the eggs are hatching to reveal monsters from a nightmare. Shuddering, she shakes her head and opens the last cabinet. Empty. "Fuck. Okay. Seriously guys. Three of us need to be in those suits. Now. I can.. fix things. And break them. So please.. get int he suits."

<FS3> Lyric rolls Alertness: Failure (5 5 5 4 2 1 1 1) (Rolled by: Lyric)

Lyric moves along the wall to help Kass and upon finding nothing by the time the egg cracks and that thing comes out, she gets closer and closer to Grant and Rick. "Maybe I really want a suit after all." Who is she to decline one when there are things like those things hatching out of eggs? She sneaks over to get one and put it on if it's not too late!

Rick frowns as his gaze stays on that thing. "What is that..." he begins, before he goes silent. He nods slowly as he hears the words about the suits. "Someone should..." he begins, pausing as that gun is lobbed in his direction. "Thanks..." he begins, before he nods, "Are you sure you don't want one of the suits?" he offers to Kass, after a few brief moments again. Eyes on that creature for now.

Grant is still staring at the egg. Like a migraine it splits that smooth skull of the egg. All that pounding from the inside of its proverbial temples pouring out and hatching a very ravenous bad idea. The punk's skin blanches. Tears well up in his eyes. "Oh god.... oooooh god... ohgodohgodohgodohgod..." That murmured Grant starts taking steps back back back. His voice rising to cartoon damsel in distress leveles "IT's thinking at meeeeeeeee" Noooope nopenopenope! "Fuuuuuck they are hungry and are going to swallow our souls! Mine's not even ripe yet!"

Black ooze begins to seep out of several more eggs around the room, leaking and puddling onto the floor as yet more strange, mutated, skeletal looking creatures begin to break free. Some seem to have long spider-like limbs while others are more compact, with beaks that spread and let out inhuman screeching sounds. The room continues to grow warmer, as well, and the smell that comes off of that ooze is beginning to rise, and it is pungent, like tar on a summer day mixed with something sweet and cloying.

The suit that Lyric puts on seems to conform instantly to her shape and size, fitting like it was meant for her, and sealing her in from wrists to neck and down over her feet. Rick is able to easily catch the gun. The lighting begins to shift in the room, as the temperature continues to go up, it becomes a deep gold, and then a searing orange against that black goo that is trailed and dragged and smeared across the floor. Then that black creature, the one Grant's brain reached out and said hello to, lunges for him.

<FS3> Grant rolls Dodge (7 2 2 1) vs InkyCritter (a NPC)'s 4 (6 5 4 4 3 3)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Portal)

<FS3> Kass rolls Spirit (8 8 7 7 5 5 5 3 3 2) vs InkyCritter (a NPC)'s 4 (8 5 5 4 3 3)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Kass. (Rolled by: Portal)

Yep, the suit is a thing. Lyric rushes into it as good as she can as fast as she can. If it will protect her then you bet she'll at least give it a shot. "Is there a way out yet, Kass?" Grant being scared rubs off on her and she tugs and zips the thing on, not even caring how she looks. At least it covers her work uniform. Then it conforms to her and she laughs a little, all the while backing into that cabinet with the hidden door her suit was just in that Kass found. Maybe they could close themselves in the cabinet or something. Suit? check! She's protected. Sorry everyone else. But there's a gas mask and she hurries for it. You bet she does! Survival of the fittest!

Rick frowns as he hears Grant's words. "I don't think it's time to..." he begins, trailing off. What was he going to say? That it wasn't time to panic? When such a creature luunges for you, even Rick thinks you're allowed to panic a little. Taking a few moments to put on the suit, he frowns as he sees people going for that creature. They're too close to it for him to risk shooting at it right now.

Kass watches through the gasmask as Lyric gets into the suit, as Rick grabs the gun.. and then one of those things is lunging for Grant while he's freaking out for having mind-melded with the thing. "NononononononononoNO! THIS IS NOT HOW IT GOES!" Kass stands there, still sounding a little stuffy, head shaking, gas mask wobbling with her movement before she suddenly explodes into motion. its like watchign Scarlet Witch.. except with the the nifty FX. Reaching out into thin air, she GRABS onto seemingly nothing and wrenches on hand back while the other stays put, flingign the two halves of air aside. What makes it nifty is that as she does, the creature is halted in its lunge, viscerally torn in half, with the two halves flung hard into the wall. "NO MORE TESTS!"

