2019-11-13 - Morning After

After the TRON-themed dream, Ash crawls into bed with Astrid and Marius.

IC Date: 2019-11-13

OOC Date: 2019-08-03

Location: 9 Oak Avenue - Upstairs

Related Scenes:   2019-11-09 - Daft Punk Scores This   2019-11-09 - Neon Snuggles

Plot: None

Scene Number: 2680


Bright light washes across Marius's room, but it's not the neon of Tron Legacy, it's just sunlight coming in the window. Clearly, Marius forgot to close the blinds last night. He's actually gotten used to having an arm draped around a warm body -- but two of them is outside his frame of reference. His hand twitches against Astrid's skin, ducking his nose into Ash's blond hair as he mumbles something about "...five more minutes..."

If one body is good, wouldn't that make two better? Ash might have a logical answer for this situation, but she is still half asleep when Marius wakes up and mumbles something about five more minutes. There's a sound of what could only be agreement, she she snuggles in further, one arm flopped this way, and one leg flopped that way. It's possible that if she hadn't been on the inside of this pile there might have been a lot more sprawling happening from her by the morning.

Astrid doesn't seem to factor in the two bodies, because she's mostly just cuddled up to Ash despite Marius's heavy hand on her hip. She is murmuring something against the pillow as they both start to rouse, and it's only Marius's mumbling that drags her out of that dreamy half-sleep of morning. "Ash?" She squints slightly, blinking awake. "Ree?"

Marius pries open one eye at Astrid's words. "Hmm? Yeah?" He draws in another breath of... that's not Astrid. "Ash." Some portions of the last twelve hours start to flood back into his waking brain, and he grunts softly, "Morning Ashtrid." He also pulls his hips back a little, despite Ash's words last night. He doesn't get far, since her leg is thrown over his hip, but, it's something. "This isn't embarrassing at all." His hand tightens on Astrid's hip, "Oh, and Astrid, I promised we wouldn't have morning sex with her in the bed."

"Ast." Ash greets, a hand moving to pat at Astrid, tactile confirmation to go along with the verbal that yes, in fact, it is her. But she doesn't open her eyes yet, instead keeping them closed against the bright light in the room. She almost, almost lets the comment from Marius slide by without a response, but she can't help herself, and there is a shake of her head, "Nuh uh, he said something about that not being an option, and I said I could act like I was still asleep." She yawns before adding, "But I'll join in, too. Why is your room so bright?"

"Huh." Astrid takes note of all the details -- naked, but Ash isn't, and Marius is naked, too, but that isn't that surprising. So, she stretches and starts to sit up while rubbing the heel of her hand against her eye. "Wait... what are we talking about? Marius having sex with us?" She blinks over at Marius just as a smile arches up high into her cheeks. "I mean..." Then she laughs and shakes her head. "Nope." Whatever she decides to say is moot as she flops back into the bed. It takes her a moment, and then she blinks agian. "Wait, we dreamed about Tron last night?"

"Because it faces east." That's way the easier thing to comment on for Marius. "She did say she could act like she was still asleep." Also easy. "And yeah, Tron was last night." One more easy. But wait, there's more there, and Marius looks up to Astrid, his brows lifting up in response, "We weren't talking about that. And I'm pretty sure that you said that would reeeeally change a relationship, Ast." And then he blushes, lifting up on his elbow to assure Ash utterly unnecessarily, "It wasn't about you specifically."

"Of course it wasn't about me specifically, because there'd be nothing to change." The look that she gives Marius is amused, but she at least finally releases her sleep-induced hold on him with a stretch, before she rolls over towards Astrid. With careless disregard for the lack of clothes, still, she moves to flop a leg and arm across Astrid as she cuddles in against her side, "We dreamed about Tron last night, and you got hurt but I fixed it. And we all agreed that making out was a really awesome plan, and what do you mean nope?"

"He's avoiding the idea of morning sex," Astrid tells Ash helpfully. Then she props her head up on her hand, or at least that was the plan before she's getting cuddled by Ash. She smiles as she nuzzles against her friend only to give a couple short nods, though the last has her laughing softly. "Right. Good summary. Everyone in this room can kiss everyone else in this room." Then she glances over toward Marius. "You mean having sex with Ash would change our relationship?"

