2019-11-17 - LOCK DOWN!

Awaking in prison, Itzhak gets thrown into the illusion that he'd never been released. Thankfully August is there to help him through.

IC Date: 2019-11-17

OOC Date: 2019-08-06

Location: The Veil/The Dreamscape

Related Scenes:   2019-11-18 - It's a War   2019-11-18 - Null Hypothesis   2019-11-18 - Path of Least Resistance   2019-11-20 - Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major: Prelude

Plot: None

Scene Number: 2800


<FS3> Itzhak rolls Perception+Alertness (7 6 5 4 2 1) vs Dark Man Illusion (a NPC)'s 7 (8 8 8 7 5 5 5 5 1)
<FS3> Victory for Dark Man Illusion. (Rolled by: Bennie)


There is the sound of dozens of doors running their tracks, the metallic clackclackclack before the definitive sound of the locks being thrown and a single klaxon buzzer that is almost deafening.

And then he's alone.

Alone in his the ugly low artificial lighting of his cell they use for 'light's out' which is never true darkness. It's a small space, just a double bunk with shitty mattresses a metal shelf that juts out of the wall and serves as a desk with a chair and the utilitarian stainless steel toilet/sink combo. It's eerie, down to the detail of the photos taped to the wall: Miriam and Naomi laughing during a sunny day in the park, his mother Esther in a candid that must have been taken at Hanukkah. Even if it's not the precise cell that Itzhak had in the real, it feels real.

Every night, same time, Itzhak stuffs precious toilet paper in his ears and clamps his hands over them. The noise, the noise, the noise; he can't take it. And they make him take it, several times a day. He's at the point that the scheduled ones, he can get his hands over his ears in time. It's the surprise ones that make him, as counselors over the years like to say, 'act out'.

So this one is just the regular lights-out, and after the noise settles, Itzhak lets the breath he's holding out and relaxes the tiniest of bits. Another day down. He sprawls on his bunk, staring at the concrete ceiling, tapping out a beat on his sternum. His insomnia tortures him in here, without anything to relieve the boredom of it, so he spends a fair amount of lights-out remembering music.

Soon, there is the steady thud of lazy footfalls on the duracrete floor outside the cells. "Rosenshiiiit." The singsong voice of one of the guards echoes ahead of his arrival. Normally they address prisoners by their numbers, an effort to depersonalize them. But this voice. This taunting voice. It most certainly sounds as personal as it gets.

The male guard finally appears in front of the bars to Itzhak's cell. He's a tall blonde brickhouse who looks like 'GTL' is his life outside of the correctional facility. With a casual air of smugness, he drapes his arms through the vertical poles, resting his forearms on one of the cross bars. "Wakey, wakey Rosenshit. You know that stunt you and your buddy pulled in the yard today?" The word pronounced yah-d, "Well I talked to the warden and it looks like that's gonna get you another ten on your sentence. A nickel for your cell mate there. You know, that is if you's make it through the night. We guards don't take kindly to one of our own getting cut. Don't worry, he'll recover in time to piss on your grave."

When the guard mentioned the cellmate, he motions to the with a flick of his finger to the bottom bunk where there is an August shaped lump beneath the covers.

<FS3> August rolls Composure-4: Success (8 7 5 5) (Rolled by: August)

August starts awake. He's been in the tank before, but never inside, so the entire thing reeks of wrong (and a whole lot else) when his senses kick in. And then his Gifts wake up too, and he grunts, grips his head, forces them to go dead silent. Rage and pain and misery and loneliness and every sort of torturous thing, all over. It's almost as bad as Bosnia. Almost.

He turns over, peers out from under his covers at the guard, up at the bottom of the bunk above him. He stays quiet a moment. Saying anything in front of the guard will be a bad idea. A really bad one.

Hatred and fury boils up in Itzhak's chest, driven by fear. It's not true, he's fucking lying to get a rise out of you, he tells himself, and he doesn't believe it. He makes himself keep time, 3/4, don't drop a beat, keep rolling, the audience forgives you for fuckups but not for stopping the music. But his jaw is clenched, his frame tight. He stares at the ceiling.

"Everybody knows you cribbed your aptitude test." The words are out before he can stop them. "Ya so fuckin' stupid if you looked up when it's raining, you'd drown."