Grant fails at swat-punching the thing away while diving for- oh he's flying... sorta! We'll take sorta! But that rat explodes and he catches the spatter. "Awwww Jackie, bad day, bad day, bad day!" He hits and rolls, at least away from teh mess. Pulling back from teh critters his hands spark and hum with electricity and he tries to use the sleeve of his hoodie to wipe it off..

Lyric manages to get ahold of the second gas mask which does wonders for easing the smell that continues to rise as the heat in the room reacts with the goo that is slowly pooling all over the floor and inching its way across the room. More and more of these creatures begin to crack their way out of the eggs, and begin to circle their victims, that is, until Kass blows the crap out of one. Suddenly, every single one of the things are looking at her, and they don't look happy.

Rick is able to get into one of the other two suits, and finds that it molds to fit him the same way that it had done Lyric, covering him from feet to wrists and neck.

On examining one of the cabinets, Lyric finds that it's just big enough for one person to climb into. She certainly could climb into that one cabinet and shut herself in if she really wanted to.

<FS3> Lyric rolls Physical: Great Success (8 7 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4) (Rolled by: Lyric)

Enough of this! Surely there were more gas masks in the walls for the others. Lyric doesn't climb inside and hide, what she does do is stand in the middle of the floor like a petulant child with her hands into fists and her eyes closed. Even a stomp of her foot! She's tugging on all the walls at once to see if there were any more secret compartments they may have missed. What she doesn't count on is an entire wall coming down, shattering like glass and flattening several of the critters. She looks down at them with stunned surprise. "Oops.. I broke them." Great, now they were going to be mad at her!!

Rick frowns, "Seems like we should be finding the way out of here. For some reason, I don't believe it would work to say 'It's no place like home' will work this time, right?" He pauses as he sees how the wall is brought down. "Nicely done. Perhaps that's our way out of here?" Looking to the remaining creatures to see how they react.

<FS3> Kass rolls Spirit: Success (8 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 1 1) (Rolled by: Kass)

<FS3> Kass rolls Spirit (8 8 8 6 5 4 2 2 1 1) vs Npc Inkycritter (a NPC)'s 4 (8 7 5 5 3 2)
<FS3> Victory for Kass. (Rolled by: Kass)

Kass seems to have found her mission for the evening. These little creatures must die. With the good from the first one still splattered on Grant's shirt, she whirls and reaches out, rubbing her palms together, faster and faster. Its like watching the critter get hit with a belt sander, over, and over. Until there's little recognizable left of it. Then she's shrieking and jumping as the wall comes down, turning with hands raised only to blink and cough. "I didn't do that one!"

Grant scrambles for the free suit. Sorry dawdlers. When your leg is going numb and you have seen the rats of inky goopy hell try to bite your soul (alright that was really melodramatic, but who is thinking rational entirely right now? Not Grant Baxter! he is thinking get in suit and go weasel stomping. Finally he climbs into it waiting for it to conform to a more Bax-like shape. "Good, Lyric! Break the rest and I'll buy you twice the scoops!" He pauses, "Lyric might be onto something like... everything's solid. Maybe when the goo-ink-guts-wrongness-stuff gets on things it'll make a hole we can jump through..." He pauses and holds up both hands in the suit, "It doesn't have to make sense, it just... has to work. I dunno..." And then he realizes Kass may have found things. "Kaaaassi, If these things eat me I will not be your neighbor *any more!" No really because he might be dissolved. This isn't extortion!