Marius frowns in confusion at Ash, but he lifts his arm aside so that she can roll over and snuggle up to Astrid. His hand comes back to her hip, even if he's puzzling over her words. "He's avoiding the idea of morning sex with an audience. I'm not really an exhibitionist." His eyes widen slightly, and then he adds, "Oh yeah, you fixed Ast's arm. That was awesome." He's changing the subject, but not for long, because he lifts up again to meet Astrid's glance, "I mean, I assume it would. If it wouldn't, don't get me wrong, that would be really hot, but I'm pretty sure it would, wouldn't it?" And then he comes back to Ash, "And there's something to change. Exclusive friends with benefits is something. I mean, it's something."

There is so much that Ash could probably add to this, opinions, insights, corrections. But she doesn't add anything at all to the conversation, because even if those are not the terms she would use for their exlusivity, it's also not her place to kick that hornets nest around mercilessly, either. So instead she just listens to them talk while she snuggles Astrid, her head resting on her shoulder so that she can rub her cheek against her. Then she reaches down for Marius' hand, giving his arm a tug to indicate that he's not getting forgotten in all this.

"Ash really isn't an audience," Astrid starts to argue, but then she's laughing as Ash drags Marius into the cuddle pile. She shakes her head slightly. "Marius. Stop rambling. It's okay. Ash and I are not going to be yanking you into awkward unless you want to be in awkward." She grins at Marius. "You know... sober."

Marius gives in to Ash's tugging without any resistance, curling his arm over her hip to brush his knuckles across Astrid's stomach. "Everybody's an audience. If they can see. Listening's different." And there he's blushing again, and clearing his throat, "I'm not rambling." He's rambling. "And look, it's only awkward if it's not in a dream." He's really rambling now, "Wait, sober?"

"Sober." Ash agrees with a nod before she leans up to give Astrid a quick kiss on the cheek before returning her head to Ast's shoulder, her hand moving to start petting at her side, "And you are totally rambling, but that's okay. It's cute, you're totally adorable when you get all flustered and stuff." She gives Astrid a quick waggle of her brows at that before adding, "You're welcome to blindfold me, then I can't see, and it's only awkward if you make it awkward."

The kiss to her cheek inspires a wide smile, and she laughs warmly at the exchange of affection. Then she looks over toward Marius as she wraps an arm past Ash to hook her arm lightly around his hip. The repetition of the word 'sober' isn't replied on any further, and instead she nods her agreement with Ash's words. "Very cute." Though she laughs and shakes her head at Ash. "We could give her earplugs."

Marius's brows draw down as he tries to figure through... nope, he's blushing more. "See, it's not fair to say someone's adorable when they're flustered." Drawing his hand back from under the pillows, he rubs his face. He's still very carefully keeping his hips back away from Ash's backside. "I mean. I'm pretty sure if I was even the least bit tipsy and hadn't been in a car crash," it was a light cycle, okay, "last night, I'd already be under the covers." Blush, blush.

"I can cover my eyes and ears." Ash agrees very helpfully before she glances over her shoulder at Marius, brows lifting upwards curiously at him, "Under the covers and doing what?" She then releases her hold on Astrid after giving her a quick kiss before she starts to squirm herself downwards, beneath the covers, to see what is down there that requires being tipsy. "You want to explain to him the sober situation, Ast? I mean...he is adorable when he's all flustered."

"Ash!" Astrid is laughing the name before she wriggles a bit to make room for Ash to disappear under the covers. She swats at her friend's head over the covers, and then she looks up at Marius with an almost apologetic edge to her smile. "You trying to tell me that if you hadn't been tipsy or in a light cycle crash, you would have had sex with Ash or me? Or both?" She props up her head on her hand again. "Ree, you really don't remember that night, do you?"