"That's not what yah ma said last night when I was plowin' her." Okay, so that makes no sense. Perhaps he really did cheat on his aptitude test. The guard pulls back his arms and drums a little patter of rhythmless fingers against the bars, perhaps just a little snarky attempt to throw the musical mechanic off his little mental concert.

"Don't worry, we'll be back for you's. Until then, sweet dreams Shit Stain. Dream of all those hot soapy bodies in the shower and your blood. Mixing with the suds as it swirls around the drain." He gives a cold snicker as he steps back and flicks out the collapsible baton from his belt. He sets the tips to the bars and starts slowly walking away so that each step gives an ominous CLACK until he gets to the end.

August waits until the guard is well and gone before he says anything. It's on the tip of his tongue to say, 'Itzhak', but he realizes he can't be sure this is Itzhak. Maybe its not. Maybe They're just fucking with him.

God there's so many ways he can second guess this. Well. Here goes nothing. He sighs. "Itzhak," he murmurs.

Itzhak represses the very real shudder that wants to start at the base of his spine. No. He won't think about that. He. Won't.

Then he blinks. A mix of relief and panic surges in him. "Roen," he murmurs back. He drops one long arm off the edge of his bunk, fingers inviting contact. "Roen why are you here?"

August allows himself to relax just a fraction, reaches up to take those fingers. "I don't know." He swallows. "This feels like...when Eleanor wound up with me in that wasteland." But this is Itzhak's wasteland now, or at least, he expects it is. He grips those fingers tight. "I've never been inside before. I have no idea how you survive this." But then, people have said the same of Sarajevo, so maybe that is how he survived--too stubborn to give up, refusing to let hell take him away from people back home.

"Assuming he's not just fucking with us, what are we looking at."

Eleanor. Roen. Names he hadn't known while he was in. Itzhak swallows. This...might not be real. "This might not be real," he whispers, eyes wide in the dim light. "This might...fifteen years for me, if they put a dime on me. I wouldn't be out by now." Cold races through him and he can't help the shudder now, his fingers twitching and curling in August's. "Eight for you, because ya smart and keep your yap shut. Oh Christ, Roen, I can't do fifteen. I can't."

"You're not doing fifteen years," August says, voice firm and steady. Of course, he might be wrong--maybe they can make them feel fifteen years have passed, then dump them back out in their bodies of now, with all those memories? God, how ugly that would be.

"You're not," he repeats, holding tighter. "Why would they put extra time on our sentences just to kill us? No point. It was to make you too scared to fight back when they come to get us. Or just to have some fun. Either way." Either way, they have a problem, because August hasn't so much as thrown a punch in 23 years, and hurting people with his Gifts makes him nauseated to even think about.

There is the sudden crackle of a walkie-talkie, and a voice talking into the line, "Open C-24." And a confirming voice echoing back, "Opening C-24."

That damn klaxon again blares, sounding twice as louder than before. The electric lock to Itzhak and August's cell pops and the barred door starts sliding back open with clackclackclack not dissimilar to the sound a rollercoaster makes when it's climbing a hill, building the anticipation of sudden fall.

And there it sits. Open. Gaping darkness beyond.

"Naomi'll die, Mireleh won't have a mom, Ma will have to take care of her, I'll still be in here while she grows up, I won't meet you, I won't meet Finch or Alexander, I won't meet anybody, I'll still be here!" Itzhak doesn't dare yell like he wants to, but he's yelling in his soul. His fingers wind tight with August's fingers, shaking and clammy with panic.

Then...the cell door opens, a sound he'll hear in his dreams ten years from now. Itzhak's gaze snaps to it.

"That's a fuckin' honeypot if I ever seen one," he rasps.