The creatures begin to advance on Kass en masse. She tears through another one, sending its inky guts everywhere, splattering those with suits and without alike. Those with suits might notice that the ink slides right off and doesn't penetrate the suit at all. Likewise, contrary to Grant's hopes, the ink does not seem to eat through the floors. The numbing agent, however, continues to creep up through his leg and his leg is currently numb from knee to ankle on that side, and it doesn't seem to be stopping. Also, both Grant and Rick are beginning to become very nauseous as the stench grows even more foul, a kind of miasma rising up from the writhing mass of creatures that begin to clamber over one another to get to Kass.

That is, until Lyric brings an entire wall down upon one side of the room, killing many of them flat with an explosion of inky goo. Some of it gets on Kass' arm which starts to go numb, but the others protected by their suits are unaffected.

When the wall comes down, what it reveals behind is a hollow space that is only barely lit at the entrance, and disappears, into what looks like a tunnel, but there is no light within. The light within the room itself has become a deep, blood red, and it only reaches a little ways into that potential abyss.

<FS3> Lyric rolls Physical: Great Success (8 8 8 7 7 6 5 3 3 1) (Rolled by: Lyric)

What works once can maybe work twice? The dark area was a no go and she definitely wanted to see if there was anything better. So Lyric tries again for at least one of the walls. She stands there, does much as she had before!

Rick grimaces as that hollow space seems to be without light. He lets out a deep breath, trying as hard as he can not to let the stench get to him. Making sure to stay away from the walls as he sees Lyric trying to do that thing again. Looking towards the creatures as well, in case some of them needs to be shot. But as long as it seems the others can tear them apart, saving what few bullets he has sounds like a good idea.

<FS3> Kass rolls Spirit (8 8 4 4 3 3 3 3 1 1) vs Inkycreature (a NPC)'s 4 (8 6 6 5 5 4)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Inkycreature. (Rolled by: Kass)

<FS3> Grant rolls Composure: Success (7 5 2) (Rolled by: Portal)

Trying to shift away from the wall that Lyric is pulling on so she can stay out of the way of the destruction, Kass sees another of the critters trying to head towards her. Eyes narrow behind the gasmask's shield and she reaches for it, getting hold.. but not before it manages to bite her on the leg. Cursing, she lets go of the creature, shaking it off even as the limb starts to go numb. "We need to get out of here!" Patting herself down, she remembers the can of seed/meal. Pulling it out, she tries opening it up and shaking it out on the floor to see what happens.

Grant is really not feeling great but at least he's stopped panicking. The breaking is shaky but he's forcing himself to focus. He turns to the creepy tunnel and ... well Sk8r boy can shoot lightening. This is what you get for dragging your feet on the carpet. Speaking of which, "Guys I kinda can't feel my leg and it's kinda creeping up my inner thigh like being slowly groped by a demon."

Looking around he turns on the cabinets and says "Help me rip this from the wall. There might be something we can... use or something. Anything! Though..." He pauses and looks to Rick, "Though if there's all this hatching and we have to crawl through that devil's birth canal over there like some sort of crazy metaphor I'm officially out and also officially not having kids for like twenty years."

<FS3> Grant rolls Composure: Success (6 3 1) (Rolled by: Portal)

<FS3> Rick rolls Composure: Success (8 7 5 4 3 1) (Rolled by: Rick)

<FS3> Kass rolls Composure: Good Success (8 8 6 5 4 3 3 1) (Rolled by: Kass)

<FS3> Lyric rolls Composure: Success (6 3 2 1 1) (Rolled by: Lyric)

As Lyric concentrates on the walls, they begin to shake, the red glow all around them intensifying as the heat in the room ramps up again. Sweat begins to drip from their bodies as though caught in some kind of terrible fever. All the while, Grant and Kass feel that numbness creeping like a chill through their extremities, and the sheer nausea of the smell is reaching near unbearable levels. Those creatures not flattened by the explosion of the first wall begin to approach Kass with a vengeance as she does battle.

The sprinkling of the mealy seedy mixture on the ground begins to soak up some of that black ink, congealing it and rendering it inert, hardening into a kind of useless crust. However, as Kass tears apart another one of the creatures, they begin to coalesce, gathering together, and becoming something larger, something greater than the sum of it's black skeletal gooey parts.