Marius coughs at Ash's question, sitting up as Ash ducks under the covers, "What the..." And if he wasn't bright red before (he was), he's really bright red now. Gathering the covers over his crotch, he ducks his head underneath them to see what the heck Ash is doing. And then he pops his head up again to look at Astrid, "I didn't say that. but you said..." and he gets whiplashed again, "I don't remember what night? You're totally screwing with me, aren't you," he ducks his head under the covers again to look for Ash, "Aren't you?" Except Astrid is naked under there, and despite his confusion, he definitely notices and responds.

"What?!" Ash doesn't say ow at the swat, which shows that she's maturing, greatly. But that only lasts for so long because the first time Marius looks under the covers she's just laying there on her back, hands to herself. But the second time she has decided that making Marius faint is the goal of the morning, and she rolls in his direction, using his distraction to turn him into her snuggle goal. Under the covers. Can anyone guess where this is going to go? "Screwing was involved, yeah." She offers helpfully, one hand moving towards Astrid, her curiosity winning, "Ast said what?"

Astrid just holds Marius's eyes in this quiet, serious moment. She's not teasing him this time around, just narrowing her eyes as she considers the Viking boy. "We all... kinda did this whole thing already. But we were all pretty drunk, and Ash went back to her bed before you woke up." She glances down toward where Ash is shifting around under the covers. "I thought you were just trying to not bring it up, not that you didn't... remember it."

Marius's mouth works as he tries to respond to Ash, but there's Astrid being serious, and he freezes, looking up to her and his eyes widening, "Wait, we..." He doesn't look away, even as he's being snuggled by Ash. He does, however, reach down to draw the covers back so that Ash's head is uncovered. "We all had sex?" It's more of a statement than a question, even if it's still sort of a question. "Wait, I had sex with the two hottest women I know... at once... and I don't remember it at all?" Dropping his head back into the pillow, he presses his hands to his face, "Holy crap. I hate alcohol. Hate, hate, hate." He doesn't hate alcohol. There's a pause, and then he adds, "I mean... at least I know it didn't change your relationships with me."

When Astrid realizes it's not just Marius playing coy, but actually not remembering, Ash at least refrains from putting hands or anything anywhere that might be unwelcome. When the covers are pulled off her head she blows a strand of hair from her face, eyes shifting back and forth between the pair of them before she shakes her head, "Why would it?" She actually sounds serious about this, and releases Marius from her forced snuggling so that she can move back up to drop her head onto the pillows, hands sliding her hair back from her face before she glances at Astrid, like she's double-checking this upcoming logic with her, "Could always do it sober. That way you'd remember."

Astrid watches as Marius goes through the required mental steps before realization dawns. She glances down to Ash with a half-shrug of her shoulder before she looks back at Marius. "Of course it didn't. I mean, at the time, you seemed pretty cool with it." She then smiles a bit with a tilt of her head. "Did it change your relationship with me?" Then Ash is making her offer, and Astrid looks back up at Marius with a half-tilt of her head.

Marius pushes back up onto an elbow, smiling a little at Ash's hair-blow. Look, he's nervous, but that's cute. But then his eyes widen at the suggestion, looking straight back to Astrid, "I think it did. I mean, not in a bad way." And then he looks back down to Ash and up to Astrid once more, "You know how I get when I'm drunk. Hell, I was probably full Sigurd." He points down to Ash, "Not Doktor Sigurd." He blushes again, and clears his throat, "I mean, sounds like we played doctor, but..." Rubbing his face with one hand, he scrubs his hand back through his hair, "Ast, I thought you said that a threesome would totally change a relationship." He blinks, "Or was that just cover? Wait, you didn't just offer..." from Ash to Astrid again, "No, that's a trap. Pretty sure that's a trap."

"Wow." Ash states, her eyes going back and forth between them, "Is this what it's always like?" This is mostly addressed to Astrid, even if the question is one that they both could probably answer. She pushes herself up into a sitting position, scooting until she can lean back against the wall, or headboard, her hands lifting up to gather her hair up, twisting it behind her head before releasing it, "I'm not setting any kind of trap, and I highly doubt that Astrid is either....but since I wasn't there for the threesomes would totally change a relationship talk maybe I'm wrong. It han't changed my relationship with either of you, you're both my best friends, both worth cuddling with, and people I can trust with anything in my life. So what if hands and other body parts have now been comingled?"