<FS3> August rolls Alertness: Success (7 6 5 3 3 2 1) (Rolled by: August)

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Alertness: Good Success (7 7 7 5 1 1) (Rolled by: Itzhak)

<FS3> August rolls Mental: Great Success (8 8 7 6 6 5 2 1) (Rolled by: August)

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Perception+Alertness (6 6 4 4 2 2) vs Dark Man Illusion (a NPC)'s 7 (8 7 4 4 3 3 2 1 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Bennie)

August reacts to the sound of Itzhak's mounting panic automatically, reaching out with a gentle brush of his mind. <<None of that's going to happen,>> says the river as it rushes over the rocks. The tall aspen in the heart of the volcano crater's leaves shake. <<Your sister's going to treatment, she'll go into remission. You'll be out to help with Miri. You'll meet Alexander and me and Finch and Isolde. You'll see Ignacio again. >>

He turns to look at that door, grimaces. <<Pretty sure that's not how getting out works.>>

Itzhak responds just as automatically to the sense of the rushing river and the forest and the silent volcano, out of whose heart a tree now grows. He closes his eyes, shoulders relaxing, breathing evening out a little from the hyperventilation he was heading for. <<That sounds fake but okay.>> Dour, bitter humor.

He lets go of August so he can roll off the bunk and land neatly like he's done it a thousand times (oh, he has). Wary, silent on the concrete, he prowls a step and a half towards the door, on high alert. <<Guards are waitin' for us to make a move. Make yourself tough, Roen.>>

<FS3> August rolls Spirit: Good Success (8 7 6 5 5 4 3 2 1 1 1) (Rolled by: August)

August huffs a laugh. Gallows humor he'll take over panic any day of the week and twice on Sunday. He's familiar with it, after all. He eases out of his bunk, far less nimble than Itzhak. <<Gotta warn you, I might not be much good at this. And, done. Same for you--don't put yours on me.>>

He takes a slow breath, in and out. Well. Maybe he should let Itzhak get a good first strike. He curls his fingers into a fist, and a little tingle runs down Itzhak's spine. <<A little something extra.>>

"Heeere birdie birdie birdie. Follow your nose, TUCAN SAM." More whistles sound up, sharper and shriller this time instead of the subtle warning of fellow prisoners. Boots. More than one set now, approaching with enthusiasm. Batons are being used on bars of the cells and the railing of the balcony that rings the second story of units, rousing the inmates and stirring up answering yells and jeers. It's hard to tell who they are starting to cheer for: Itz and August or just the chance to see bloodshed. "It's pay back time, shit heads." Man, GTL is really obsessive about his fecal based insults. It sounds like either they can come out of the cell, or the guards are coming in there after them.

<FS3> August rolls Spirit: Good Success (8 8 8 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1) (Rolled by: August)

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Physical (8 7 7 6 5 5 5 2 2 1 1 1) vs Guard1 (a NPC)'s 6 (7 7 5 4 4 4 3 2)
<FS3> Victory for Itzhak. (Rolled by: Bennie)

Guard2 attacks August with Club but August EVADES!

Gtl attacks Itzhak with Electrokinesis and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.

August passes.

Itzhak attacks Gtl with Telekinesis and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Chest.

Guard3 attacks Itzhak with Club and HITS! Graze wound to Left Leg.

Guard1 attacks August with Unarmed and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Left Arm. (Reduced by ARMOR)

Gtl has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Itzhak)

<FS3> August rolls Composure: Good Success (7 6 6 5 2 1 1 1) (Rolled by: August)

Our friend, affectionately known as Gym-Tan-Laundry has come back as promised with friends. As they approach the opening to Itzhak's cell, slinging insults like Toucan Sam and slurs based on bodily functions. The four of them ready their collapsible batons with flicks of their wrists, slapping it against their palm or snapping it against the walls and bars. Oddly enough GTL isn't armed at all, but he's smiling as if he has a secret that he's about share.

Outside, the other inmates are stirred into a frenzy, cat calling and yelling, starting to fling things out of their cells like books and toiletries and even a flaming roll of toilet paper.

And then the guards are on them, swinging their clubs with brutal force to try and catch either Itzhak or August to stun them. GTL lifts his fingers with a crackle of electricity....

Itzhak's terrified and furious and running at the razor's edge of his experience and ability. His shine is strong, glimmering like noon sun on a bright ocean. Blinding. When he steps up to the guards, a snarl twisting his face, it's big boy GTL he's focused on like a laser. Ffffffssssht! The electricity dies and before anything else happens, Itzhak is on him, launched at him like a fucking missile. Left fist DOWN is followed by right fist STAY and Itzhak is walloping GTL like the man said something about his ma. Oh, he DID. The big dude goes down with the skinny dude on top of him making blood and teeth fly, knee in his chest to pin him to the floor, snarling in Yiddish and English.