It's about then that Lyric suddenly shatters the remaining walls around the room. Glass flies everywhere in a shower, impaling the congealing creature, bouncing off of those suits that they were fortunate to be wearing, except poor Kass who ends up with all manner of cuts and abrasions along her arms and legs. Behind the walls there is nothing. Not.. a solid mass. Just.. nothing. It's as if the room they are in is floating in the middle of a void, with only themselves, that writhing mass of inky hunger, and a long dark tunnel to go down. The other side-effect of the walls being gone is so is their glow, making it nearly impossible to see much except shadow on shadow save near those polychromatic suits which seem to be giving off their own strange glow.

Fortunately, everyone manages to hold it together, but that creature is growing, and everyone can now feel its ovewhelming hunger, and the chill beginning to seep into their bones.

<FS3> Lyric rolls Physical: Success (7 6 5 5 4 3 1 1 1 1) (Rolled by: Lyric)

Well that was just overkill. Literally. Lyric puts her hands up to avoid the falling shards, but mostly she's worried about the others. And that thing in the center of the floor. She attempts to sweep up some of the shards from the floor and throw them towards the creature, but mostly so far she's been pressing her luck and she just isn't as strong as she started out. It was so hot though. And the mask and the suit helped, but didn't help cool her off.

<FS3> Rick rolls Firearms: Good Success (7 6 6 6 3 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Rick)

Grant thinks hard bunnybunnybunnybunnybunny... That thing is huge and he bigger it IS the harder it'll be to come after it through the tube of... "Oh fuck THAT!" The cop draws his gun and Grant turns to dive into the tube and just pray for he best. Hey, side effect of one's leg being numb is if this is a terrible idea less will hurt when he's eaten by the darkness? Maybe? Why do people let him make decisions!??

Waiting for a few moments after the shards go flying, Rick frowns as he sees, and maybe even more feels, that creature of hunger. There's a few moments of consideration, then he lifts the gun, aiming it for that creature. Firing at the creature, there's an expression of determination on his face. Hopefully this will help killing it.

<FS3> Kass rolls Spirit: Amazing Success (8 8 8 8 7 6 6 5 2 1) (Rolled by: Kass)

Even though she stands firm in the face of the creature rising up in front of them, Kass darts a glance at the others. She cringes instinctively when Lyric explodes the walls, crying out while being peppered with flying glass and debris. Bleeding from a multitude of cuts, one arm and one leg going numb, feeling as feverish as she did at the height of the Flu... Kass turns and she runs. Racing along after Grant, cringing at the sounds of the gunshots from Rick. She blinks, and remembers one thing. Grant got hurt. So she reaches out and lifts her hands, cupping them together like she was holding something between them, then quickly swipes the down and away, like one might slick away water from an arm or leg. Only in this case.. its the wounds. The numbness. If it hurt, it doesn't now.

Rick unloads his firearm into the growing monstrosity, and Lyric launches her shards of glass into it, which seems to enrage it, and cease it's growing, even as hunks of black gooey bone-filled mass fly off into the void, vanishing around them. It rears up, just as Grant stumbles off down the tunnel and Kass goes after him, cleansing the wounds from his body and restoring the feeling into his numb limb. And then it explodes. Shards of bone and ink and foul smelling gas seem to radiate outward from it in slow motion.

Grant can only hear the gunfire. He doesn't see what happens but as he dives down the tunnel he feels like he's running, running forever. And when he wakes, he finds himself back in his bed, wound up in his sheets. Kass, likewise finds herself in the tunnel, the sounds of gunfire and shattering behind her, and when she wakes, she is once more on her couch, except where there were wounds, she has tiny scratches all over herself, as though she'd been clawing at her skin with her own nails.

Lyric finds herself suddenly standing in the middle of the street, the blaring honk of a car horn startling her as the vehicle veers around her, leaving her standing in darkness after the bright flash of headlights. Rick finds himself in his kitchen, standing in front of his open refrigerator, staring into it.

They are all left with an unsettling sense of hunger, like some black inky tendrils wrapped around in the brains, needing something, but unsure what. It lingers with them for the next day, and eventually fades.


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