There is a light shrug that follows, and Ash curls her hands under the hem of her t-shirt for a moment before she releases it, reaching over to try and take one of Marius' hands, and one of Astrid's hands. "I love you guys."

"But it's Ash." That seems to discount the usual threesome rules. But now Astrid gives Marius's shoulder a little poke. "Stop freaking out. I think you're about to burst, and not in the fun way." She leans forward across Ash to give his cheek a little kiss, and then she's leaning back into her spot again. Ash takes her hand, and she looks at Marius with a little smile. "Ash, our relationships are safe and unchanged. I promise." Now she smiles down at Ash, squeezing her hand. "I love you, too, Ash." Now she looks at Marius. "No trap," she promises. "We're all good."

Marius lets out a little breath at the reassurances and the clasp of his hand, squeezing Ash's hand and looking between the two women, "Okay." There's more than a little relief in there, "Because I really wish I remembered that. I love you guys too, and you're both seriously sizzling hot." He shifts around a little so that he can slip his free arm around Astrid's shoulders, tucking them close and Ash between them, "I'm kind of pissed at booze right now." His brow scrunches up, "When was this? Fair warning, I think I'm gonna be a little obsessed for a little while." At least he's willing to admit it.

"It's Ash." Ash repeats Astrid's words with a quick nod of her head, hands getting squeezes before she releases them, "You shouldn't be pissed off at booze though, because now you get to do it at least twice. Because Ashtrid is benevolent and want to allow you a clear memory of the amazing that it was." She is at least serious about the twice, maybe not so much for the reasoning behind it. She leans in to Astrid, snuggling against her for a moment, a hand raising to comb her fingers through her hair, "So what was this all about morning sex?"

It's probably a good thing she's got her face half hidden with the Viking bear-snuggle, because otherwise she might actually be waggling her brows in a goofy manner. Which is about as far from actually hot as possible. "When? Ummm..." She pauses, trying to think of the exact date before she shrugs, "Like weeks ago?" Time is hard.

Astrid starts to nod soberly with Ash's words. She even holds up two fingers to indicate twice. Then she's got another snuggling Ash, and she leans her head into the blonde while her lips brush along her skin. The question has her giggling lightly against her skin, and then she shrugs over to Marius. "I think Ree needs to process." Her own eyebrows do waggle where they can both see them. Only then does she shrug again. "Three weeks? I think. After we got over the flu thing. I think it was our first big binge after that. Hurrah for no more flu? Something like that." She peeks up at Marius with her brows arched now.

Looking from Ash to Astrid with slightly-wide eyes, Marius nods slowly, letting the 'when' fade away with just a comment on, "Right. Booze plus meds equals bad." The double-eyebrow-waggling, however, causes him to laugh, breaking some of his brain-break and causing him to shake his head in amusement, "You two." Drawing in a breath, "Ree has processed, Sigurd doesn't want to process, and Marius isn't gonna look a gift horse in its mouths." A little grin cracks his lips, and then spreads further, "I'm also going to stop referring to myself in the third person. Instead, I'm just going to say that wake-up sex is great, and that you should come up here and join us, Ash." Because he's leaning in toward Astrid, looking to capture her lips in a kiss.

"I always figured that Sigurd was more fun than that." Ash points out with a very disappointed shake of her head, "So unfun, not wanting to process this." She lifts a hand to wipe an imaginary tear away from her eye, then she moves to snuggle in, pressing a kiss against Astrid's cheek before turning to press a kiss against Marius' cheek next, "You can be an illeist, it's alright. You'll be up there with Dobby and that one guy from Game of Thrones. A man." She then pauses, "Also Nixon." Because these are all very important things that everyone needs to be aware of. Either way, she does at least eventually shut up, and goes back to kissing. Targetting Marius' neck this time.

"Sigurd doesn't process, he does." Now Astrid slips into silence as Marius kisses her. It's a short kiss, but that doesn't make it less warm. She's drawing into the press of Ash's lips to her cheek and Marius's lips to her lips, and then she's sinking into it. Her hand slides up Ash's shoulders while her other hand curls around Marius's cheek. There's nothing left to do but enjoy some morning sex with her two closest friends.


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