Then Itzhak's back on his feet, fists bloody, grinning like a madman. "Who's NEXT?!"

August feels the back of his neck tighten and his stomach churn as the guards close in and Itzhak goes ballistic. He works on dodging and just absorbing blows rather than inflicting them, and supporting Itzhak as a secondary target while he does the real work. It's successful, mostly; August is bruised and hurting, but nothing he can't work through. Itzhak's injury makes him wince, though, as does the damage he inflicts. He grits his teeth, takes in a shaky breath, gives Itzhak something more again. <<Keep at it.>> Really that's not just for Itzhak, but himself too.

<FS3> August rolls Spirit: Good Success (8 7 7 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 1) (Rolled by: August)

Itzhak attacks Guard3 with Telekinesis and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Chest.

August passes.

Guard3 attacks August with Club but MISSES!

Guard1 attacks Itzhak with Club and HITS! Graze wound to Chest. (Reduced by ARMOR)

Guard2 attacks Itzhak with Club and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Left Leg.

Guard3 has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Itzhak)

<FS3> August rolls Composure-4: Success (8 8 5 1) (Rolled by: August)

The fury that is Itzhak seems to surprise the guards, stunning them for a moment at the mere sight. Except for GTL. GTL is LAUGHING. Laughing as his face gets beaten in and his teeth get knocked from his skull. "You're going to get...so much time..." He gargles on his own blood, eyelids starting to flicker shut as if he's clinging to consciousness. "You'll die in Solitary." He finally goes limp from the blows, as his co-workers continue trying to wail on Itzhak and August with their batons.

The third guard is going after August and no no no no NOPE FUCKING NO not on Itzhak's watch, asshole. He turns on that guy with feral fury, yanks him by his hair (not the hair! YES THE HAIR) away from August and whips him around and smashes him across the face too. The pain of his knuckles splitting on teeth just makes him madder. "You keep your filthy fucking hands OFF HIM!" The other two guards are hitting him with their clubs, trying desperately to take him down and it's like he doesn't even feel them.

Now August knows why he got that tattoo over his heart. Unbreakable.

August takes far less of a beating now, particularly with Itzhak taking care of the one guy after him still, but that means it's Itzhak who winds up getting clubbed for his trouble. And while he might not feel it, August does. The damage is minimal, but taken with GTL's continued threats ('die in solitary' in particular; 'Naomi'll die, Mireleh won't have a mom') August finds himself at the end of his rope for acting defensively. He focuses on one of the two guards after Itzhak. He didn't spend all that time stuck under concrete feeling people die just to forget how to make it happen.

Itzhak attacks Guard1 with Telekinesis and HITS! Impaired wound to Chest.

August attacks Guard2 with Spirit and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Chest.

Guard1 attacks Itzhak with Club but Itzhak EVADES!

Guard2 attacks Itzhak with Club but Itzhak EVADES!

Guard1 has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Itzhak)

Guard2 has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: August)

The things Itzhak's hinted at, the way he used to be, the way he hides certain thoughts and events from August in the kythe: now they are all laid bare. Hot living fury erupts at the core of him, protectiveness and hatred boiling like a geyser. The Unshaped are getting quite the meal from him, garnished with the strength of his shine. He must be delicious.

He's fencing with one of the guards now, each of them circling each other, feinting, testing. When Itzhak sees an opening he doesn't hesitate. He drives himself into the guy and plows him into the wall and bounces his head off concrete.

August can't really deal with this, isn't sure how Itzhak did. The killing in Sarajevo had been impersonal, in effect; shells fired from miles away, bullets from shadowy windows. He never saw the face of an 'enemy combatant' even once. But this person he can see (even if it's just some construct of Theirs), swining a club at Itzhak, giggling about ten more years, about dying in solitary, and something in him that's been unable to fight back just snaps.

It's not quite like what he told Lilith, 'the reverse', because he heals in careful layers, fixing damage in a natural and gentle way. This isn't slow and methodical, there's nothing careful about it. He know what he can break, crush, and bring the guard swinging that club at Itzhak to a halt. The valves of the heart are just doors. So he tears them clean off their hinges. The guard sucks in a breath, clutches his chest. Staggers, coughs up blood, and falls over.

For a second August stands there, trembling. He knows, logically, what he's done; thinks he can even see it in his mind's eye. But he can't feel it, can't feel anything, for a time. Then it hits him in a wave, and he stubmles to one side, looking for a corner to give him a couple seconds privacy while his stomach reacts. Not useful, if reinforcements are coming.

Itzhak's busy planting his fists one-two-one-two in the first guard's gut, until the guy sags over whimpering. Itzhak kicks him for good measure, demonstrating why inmates don't get to have real shoes. When he turns for the last man standing, the man is suddenly choking on his own blood and falling over like one of the trees August cuts down with surgical precision. Itzhak kicks him, too, because fuck him. Then he turns back to August, letting him do his thing, panting harshly, limping from a good blow someone caught him to the thigh. <<We gotta get out of here. I'll carry you if I gotta.>>

The cell is getting clogged with the twisted bodies of guards. Two will never take a breath again, thanks to Itzhak and August's combined wrath. The one Itzhak clipped across the face has been knocked unconscious and is crumpled against the bars, where the one rammed face first into the wall is laying limply, half curled beneath the cell's desk. Batons, handcuffs, a walkie talkie: they all litter the floor. Speckles of blood - whose it's hard to say - are splattered across the smiling images of Itzhak's sister and her daughter, dotting the images in deep red that's starting to look like macabre tears rolling down their faces.

Still, the incensed prisoners rage on, denied most of the carnage as it occurred out of view in the cell. Still the door to cell C-24 stands open.

August wipes his mouth on his shirt. <<I'm okay.>> It's a lie, but he is good enough to move. <<Let's go.>> He clears his throat, doesn't look at the bodies, doesn't think about how he's killed someone. Doesn't think about it at all. He moves in behind Itzhak, ready to support him if needed. (Ready to kill someone for trying to attack him if needed.)

<FS3> August rolls Spirit: Good Success (8 7 6 6 5 5 3 3 3 2 1) (Rolled by: August)

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Physical +2: Amazing Success (8 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 1 1) (Rolled by: Itzhak)

<<Stick with me. Don't get separated!>> Itzhak's scanning around, ribcage heaving, eyes wide. He knows what he's got to do now. One hand shoots out to clench around a bar of the open cell door. Itzhak bares his teeth, and screams. The door crumples in his grip and he yanks it free and flings it, still roaring wordlessly. As he does, every other cell door crumples just like it and falls away. Not just the cell doors. Every door in the prison is wrenched clean off its hinges.

August knows Itzhak doesn't need to hear this, but, <<They might attack us as soon as run for it.>> He backs Itzhak's play regardless tightening one hand into a fist and resting the other on Itzhak's shoulder, raising his power as far as he can. There are tears streaming down his face at that scream, but he stays there, resolute, one hand on Itzhak's shoulder.

Silence. Sometimes it's as deafening as the sharpest noise. The entire prison falls quiet in a moment of stunned silence, even the most agitated prison stares, slack jawed as the door to his cell is flung away like a children's toy with that scream.

And then it happens. The emergency klaxons start sounding, a repetitive warning tone and an automated voice over the PA. "Inmates. Return to your cells. All Inmates. Return to your cells. All employees to your emergency action stations. Repeat, all employees respond to emergency code 626."

But Itzhak has done it. By opening all the cells, he's given rise to a full blown riot. Inmates are pouring out of their cells, some tossing their mattresses over the railing into the common area below. Flaming rolls of toilet paper are the least of the worries that need to be dodged. Worse, those closest to Itzhak's cell heard the commotion in there, assume the guards are down and start making a bull rush for the weapons and keys still on their persons.

August spent a Luck Point on +2 to their next roll.

Itzhak spent a Luck Point on +2 to their next roll.

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Physical: Great Success (8 7 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 1) (Rolled by: Itzhak)

August uses Pyrokinetic Fireball. EXPLOSION!

August attacks Inmate3 with Pyrokinetic Fireball and NARROWLY MISSES!

Itzhak passes.

Inmate4 attacks August with Unarmed. Stopped by ARMOR on Chest.

Inmate3 attacks Itzhak with Knife but Itzhak EVADES!

Inmate1 attacks Itzhak with Club but Itzhak EVADES!

Inmate2 attacks August with Unarmed and HITS! Graze wound to Abdomen. (Reduced by ARMOR)

Inmate5 attacks Itzhak with Knife but Itzhak EVADES!

Itzhak opened every door in the prison. Every door. Not a civilian bathroom stall has a door left on it. The door of every minifridge, every cabinet, even books and boxes have flung themselves open on his command. He doesn't spare the guards' weaponry so much as a glance. Those are toys he has no interest in, not when he can do worse with his will alone. Lesser men can have those. He's a fucking wizard.

Of course, opening all those doors has had undesired results in the form of people coming after him and August. Maybe Itzhak should have thought that one through. But his power is thrumming in him, running tsunami-high. <<Cover me!>>

He rears back on one leg and stamps on the wall. It cracks in a huge piece, falling outwards, and then hovering where it falls because Itzhak fucking told it to. <<Come the hell ON, Roen!>>

August shudders as the doors go flying. He doesn't even care about the tears and sweat soaking his face. The silence is beautiful for the handful of seconds it lasts.

Then, chaos. He turns as Itzhak tears open the wall, calling up a large teardrop-shaped flame, flickering orange and lavender, and flinging it at the inmates come to harvest the guards for their weapons and radios. One of these inmates lands a hit to August's stomach; the fire misses, splashing against the wall and startling the others so that they hang back, too confused to attack. Fire! Where did that come from? August takes the opportunity to get through the opening, prepares another handful of fire to cover Itzhak's escape through the new door in the wall.

<FS3> August rolls Athletics: Success (8 5 4 2 2 1) (Rolled by: August)

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Athletics: Failure (5 5 4 4 4 1) (Rolled by: Itzhak)

Itzhak spent a Luck Point on a re-roll.

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Athletics: Good Success (7 6 6 2 2 1) (Rolled by: Itzhak)

The thick cinderblock wall gives way to Itzhak's Glimmer, the large chunk hovering in mid air as the man wishes. A little too much air, it seems. Judging by the railing outside the cell, C-24 was on the second level of the prison and it's a good 15-16 foot drop down to the razor wired fenced in yard below. Thankfully the fireball deters any of the other prisoners from following through the new escape outlet for now, giving the two men a sliver of a head start to figure out how to get down.

The chunk of cinderblock goes THUNK, falling and kind of propping itself up against the side of the building as the world's worst ramp. Itzhak pokes his head out--and nearly gets it pinched off by a sniper bullet. He swears, ducking as a puff of vaporized concrete hisses out next to his ear. Then he bails, hitting the cinderblock hard, stumbling, and only just barely does not slip off the edge. Turns out dust is slippery! Weird. <<ROEN! COME ON!>> His violin is roaring in the kythe like a cello.

<FS3> August rolls Spirit: Good Success (8 7 6 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1) (Rolled by: August)

August is right behind Itzhak, ducking at the sound of the sniper bullet and coming back up, pausing just long enough to find that fucking rifle. Ah, right there. He crushes it, then picks up the pace, almost tripping and falling, recovering at the last second as they plunge into the darkness. <<See? No fucking prison's holding us.>> He's not going to think about how he killed someone, how he wanted to burn a few people but missed, about how this might not be real but the last time that came up he told Itzhak it didn't matter, and what did that mean now?

No, that's for later, with a bottle of bourbon. Right now, he runs.

<FS3> August rolls Composure-6: Failure (5 3) (Rolled by: August)

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Composure -3: Success (8 7 ) (Rolled by: Itzhak)

And just like that, as Itzhak and August mount their valiant escape from the prison walls the veil lifts. Each man returned to where he was when he got 'lost'. Each man still powdered with cinderblock dust bearing the wounds, both mental and physical, from their fight. Even the smell of the prison clings in their nose. And August? For the next week, whenever he's just drifting off to sleep, will hear the single klaxon call and the slamming of the cell door echoing in his ears.



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